Experiencing a Happy Ending W...

By sleepypeeble

32.6K 1K 39

Description Out of boredom, Li Dong one day read through a whole list of books about scumbags male leads and... More

Chapter 1: Xi Xingling 01
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Xi Xingling 03
Chapter 4: Xi Xingling 04
Chapter 5: Xi Xingling 05
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Xi xingling 20
Episode 21
Chapter 22 Xi xingling 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Chapter 28: Guan Yaoming 1-The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 29: Guan Yaoming ②The Overlord's Surrender
just a note from me
Chapter 30: Guan Yaoming (3) The Overlord's Surrende
Chapter 31: Guan Yaoming
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Guan Yaoming ⑥ The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 34: Guan Yaoming⑦The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 35: Guan Yaoming
Chapter 36: Guan Yaoming⑨The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 37-Guan Yaoming
Chapter 38: Guan Yaoming 11 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 39 Guan Yaoming 12 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 40 Guan Yaoming 13 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 41 Guan Yaoming 14 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 42 Gu Xiujue ① Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 43 Gu Xiujue ② The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 44 Gu Xiu Jue ③ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 45 Gu Xiujue The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 46 Gu Xiujue ⑤ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 47 Gu Xiujue ⑥ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 48 Gu Xiujue⑦ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 49 Gu Xiujue⑧ Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 50 Gu Xiujue⑨ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 51-Gu Xiujue⑩ Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 52 Gu Xiu's Decision 11 The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 53 Gu Xiu Deciding 12 Beasts and Ami ABO
Chapter 54 Gu Xiu's Decision 13 The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 55 Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 56 Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 57: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 58: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 59: Jiang Liannan ⑤ Loves Uncle
Chapter 60: Jiang Liannan ⑥ Loves Uncle
Chapter 61: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 63: Jiang Liannan ⑨ Loves Uncle
Chapter 64 Jiang Liannan ⑩ Loves Uncle
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
a note from me
a note from me

Chapter 62-I'm Back

284 7 0
By sleepypeeble

   There is a kind of people in the world who are born for love. When there is love, they are bright and moving, lively spirit, and exudes love for life and madness for love at any time.

They died for love. When they didn't love, they were lifeless and eclipsed, like walking corpses without their souls.

Li Dong has encountered two such people in his life. He summed up the similarities between these two people. They are sensitive in heart, weak in will, and cannot support their inner world.

As for the difference, it is quite obvious. In Li Dong's mind, Xi Xingling is very inferior. He doesn't feel that he is enduring everything at all. He thinks it should be.

When I go to Uncle Lian, I don't have any sense of inferiority, but I am very arrogant and sensitive, resentful and depraved, and very negative.

Jiang Liannan understands that he is enduring things that he shouldn't endure, but he doesn't want to change. He is a little lonely and arrogant, or hypocritical.

Chen Shen's identity is very special, both young and outstanding, and also the son of Chen Wuhou.

If it were in front of Chen Shen, all of Jiang Liannan's advantages immediately became weak, maybe this was the reason for Jiang Liannan's fall.

If you change your identity, people like Jiang Liannan may not be so close.

Thinking of this, Li Dong called directly and said to him: "Uncle Lian, come pick me up early in the evening, and I will go shopping with you."

"Huh, huh?" Jiang Liannan said, "What do you buy for shopping?" Dating should be eating and watching movies, although he does not reject shopping.

"I accompany you to buy clothes." Li Dong said: "Your dressing style is similar to that of your 30s. You can obviously dress younger."

Jiang Liannan breathed in his chest: "..." Yes, ten thousand arrows in the heart!

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested, because of Li Dong's words, Jiang Liannan feels heavy.

He immediately got up and dressed, and tossed his own refrigerator.

The helper aunt made dinner at home, and when she saw it, she said: "Mr. Nan, what are you looking for?"

"Aunt Qiu, do we have a cucumber in our house?" Jiang Liannan looked around, but didn't see the cucumber, but saw a papaya. : "..." He took it out solemnly.

"Cucumber?" The aunt said, "I didn't buy cucumbers today. This papaya is also good. It has plenty of moisture and tastes sweet. Take it out."

Jiang Liannan held the papaya in one hand and took out the mobile phone to check on the Internet: papaya in the other. Can I apply my face?

Get the answer: Papaya can be applied to the face and breast enhancement.

The uncle couldn't help feeling his flat breasts, and his scalp numb for a while: "Auntie, I want this papaya, you remember to buy a cucumber tomorrow."

"Okay, good." The aunt said, "Here, take this knife. Go and cut it."

