Experiencing a Happy Ending W...

By sleepypeeble

32.6K 1K 39

Description Out of boredom, Li Dong one day read through a whole list of books about scumbags male leads and... More

Chapter 1: Xi Xingling 01
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Xi Xingling 03
Chapter 4: Xi Xingling 04
Chapter 5: Xi Xingling 05
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Xi xingling 20
Episode 21
Chapter 22 Xi xingling 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Episode 26
Episode 27
Chapter 28: Guan Yaoming 1-The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 29: Guan Yaoming ②The Overlord's Surrender
just a note from me
Chapter 30: Guan Yaoming (3) The Overlord's Surrende
Chapter 31: Guan Yaoming
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Guan Yaoming ⑥ The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 34: Guan Yaoming⑦The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 35: Guan Yaoming
Chapter 36: Guan Yaoming⑨The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 37-Guan Yaoming
Chapter 38: Guan Yaoming 11 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 39 Guan Yaoming 12 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 40 Guan Yaoming 13 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 41 Guan Yaoming 14 The Overlord's Surrender
Chapter 42 Gu Xiujue ① Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 43 Gu Xiujue ② The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 44 Gu Xiu Jue ③ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 45 Gu Xiujue The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 46 Gu Xiujue ⑤ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 47 Gu Xiujue ⑥ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 48 Gu Xiujue⑦ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 49 Gu Xiujue⑧ Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 50 Gu Xiujue⑨ The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 51-Gu Xiujue⑩ Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 52 Gu Xiu's Decision 11 The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 53 Gu Xiu Deciding 12 Beasts and Ami ABO
Chapter 54 Gu Xiu's Decision 13 The Beast and Ami ABO
Chapter 55 Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 56 Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 57: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 58: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 59: Jiang Liannan ⑤ Loves Uncle
Chapter 60: Jiang Liannan ⑥ Loves Uncle
Chapter 61: Jiang Liannan Loves Uncle
Chapter 62-I'm Back
Chapter 63: Jiang Liannan ⑨ Loves Uncle
Chapter 64 Jiang Liannan ⑩ Loves Uncle
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
a note from me
a note from me

Episode 25

431 12 0
By sleepypeeble

 At Xi Xingling's birthday party, Li Dong couldn't hold back the other party's persistent persuasion, so he reluctantly drank a few more glasses.

As a result, he woke up dizzy now, and he found it was pitch black around him.

"Xingling? Why don't you turn on the lights?" Li Dong asked, but he felt that he was not lying on the bed, but lying on the hard floor...It was

really horrifying. He didn't think his sleeping condition was so bad and he would roll in the middle of the night. To the ground.

"Mr. Li Dong, hello." An electronically synthesized sound suddenly sounded in Li Dong's ear.

"Who are you?" Li Dong frowned immediately.

"I am the force that brought you into the book, but now you have left the book and become yourself for the time being." The voice said, "Are you always curious about why you suddenly crossed into the book."

"Is it true? Because I think the protagonist is too stupid?" Li Dong shrugged, and he couldn't think of anything other than this: "I'm even more curious about whether the author has something wrong with him, and why did he write such a mentally retarded thing? Really in the world. There are such scumbags?"

That voice: "The world is so big, there are such people, so what do you think of them?"

"I want to choke them to death."

But this Mr. Li Dong clearly told the protagonist Very good, so it looks like he is a duplicity, oh no, a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person.

"Isn't there a little love?" He is obviously gentle and careful to the protagonist, and gets along with the protagonist with great kindness.

Li Dong: "Why on earth are you here? Doing a gender survey? What do I care about you?"

He frowned, feeling a little chill, because everything in front of him was fucking horrible.

That voice: "Mr. Li Dong, I officially inform you that you have advanced to the second round of observation. Now please choose whether to return to the book or go directly to the second round."

Li Dong is not an idiot. He understood something in an instant: "You said I am being observed now? You control all of this?" What is the purpose?

"No comment, please choose whether to go back to the first round or directly advance to the second round. If you choose to advance directly, the world in the first round will develop the plot according to the original characters." After a pause, he explained in detail: "In other words, the protagonist Xi Xingling's end will continue the tragedy of the original."

Li Dong just asked, he saw a big screen displayed in front of him. The picture was a big bed with two naked people lying on it. Han Yubai and Xi Xingling.

Both of them drank alcohol last night and had a great time.

