Hiding My Heart - One Directi...

By ocwise12

42.3K 540 85

Kendall was born and raised in the USA! I mean... At least she thought. Kendall only lived with her mom, Am... More

Chapter 1-The Concert
Chapter 2-She Can't Find Me
Chapter 3-The Papz Never Fail
Chapter 4-Kendalls Story
Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?
Chapter 6-Reunited
Chapter 7-"Promise you won't leave her."
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Opened Hearts & Envelopes
Chapter 10-"I'm so sorry Ry"
Chapter 11-Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?
Chapter 14-"Does This Mean I Love Him?"
Chapter 15-Moment of Truth
Chapter 16-"There is no time limit on love."
Chapter 18-Peazer
Chapter 19-Peazer, Part 2
Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?
Don't hate me! (:
Chapter 21-Harry's New Year Resolution
Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!
Chapter 23-Payback
Chapter 24-Oh The Irony
Chapter 25-It's a Promise
Chapter 26-It Runs In The Family
Chapter 27-Divine Intervention
Chapter 28-Mystery Song
Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."
Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions
URGENT Please read the whole note.
Chapter 31-Puzzle Pieces
Quick note!!
Chapter 32-Fake A Smile
Chapter 33-Honest, Sweet & Gentle
Chapter 34-Best Birthday Ever

Chapter 17-"Whenever You're Ready."

1K 12 0
By ocwise12

hey guys! sorry its been awhile since ive written but I might be uploading quiet a few chapters today because I think im getting the flu and I didn't go to school. my mom had it and now shes better but I woke up feeling like sheeeit. you know how you're really tired when you're sick? well I have a really runny nose and im super tired but I got more than 11 hours of sleep last night so im like praying im not sick. UGH anyways. okay just wanted to explain because a lot of people have been getting the flu so yeah I felt like it was relevant.


Kendall's POV:

It was about 11:30 when I started to toss and turn in my bed. I usually don't sleep in late on purpose, but I stayed up all night trying on all my shoes and clothes that were provided in my closet from my family as a welcome home gift.  Since today is New Years Eve and I was going to be meeting all of Niall's friends from his child hood, that were probably going to mine too if I wasn't adopted, then I would like to look nice. Thankfully, I have some beautiful clothes here and some great shoes too, so I don't have a thing to worry about tonight!

I started to sit up in my bed until I heard a heavy knock on my door. I decided to have some fun and fake sleep.

"Kendall? .... Kendall, wake up..." I heard Niall whisper in my ear. I tried not to laugh so I dug my head further in my pillow, he started to believe I was asleep because he finally gave up. He sat at the edge of my bed, with his back facing me. He let out a sigh and started saying to himself, hoping I was going to hear him in my sleep, "It's almost noon. You have to start getting ready soon. We have company coming and-" He stopped mid sentence when the doorbell rang from downstairs. He sat up and jogged out of my room closing the door behind him. I laughed to myself and realized I was in a very comfortable position while having my body drowning in the big fluffy covers with my back facing my door. I started to close my eyes and not want to escape the warmth it provided. Shortly after, I heard lots of feet walking around from the hall outside of my room, following with the noises of multiple bedroom doors being opened. I think they are the 'Company' that Niall mentioned going into the guest rooms. Soon after I heard faint voices with the smooth sound of suitcases being rolled against the hardwood floor.

My bedroom door clicked open while I heard one set of footsteps walk into my room. I assumed it was Niall coming in to wake me up one last time, until I felt the other side of my bed sink down while someone got under the blankets and started sliding over closer to me. I felt a long arm dangle over my waist and pull my back towards their front side so that there was not one ounce of space between us. I laid there still and nervous while trying to figure out in my head who this mystery person was. I was about to jump out of bed and beat the person up, until I felt curls tickling my face while light soft kisses were planted on my cheek, down to just below my ear. His hot breath on my neck sent chills down my spine.

He moved up to whisper in my ear.

"My New Years Resolution, is for us to wake up like this every morning."

Curly hair. Soft lips. Deep, raspy voice. Only one person can have all of these things.

