Bound by you till eternity

De ShobhanaSinha

33.8K 3.5K 3.6K

Taking the envelope she handled him and studying it carefully, he asked her "You...are you sure you want to r... Mais

Character introduction
Character Aesthetic
Updating schedule
Welcome to phase 1
[2]-The meet
[3]-What happenned?
[4]-I am not strong
[5]-What is happening to me
[6]-She is off limits
[7]-What are you doing to me
[8]-I trust you
[9]-Make mistakes and learn from them
[10]-You love him?
[11]-I am your well wisher
[12]-Is she the one?
[13]-Come with me
[14]-Let's make a deal
[15]-This heart craves more
[16]-Why do you care?
[17]-Dinner invitation
[18]-She is just my assistant
[19]-Why did you lie to me?
[20]-Will you be alright?
[21]-Stay away from her
[22]-Please avoid conflicts
[23]-The obscure date
[24]-That pleading look
[25]-What if you leave me?
[26]-Don't cry for me
[27]-Do you trust me?
Insta live
[28]-Should I tell her?
[29]-We need you here
[31]-Thank you, papa
A good news

[1]-What could've been avoided

1.7K 129 144
De ShobhanaSinha

Hey my lovely readers?

How are you all?

The song here is a tribute to Sophia. The reason? You'll get to know in the later part of this chapter.

Please listen to it, it's really really good.

Before beginning, I have a request for you all.

One of my constant readers and supporters samiksha____singh has started her journey as a blogger. The link to her blogs is available on my wall. Please follow and support her, dearies. It would mean a lot to her and me.

Ready to explore my new book?

Hope you all enjoy it.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

1st draft-23/07/2021



I was getting ready for office in my room when there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in" I said, trying to make a knot out of my tie.

"Hey dad, good morning" I said when I saw him through the mirror.

"Good morning my son, how are you?" he asked.

"I am fine, just a little nervous" I said, keeping my tie on the bed, walking to him.

"Everything will be fine, my boy. Just remember, you're the boss" he said.

"I am not the boss, dad" I said to him.

"Yet" he added.

"Yeah yeah, but tell me honestly dad, did you have the same jittery feeling when you went to your first board meeting?" I asked him.

"Oh believe me, it was worse than you could imagine" he said with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Oh really? Tell me about it, please" I asked, sounding a little excited.

"You wouldn't believe it. I still remember, just to skip giving my opinion on anything important, I used to go to restroom, every fifteen minutes" he said, smiling.

"Oh my god" I said, laughing.

"Don't laugh my boy" he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Sorry" I said, when I was a little sober.

"It's okay, even I laugh a lot thinking about it now" he said.

"Uncle must be really very upset with you" I said.

"Yes, he was. In fact, he decided not to take me with him for the next few meetings as it was very embarrassing for him" he said and I laughed even more.

"Oh god dad" I laughed.

"Yeah and when I confronted him, he told me the reason why he kept going to restroom that day" my uncle said, entering my room.

"Then how did you tackle it, uncle?" I asked him.

"Well, nothing much, I just gave him a warning" he said, shrugging.

"What warning?" I asked.

"That if he doesn't learn how to behave properly and start acting professionally, I'll not let him get married to Neha" he said, shrugging.

My eyes went wide like saucers.

"Tell me you didn't" I asked, horrified.

"I did and believe me, it worked even better than the numerous trainings that he went under me. Had I known it would've such a great affect on him, I would've given him this warning much earlier. At least it would've saved my time" uncle said, glaring at dad.

"Dad, you were whipped" I said.

"I still am" he said.

"Sadly, if you make any mistakes, I can't give you the same warning" my uncle said.

"Why?" I asked, getting confused.

"That's because you don't have a girl in your life yet, or do you?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Of course not uncle, I've always been single" I said.

"You know, you're the only one in our family who isn't committed yet. When I was your age, I was engaged to your aunty and when your dad was your age, he was already head over heels for Neha, who happens to be your mother now" uncle said.

"You mean to say, Akash bhaiya..." I said and trailed off.

"Yes, even he's in love with someone" uncle said, clearing my doubt.

