Chapter 47 Gu Xiujue ⑥ The Beast and Ami ABO

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 No one beats himself, this beautiful and proud Omega will marry himself? Horatio raised his eyebrows. That's great. He was confident in his fighting skills: "Are you serious?" To prevent Omega from turning back, he confirmed: "I have to figure out that you are not playing tricks on me."

Li Dong stood in the audience. He looked up at Horatio and said, "My estrus is coming soon. Within this month, do you think I am in the mood to make a joke?"

Such a private matter, Alpha and Betas, It was the first time I heard it from the shy Omega.

This sentence has its own sultry attributes, Horatio immediately felt his body hot and eager to move; he wanted this unique Omega, very eagerly.

There are countless drooling sounds, as hot as receiving Omega's pheromone.

Gu Xiujue raised his head, he felt his skin hot, especially where he had been touched just now, such as the abdominal muscles loved by Omega...

"Very well, I believe you." Horatio: "Come on, who is the first." One comes up to challenge?" He opened his hands and faced everyone who was excited, full of confidence.

He knew that everyone wanted to marry Chu Huanyan, but the conditions were there.

Horatio is the person with the best overall conditions at the scene.

If these people are smart enough, they won't come up with hardships.

As for Gu Xiujue, it's ridiculous. Horatio didn't even put Gu Xiujue on the spot. He turned around and said to the old lover, "Xiu, you go down. I'll talk about things between us later. I have more important things today." "

Maybe the other person still loves him deeply and doesn't want to watch him win an Omega, but in reality, love is not the whole life.

Horatio has feelings for Gu Xiujue, but it can't match the temptation of Omega and the temptation of having children.

"That's the only way then." Gu Xiujie stood up straight from the fence and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I can't go down."

Hearing the protagonist's decision, Li Dong's mouth corners from below.

Horatio: "What?" What does the old lover mean when he says he can't go down? He persuaded: "Dear Xiu, I hope you don't ruin my good things at this time, although I feel sorry for your experience." But everyone should find their place, the world is so cruel.

An adult cannot recognize the facts, he is always a waste.

"You can shut up, Horatio." Gu Xiujue said, "Free combat is my strong point. I remember that in school practice, you never beat me." He was such a victorious person, even at the time. I like each other, and when I encounter practice, I will fight to the death.

But if it is an Omega, he is not a little bit eager to win, and if he loses, he loses and accepts his fate.

"I don't understand." Horatio said: "Why do you have to be against me? Xiu, even if I am not married to Huanhuan, it will be another Omega."

Gu Xiujue coldly said: "Enough is enough, I I don't care who you marry." He raised his finger at Li Dong in the audience: "As long as it's not him."

"What?" Horatio made a surprised voice. He seemed to hear something very funny: "No, Xiu, Are you going to grab Omega from me? Are you sure?"

A disabled Beta is whimsical about Omega, which is very interesting.

He walked to the center of the ring with a weird expression: "Although the truth is very hurtful, Xiu, you are not qualified to compete with me." The

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