Sugary Compilation

By luhTopjr

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Just a compilation of different imagines of your favourite sus boys More

Ε«NΓΈ} ynwyoungboy
I'm sorry,what?} playboiuzi
Almost }ybnskimask
call on me}21NBA
you p-promised} 21Lee
fools day}21NBA
Territorial} NBAK (rewritten)
I would rather......} ynw47
Crumbling Paradise} NBATentacion
Never better} 21Lee
one nightstand}YbnSavage
sTrUnG oUt}21Carti
Stockholm syndrome}21Carti

I promise}21Lee

743 37 70
By luhTopjr

Pheeeeew chillayyyy! Nobody asked for a particular part two so I chose one.

Excuse mistakes.


Khalif rang the door bell a  couple of times feeling the morning wind beat against his skin. His heart pounded against his chest as he waited. Mind racing at the possibility of seeing him again. His baby. His lover.  The one person he had missed with so much intensity he thought at one point he'd go crazy. But he didn't.

It was like 10 a.m in the morning as he stood outside the familiar porch. Well, it was familiar but it wasn't the same. There were some few changes. For instance the mini all round fence that seemed to still be growing wasn't there before. It had flowers too of some kind. Speaking of flowers, there were several pots outside he was sure weren't there before either. The lawn was tended and they even paved the pathway from the street to the porch. It was a pretty neat sight. Lovely even. It made him wonder what Sheyaa was thinking to implement such a make over.

Footsteps from the inside disrupted his wandering gaze. He stepped back holding his breath in anticipation. He wasn't worried that his intestines felt like jelly or that his limbs were almost giving out from how nervous he was. No. He was worried that after two and a half years of being away, Sheyaa would kick him out again. There was a ninety probably ninety five percent chance he would but Khalif was prepared to fight this time. He had to because if he didn't then he had no place else to go.

The door opened to reveal a her. Khalif frowned his held breath releasing from the confines of his lungs. Disappointment coursed through his system toning down his earlier nervousness some. He eyed the female in front of him with a bland but curious gaze. He couldn't quite express why he was so surprised to see her yet he knew of her existence.

Sheyaa's current girlfriend. He'd heard about her. Alot at that. He couldn't help but admit that she was pretty. Beautiful chocolate skin smooth as cocoa butter, big brown eyes that were currently staring at him expectantly, a small somewhat button nose? Full lips that had a darker shade on the outside and a lighter pink on the inner part where they touched. She had on a bonnet on so he couldn't see her hair and a huge t-shirt one shoulder sliding off  revealing a clear smooth and slender shoulder. He could tell she wasn't no basic bitch but watching her radiate all that pretty energy made Khalif self conscious.

"Uhm...can I help you?"she asked raising her eyebrows." Who are you?" Khalif snapped out of his thoughts at her questions. He took a deep breath.

"No One you should worry about." He pushed her aside and walked into the house. He quickly went up the stairs ignoring her protests. He could hear her follow after him but he was faster.  He went straight into what was once his and Sheyaa's bedroom. His heart instantly melted when he saw the man asleep on their bed.  Sheyaa looked just as fine as he remembered.

He had no time  to stand and gaze because he heard the girlfriend coming. He quickly entered the bathroom and locked the door. Stripping from the smelly and in his opinion, dirty clothes, he started the shower and got under it without even waiting for it to warm up. He grabbed the familiar body wash and sighed as he washed his body. He worked on every crevice. Every part of skin he could reach, scrubbing harder than necessary. One thought occupied his mind. Getting clean.

"Sheyaa! Baby wake up!  There's a crazy nigga in the house!" Somehow the talking on the other side reached his ears.

"Zelda quit playing. Whatchu mean a crazy nigga is in the house?" Khalif stumbled almost falling on the tiled floor but luckily caught himself in time. That was Sheyaa. He hadn't expected the man's voice to affect him like that but he'd been caught off guard. Damn I missed his sleepy sexy voice in the morning. He thought to himself.

"I'm not playing! He's in the bathroom right now." The girlfriend informed.

"I swear if this a prank..." Khalif heard shuffling then silence. He  rinsed off the soap and just stood under the water letting it wash over him. His insides were back to jelly and he was sure every organ in his body was doing some kind of dance.