"How did you..." I said and trailed off when realization hit me.

"Don't tell me you're spying on him" I said, horrified.

"I didn't spy on him. I've sources to let me know about his activities" uncle said.

"But uncle, that's not right" I said.

"I know Adarsh but you know about him. He has never been introduced to the media, that doesn't mean he has less enemies than us. You already know he likes to keep himself low key. He would never want bodyguards around him, that's why I need to keep a tab on his every activity. His safety means the most to me" uncle said.

"I understand that uncle" I said.

"But, just to let you know, I've never interfered in what he does" he said.

"I know uncle" I said, smiling.

"Okay now son, get ready or we'll be late for your first board meeting. We'll meet you on the breakfast table" dad said.

"Yeah dad" I said and they walked off my room.

Getting ready, I then proceeded to the dining hall.

"Good morning aunty, mumma" I said, touching their feet.

"God bless you beta" they both said, kissing my forehead one by one.

"Oh my god" I said, looking at the breakfast table.

It was loaded with all my favorite food starting from pancakes, boiled eggs and not to mention, my favorite aloo paratha (stuffed potato bread) with lots of butter, just how I like it.

Savoring the taste of the first bite that I took from the bread, my eyes automatically closed in delight.

"Thank you so much aunty. You're the best" I said.

"How did you know I made it?" she asked.

"You've been feeding me since I was a kid. Of course I know how your handmade food tastes like" I said.

"Okay now, stop talking and have your food" mumma said.

"I wonder how do you maintain your body eating all this greasy stuff" she said.

"Mom, for your kind information, I work out everyday to burn the extra calories that you both so lovingly make me eat in the form of your delicious food" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah" mom said rolling her eyes.

After a few minutes, I said "Mom, can I ask you something?"

I wanted to ask her the question which I've been meaning to since the conversation I had with my dad and uncle today morning.

"Of course baby, ask me anything" Mom said, smiling.

"Is it true that uncle threatened dad to be serious while attending board meetings or he would cancel his alliance with you?" I asked.

Listening to me, mom choked on her tea that she was drinking and aunty started laughing like heck.

Well, I being the good boy that I am, joined my aunty.

We both were laughing while aunty was simultaneously patting mom's head so that she could be normal again.

When she was a little sober, aunty teased her "yes Neha, tell your son about it."

My mom blushed like a newly wedded bride.

"Oh mom, you're so sweet" I said, pinching her cheeks.

She glared at me and swatted my hands away but again, she blushed.

"Oh my god mumma, so that's true" I asked her and she nodded shyly.

"Then when you came to know about it, what did you do?" I asked her.

"Nothing much because it was clear instruction from your uncle that until and unless your dad is serious when it comes to their business, I shouldn't talk to him" mom said.

"Okay. Wait don't tell me you actually followed his instruction" I said and she nodded.

"Of course I followed whatever he said. After all whatever your uncle did for your dad was for his progress in terms of career. This act of his increased the respect that I had for him tenfold" she said.

"I agree that initially your dad was a bit distracted when it came to career building but then your uncle was always there to help him and show him the right path. I had to agree with him because I knew whatever decision he took for your dad would help in building his career" mom said.

"But how did you come to know about it?" mom asked me.

"Dad and uncle told me about it this morning" I said and she nodded.

"What's going on?" Uncle asked and dad followed him.

"Nothing much, your son was just asking me about the incident wherein I was asked not to talk to you until and unless you're serious for business" mom said.

"Yeah, that was heck of a month" dad muttered under his breath but I heard him.

I had to stifle my laughter.

Once breakfast was done, we were all ready to proceed to the door when mom and aunty asked me to wait.

Aunty went to the kitchen and brought something in a bowl which she passed on to mom.

She made me eat it and then I understood what it was, yoghurt with sugar.

I smiled at my mom and aunty. They're so caring.

"My blessings are always with you Adarsh. Hope you'll succeed the same way your dad and uncle have succeeded in their respective careers. Always follow their footsteps and take their advise if needed without any hesitation. They'll always guide you to the right path" saying this she kissed my forehead.