Xi Xingling had been pestering Li Dong to do it, but Li Dong was too tired and ignored him.

It was the next morning on the screen. Xi Xingling woke up first, as before, rubbing and hugging the man next to him.

Li Dong frowned suddenly, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Brother Dong, it's twelve o'clock, are you still up?" Xi Xingling harassed Han Yubai in a slimy manner. He didn't worry that he would be scolded when waking him up, because his boyfriend had a super good temper.

"Rely..." Li Dong finally understood why the other party showed this to himself.

What he was most worried about was happening. After Han Yubai woke up, he looked at the people next to him in surprise: "Brother Chen?" It was

exactly the same as Han Yubai's reaction when he first saw Xi Xingling in the original book, and then he quickly Recognizing that this is not his

Baiyue patronizing Xichen: "Who are you? Why are you in my bed?" Xi Xingling was stunned. He thought Li Dong was joking with him, so he coquettishly rushed forward: "Brother Dong, you What kind of wind, teasing me early in the morning. "Really, it was such a sweet day yesterday. "Go away." Han Yubai said with a frown. He saw a man who looked like Gu Xichen and rushed towards him without thinking about it.

Then he lifted the quilt and got out of bed to put on clothes.

"Second Young Master?" Xi Xingling stunned, he said solemnly on the bed: "What's wrong with you, don't scare me..." He couldn't help thinking, could it be that he did something wrong to make the second young unhappy?

Han Yubai suddenly understood. It must have been when he was visiting a nightclub last night when he saw a person who looked like Gu Xichen and slept with him.

Tsk tsk, a person who looks very much like his sweetheart, but unfortunately, he doesn't have the temperament of Gu Xichen at all.

He found his wallet, drew out a pile of cash and threw it on the bed: "Don't show up in front of me for your overnight expenses. I hate your face."

"Brother Dong..." Xi Xingling was completely stunned. what did he say?

Li Dong could feel Xi Xingling's mood across the screen. This inferior product would definitely cry out in despair in the next second.

Facts proved that his guess was correct. After Xi Xingling watched Han Yubai leave, big tears suddenly fell from his face.

"What's wrong?" He didn't understand, it was only after a night, why the man who petted him suddenly changed his face.

"Do you want to let me go back in this way?" Li Dong said. He turned his eyes away with an ugly expression. He really couldn't bear to see Xi Xingling sad, but compared with everything in the book, of course his own real world is more important. , How can I go back.

"No, I hope you choose to advance directly, so you can save time."

Li Dong heard his scalp numb, is he hitting evil?

"Whether you choose to advance directly or go back to continue the role in the book, you can finally return to the real world." In fact, as long as there is a world that does not reach the expected value, you can repatriate the object of observation.

"Really? Then you have to take me over and let me choose?" Li Dong: "What is your purpose? Why did you let me come here?"

"Is it really unnecessary? I think you will not let the protagonist of the first round of the world suffer malice." Electronically synthesized sound said: "You have a lot of dissatisfaction with these books you have read, why not play one. Correct your dissatisfaction?"

"What? You mean I want to wear every book again?" Li Dong showed a dying expression. He gritted his teeth and said, "Am I stupid? "

A Xi Xingling is high enough, and all the remaining protagonists are nightmares!

"Then look at the big screen." As long as you are willing.

The close-up of Xi Xingling's pear blossom with rain was shocking. He cried to find Han Yubai, apologized and asked for forgiveness.

"Second Young Master, what on earth did I do wrong, can you tell me?" Before he finished speaking, he was hit by Han Yubai and fell to the ground.

At this time, the person who accompanied Han Yubai turned out to be Gu Xichen.

The noble son with outstanding temperament, he smiled and said to Han Yubai: "I hate this person, I don't want to see him again."

"I see." Han Yubai walked to Xi Xingling who was lying on the ground, and used the toe of Xi Xingling's toe. The chin lifted up: "Didn't I tell you that morning? I hate your face."

Han Yubai lifted his foot, and he kicked Xi Xingling's thin body mercilessly.


Ah— " Because the sole of the shoe was in the nose, Xi Xingling screamed and covered his nose, and blood flowed from his nostrils.

"I warn you for the last time, don't let me see you again."

Han Yubai and Gu Xichen walked closely together as they passed by the embarrassed Xi Xingling.

"..." Xi Xingling was lying on the ground, he turned his head, clutching his nose, his face full of obsession with Han Yubai made Li Dong hate that iron is not made of steel.