"HARRY!" I yelled while turning around so fast, I basically pinned him so that my legs were now on both sides of him. I leaned down to give him a quick but meaningful kiss while gripping on to him as if we were going to part ways again if I let go. He had one arm around my waist and the other rubbing up and down my back while I laid on top of him, still holding on.

He let out a deep laugh, I felt his chest vibrate since my head was on it.

"I've missed you." I said quietly, while gripping onto his t-shirt.

"I missed you more." He replied leaving a kiss on my head.

I started to become very curious to the situation. So I asked everything that came to mind.

"When did you get here? Are the rest of the boys here? Did Niall know? What about Rylan? How was your flight? Are El and Perrie here t-"

He let out a laugh again while quietly but kindly shh-ing me.

We stayed in our position as he continued to rub my back while my questions were answered.

"I just got here about 20 minutes ago, a taxi brought us to the house because Niall was supposed to pick us up, but he wouldn't answer his cell. All the guys are here, along with Rylan, Eleanor and Perrie too. It was Niall and Liam's idea for us all to come to surprise you. Plus I couldn't wait much longer to see you. Also, I'm pretty siked you get to spend tour with us. Too bad you didn't call me to let me know you were." He teased.

"I know, I know. but I wanted to surprise you also! I feel really bad that I didn't say something before." I finished while looking up at him.

"Its fine babe, I don't mind" He said lightly laughing and stroking my hair out of my face. He started to sit up, I was now facing him, but on his lap. We sat in silence just starring at each other.

"I kinda wanted to talk to you about something... It's been on my mind a lot lately." Harry said while keeping eye contact with me.

"Oh yeah I wanted to also. But you can go first." I said becoming nervous, hoping that it wasn't the opposite of what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him how I was starting to fall in love with him.


Harrys POV:

I wanted to tell Kendall I was starting to fall in love with her.

I found that the past couple of weeks I cant stop thinking about her. Literally everything that happens or when something is said, I always find a way to relate it back to her. Which isn't a bad thing. I'm just head over heels, which the girls, minus Kendall, and all the guys helped me discover.

"Harry... You can go first." Kendall said while light pulling at one of my curls, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Even though we haven't known each other that long, I have established a lot of feelings for you. And they're all good feelings that I can't explain. I always think about you and I have no idea what I would have done if you weren't going to be coming on tour with us...."

I stopped to admire every little thing about her appearance right now. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was pulled up and she didn't have any makeup on. But that's how I liked her. She always managed to stay beautiful no matter what she was wearing or how her hair was.

She was blushing and nodded in encouragement for me to go on to my point.

"We have spent about everyday with each other for the past four months. And I've had so much fun, and I loved getting to know you better. The way you have this little smirk with your lips parted when you sleep, when your freckles all move towards the center of your face when you laugh, the way your brown hair just falls over your shoulders, how bright your smile is when you laugh at my not so funny jokes." This caused her to laugh. "Like that." I said smiling poking her cheek. "And your eyes. I could look into them forever. You're beautiful Kendall. and I care about you. A lot. I want to keep you safe. I want to make you happy. I want to be with you.... and I love you Kendall..." I said stroking my hand over her cheek and to her hair, putting it behind her ear.

Her eyes were becoming glassy while she starred at me. I was looking back at her to try to get a response from her face. I saw hope. She flung her arms and body forward and brought me to a tight and warm hug. I felt my shoulder getting wet and heard her crying quietly.

I rubbed her back and the top of her head. "Shh.. It's okay. Why are you crying babe?" I asked her. "Do you really not want to date me that much?" I joked with her, trying to ease her up. It did, she let out a little laugh and sniffed in and she took a deep breath, but stayed holding onto me.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to become a drama queen and start crying. No one has ever said that to me before. No one has every really wanted to take care of me, or show me love, or even be with me. and the fact that someone I love, and someone I care about, and someone that I just met four months ago feels the same way... it amazes me. My life is coming together." she said backing away to look at me. Her eyes were red and her face was wet. I brushed away her tears as she finished crying.

"I love you and want to be with you too Harry." She said to me, leaving a light kiss on my lips. I kissed her back. Just as I was about to deepen the kiss I heard a chorus of 'awes' by her door.