Suddenly the water was cut off. Khalif groaned in disappointment. He hadn't expected that. Standing there for a second or two, he got out grabbing a towel and wrapped it securely around himself. He grabbed another drying his upper body then started on his dreads. He stared at his reflection in the mirror while he did so but words couldn't even explain how nervous and anxious he was. He eyed the door waiting for it to burst open but it didn't. He waited a couple of more seconds. Nothing happened. He listened keenly but nothing. Curious to what was going on, he walked to the door slowly opening it.

Khalif jumped back in time to miss a bat being swang his way. He ducked once more the bat missing him again and hitting the door frame. He held on to his chest shocked and a bit out of breath. They made eye contact before sheyaa could swing again. Shock registered on his features and he dropped the bat. Khalif could hear his heart so loud in his ears that he wondered if sheyaa could hear it too.

Khalif had never experienced a moment where time froze. He always thought those were exaggerated cliches in movies and romantic novels. But as he stood there staring back into the brown orbs that he once adored, he felt as if everything else had frozen and melted away leaving just the two of them.

His heart slowed down but the slow dragged out pulses were still loud and clear in his ears. He could also hear himself breathing in and out as if in slow motion. He wasn't sure though if he was blinking or not. All he cloud do was stand still and stare at the taller man. He didn't want to move. He was afraid that if he did as much as blink, Sheyaa would disappear into thin air.

"Khalif?" Sheyaa let the name fall off his lips ever so softly. Khalif couldn't control the smile that came over his lips tears blinding him suddenly at the soft call.

"Hey baby......I missed you." Khalif spoke back just as softly. Sheyaa blinked one too many times. He just stared in shock right after.

"You know him?" his girlfriend Zelda, who'd been forgotten in the whole encounter, scrunched up her face in confusion. Sheyaa snapped back to reality a  sudden frown coming over his face.

"What the hell are you doing in my house." venom  laced his voice every single word. Khalif felt his heart sink a sharp pang following right after. He still hates me.

"Who the fuck is he Sheyaa? I'm confused?" Zelda looked from one to the other. Sheyaa stared at Khalif for a long minute ignoring his girlfriend. "Uhm, hello? Earth to Sheyaa..... Somebody explain to me what the hell going on." She stomped her foot tired of being ignored.

"Get out." Sheyaa spat face turning blank. Khalif gasped. Even though he had expected it, it still hurt. He looked down trying to gather his scattered thoughts. "I said-" sheyaa took a step towards the shorter. "-get. The. Fuck. Out my house bro." He stood so close that when Khalif looked up he had to tip his head back a bit. They stared into each other's eyes the tension so thick even Zelda's clueless ass could feel it.

"No." Khalif frowned licking his lips. He wasn't leaving. Sheyaa tightened his jaw eyes narrowed. In his opinion, it was too early for this shit.

"Sheyaa I swear on my mama you got two point five seconds to explain to me what the fuck is going on." Zelda threatened stepping between the two and pushing her boyfriend back. Sheyaa kept his eyes glued to Khalif.

"He's my worst mistake." Sheyaa muttered through gritted teeth.  Khalif wanted to fall to the ground and cry. He fought so hard not to let the tears spill even though Sheyaa's words were like a dagger straight through his chest. "Get out of my house man. Don't make me repeat myself."he said trying to sound calm but he wasn't fooling anybody.

"Damn bae,  is that how you welcome me? I've been gone two years and a motherfucking half but you still dint miss me?" Khalif pouted flipping his wet dreads back. It stung but he laughed it off.

"Khalif leave." Sheyaa warned.

"I ain't going no where baby. This my house too or did you forget that with my absence?" Khalif questioned tilting his head side ways. Sheyaa blinked saying nothing.

"Baby? What-Sheyaa what the fuck is going on?" Zelda yelled trying to be heard and get answers. Khalif just rolled his eyes challenging sheyaa to kick him out again. He turned his back on the couple heading to the closet for some dry clothes.

" Where are my things ?" Khalif asked the moment he looked around and nothing of his was in sight. He looked back at Sheyaa. questionably. Sheyaa looked away but the shorter noticed the look of shame on his face. He concluded Sheyaa must have done something with them.

Choosing not to cause a scene, he took one of Sheyaa's t-shirts and joggers then returned to the bathroom putting them on.  Soon after he  heard arguing. He took his time and slowly but surely finished dressing and then came out.

"You just gonna let your ex-con  ex move in?" zelda was yelling angrily.  Sheyaa stayed quiet.