"Oh, thank you." Jiang Liannan took the papaya and the knife and hurried to the room.

He fiddled in the bathroom for more than ten minutes, and finally cut the half-ripe papaya into thin slices and evenly applied it on his face.

At this point in time for dinner, Su Ye came up and knocked on Li Dong's door: "Chen Shen, I'm Su Ye, and I'm coming down for dinner."

Li Dong was sitting on the windowsill reading a book, holding a can of cold beer in his hand, and suddenly heard Su. Ye Roumei's voice shocked him: "..." The horror story book was put down, and Li Dong stood up and opened the door: "Okay, I'll go down in a while."

Su Ye raised her head and looked up. She was six meters tall. He is more than twenty centimeters shorter than Li Dong.

"On an empty stomach, don't drink so much cold beer."

"Oh." Li Dong shook the can with about half a bottle.

After Su Ye turned and left for a while, Li Dong also slowly prepared to go downstairs.

Halfway through dinner, the phone in my pocket vibrated desperately.

Li Dong took it out and saw that it was Jiang Liannan's WeChat message.

Uncle: "Ginseng, I won't see each other tonight, you can read at home..."

Li Dong raised his eyebrows and moved his fingers back: "Why?" Does this old man still insist on continuing to like Chen Wuhou after thinking about it?

Uncle: [Big cry][大哭][大哭][大哭][大哭]

didn't say anything, just sent a string of crying emoticons.

Li Dong: "What the hell? Say."

Uncle: "I'm allergic, and there are red bumps on my face..."

Li Dong: "..."

Uncle: "Hey--"

"What are you doing?" Chen Wuhou said: " Eat seriously and look at your phone after eating." Although he usually talks and laughs with his son, he is actually a strict person in his bones and has a strong desire for control.

"Yeah." Li Dong put away his phone and concentrated on eating.

Jiang Liannan sent him a large string: "The pimple on his face is red and itchy, too uncomfortable. There are also on the lips, I can't eat at all, I will go to the hospital for an injection now." Although he does not want the other party to see his ugly appearance , But I also hope that my boyfriend will say: I will accompany you.

Didn't Li Dong answer, this matter exploded.

Jiang Liannan rushed to the hospital hurriedly, queuing up for registration hungry, feeling as bad as having a broken child.

When Li Dong saw the information, he had been blacklisted over there.

"..." Looking at the red exclamation mark, he fucked.

A call flew over, and Li Dong said in a cold voice: "Are you sick?" This is not an eight-month-old baby, this is an eight-day fertilized egg, and he deserves to be unable to find a boyfriend.

"..." Jiang Lian's mouth was flat.

"Send me a position, right away." Li Dong said.

After waiting for two minutes, a location was sent over there.

Li Dong risked getting his driver's license checked and drove out hurriedly to the hospital.

Today Tuesday, the hospital was crowded with people.

Li Dong squeezed in and asked on the phone: "Where are you going to follow? The hall lined up or is it at the entrance of the clinic?"

Jiang Liannan pulled down his mask to answer the phone, and said angrily, "At the entrance of the clinic."

Li Dong walked all the way and asked. Nurses and doctors, he finally saw a silly bird wearing a hat and a mask standing in front of the consulting room. There were chairs behind him, but he would rather stand instead of sitting.

He walked to Jiang Liannan: "Uncle Lian, why don't you sit on a chair? Isn't it tired to stand?"

Jiang Liannan turned his head and saw Li Dong, he immediately raised his hand and covered his mask: "The chair is dirty, I'll just stand."

"Tsk tsk..." Li Dong said, "Come on? Let me take a look." He took off Jiang Liannan's mask, held the other party's face in his hands, and placed the board under the light. Photo: "It's ugly." The

red bumps were patched, and the allergies were a bit serious.

"Fuck you." Jiang Liannan broke free of Li Dong's hand, his eyes were a little steamy. The thing was not over just now, and he felt that the kid didn't take himself seriously.

"Don't be so stingy, I was eating when I was replying to the text message with you, and my dad was staring at me." Li Dong forcefully restrained the uncle: "Didn't you say it, you have to know the severity."

Jiang Liannan didn't say anything, he Just made a face of collapse.

It feels dying.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about you." Li Dong took a mouthful of his uncle's face: "It's so ugly." Then he pressed it into his arms and rubbed it.

"..." Jiang Liannan was dull, and his mood improved.

"What number did you get?" Li Dong glanced at the door of the clinic, and the doctor called 0335.