We both pulled away red in the face.

"You guy are so cute!" Perrie said folding her hands together.

"I unfortunately left the door open when I came in, so they could have been standing there probably the whole time" I said to Kendall while we all laughed a little, knowing I didn't mean it in a cruel way.

"Well shit though lad, it was about time you said something." Louis said walking into her room and patting me on the shoulder.

"Lou you have to give it time sometimes alright?! I think he waited just long enough and it all went out perfectly. Plus you cant just barge in her room like that!" Eleanor said scolding Louis. Again we all laughed as she talked to him like he was a child. They're a lot alike, but sometimes Eleanor is the more mature one which makes it all funnier.

"No I don't mind, you guy can all come in! I missed you all!" Kendall said getting up to hug everyone.

She has a such a heart and I'm happy I finally said something too.

"So how much did you guys hear?" She said sitting back down on the bed while everyone got comfortable in her room.

"While he was in the middle of his speech. It was hard to not 'aw' the whole time but we kept it in until that last part when you kissed." Rylan said winking at Kendall.

"Yeah, it would have been a bit awkward if we saw it go any further." Niall said honestly. Kendall made a disturbed face before saying, "The last thing I want is my brother and my friends end up watching me have se-... never mind." She finished looking down blushing while everyone was laughing and started to jokingly question what she was going to say next.

"I'm sorry Kendall, what was that? I have never had 'sex' before... I have no idea what this things is that you speak of. And whoever said that we were going to do it?" I said starting to joke and pick on her. She blushed even more and dug her face into a pillow while everyone was laughing even more. Niall could barely catch his breath before standing up and walking out while yelling "This conversation is to detailed for me! I don't wanna know what my sister is up to in her sex life! I'm out!"

Everyone eventually made there way out to unpack and get food and other reasons. It was just now Kendall and I in the room again. Her face was still in her pillow while she laid down in embarrassment.

I turned to her and laid by her, putting my hand around her waist while I was laughing.

"I never meant to say that we were going to have sex. You know that I'm a.. ya know.. and I'm not ready. I feel awkward now that I said it. and you're laughing at me!" She said with her voice muffeled into the pillow.

I laughed even more while shaking my head. "No babe, I laughed at your cuteness and innocence. You know I wouldn't make fun of you for that." I said, knowing shes a virgin. She's told me before. But one night when she drank a tad much she said she would only lose it to me. I would never take advantage of her if she has been drinking though.

I heard her let out a sigh and she got up and cuddled into my chest.

"I also would never even pressure you into having it with me. We'll be spending a lot of time together this year, so whenever you feel like you're ready then that's okay. I don't mind. No pressure." I said kissing her forehead.

"I never thought that sex would be one of the first things we would talk about right when we become 'official'." Kendall said laughing.

"Neither did I... I didn't think you would want to move that fast babe!" I said laughing and causing her to hit my chest with a pillow.

She started laughing when until I grabbed another pillow and hit her with one top, but not with full force.

"Nuh uh, no one challenges me to a pillow fight!" she said hitting me again.

"Well I do!" I said hitting her with one again.

"FINE! but the loser has to make all of the winners meals for the rest of the week!" Kendall said holding back her pillow getting ready to hit me again.

I pushed her from her position of sitting up so that she was laying down again. I quickly got on top of her, straddling her with my legs on both sides of her waist, I pinned her arms down by her wrists so that she couldn't hit me. I leaned forward by her ear to whisper something to her.

"I sure hope you can cook then."


Whew idk how long this is in pages but it took awhile to write.

Hope you guys liked it!

I have a really bad sweet tooth right now though omg okay and its really hot in my room UGH okay i need to stop okay byeEeEeeEeeeeEEEE



im sorry if it seemed like i ignored you at the end of the game on Friday. haley felt like she was about to throw up and i had to get my pictures from Katie while haley was still rushing to get outside so yeah i just wanted to say sorry haha

Yup im that person that would put it in my authors note on wattpad hahaha

okay but seriously sorry ill go now lol

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