"Hey hey love birds. Don't argue because of me okay. And sweetie this is my house too. It's under both our names so quit tripping. He's not letting me do anything. He just doesn't have a choice." Khalif butted in saying the words in the nicest way possible. Zelda  glared at him.

"What do you want Khalif?" Sheyaa asked turning to the male. Khalif's heart ached seeing the coldness in his eyes. Anticipating a cold welcome and actually receiving it were two very different things.

"You never visited me. Not even  ones. You denied all my calls too. Did you even receive my letters?" Khalif dodged the question looking dead at him. Sheyaa looked away once more.

"What for? I told you I was done. It ended that night. All of it" he spoke breaking Khalif's heart all over again.

"I never meant to let you down. I just....i'm so sorry." Khalif's voice was almost cracking. He looked down choosing to focus on the softness of Sheyaa's clothes against his skin to avoid crying. This was home. Just like before. But he had lost Sheyaa. He lost his sunshine.

"It doesn't matter now. I've moved on." Sheyaa said dismissively.

"I can see that." Khalif looked back  at his girlfriend who was still mugging him. "I'm not here to cause any trouble. I promise." He  addressed them both then walked out.

I'm starving. Here goes my hungry ass to the kitchen.


"No no no no! This cant be happening!Why did he come back? Why?" Sheyaa pulled at his dreads pacing the room. All the memories came back playing a continuous loop in his head. All the pain of the 'betrayal' came flooding back when he saw Khalif again but with it so did other unwanted feelings. He hated  to admit it but he missed his ex terribly. He couldnt believe two and a half years had passed.

"I have Zelda now. I won't allow him to ruin my life again. No!" He mumbled to himself adamantly before heading to the bathroom for a shower then quickly got dressed. He had an hour before he had to pick up Tyquian from the airport. Anything was better than facing his ex again at this point. And Zelda's mad ass.

After the shower, he went down stairs and was hit by a sweet smell. The scent was very much farmiliar and it made his intestines churn. Khalif's famous waffles. He was addicted to those at one point!

Grudgingly, he strolled into the kitchen. He stopped right by the door watching Khalif manouver around the kitchen. The image was so natural yet surreal.  He begun to have flashbacks of their past. It was almost like nothing changed. Most mornings were like this-Khalif busy in the kitchen cooking whatever it is he was craving for the morning, wearing his clothes and  Sheyaa just watching. Whether from the door or the island. 

Standing there, watching the male, Sheyaa took his time to notice a few things. Khalif looked so different now. He was thinner than he remembered. His dreads were longer and in desperate need of a retwist but it looked nice in the messy bun. Was he always this small? Sheyaa pondered as Khalif seemed to sink into the clothes.

"If you want some just come in." Khalif  turned around. He smiled at the taller as he was engulfed with nostalgia. He too couldn't help but reminisce about the past. He was surprised when Sheyaa smiled back at him. It was a habit Sheyaa had picked up years back and clearly still hadn't gotten over.

Another static moment seemed to spark between them. Once again it was just the two of them and a series of memories from the past. Both happy and sad but mostly happy.

"Bae I made you cereal." Zelda cleared her throat disrupting the whole vibe. Sheyaa let out a small cough looking away before nervously rubbing at his neck. A  wave of heat had flashed over him for a second as if he had been caught doing something bad. Zelda took his hand and led him to the table.

"I  remember how you was addicted to these?you used to beg me to make 'em." Khalif laughed lightly as he finished up what he was doing. "Boy do I miss those days....." He trailed off a sad smile now  on his lips. He risked a look at Sheyaa but the man was just staring at the table a small frown on his face. "...but I guess thats all in the past now huh?" He laughed once more. This time bitterly.

"And it's staying in the past the fuck. Don't think you can come in here with that 'y'all got history' bs and expect to start something. I will stab a bitch. I'm cut like that." Zelda announced placing a spoon in Sheyaa's bowl. She may not have said a name but Khalif knew she was clearly talking about him.

"I made enough for all of us though." Khalif continued choosing not to address the threat. He placed the waffles on the table then walked to the other side. He pulled out a chair right across Sheyaa. The couple watched him as he added drinking chocolate to his glass of milk, four cubes of sugar then stirring.

"How long are you planning on staying again." Zelda blurted out.

Sheyaa kissed his teeth but didn't say anything. Khalif took a sip of his drink then took a bite of waffle. He chewed it as he added more syrup and jam for whatever reason.