"Yes mom" I said and hugged her.

Backing away from her, I went to aunty. She kissed my forehead and said "my baby has grown so much. It seems like yesterday you were in my arms, holding my finger with your tiny pink hands and look at you today, all grown up and ready to take over the world. I know you'll make us proud and take this empire to even greater heights."

"Yes aunty, I will" I said, determined.

"Come Adarsh, let's go" uncle said and I nodded.

Though I had the support of my family but even then, I was nervous like heck.

I just hope the board meeting goes well, without much trouble.

Waking up in the morning and getting ready, I made my way to the dining table where my mother was sitting, waiting for me to have breakfast together.

"Mom, how many times do I've to say that you don't have to wait for me to have your breakfast. I told you multiple times to have breakfast by nine, no matter what. Did you forget you can't take the medicine on an empty stomach" I scolded my mom.

"Why do you have to scold me so early in the morning?" she asked me.

Ignoring her, I said "why didn't you have your breakfast yet?"

"That's because I don't want to have my meals alone" she said.

Sighing, I made my way to her chair and squatting to her, said "mom, I know you miss 'our' time but you need to understand that whatever I am doing is for our future."

"I know but looking at you, struggling so hard to make ends meet for us, on top of that you also are managing finances for my medicine, it pains me a lot. Only if I would've been in a state to lend you a helping hand.." she said and trailed off.

"Mom, did I ever say that I need your help for anything? Moreover, when did I say that I've any problem managing all the things? Did I ever whine or cry about it?" I asked her in a stern voice.

"Sometimes I feel...I shouldn't have survived the heart attack" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom" I shouted and hugged her tightly. I was crying by now.

"How could you even think about it? You and dad gave birth to me. I owe you my life, how could you even think about leaving me?" I said, patting her back, crying my heart out.

Releasing mom from the hug and cupping her cheeks, I said "you're the only person left in my life mom. Please don't ever say about leaving me. I have already lost dad, I don't want to lose you."

"Things would've been better if I wouldn't be with you. At least you would've been free from a burden like me" she said, tears brimming her eyes.

"Mom, did I ever say anything about you being a burden on me? Did I ever make you feel like unwanted?" I asked her.

"No my child, you never made me feel that way but looking at you and your condition, I feel so guilty, so sorry for not being able to help you financially" she said cupping my face.

"Mom, please, as long as you're with me, I could never ever think about whether you're able to help me financially or not. I just want you to be fit and fine and that will only happen when you eat your meals on time. Now come on, open your mouth" I said and gestured her to open her mouth.

When she did, I made her eat the breakfast from my hands.

Once done, I made her eat the medicines.

Once I had my breakfast, I got ready as I had an interview to attend.

"Best of luck my child" my mom said, making me eat yoghurt with sugar.

She says it's an auspicious way to start something new.

I've never defied her and never will.

Touching her feet, I made my way to the nearby bus stop.

Getting on the bus, I made my way to my regular seat.

"Oh Sophia, it's such a lovely morning and it's more lovely since I saw you" the bus conductor said to me.

He's a very good man. Though we only meet when I travel through this bus but he really loves me a lot, like his daughter.

"Good morning uncle" I said and gave him a smile.

"So where to today?" he asked, taking his book of tickets out to handle me one.

"As usual at my workplace" I said.

"Here you go" he said handling me my ticket and I paid for it.

Taking my seat, I rested my head on the window shield since it would take about half an hour to reach my workplace.

When I closed my eyes, my mind immediately drifted to the conversation I had with my mother today.

Then my mind went to the incident that happened almost five years ago which changed my and mom's life forever.

"Mom, when will dad come? I've been waiting for him for so long" I said to my mother, looking outside the door, waiting for him.

How could he be late today? It was my birthday after all.

"Oh baby, he'll come soon. Don't worry" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"But he isn't home yet. I specifically told him to be here by six. I won't cut the cake without him."

"Oh baby. I understand what you're saying. Why don't you wait for sometime. I am sure he must have got something urgent or he wouldn't be late, that too on your birthday. Why don't you wait for some more time, If he isn't here in the next half an hour, we'll call him" mom said, patting my head, coming out of the kitchen.