"Fool! I told you early in the morning, no matter how much you love someone, don't lay down your dignity, get up and live your own life!" If Xi Xingling still catches up and asks for forgiveness, then it's really hopeless.

"It hurts..." Xi Xingling said in a weeping voice. He didn't catch up, but just knelt on the ground and cried out of breath.

Because of the nose injury and broken love, there is no way to go to work at the company.

Xi Xingling asked the company for two days off. He first went to the clinic to look at his nose.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Sitting at home crying dimly, eyes swollen like two walnuts, purple with blue inside.

A whole week has passed, and Xi Xingling doesn't know how he came here this week.

He dared not contact anyone, and didn't want to face the fact of being abandoned.

"Xi Xingling, you have everything now. You don't have to worry about food and drink, but you just lack a boyfriend." Li Dong turned to the screen. He frustrated and said: "If your boyfriend is gone, look for it! Is there a way to cry here?"

The person on the screen Impossible to hear Li Dong's words, Xi Xingling was still crying with her legs twitching on the bed.

The scene of the screen changed, and he came to the Han's Jewelry Design Department.

Xi Xingling reluctantly came to work, his face was very scary and haggard.

"Oh my God, Xingling, how did you become like this?" Xia Bailun wanted to laugh, he was very happy to see Xi Xingling ugly like this.

"..." The young man who always loves beauty has nothing to do with the exclamation of his colleague today. He took a paper towel and secretly wiped the tears from the corner of his eye, pretending to be strong and said: "What's wrong with my allergies, who hasn't been ugly yet? "

Tsk tusk, it's rare to see you when you are ugly." Even the voice is unpleasant.

Xia Bolun wanted to hurt Xi Xingling again, but saw Teacher Zhang approaching, he quickly sat down and worked hard.

"Xingling, come to the office." Teacher Zhang knocked on Xi Xingling's desk with a serious face.

"Okay, Teacher Zhang." Xi Xingling suddenly felt a little bit in his heart, and he thought to himself, is it because he has not performed well recently and is going to be scolded?

With anxiety, he walked into Teacher Zhang's office anxiously.

The other party put a printed picture in front of Xi Xingling: "It said you copied other people's ideas, decided to withdraw your design, and fired you."

"..." Xi Xingling was stupid there, he held it in disbelief . That picture: "Impossible, this is my creativity, I didn't copy others' creativity..."

Xi Xingling remembers that he just sent it to one person, except that only Teacher Zhang has it.

"Star Ling, I believe this is your creativity, but ......" Zhang cheeky hiding something, she advised Xixing Ling said:. "You still offered to resign with me, or is Han fired, will ruin your future"

if If Xi Xingling wants to get involved in this industry, he can't offend the Han family.

The experience of being fired by Han will become a stain for him in the future.

"Can this be the only way? Teacher Zhang..." Xi Xingling said, he firmly grasped the design drawing, and tears rolled in his eyes.

A series of blows made his heart dying, not because of sadness, but because of pain, which was alive and well.

"Fool, staying in the Han family will not do you any good, let's resign and leave..." Li Dong said a little moved, he just wanted to sigh when he saw this place.

In the picture, Xi Xingling cried and returned to his seat. He cried and wrote his resignation, and submitted it to his boss with great pain.

"Isn't this all right? You can take a rest for a while and then look for a job. Anyway, you have everything now, and you don't have to worry about not supporting yourself..." When you come out of the broken relationship in the future, find a man who treats him well. Friends will do.

That's what Li Dong thinks. He is now very fortunate that he has given Xi Xingling a lot of things, even if Xi Xingling doesn't work all his life, he won't be hungry.

But he obviously underestimated Han Yubai's superb level.

After Xi Xingling offered to resign, a lawyer claimed to be entrusted by Han Yubai and asked Xi Xingling to return the valuables he gave away.

These things include a house, a car, and a diamond necklace worth a thousand gold.

"..." Xi Xingling cried into tears, grabbing the diamond necklace Li Dong gave him and not letting go: "Brother Dong, my heart aches to death. Don't be so cruel to me, okay? I really don't know myself. I really don't know what I did wrong!"

According to the law, Xi Xingling can not return these things. But Han Yubai opened his mouth. Does he have the courage not to pay it back?

During the grace period, he was ordered by Han Yubai's lawyer to move out of the house where he currently lives.