"Till I get back on my feet. I need a job first so I can get out of y'all hair. I don't force myself on people." he spoke politely once he had chewed and swallowed.

"Good to know. But when exactly is that? I need like a specific time." You could clearly tell Zelda wasn't really interested in the details. She just wanted Khalif gone.

  "I also don't want to stay alone for awhile. I've been alone for two and a half years. Its just crazy insane in jail." Khalif continued where he left off.

"Why did you go to jail?" Zelda asked curiously.

"I beat up this rich kid so the parents had me arrested. That was the worst night of my life." Khalif replied without a problem. He then suddenly paused  remembering the events of that night. Sheyaa did too and the thick tension was back. Like a gloomy cloud that had just covered the sun.

"Why? You beat up a minor. You deserved your time." Zelda bluntly stated.

"True I did but that night I lost the most important person in my life. I watched that person walk out of my life without being able to do anything about it."his voice carried so much sadness and remorse. Sheyaa stood up from the table.

"Baby I have to go."he pecked Zelda's lips.

"You haven't eaten yet." Zelda frowned looking up at her boyfriend.

"I'll grab some from Wendy's." He mumbled then kissed her forehead.

"Drive safe. I love you." She smiled blowing him a kiss.

"I love you....too." Sheyaa replied eyes involuntarily drifting to Khalif. He had his head held down eating his waffles. Sheyaa sighed exiting the kitchen. He grabbed his car keys then walked out to his car  and drove off.

««flashback»» *Sheyaa p.o.v*

I sat on the bed scrolling through my phone. The bathroom door opened and Khalif came out. I hed just confessed my feelings for him yesterday and I still can't believe he let mr cuff him. I been feeling him for a little while-well more than that but I never thought that us messing around would turn serious.

He was currently at my house because it was raining heavily yesterday. He had to spend the night. More like he agreed but that's not the point.

I had some clothes set out for him and he smiled when he saw them. I don't know why but his smile always warms me up and I end up smiling back.

"I'll leave so you can change."I said staring at my phone. He laughed.

"What? You're my boyfriend now. Officially at that. You'll see me naked sooner or later so there is no point."he laughed again and sure enough he threw the towel on the bed leaving me to gawk at his beautiful body. "Besides it ain't nun you haven't seen before." He winked at me. I gulped licking my lips.

He lazily put on the clothes knowing fully well I was watching him. I guess that was the point. When he was done she straddled me.

"Morning wood huh?" He questioned with a smirk. I shrugged my hands coming up to rest on his thighs. I was caught off guard when he began circling his hips grinding himself against me. My breath hitched.

"W-what a-are y-you doing?"I tensed up. He didn't answer. Instead, he just leaned in and begun kissing on my neck. I let out the air I was holding in. My focus bounced from his hypnotic movements on my lap to his sucking on my neck. I can't complain.

"I love you so much." he breathed against my neck. I felt shivers down my spine.

"I-i love you to."speaking was a bit of a challenge. Thanks grabbed his waist pulling him closer to me. I wanted to feel more of him. Mould my skin against his if it was possible. He suddenly stopped and glared at me." W-what?"

"Don't say it like that."

"Like what?" I was confused.

" The way you just did. Saying it that way is like you're just agreeing with me." He pouted. Huh? What?

"How I'm I supposed to say it then?"I asked my hands kneeling his waist gently.

"Like you mean it."

"I do mean it. I love you so very much."I frowned looking deep into those brown eyes that always capture me.

"I love you more."he said breaking into a smile. I chuckled smiling  back.

"I love you most."I countered. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it.

"I love you mostest." He said after awhile. I laughed.

"That isn't even a word."I snorted.

"Shut the fuck up. It is."he cackled before smashing our lips together.

««flashback over»»

Sheyaa smiled just as he pulled up at Wendy's. He quickly wiped the smile off and cussed himself out once he realized it.


Khalif took his time exploring every nook and cranny of the house he had fallen in love with from the jump. It wasn't that different from when he had decorated except for a few changes here and there. One thing was definitely obvious. Sheyaa had done everything possible to erase him. From his clothes to his little ornaments and trinkets around the house- all of them gone.

It stung to say the least. It was also clear Sheyaa didn't want him here but if he had a place else to go he would. Well there was his brother slim, as he liked to be called but there was another very important reason Khalif was stalling meeting up with his brother.