"It seems to be me?" Jiang Liannan struggled out of Li Dong's arms. He searched east and west in his pocket, and finally found a crumpled note with the number 0335 written on it.

"Let's go." Li Dong pulled the note: "I will accompany you in to see." The

two stood in front of a middle-aged lady doctor, and the doctor pushed his glasses: "Take off the mask, let me see."

Jiang Lian South sitting in front of the doctor, pick a mask:. "papaya allergy"

doctors wear gloves, the patient's chin upon her taking a closer look: "allergic to papaya drink?"

uncle fast Pentium, the old head burst of red, prevarication Authentic: "Allergic to juice."

"That means I didn't drink it." The doctor said, "But it's not right, you are from your forehead to your neck..." With such a large area, was someone splashing a glass of papaya juice on your face?

How much hatred?

"Puff..." Li Dong couldn't hold back and laughed.

As a man who has lived with GAY for more than a hundred years, he completely got the operation of Jiang Liannan's allergy.

"..." Jiang Liannan Wusheng drooped his eyes: "Papaya mask is applied." The

doctor was stunned for a while: "A mask with papaya elements?" It cannot be concluded that it is a papaya allergy. After all, there are other things in the mask. Of the substance.

"It's raw papaya, sliced." Jiang Liannan pinched the fingers tightly on his knees and refused to look at the doctor.

"Oh, it turned out to be raw papaya." The doctor said, "Raw papaya is an allergen for many people. Just be careful in the future. It's not serious."

"Is that just taking medicine?" Jiang Liannan raised his eyes. Looking nervously at the doctor's computer screen.

"Well, injections and medicine will heal faster." The doctor said.

"Then just give me medicine." Jiang Liannan said.

"No, you have to ask about this before you decide." Li Dong interrupted the conversation between them: "Doctor, how many days can I take the medicine?"

"It takes five days to get the effect quickly , and the slow one takes one week." The doctor said.

"How about injections?" Li Dong said.

"Then it will be soon, two or three days." The doctor faced the computer, finished taking the name of the oral medicine, and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Injection or not?"

"Inject/not." Li Donghejiang Lian Nan said in unison, the answers of the two were different.

After speaking, looking at each other, one small eye said stubbornness, and the other small eye said unbelievable.

The stubborn little eyes belonged to Jiang Liannan, and the unbelievable little eyes belonged to Li Dong.

"Are you afraid of injections?" He didn't expect it.

"Yeah." Jiang Liannan said.

"Then let's get an injection, it will get better soon." Li Dong put his finger on his shoulder and pinched it twice, a little encouraging.

"Afraid of pain." Jiang Liannan put on Kuzhai and whispered: "I would rather take two bottles of medicine for the injection." The shoulder quietly leaned against Li Dong: "Two bottles at a time."

"Awesome." Li Dong said .

At this time, I remembered the original work, Jiang Liannan was beaten by Chen Wuhou.

Needle sticking was also commonplace after Jiang Liannan became addicted to drugs.

The author has never mentioned that the hero of this book is afraid of pain. It's just that the hero is arrogant, blind, perfectionist, and only has utopian love built by himself in his eyes.

In the end, staying peacefully with Chen Wuhou did not actually get the love he imagined.

It has to be contemplated that the author is actually not a novel about torturing the body and the mind, but a satirical novel.

People with weak willpower, people who build their lives on others, often fail to achieve what they really want.

Are there many such people in the real world?

There may be a lot of them. Most of the young people who think they should marry/have children as soon as they are old, it is really hard to tell whether they are so happy or just barely so.

Perhaps many decisions about life are not in themselves, but in the hands behind them.

"Okay, the order is complete." The doctor said, "Let's get the injection. Ask the nurse if you don't know how to go."

"Thank you, doctor." Li Dong said.

"You're welcome." The doctor nodded.

Jiang Liannan got up and followed Li Dong out of the consulting room: "..." He was dumbfounded because Li Dong was holding his hand: "Shen Shen..." He was very scared of many people around him.

"You are dressed like this, who knows you?" Li Dong walked forward swaggering and saw a nurse. He leaned over and asked, "Sister nurse, how can I get to the injection room No. 3?"

"Injection room?" The nurse glanced at him: "I'm going to the injection room, just follow me." Her eyes moved down and saw the two men holding hands.

"Okay, thank you." Li Dong smiled at her, did not let go, and shook Jiang Liannan's hand.

The nurse sister probably thought she was making a fuss, so she turned her eyes away: "You're welcome, let's go here." She couldn't help muttering in her heart. The Internet was right, and the handsome men went to get fucked.