"No mom, why don't you call him now? Please?" I said to her, giving her my puppy eyes.

"Beta (child), it would be better if we wait" she said but I cut her off "no mom, please call him now. Please please please."

"Okay" she said in defeat and dialed his number.

He picked up after few rings but I think the phone was on speaker.

"Hey dad, you aren't home yet" I said as soon as the call was picked up.

I could hear heavy sounds from the other side.

"Yeah, I am just about to reach baby. Why don't you wait for some time and once I'll reach, we'll cut your b'day cake together" he said.

"Please come fast dad. I am wai..." my conversation was interrupted when I heard a loud booming sound.

"" I was saying but the call got disconnected.

"Mom, mom what happened?" I asked, panicking.

My mom paled but nevertheless answered me "I...I don't know baby."

She dialed the number again but his number wasn't reachable.

We were worried like heck when after few minutes mom received a call from hospital.

"Hello, do you know Mr. Satish Chaudhary?" the voice said.

"Yes, I am his wife" my mother said.

"Ma'am, your husband met with an accident. He was rushed to the hospital and is bleeding a lot. Please come as soon as possible to the holy cross hospital" the lady on the other end of the phone said.

Without waiting for a second, we rushed to the hospital and talking to the nurse in reception area, we made our way to the room where my dad was.

When I saw my father on the bed, his face was pale and blood was oozing from his head.

"Ma'am are you Mrs. Chaudhary?" the doctor asked him.

"Yes, I...I am. Wh...what happened to him?" she asked the doctor, sobbing.

"He has lost a lot of blood. I'll do the best that I can" the doctor said with sympathy.

We waited for four hours sitting on the bench beside the operation theatre.

Me and my mom were sobbing mess by now.

When the doctor opened the door, I rushed to him.

"'s my papa?" I asked him.

"I am sorry to say but we couldn't save him. Your father is no more" he said, patting my shoulder sympathetically.

"No" I heard a loud scream from behind me and turning around, I saw my mother, slumped on the floor.

I immediately rushed to her and patted her cheeks but she didn't respond.

"Mom, mom please, open your eyes" I said, patting her cheeks, tears streaming down my face like river.

When she didn't open her eyes for a few seconds, I screamed " Please check her, she isn't responding."

The doctor rushed by my mom and took her for examination.

I was sobbing like heck.

How could god be so cruel to me?

It was supposed to be my birthday. We were supposed to sing and laugh right now but here I a hospital, praying for the well being of my mom.

After around an hour, the doctor came out of the OT and said "your mother had a heart attack."

I gasped.

"She's fine for now but I would recommend you to keep her away from stress and anxiety. She might take some time to get out of the shock she got but you've to be strong, for her. She's unconscious for now. You can meet her when she gains consciousness" the doctor suggested.

I nodded and wiped my tears.

When the doctor was about to walk away, I asked him "doctor, do you know how my father met with an accident?"

"The witnesses who saw the accident vaguely told me that he was on phone, that's why probably distracted while he was driving his car" he said and walked away.

I stared at his retreating figure.

I was the one who made a fit to call him, even though mom asked me to wait for sometime.

If only I hadn't thrown a fit to talk to him on phone, I am sure he would've been alive today.

Mom and me have never been same like before ever since my father's death.

I know she doesn't blame me for this huge loss but I can never forgive myself for what happened because of me, what could've been avoided.

The same day I decided, mom is my only family left after dad and I will never do anything that would make her upset.

I felt the bus jolting up due to applying sudden break and my chain of thoughts broke and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Child your stop is here" the conductor said and I smiled.

Wiping my tears, I made my way to my workplace.

Hey my lovely readers.

How did the first chapter come out?

Hush, I think I really need to get out of Siya and Akash mode or I'll not be able to justify and put 100% efforts on this book and it's story.

Anyways if you all liked the chapter, please vote comment and share my book.

Also, please follow me on wattpad and instagram. My insta ID-magnificent_shobhana.

Till next chapter, tk cr bbyee


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