After the mini tour Khalif found himself in the living room. Zelda was there too watching a show. He walked over to the couch sitting down across from her. She didn't acknowledge him and Khalif didn't mind it at all.

Just then they heard a car pull up and then laughing. The door opened and footsteps could be heard coming to the living room. Khalif turned his head to see who it was.

"Ty? Is that you?" He question standing up when he instantly recognized the person. The younger dropped his bags.

"Sway!!?" Tyquian screeched running up to the male and jumping on him. They both fell back on the couch. Khalif let out a groan. He hadn't expected it but he tightly hugged the younger back.

"Oh mah god! I missed you! I missedyou so much. Look at you all grown up! Is that a lil beard I see? old are you now?" Khalif sniffed getting emotional when they broke apart. Tyquian was still on top of him but they had to switch around to give each other room to breathe.

"18" Tyquian replied staring at Khalif. He was still in shock at seeing him again. He definitely had not expected this to be one of all the surprises waiting on him at home.

"Aye! You legal now.... I feel like its been forever! When I left you was so little." Khalif chuckled, clearly exagerating. He  wiped a tear then latched himself to the little brother he had so willingly accepted and learned to love.

"I-i'm sorry I couldn't visit you. Sheyaa wouldn't let me." Tyquian wheezed out voice cracking and tears begun to slip. He was chocking up in guilt.

"Hey its okay." Khalif rubbed his back soothingly but his own tears kept spilling. "How you been? What you been up to? Tell me tell me! " Khalif laughed breaking the  embrace and clutching their hands together tight. He was still struggling to control his tears.

"I can't believe you're here!" Tyquian exclaimed standing up. He pulled Khalif right with him. He picked him up spinning  around. Khalif laughed and cried at the same time hugging him just as tight. This warm welcome surely warmed his heart and brightened his day. Tyquian finally put him down.

"Nigga you done grew taller! But still looking like a toothpick I see." Khalif teased looking at him up and down. Tyquian rolled his eyes.

" I thought you was in jail still. When did you get out?" Tyquian inquired raising his eyebrows.

"Today. I would have stayed there longer but I'm out on good behavior. I was real good and calm in there." Khalif explained laughing lightly.

"Shit I'm really glad you're out. You left with my $20." Tyquian winced playfully. Khalif smacked his teeth reaching out to smack him. Tyquian burst out laughing.

"I'm playing. I missed you for real. Some ugly giraffe jolly rancher looking headass penguin from Nebraska looking ass flamingo legged pelican beak having ass wouldn't allow me." Tyquian breathed out sounding exasperated.

"There's penguins in Nebraska?" Khalif frowned unsure.  "Thought it was Madagascar."

"There are no penguins there either." Sheyaa corrected like Tyquian wasn't just roasting him.

"I don't give a shit " Tyquian dismissed it. "The point is, Its all my fault you went to jail. I'm sorry. I feel so guilty." His voice wavered another batch of tears spilling. Sad and remorse tears.

"No don't do that. Whats done is done. That's the past." Khalif desperately changed the subject. He noticed Sheyaa watching them.

" here....and Zelda's here too?" Tyquian asked frowning.  Khalif chuckled.

"Finally glad you noticed me." They both snapped their heads towards the female.

"My bad Z." Tyquian laughed extending his hand for a fist bump. Zelda stank eyed him slapping the hand away.

"Boy bye. Whitcho rude ass." She grumbled. Tyquian laughed paying her no mind.

"I only need a place to stay for awhile. Nothing else." Khalif assured.

" for real not gone give me a proper ass greeting? That's how it is?" Zelda frowned clearly offended. Tyquian laughed moving to hug her then returned to Khalif's side.

"Happy now?"

"Wow! You ain't shit." She flipped him the middle finger salute.

"I wonna hear all about jail." Tyquian turned his attention to Khalif who laughed.

"Okay lets go sit down." He willingly agreed.

"Oh hell no. Take yoh bags upstairs first." Sheyaa interrupted. Tyquian groaned.

"I'll do it later."

"Fuck you mean later? You doing it right now. Don't make me make you." Sheyaa threatened.

"Man I hate you." Tyquian complained doing a whole tantrum but still picked up the bags.

"I also have something planned for us today. For your home coming." Zelda said all smiley.

"Fuck! I wish I would've known that you were coming. I would've done something special too." Khalif said feeling guilty.