"Participate." Jiang Liannan shouted to Li Dong: "How did you come here?" He only remembered this question now.

"Huh?" Li Dong looked down at the list and occasionally looked up at the road: "Driving." Then he barked his teeth and turned his head back: "Uncle Lian, two stitches on the butt."

"Ah." Jiang Liannan frowned and bulged the frog.

Like cheeks: "Terror." "Hahaha." Li Dong smiled three times and said to him: "Don't be afraid, I'll rub it for you after the injection."

"Hey..." Jiang Liannan said.

"It's all right." Li Dong closed his mouth.

Two people followed the nurse sister to the No. 3 injection room and saw a patient coming out of it, and there was no patient waiting around.

Jiang Liannan didn't even leave any buffer time, he was directly pushed in by Li Dong.

Generally speaking, adults do not need someone to accompany them to get an injection.

When Jiang Liannan had an injection, the doctor's eyes kept turning to him and Li Dong beside him.

"Ah, doctor, he is afraid of getting an injection. When he gets the shot later, you should do it lightly." Li Dong said, he felt very sorry for Jiang Liannan's appearance in Xingtai.

"I'll just say, I was afraid of injections." The doctor said, "But can I start with light? Can I still get the needle in with light?"

The trough vomited sharply, and Li Dong touched his nose and didn't speak.

Jiang Liannan has since entered the injection room and has been dragging Li Dong's clothes, losing his ability to speak and coordinate, only to tremble.

"It's okay." Li Dong patted him on the shoulder, diverting his attention.

"Yeah." Jiang Liannan touched Li Dong's arm with his forehead, and he blinked his eyes and thought unconsciously that he hadn't had a needle in one, two, three, four, five...25 years.

"Okay." When he counted twenty-five times, the doctor finished his injection.

"Thank you, doctor." Li Dong immediately helped to lift Jiang Liannan's pants, and during the action, his fingers completed what he had promised Jiang Liannan: "Can you stand up?"

He knows, people who are afraid of injections. Generally, it's not that you are afraid of pain, but that it is painful for psychological effects.

"Feeling, butt numb." Jiang Liannan grabbed Li Dong's arm, stood up and walked for two steps, he sighed lightly: "I

'm alive." Li Dong wanted to laugh, but didn't laugh, he tugged. This shameful thing disappeared from the doctor's weird eyes.

"I just finished the injection, what are you doing so fast?" Jiang Liannan stepped cautiously, feeling that his butt was not his own.

"I think you are a bit embarrassing." Li Dong said: "You are a big man, you are not afraid of anything, afraid of pain, don't you think you are embarrassed?" Why are you not afraid of pain when you roll the sheets.

"..." Jiang Liannan opened his mouth and closed his mouth again. He silently hid the story of fear of injections in his heart.

When he was ten years old, he was in elementary school and once had a fever in the middle of the night. His mother took him to a small clinic nearby for an injection.

The nurse who gave Jiang Liannan the injection may be an intern. The injection technique was very horrible. He broke the needle abruptly, leaving half of it stuck in Jiang Liannan's ass.

From then on, Jiang Liannan was afraid of injections.

When they arrived at the door, the two encountered a problem. They drove their cars. Whose car are they driving back now?

Or go back to each house?

At this time, he proposed to go back to each house. Li Dong was afraid that Jiang Liannan would hate him to death.

Li Dong has just experienced a major event of'disfiguration' that is very important to the small recipients. How is Jiang Liannan's mood now, Li Dong's heart is clear.

He therefore proposed: "It's too early to go home and go to bed at this point. What do you think I can do with you?" It

can be said to be a very straight man's question.

"Eating?" Jiang Liannan was not only not angry, but also happily said: "Recently, a friend in the circle opened a new restaurant. He gave me a discount of two thousand. Did we eat these two thousand?

" Good." There is a free dinner, of course, Li Dong will drive.

Jiang Liannan voluntarily climbed into Li Dong's car. He thought Li Dong was going home and would not continue to accompany him, so as soon as Li Dong said, he would take over.

Now I got into Li Dong's car and felt happy.

Li Dong saw Jiang Liannan's smile from the reflection in the glass: "Uncle Lian, tell me your story?" Driving so lonely, the music of this car is always dancing.

"Story?" Jiang Liannan pulled on his mask habitually: "I, I was a really

awesome person when I was a kid." Li Dong smiled and sighed: "Now?"

