[1] Rising Atrocities

By bibliophile_panda25

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❝Just because you are different, it doesn't mean you are a monstrosity.❞ It was Chase's 18th birthday and lif... More

6 (Under Construction 🚧)
5 (under construction 🚧)


41 12 15
By bibliophile_panda25

This chapter is dedicated to raima_123, Go follow her account and check out her book ‘In love with you’

Wise or Coward

Chase Foreswift

“How dare you!” Orion Westwood howls, smacking his fist on the wooden surface. His eyes replenished with hostility. “How could you break the laws?”

After Luna Hendrix caught us, she compelled us to go to  Mr.Westwood's office. She yelled at Charlotte but not at us. At first, I reckoned, she was sparing us but then I realized she was just giving a sign to brace ourselves to face the most stringent person in the Ambrose Academy.

“Answer me!” He shouts. Amber flinches and as soon as his voice reaches our ears, she stands hugging herself, lowering her head. She bites her lips every time Mr.Westwood yells. “You could have got yourself killed!”

Julian gazes at his watch, he doesn't make eye contact with Orion but spares few glances at me. His eyes hold fear but it was a different shade of fear.  He isn't worried about the punishment we are about to get. He is afraid that they are going to notify his dad.

Luna Hendrix was sitting on a chair that was positioned in the corner of the room, looking at us as Mr.Westwood shouted at us. She had a numb look smeared over her face. I was pretty sure that she wasn't that angry about the fact that we went there. I had a feeling that she was showing the other teacher that she was just trying to make them think that she cared.

I stood between Amber and Julian, with my hands pinned behind my back. I attempt to look at Orion but as soon as his eyes pierce through mine, I shiver at the thought of the repercussions of this act. ‘I am not going back to live with Mrs. Smith.’

From the corner of my eyes, I peer at Charlotte standing beside Julian. She gazed at Orion in a relaxed manner, way too relaxed. She takes a few steps backward and rests her back on the wall across to Mr.Westwood's desk. “Miss Evans, you never cease to surprise me,” Orion says trying to calm down, folding his hand over his massive chest. He looked like a balloon which is on the verge of bursting. 

Three of us peer over our shoulder to gaze at Charlotte. She raises her eyebrows with a strange amusement and replies in a calm demeanor, “Well, you know we all are going to die. So, I am just trying to spend my last few days in peace.” She teases, folding her arms over her chest, “You should take my advice too.”

“And What does that suppose to mean?” Mr. Orion's mood made my hair stand on the end. His nostrils flared with bitterness. Thalia runs into the room and gazes at us helplessly. Orion spares a look at his wife then back at Charlotte.

“Bullshit!” She snaps, “I am talking about what's going on.” Orion glares at her, “I am talking about the Abbingtons.”


“Oh, you don't know about them. Ask your wife.” She says motioning her eyes towards Thalia, who gazes at her feet and then back at her husband. Orion opens his mouth to say something but Thalia grabs his arm and shakes her head.

There was a stillness that was waiting to be defeated.

Charlotte confesses “She knew about Amber's visions but she didn't do anything about it.” Charlotte gazes at Thalia. “Why didn't you do anything about it? Aren't you suppose to help us all?” Her voices get higher with her words, She unfolds her arms and points at Amber, who turns around as soon as Charlotte mentions her name, “That poor girl went to you because she was terrified but you didn't do anything about it. You said her to forget it. ” 

Amber gradually looks at Orion and then lowers her head almost immediately. Thalia opens her mouth to say something but Charlotte intrudes, “Oh, wait! I am not done yet.” Charlotte continues, “What about Jenna Walter, huh?” She yells, “She had a family, friends, and lovely life ahead of her. But for your -” she points a finger at Orion, “-ignorance, she had to pay the price. She didn't deserve to go like that. Nobody does. ”

“Don't you ever wonder why Julian is doing all this?” Julian looks at her, she smiles at him, “He just wants to give Jenna the justice she deserves because he knows that you guys won't do anything about it.”

“And you should learn something from Chase. He doesn't have anything to do with all this. In fact, he shouldn't care about all this at all. But here he is .” She outstretched her hands at me, “Risking his life to make sure nobody else gets hurt. ” I lower my head even more than it already is. ‘Thank you, Charlotte!’ I wanted to yell, ‘Screw all of them, who call you a monster.’

“At least they are doing something about this but what are you doing?” She questions. 

“Enough!” Luna Hendrix yells, getting to her feet. “Don't make excuses to conceal your mistakes.”

“Takes one to know one.” She places her hand behind her back and smiles at her.

“What are you trying to say?” Orion yells.

“Didn't you guys say that Jenna's death was an animal attack? Didn't you all conceal your mistake by making that stupid story?” It was true, Jenna's death was declared an animal attack but we didn't believe it. I don't think anybody did but since the teacher said it. It was accepted. “- Because somehow you guys knew her blood was on your hands.” Luna and Orion both glared at Charlotte while Thalia lowered her head.

“How do you know all about this?” Thalia muttered.

“I read the newspaper. ” Charlotte says.

What newspaper? We don't get to read any newspaper.’

She continues, “A lot of humans have died in the same manner as” She glances at Julian before saying her name. Julian had his fingers crumpled in a fist. Charlotte signs, “Well, just like her, everyone thinks it's a serial killer but you know who that is, right?” She looks at three teachers one by one, “Hmm, you know right? But you won't do anything.”

Why didn't Charlotte tell us about these attacks before?

“You all should have done something a day we all were attacked. There is still time, do something about it before it's too late.”

Luna Hendrix strolls towards Charlotte grabbing her by the arm, “You will get back to your room and wait till Mr.Balrus returns.”

“He isn't here?” Charlotte questions.

“No, he isn't here. He left early this morning. He said he had some business near Virginia.” Thalia said.

Then it hits me that Quintus said that Balrus left Elizabeth in an orphanage near Virginia. Maybe he is doing something after all.

“You don't have to answer anything this disrespectful girl asks. You are a teacher for god's sake.” Luna Hendrix says slightly pushing Charlotte.

Charlotte rolls her eyes and mutters, “Let's go, Miss Hen-der-mix.” She smirks at our literature teacher who pulls her out of the room like she had committed a crime.

“It's Hendrix, you ungrateful woman.” We all hear Miss Luna Hendrix shout. If we weren't trapped in this situation, I would have burst out laughing. Thalia signs and shifts her eyes from the door to us. Orion taps his feet at a fixed pace staring at all of us.

I am happy that Charlotte stood up for us but terrified because I don't know if we are still in trouble or not. “All of you will be sent to your respective homes till Mr.Balrus comes back and decide what should be done. ” Orion says running a shiver through my spine.

Home, I don't have a home. This is my home. I look up helplessly my gazes traveling from Julian to Amber. Julian closes his eyes, pulling the side of his pants. Amber looks at the window. “Thalia, Please direct them to the Music room. ” He says to his wife. He grabs his things from the table and gazes at me, “Wait there, till the arrangements are made, you understand. ”

We nod. I wanted to scream out that this is wrong. He wanted to cry. I felt sick at the notion of getting back to that house.

Thalia guides us to the Music room.  She didn't say anything or look at either of us. When we reached there all she said was “I am sorry.”


Thanks for reading

>What do you think?

>The next chapter will be action-filled (I want it to be)

>Do you think it's okay if I write in the author's perspective? (Please let me know. It will be very helpful.)

>Who is your favorite character so far?

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