"What'd you've done? You just got out of jail." Zelda countered. An awkward silence filled the room.

"I would've cooked them something." Khalif answered not offended at all by what she said.

Shit I guess jail really disciplined me otherwise I would've jumped on her throat the moment I arrived.

"Sorry Z I have jet lag. I just wonna sleep." Tyquian let out a dramatic yawn.

"Oh? Later then?"

"Def." Tyquian made a thumbs up heading for the stairs.

"Lemme help you with these."  Khalif took the other two bags.

"Thanks muscles." Tyquian teased.

"Piece of cake." Khalif cockily replied.

"Cocky much. Tone it down some. They musta be serving ego in jail."

"Maybe now shuddup before I smash your face into the wall." Khalif warned jokingly.

"Tuh, I wanna see you try sugar. I may be shaped like a pencil but bess believe I earned that karate belt." Tyquian hummed as they topped the last step.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Fuck yeah."

"You dumb." They both laughed as Tyquian opened the door to his room.


"What do you think about Zelda?" Tyquian asked as they sat down in the kitchen. Turns out he really just didn't want to go out with the female. Khalif looked up taking a moment to ponder the question.

"She is pretty and she seems nice-ish." he answered plainly.

"So you like her?" Tyquian tilted his head studying Khalif.

"I don't not like her." Khalif shrugged. He had no resentment towards the girl sincerely.

"She was there for Shey when he was all depressed and mopping over you." Tyquian supplied. "she helped him out of it." He  pressed. "It was clear his nut  sized brain dumbass really missed you but he did everything possible not to think about you. If he wasn't working then he was just locking himself up drinking just to pass time. He became a workaholic, shipped me off to boarding school in Cali and it was so sad back then. Until Zelda that is."  Tyquian explained. Khalif didn't know why the younger felt the need to tell him all these. It was like he was trying to justify to him why Sheyaa had a girlfriend.

"He is owkay now. The past don't matter now." Khalif dismissed the topic turning away so Tyquian wouldn't see him fighting tears.

"Is he though? I don't think he is-"

"I'm sorry Ty but I'm only here because I have to be. I'm not about to destroy or interrupt whatever he has going on-"

"And I ain't telling you to Sway. I'm just-"

"Stop. Please." Khalif shook his head. He didn't want to have this conversation. Not now. Tyquian sighed in disappointment but backed off nevertheless.

They spent the rest of the day talking and laughing. Then they both passed out on the floor in Tyquian's room. They had decided to watch a movie there.

Khalif woke up around six p.m and begun to make dinner. When he was done he called for Tyquian then went up to fix the guest room where he planned on staying in. After that he went back downstairs. Tyquian was still in the kitchen.

"Hey you done up there?"he asked. Khalif just nodded." I'll do the dishes sit down and eat."he said. Khalif just let him because he knew they would have ended up arguing. He made his plate and sat down.

"Jail food is terrible . I can't help but thank God that i'm out." Khalif moaned out stuffing his face. Tyquian chuckled.

"Uhm why are you wearing Sheyaa's clothes?" Tyquian asked finally noticing.

"I had nothing else to wear. That reminds me I need to buy some clothes." Khalif made a mental note to do just that.

"Sheyaa prolly burnt them in his rage." Tyquian laughed khalif doing the same. He wasn't even mad.There was a silence as Khalif ate and Tyquian focused on the dishes. "What happened to you in jail Khalif?"he broke the silence.

Alot happened. Khalif thought as he zoned back in.

"Wochu mean?"

"You're not the same. You've changed alot." Tyquian grabbed a towel drying his  hands before he turned to face Khalif fully.

"Really? How so?" Khalif stood up throwing the remains  of food in the trash and washed the plate.

"Your smile is not as bright,your eyes have a certain shadow,you are too nice and calm which is very unlike you and your head is down most of the times. You don't talk much either. Especially to me." Tyquian stated his observations with a straight face. Khalif smiled sadly, flattered that he noticed all that.

"That's what jail does hun. It changes people........for the better." He said the last part dryly. Tyquian watched him keenly. Something was off. Khalif just grabbed an apple then hopped on the counter munching on it. Tyquian surprised him by standing between his open legs with his hands on Khalif's thighs.

"You can tell me. I can see its something thats weighing you down."he spoke softly looking into his eyes.

Weighing me down? Thats an understatement. Its killing me.