Except for the clothes and shoes sent by Li Dong, Xi Xingling had nothing in just a few days.

Seeing this, Li Dong didn't know what to say except sighed. He felt that the current situation was not too bad, and Xi Xingling could continue to live firmly.

"What? You said you were abandoned by Young Master Han again? Didn't you?" Qian Xiaozhen received a call from Xi Xingling in the middle of the night, and the other party said that he had nowhere to go. He wanted to come here and rush to himself. my apartment is so small it is, is also home to my boyfriend, what you come to sleep it? you're not rich? live in a hotel before, then what hastened to rent ......? work lost? I rely on ...... "

so One of the refugees, how do you ask others to take in!

Really, I can only ask my boyfriend to live somewhere else temporarily.

"Thank you Xiaozhen..." Xi Xingling walked into his friend's apartment crying, and fell on the sofa in despair and continued crying.

"You don't even have a place to live. You fucking got kicked out directly?" Qian Xiaozhen chuckled. Then the second young master Han was too ruthless. After breaking up, he even took back the garage. It was ugly. "Then what about your brand-name bags and clothes? They were all confiscated for you?"

Xi Xingling whimpered, "No, I gave it to the intermediary to sell it for me. After all, I have no money and no job now, and I don't want to go home. Cheating the old..."

"Why are you so miserable? What kind of evil are you doing?" Han Er Shao just opened his birthday party for him, and it was like this after a few days, and it was not the first time. Capriciousness is really scary.

What does that sentence say, when I love you, treat you as a treasure, when I don't love you, treat you as a pile of shit, I can't wait to wash you down.

The current Xi Xingling is that shit, where he still has the brilliance on the party, and now he is just a poor worm that nobody wants.

"I don't know, I didn't do anything at all..." Xi Xingling said hoarsely. He has been plagued by this problem for the past few days, and he can't figure out what he did wrong.

I wanted to ask Han Yubai, but the other party just beat and scolded.

The phone was blocked, and all social software was blocked. Xi Xingling now wants to find Han Yubai, which is harder than going to the sky.

"What's the matter with the nose?" Qian Xiaozhen suddenly noticed that there was a band-aid on the bridge of Xi Xingling's nose.

"Well, the second youngster kicked..." Xi Xingling touched his nose, and he said sadly: "Why did he treat me this way? He told me before that he would never hit me..."

thought The sweetness of the past, Xi Xingling cried even more sadly, he almost broke down.

Qian Xiaozhen was speechless. He said helplessly: "It's so late now, and I have to open a shop tomorrow. It is impossible for me to accompany you all night. You can cry slowly by yourself."

"..." Xi Xingling also seemed to know. It was very disturbing by himself, he stopped crying dullly, but he couldn't stop the continuous tears.

When Li Dong saw him curled up on the sofa pitifully, his heartbroken and sad look was not without fluctuations in his heart.

It's just that life can't be smooth sailing, no one can accompany anyone through all the difficulties. In the days to come, Xi Xingling will still have to come by herself.

He saw that he was silent at last and didn't want to talk. He just wanted to wait until the book was over...As

soon as the screen turned, Xi Xingling got the money from the agent, he moved out of his friend's apartment and rented a cheap house in a remote place.

During the Spring Festival, he returned to his parents for the holidays, falsely claiming that he was still working.

I can't tell that this inferior product is still a face-saving person.

In a blink of an eye, after the Spring Festival, the widowed Xi Xingling picked up his luggage and returned to the small apartment he rented. He began to submit resumes to various companies.

Every time he went to an interview, the interviewer asked him: "Why resign from Han?"

As everyone knows, Han is the best company in the city, and many designers squeeze their heads to get in.

Xi Xingling was able to work in the Han family at a young age, but resigned in just a year?

Every time Xi Xingling said capriciously: "I'm broken in love."

Li Dong, who was off the screen, couldn't laugh or cry, his mood might be as embarrassing as the interviewer.

A young and emotional designer, the company decided to pass him after discussion, after all, there are many big risks in recruiting such employees.

Who knows if you will commit suicide in the company next time you lose your relationship?

The companies that can admit Xi Xingling are very ordinary, and they are definitely small companies that Xi Xingling would not take a second look at before.

He is a magnificent young award-winning designer with a promising future and is unwilling to give in.

Can't find a job, Xi Xingling stays at home every day, doing nothing. He didn't want to go out, nor did he want to pick up a paintbrush and paint.