"It's still so awesome. Jiang Liannan himself laughed, covering his mouth and peeking at Li Dong: "I graduated from XX University, you are a scumbag from the History Department of Z." I heard that the History Department of Z is a little pitiful.

"Awesome my uncle." Li Dong said.

"It was." Jiang Nan nodded pity, just put a mask pulled down: "Two-year-old that year, I come out with your dad, that I was GAY, like him, want him."

"He You refused, and then you went abroad to study." Li Dong said: "Then, after returning to China with such a terrific degree, why didn't you do anything?"

"Oh..." Jiang Liannan sighed, "Both It's fate."

Li Dong didn't catch up, and gave him a look for his own experience.

"Well, for some reason," Jiang Liannan scratched the hat on his head: "I don't have the idea of ​​going to sea to do business."

"What's the reason?" Li Dong asked.

"Money." Jiang Liannan said: "You may not believe that the money that my uncle has now can't be spent in this life." He is gay, and he doesn't want to get married and have children, so he has no motivation to make more money.

"Oh." Li Dong nodded: "Wealthy and self-willed."

Rich and handsome people like Jiang Liannan, as well as talented family, can choose to be a winner in life at any time.

If you choose a person that suits you from the beginning, Jiang Liannan should be an object that the general public envy.

However, in the original book, the man standing on the upper level of the pyramid was stunned to play a good hand of cards, which is also a skill.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Li Dong glanced at the time, nine to twenty in the evening.

Uncle only eats at this point, so he must be very hungry.

Go inside to sit down and order food. Li Dong is the master and order some simple and easy dishes. He told the waiter to come quickly.

Their uncle waited to feed.

"Participate." Jiang Liannan's feet stretched out from under the table and raised Li Dong's feet: "I want to go and sit at your side."

"Oh." Li Dong said, "Then come here." He said After that, Jiang Liannan pulled a chair smoothly.

"Good." Jiang Liannan stood up and sat next to Li Dong.

"Would you like to say hello to your friends?" Li Dong looked in the lobby. This restaurant is not small in size and in a good location. The people who can open this restaurant are not ordinary people.

"No need." Jiang Liannan approached Li Dong and said, "I and the boss here are just ordinary friends, and they don't have a good relationship." The other party has been to the bar several times and was a nodding acquaintance.

The 2,000 discount is just a trivial matter for those who can afford to open a restaurant in the capital.

It should be the kind of grade that is sent to everybody.

Jiang Liannan really didn't think about eating out, because he was a single dog and didn't have the conditions to eat a restaurant.

It would be embarrassing if someone came to a restaurant with a discount.

Unexpectedly, the accident happened so quickly. In a short period of time, Chen Wuhou and Nen Mo were married, and he was with Chen Wuhou's son.

"Participate." Jiang Liannan said: "Although your dad married a new person and will have children soon, don't be afraid. The Chen family must be yours, and Uncle Lian will help you desperately."

"But, I have no idea of ​​going to the sea to do business." Li Dong took a sip of tea: "It's fine to open a small shop just like you in the future."

Jiang Liannan was stunned: "That's fine." He blushed and said: "You don't want your father's estate, the uncle's inheritance is for you." At the end, he added: "Although there is not much."

Li Dong laughed: "Isn't it said that you can spend your entire life?"

Jiang Liannan also laughed. He said: "That's what I spent, there is not much." He secretly decided in his heart to save money from today, abandon the vice of spending money like water, and save money for their family's participation.

"Then you can save some flowers." Li Dong teased the uncle on a whim: "I am a scumbag in the history department, and I won't be able to make a lot of money in the future. You can raise me as a son, and I will give you retirement."

"Bah. "Jiang Liannan sipped him earnestly: "Is there a son who goes to Laozi?"

"It's not true that I said Deng." Li Dong pinched the uncle's chin and kissed him on his lips.

"Kiss again." Jiang Liannan wrapped up Li Dong's face.

"People come and go." Li Dongru pushed aside his uncle's face: "self-emphasis."

"Don't be so stingy." Jiang Liannan leaned over: "You said you want to give me a pension, but you wouldn't kiss me?"

Li Dong pointed to his face: "Then you kiss me."

Jiang Liannan did not hesitate, rushed forward and chirped: "Ginseng."

Although he was blocking it with his hand, he could leave with one touch, but the person standing next to them, Still see clearly.

Hearing the word'Ginseng', Fu Changyin wiped his face. This is really because Chen Shen and Lao Si didn't run away. Why are they...just...

The author has something to say: Uncle Yin: Isn't this embarrassing me, Lao Yin? ?

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