Tears burned in Khalif's eyes but he couldn't allow them to flow.

"Did they rape you or hurt you in any way?" Tyquian asked now concern laced in his voice. Memories begun to flood but Khalif shook his head to get rid of them.

"Don't ask me questions like that Tyquian." The tears spilled.

"My bad." Tyquian just hugged him and Khalif allowed him to. That's what he never had back then. Someone to hold him and tell him everything would be okay. The warmth just made him break down silently. Tyquian held him until he eventually stopped crying.

"Listen i'm here for you kay? Whatever it is you can tell me...i promise.....only when you ready tho."he said resting their foreheads together. He smiled cupping Khalif's face.  Khalif just  nodded grateful for the support.

"Thanks for understanding." He  mumbled voice hoarse.

"Anytime." Tyquian cheesed.

"Look at you being all grown up and supportive." Khalif laughed lightly drying his face.

"What can I say. I'm wise beyond my years." Tyquian puffed out his bird chest cockily dusting his shoulder. Khalif scoffed.

"Boy, you wish." Tyquian gasped fake hurt. Khalif rolled hid eyes then laughed at his reaction." I didn't mean to hurt yoh feelings." He mushed the younger's face then pulled him into a hug. Tyquian wrapped his arms around Khalif's back, head nestling against the orders neck.  For some reason Khalif was comfortable and didn't want to move. He closed his eyes feeling himself relax-- something he  hadn't done in so long.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat disturbing their peace.  Khalif's eyes shot open  landing on Sheyaa at the door glaring.  Tyquian  lifted his head looking over his shoulder at him too.

"The fuck going on here?"he asked.

"Can't we have a moment of peace?" Tyquian groaned returning his head where it was.

"Are you hungry ? There's food in the fridge." Khalif suggested playing in Tyquian's hair. Sheyaa just glared.

"Tyquian, leave us." Sheyaa spoke up tone clipped and flat. Tyquian looked back at him about to say something smart but chose to shut up when he saw the look on his older brother's face. He detached himself from Khalif.

"If he do or say something stupid stab him." Tyquian whispered to Khalif before walking out of the kitchen. Khalif shook his head laughing abit.

"I could heat up the food for you if you want some." Khalif slid off the counter pushing the hoodie sleeves back only for them to slide right back over his hands.

"Here." Sheyaa placed a wad of cash on the table. Khalif stared at it confused.

"What's this?" He looked at the money then back at Sheyaa.

"That should be more than enough to get a motel or a hotel room. Whatever, I don't care. You just not staying here." Sheyaa deadpanned. Khalif pulled his face back.

"Excuse me? Aht aht I already told you I ain't going no fucking where. You can't kick me out of my own home." Khalif fired back. Now he was getting pissed.

"Kay. Here is some more. Just leave. Go away. I don't want you here bro." Sheyaa rushed out taking more money from his pockets. Khalif stared at him like he was dumb- which he was in his opinion.

"I don't give a fuck what you want Sheyaa. I said I'm not leaving." Khalif stood his ground. Sheyaa scoffed starting to Pace back and forth muttering shit under his breath. Then he stopped.

"Why?! What do you want? It's over between us! It's been over! Why do you insist on staying here?!" He yelled clearly frustrated. He seemed almost desperate to kick the male out. Khalif wasn't sure what hurt the most.

"Why are you so desperate to kick me out huh? I won't cause you any trouble. I just-"

"I'm not about to let you stay under the same roof as my brother Khalif. He almost died because of you! I'm not taking that chance so please take the money and fucking leave! Please!"  If he had to, sheyaa would get on his knees. Khalif blinked confused and hurt.

"What are you tryna say? I'm not gonna hurt Tyquian and for the record I didn't hurt him back then either-"

"I don't care to discuss the past. You not staying here period." Sheyaa huffed. He was restless, unable to stand still in one place for long.

"I'm not leaving." Khalif mumbled defiantly crossing his arms.  Sheyaa glared at him a thousand emotions displayed on his face.

"You don't get it, do you?" He shook his head an incredulous look morphing on his face. "I finally put my life together after you so nonchalantly tore it to tarters and you wanna show up rocking everything up?!"he yelled.

"That's not true-" Khalif whispered looking down. He felt like a child being scolded by his father.