He crazily missed the man who abandoned him, but didn't dare to change his phone number to harass him.

Every night, listening to the faint sobbing sound from Xi Xingling, Li Dong sat on the ground to comfort him: "It will pass, and hold on." He was very happy that Xi Xingling did not run to Han Yubai and reluctantly committed a scumbag. When this went on, Xi Xingling walked out. Broken love is just around the corner.

Just as Li Dong hoped, Xi Xingling gradually walked out of the shadow of broken love, and he began to use paintbrushes to create.

Seeing him firmly looking for a way out and taking his works around to participate in the competition, a warm liquid overflowed from Li Dong's eye sockets.

But seeing him disappointed again and again, Li Dong was also very distressed.

Finally, there was a large-scale competition that recognized Xi Xingling's work and made his work enter the finals.

However, the investor of this competition is Han Tianlin. His purpose of holding this competition is to promote Han's jewelry, and the winner has long been appointed as Han's designer.

The work of Xi Xingling for this competition is so fierce that the judges can see that this work is better than Han's default winner.

If they agree with PASS Xi Xingling's work, it will definitely affect their reputation.

After almost a year, Xi Xingling stood in front of Han Tianlin again. He no longer admires Han Tianlin, nor is he afraid, just standing in front of him as a designer.

"You are really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang." Han Tianlin understood how much his younger brother hates Xi Xingling now. He rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Give you two choices. First, quit the game by yourself, and second, we ask you to quit the game." "You can not give me a ranking, but you can't deprive me of the right to show my work." Xi Xingling: "I entered the competition in accordance with the regular process, and there is no violation of any regulations. Why should I withdraw from the competition?" Han Tianlin said funnyly: "You are here I asked why? Then do you know that in this world, not everyone can get the answer to why?" He didn't believe Xi Xingling was so stupid, so he asked for the answer: "I didn't kill you all, you should thank God."

"Why do you treat me like this..." Xi Xingling still insisted on looking for the answer.

"To blame, you have a face that shouldn't be long. You shouldn't have this face." Han Tianlin said flatly: "It seems that I have to add another condition. You can't use this one in the future. Face."

"What?" Xi Xingling's eyes widened.

After Han Yubai heard his elder brother's proposal over the phone, he raised his eyebrows: "Then this matter will be left to me."

Xi Xingling did not expect that this would be the case when he meets Han Yubai again.

The other party hasn't changed much, he is still so handsome and charming, and his heart is trembling to see him.

But when Han Yubai walked towards him, Xi Xingling couldn't feel the gentleness that once made him feel safe.

Han Yubai in his eyes is very strange and cruel.

"Don't you want to participate in the competition? Yes, go to the whole Rong, I will let the Hans re-employ you." In this case, even if Xi Xingling wins the award, it doesn't matter, after all, he is also an employee of the Hans.

"What... plastic surgery?" Xi Xingling shook his lips and shook his head. He refused: "I don't accept it. If this must be the case, I would rather quit the game." Their thoughts are terrible, this is persecution! "No, what I value more now is not your retiring, but your face." Han Yubai said, he pinched Xi Xingling's chin coldly, and said with great strength: "Brother Chen hates you very much, knows Is it?" He himself doesn't have much dislike for Xi Xingling, but Gu Xichen seems to hate this person very much, so don't blame him for being rude. As soon as the picture turned, Li Dong saw Xi Xingling run away in a hurry. He first promised Han Yubai falsely to accept plastic surgery. Flee the city immediately after leaving the control. But when he received a threatening call from Han Yubai on the train, he asked him to come back obediently: "Think about your parents. They have been teachers for most of their lives. It is not good to be laid off at this time."

The scene of Xi Xingling sitting on the train crying into tears, frame by frame passed in front of Li Dong's eyes.

"Is it interesting for you to torture him like this?"

"If it weren't for your intervention, this is what he should end up with. In addition, even if his fate is miserable now, it is far better than before."

"No." Li Dong said sarcastically. He said, "At least I didn't be molested, and I didn't have to suffer from stomach problems and various diseases." He cursed: "What is the purpose of writing this kind of thing? The virtual character is also a person, and they will cry and suffer."

"You are very kind, so why don't you save him?"

"I am not the damn Virgin Mary!"

"But you are angry about what happened to him."

Everyone will have this, Li Dong. Thinking angrily, he kicked the floor angrily, but was helpless.

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