The Wild One {Jacob Black X O...

By love_fiction_aya

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"She's stronger then any of you will ever be!" Skylar is a shape shifter that lived among wild wolfs her whol... More

Chapter I: Perfect life
Chapter II: The boy
Chapter III: Imprint
Chapter IV: The pack
Chapter V: Cubs
Chapter VI: The Cullens
Chapter VII: Bella
Chapter VIII: I'm scared Sky
Chapter IX: Sam...
Chapter X: New Alpha
Chapter XI: Scars
Chapter XII: Funeral
Chapter XIII: Wolves
Chapter XIV: Lies
Chapter XV: Invitation
Chapter XVI: Graduation party
Chapter XVII: The preparings
Chapter XVIII: The battle
Chapter XIX: Broken Bones
Chapter XX: The letter
Chapter XXI: Explanation
Chapter XXII: Encounter
Chapter XXIV: Camp
Chapter XXV: Overwhelmed
Chapter XXVI: Panic attack
Chapter XXVII: Things are rough
Chapter XXVIII: Jealousy
Chapter XXIX: Jason Brown
Chapter XXX: Oh Fuck
Chapter XXXI: She's getting married?
Chapter XXXII: Running away
Chapter XXXIII: I missed you
Chapter XXXIV: Gunshots
Chapter XXXV: Stop Comparing
Chapter XXXVI: Reunition
Chapter XXXVII: The Wedding
Chapter XXXVIII: Kimora
Chapter XXXIX: Try It
Chapter XXXX: Enemy Vampire On The Run
Chapter XXXXI: The Gathering
Chapter XXXXII: Alpha Colt
Chapter XXXXIII: Alliance Request
Chapter XXXXIV: Packs Introduction
Chapter XXXXV: Reunited Family

Chapter XXIII: Kaya

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By love_fiction_aya


We had been thinking for so long it had gotten dark and we could barely see each other anymore. The little girl that had been crying earlier was rolled up against me as I leaned against Jake's body even though he was still in his wolf form. We had moved the group inside the forest so we wouldn't catch human's attention and the Fallen pack had built a fire that was barely lighting up the place we were sitting. All the kids were already asleep and the adults were talking between each other in the thick darkness but it was getting cold and even though I was leaning against  Jake it didn't stop the cold from coming at me.

It was getting so cold I had to give my hoodie to the little girl that had been crying earlier, her name was Kaya by the way. I felt horrible for her  and I was actually starting to grow love for her so I had been taking care of her as good as I could for the moment.

I was freezing and I had been trying to stop myself from shivering for a long while but I couldn't stop it anymore and started shivering like crazy. Apparently it was showing because Jake's head immediately shot up and looked at me with a worried expression that showed even through his wolf form.

He gently nudged my arm with his snout, worry in his eyes. "I- it's okay J- Jake I'm f- fine" I tried to say without letting my shivering show but  failing greatly. Without hesitating he slipped out from underneath me, stepped a bit back and changed back into his human form for the first time since we got to the Fallen pack. I looked at him confused as all eyes fell on him. He quickly moved  to sit down next to me and and wrapped his arm tight around me pulling my body closer to his.

I smiled as I leaned into him, taking in all the heat I could possibly get and wrapped my arms tight around Kaya, lifting her on my lap and pulling her against my chest. I  then  looked up at my imprint just to see a wide smile on his face as he looked down at us. "What're you smiling at?" I asked teasingly. Without letting his smile leave he replied "you make a great mom y'know" I smiled brightly and then an idea popped up in my mind.

"I think we can find a place for the pack to stay for the moment until we find them houses or proper shelters" I blurted. He looked at me making me see he was listening so I explained "I don't know why this didn't come up earlier, the forest and beach around Emily's is huge and I never saw a single human run around that part of the forest or the beach, they usually go to the other side of La Push so we could tell them to build camp there until we find something better. Emily's got a garage where I noticed the other day she has a kitchen built up 'cause she uses it sometimes when she has to make a lot of food so we could ask her if we can cook there when it rains and we can't build a fire. I'm sure she won't mind 'cause she has another kitchen inside. What do you think? "

He held me closer "you're a genius Darling! We gotta tell the rest of your people" He said with a happy tone. I smiled and stood up with Kaya still in my arms and walked to the middle close to the fire.

"Alright people hear me out! I know a place where y'all can camp until we find shelters for all of you! There's a house nearby where we can cook when it's impossible to light fires. It's not so far from here in wolf form but I think it's about 2 hours if we walk." I announced. Kaya had probably woken up because she started to stirr in my arms and the moment everyone started to cheer she definitely was awake. I put her out of the laying position I held her in and held her close to me on my waist as she held onto me tightly. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

The leader finally came forward and silence fell as he spoke. "So what's the plan? " I looked at Jake who was standing right next to me with his shoulder against mine. He didn't know what we should do so I took it into my own hands. "We're leaving in 30 minutes, we can't wait here for humans to show up. Get yourselfs ready, the shape-shifters will carry the humans and the kids that didn't change yet on their backs along with all of your supplies because we can't be walking 2 or 3 hours in the darkness. I'll lead the way and y'all follow, got it?" My voice held a tone of authority I didn't really expect but I couldn't complain because everyone immediately jumped in action.

"Skylar? " Kaya asked in an almost whisper. I looked at her and kneeled down on the floor and putting her in front of me. "Yeah?" She looked at me with a concerned look and then at Jake before answering. "Are you gonna leave me with them? " Her voice was shaky. I looked at her and then at my imprint, I didn't know what to answer. "Give me a minute will you? I gotta talk with Jacob for a moment, is that okay with you? " I asked, she nodded as she played with  the  sleeves of my hoodie that was huge on her, it was so big it touched the ground.

I dragged Jacob with me a bit  further so nobody else would hear our conversation. "Love I wanted to ask you something and I know it may be a lot to ask for but just listen... Uhm... I.. Look, she lost her parents in a war and has nowhere to go, the pack is an absolute mess and nobody will  take her in as their own child and I can't blame them, they already have a lot of things to worry about. You know I went through the same but I had nowhere to  go. I would've given anything to have parents or actual people that cared about me at her age so- "  Before I could end my sentence he kissed me, smiling through the kiss and when he pulled away he kept his smile as he said "yes love we can take her in, she has nowhere to go and she loves you. We can't leave her here. We'll take care of her as our own daughter even though we're young and my dad won't like it but I don't care. " I smiled brightly, kissed him quickly before thanking him happily and running to Kaya who was still playing with the sleeves of my black hoodie.

"Hey Kaya? " My tone was joyful as I kneeled in front of her to be at her height. She looked up at me. "Would you like to come home with Jacob and I? " Her face immediately lit up as she nodded really fast and energetically. I chuckled as I pulled her into my arms into a hug. When she pulled back she asked "would you and Jacob be my mom and dad then? " I smiled brightly and looked up at my imprint who was looking down at us with a smile before he kneeled down next to me. "Would you like that sweetheart?" He asked. Her face lit up again as she nodded again as fast and energetically as before. "Then yes we would".

She immediately jumped on us and held onto both of us as if we had just given her the greatest gift anyone could ever give to her. I felt happier than I'd ever been in my life as it hit me. I now had a daughter. We were slowly building our little family.

On that moment I promised to myself that I would treat Kaya like she was my daughter from blood. I would do wathever it took to keep her safe, happy and healthy.


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