" It's not just about Tyquian! I don't want to see you Khalif! I can't stand looking at your face because every time I do then I remember how you threw everything back at my face. My one and only living family member almost died because of you and that was the last straw Khalif. The fucking last. I buried you that night and I'm planning on letting it stay like that. I've built something during your absence and I'm not letting you ruin it for me. So yeah, I'm asking you again-nah scratch that, I'm begging you to please please please take the money and walk away. Please" sheyaa begged and once again Khalif saw the pain he had seen that night.

They both had tears running down their faces. For Sheyaa it was angry tears. Angry that even after all the work he had put into forgetting his ex lover and trying to move on, the man still affected him.

He was mad that his heart ached to be close to the other man. He was mad that he had to hold on to his very last restraint in order not to match to the other side of the kitchen and lock the male in an embrace tight enough to mould their skin together. His hands itched to touch him, feel  him again in his arms. He was mad that the first thing he had wanted to do earlier that morning was to kiss the male, wanting to feel the softness of the lips he once addicted to all over again. He was mad that he still felt his skin prick just being in the presence of his ex lover. He was mad that his gut warmed up in the sweetest way possible watching how his clothes loosely fit the smaller man but more importantly he was mad that he felt guilty he hadn't reached out every time Khalif called or sent a letter. His heart hurt and he just wanted it to stop.

For Khalif it was sad tears but angry tears too. He was beyond hurt by Sheyaa's words. The man never gave him a chance to explain what had happened that night. He had just jumped into conclusions and followed to cut him out of his life forever. He was sad and angry that his lover blamed him for something he didn't do. He was sad and angry that he had lost the love of his life for good even though it wasn't his fault. He was sad and angry that he'd served jail time he didn't deserve.

"Fine. I'll leave." He sniffed loudly heart shattering even more by the relieved look on Sheyaa's face. "On one condition-" Sheyaa frowned.

"Man, what condition?"

"You have to listen. I just wanna talk. Two and a half years, that's all I been wanting to do."

"Talk bout what exactly? There's nothing to talk about." Sheyaa countered harshly wiping his face. Khalif took a deep breath sniffing again.

"Will you listen or not?" They regarded each other. Sheyaa was contemplating.

"You'll leave right after?" He needed an assurance. He wasn't sure he could stand any more torture of being in the male's presence. Khalif nodded the raw pain he was feeling reflecting into his eyes.

"I promise." He assured.

"Okay then. Talk." Sheyaa gestured with his hand. Khalif nodded taking in a deep breath. He grabbed a chair sitting down. He looked back at Sheyaa expectantly. It took a minute but sheyaa finally relented and sat down across from him. Khalif took his time getting ready. He gathered his thoughts first.

"I went to the club that night because Tyquian had snuck out to go to a party with his friends. I didn't know till his friend texted me and said Ty had ran into some trouble. When I got there, the kid I beat was seconds away from raping him. Naturally I got mad and reacted. Things escalated and before I knew what happened, the kid had stab Ty in his stomach. I blacked out after that and I just focused on punching the boy. I didn't really care that he was a minor. And that's when you showed- and the rest is history." Khalif paused swallowing hard. Sheyaa sat still unsure of how to feel about this new information.

"I really did want to stand on my promise. I really meant it when I said no more fighting but I lost it that night when I saw that boy about to-" he winced exhaling. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect your brother. He really would've died because instead of calling an ambulance for him my mind focused of beating the shit out if the other kid." Khalif ran a hand over his face. "I could have handled the situation differently, I accept that. That's in the past tho. What's done is done." He whimpered wiping off the new set of tears. Sheyaa felt stuck.

"That's not even why I'm here. I'm not telling you this so you can take me back or anything. I've already come to terms with the fact that I already lost you."  Khalif looked back at him sadly. He sighed looking down again messing around with his fingers. "Sheyaa, I'm here because-" he paused swallowing hard. "- because we have a daughter. She's a year and eleven months old. Her name is Erin Sylvie Joseph and I just want us to discuss how we'll move on from there."

Sheyaa blinked ones then twice. His heart rate slowed down and his breathing became shallow. Wheels turned in his head. He was trying to register if what he heard was really what was said.

"What?" The question fell from his lips involuntarily. It was exactly what he was thinking. He needed a rewind. "What did you just say?"

"We have a daughter Sheyaa." He was sad and angry that he had to give birth in jail and give up his daughter because the father was too hurt and angry to pick up the phone or write back!

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