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By storiesbyendrita

322K 5.4K 2.1K

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2.3K 37 31
By storiesbyendrita

Lost In The Moment - NF

TW: Sexual Assault

"HEY Wake up! Kid, wake up!"

I slowly moved my head with my eyes still closed. I heard this voice talk to me.

"Hey, girl! Wake the fuck up!" It was a female voice and she sounded annoyed.

I opened my eyes and everything was blurred. I couldn't make out anything that was around me.

"Finally, took you long enough," I heard her scoff.

I turned my head to the left side and saw someone sitting chained in the corner. "What happened?" I asked while trying to sit up and rubbing my head because it was hurting.

"They brought you in here a few hours days ago. They injected something into you and that made you sleep for I think two days. You also have a big wound on your thigh," she said while pointing at my thigh. I looked down and saw a bloody bandage around my upper leg.

"Fuck! I can't remember much," I said while rubbing my face.

"Don't worry you don't wanna remember anything when you are here," she said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I'm no one. I lost my name 16 years ago once I stepped foot into this hell hole," she said monotonously.

"You're in this cell for 16 years?" I asked shocked.

She nodded. "Yes, and now I won't be alone anymore," she smiled at me.

"No, my boyfriend will get me out of here and you too," she started chuckling.

"Of what else do you dream that night?" she asked while laughing. I stared at her while she was laughing her ass off.

"Sweetheart, we won't get out of here. We are stuck in this now forever until Dimitri decides to kill us," she explained.

"I don't believe that. My boyfriend and my friends will get us out of here," I said with so much hope. I know Axel will get us out of here.

"Okay, if you think so," she said and I heard in her voice that she lost all her hope in getting out of here.

"I don't think. I know,"

Hours past and I tried my best not to move much since my leg was still hurting. I knew the wound was deep but they stopped the bleeding a least.

The woman that was in the same cell was sleeping right now and I tried to get her name but she never told me her name.

She might have lost faith in everything but I didn't. I know Axel is going to come and get me. I don't know how but he will. I thought to myself while opening the bandage.

I heard the door open and close and I quickly closed my eyes and acted like I was sleeping.

"Get her out of here and bring her to the boss's office," I heard someone say with a thick Russian accent. The door of the cell opened and I heard have footsteps coming my way. I knew they are coming for me so I tried my best no to move.

A strong grip on my arm and leg pulled me up and I was carried away. I couldn't see where we were going because I couldn't open my eyes.

After a few minutes, we got to a room and I was placed down on a soft sofa. Once I heard the door close I slightly opened my eyes and saw I was in a dark room.

"I know you're awake," I heard a deep Russian voice say. My breathing hitched and I stayed quiet.

I heard his footsteps come closer towards me and I tried to calm my breathing. I would be lying when I say I wasn't scared. I was fucking terrified.

"Open your pretty eyes, Isabella," he was right at my face. I felt his warm breathing caress my skin and I noticed his breath stunk. I scrunched my nose at that disgusting smell.

He chuckled. "See that wasn't that hard, right?" he asked.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him right in front of me. Inches wy from my face.

"Get the fuck out of my sight," I gritted through my teeth. He smirked and lifted his arm. He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it slowly.

"You look just like her," he whispered while looking at my eyes.

"Don't touch me," I angrily said.

My face got yanked to the side while I felt a heavy pain on my cheek. I turned my head while holding my cheek.

"Don't disrespect me!" he yelled. "I could kill you any time," he smirked.

I just stayed quiet. I knew I shouldn't say or do something impulse because that might be the death of me.

"I think you need to learn your lesson," he smirked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come in," he said and the door opened up. I turned my head towards the door and saw a dark silhouette of a tall man.

Once he came closer I saw who it was. My breathing hitched, my eyes widened, and I stiffed on the sofa.

"I think I don't have to introduce you to Tyrus, right?" Dimitri smirked and gave Tyrus a nod. He walked up to the door and opened it.

"Please, don't leave me alone with him please I beg you," I cried out. I was terrified about the fact that Tyrus was standing in front of me.

"Please! Don't leave me alone. Dimitri, I beg you please," I knew I was weak to beg him not to leave me alone but I don't wanna be in a room with Tyrus. I'm so scared of him.

"Sorry, sweetheart. You disrespected me and now you need to learn your lesson," he smirked and walked out of the room.

"Dimitri! Please! I beg you!" I cried.

"Shhh, Isabella. I won't hurt you. I will just play a game with you," he smirked and came closer to me. I stood up and limped away from him. I knew I wouldn't make it far but at least I created a distance between us.

"How the fuck did you get here?" I asked while going around the table that was in the room.

"You see, Dimitri asked me if I would like to join his Mafia after he saw me with you at school. He knew I would benefit him. So now I'm here," he smirked and came closer.

"Why are you doing this? Wasn't raping me enough for you?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I'm doing this because I got into jail because of you and I lost my position as a Captain in the football team because of you. So I want revenge and I will get it by destroying you," he took more steps closer to me while I backed away from him.

I didn't see the chair behind me and I tried over it. I fell and started moving away from him.

He roughly grabbed my leg and yanked me towards him. "Tsk, what are you doing? Don'you wanna join my game?" A grin grew on his face while stroking my leg up and down. 

I pulled my leg away from him and kicked him into his balls. I stood up and limped away but I got pulled back by a strong grip on my hair.

I cried in pain while he dragged me down on the floor. He hovered on top of me while I tried to push him away. "Get off of me," I cried.

He started to touch ever single inch of my body with one hand and the other hand, held me down.

"Stop moving!" he yelled while I pushed him off of me. I backed away and tried to get to the door but I failed when he dragged me back down. I was now on my stomach while trying to move my legs.

"Fighting it won't bring you far," he said and I felt his smirk.

He placed his hands to the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it up and I tried to push him away but he stopped me by grabbing my arms and placing them down on my back. He sat down on my hand and back while grinding on me.

"Do you feel him? That's how hard you make me," he said and continued moving. I let out a loud cried when the door opened up and Dimitri came walking in. I shouldn't be happy to see him but right now I do.

"Tyrus get the fuck out of here," he ordered and Tyrus stopped and stood up. I saw him walk out of the door while I sat up and crawled into a corner.

Dimitri walked up to the desk and sat down. "I think you learned your lesson now. Tyrus was just a way to get in your head. Don't worry he won't do anything until I say so," he smirked and lightened up a cigarette.

He sucked in the smoke and let it out again.

"I heard what you said to that bitch in the cell. Axel will not come and get you. He will never. He won't even bother looking for you, you know why?" he asked and talked around the desk to get something out of the drawer.

"He sends me this letter saying can have you," he explained while coming closer to me with the letter in his hands.

He handed it to me and I hesitated to take it. I eventually took it and started reading it.

Dear Dimitri

I don't care about Isabella. I don't want her so you can have her. I never loved her I just needed a bitch to fuck. I hope you know that.

- A. Garcia

Does he really think I believe him? I know this handwriting and it most definitely not Axel's. He never says, Dear. That's not in his vocabulary.

And Axel would never say that. I just know it. But I had to act like this letter is hurting me so Dimitri won't do something to me.

I started to fake cry and I felt the first tears running down my face. I looked up and saw him smirking.

"See. You are nothing to him," he grabbed the letter out of my hands and placed it back into the drawer.

"He never loved you," lie.

"He never wanted you," lie.

"You were just a toy to him," lie.

"He will find a new bitch to fuck," lie.

"So you're stuck with me now," and that's the biggest lie. I will never be stuck with him.

Axel will come and get me.

I know that because...

He loves me

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