The Wild One {Jacob Black X O...

By love_fiction_aya

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"She's stronger then any of you will ever be!" Skylar is a shape shifter that lived among wild wolfs her whol... More

Chapter I: Perfect life
Chapter II: The boy
Chapter III: Imprint
Chapter IV: The pack
Chapter V: Cubs
Chapter VI: The Cullens
Chapter VII: Bella
Chapter VIII: I'm scared Sky
Chapter IX: Sam...
Chapter X: New Alpha
Chapter XI: Scars
Chapter XII: Funeral
Chapter XIII: Wolves
Chapter XIV: Lies
Chapter XV: Invitation
Chapter XVI: Graduation party
Chapter XVII: The preparings
Chapter XVIII: The battle
Chapter XIX: Broken Bones
Chapter XXI: Explanation
Chapter XXII: Encounter
Chapter XXIII: Kaya
Chapter XXIV: Camp
Chapter XXV: Overwhelmed
Chapter XXVI: Panic attack
Chapter XXVII: Things are rough
Chapter XXVIII: Jealousy
Chapter XXIX: Jason Brown
Chapter XXX: Oh Fuck
Chapter XXXI: She's getting married?
Chapter XXXII: Running away
Chapter XXXIII: I missed you
Chapter XXXIV: Gunshots
Chapter XXXV: Stop Comparing
Chapter XXXVI: Reunition
Chapter XXXVII: The Wedding
Chapter XXXVIII: Kimora
Chapter XXXIX: Try It
Chapter XXXX: Enemy Vampire On The Run
Chapter XXXXI: The Gathering
Chapter XXXXII: Alpha Colt
Chapter XXXXIII: Alliance Request
Chapter XXXXIV: Packs Introduction
Chapter XXXXV: Reunited Family

Chapter XX: The letter

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By love_fiction_aya


The next morning I woke up with a feeling something was missing and when I thought about it for a few seconds it hit me. Sky wasn't laying next to me anymore.

I sat up immediately  and started to look around the room. She wasn't there. Pannicked, I stood up ignoring the pain and ran out my bedroom door to  the kitchen. No Sky.

I started to panic and ran out the house, she wasn't in the garden either. I ran back inside, took the phone and called Paul hoping she would be  with  him.

"Paul?! Paul is Sky with you? " I asked. "What? No.. Why? Is everything alright? " He replied. God dammit. I started to think of horrible scenarios forgetting about Paul until he snapped me out of my thoughts "Jake what's going on? " "I.. I don't know.. She wasn't there when I woke up and I don't know where she would've gone" He didn't reply for few seconds and I could tell he was mad. "Jesus fucking Christ Jake... Oh my god.. Are you sure you checked everywhere? She was hella broken yesterday maybe she went for a walk to clear her mind? "

Few minutes after we had hung up the phone, warned the pack and started to look for her everywhere we could think of. I couldn't stop worrying myself to death as I walked in the woods then suddenly I had a phone call. "Hello? " I asked "Jake...I found her... We're at the West border of the forest close to Em's place.. You should hurry" Seth said through the phone with an extreme layer of worry in his voice.

I immediately hung up, shifted ignoring the killing pain in my arm and started to sprint towards the place Seth had told me they were. When I arrived there, the first thing I saw was Sky rolled up in a ball on the floor against a tree and Seth trying to comfort her with no success. I immediately  changed back to my  human form, threw myself on my knees next to her and lifted her onto my lap wrapping my arms tight around her. She cried into my chest and all I could do was just be  there for her.

"It's alright darling.. I'm right here.. I'm right here.. You're gonna be ok, I promise.. Let it all out... " I murmured softly into her ear. She kept on crying, tears pouring down her beautiful face. I didn't even know what was going on but I knew it broke her completely and I couldn't stand to see her like that.

Eventually, about half an hour later, she stopped crying and calmed down a bit. She sat up on my lap and wrapped her arms around me tightly as if she was scared I was going to leave or let her go. "Hey... Do you want to talk about it darling? " I asked in a soft, comforting voice. She looked up at me with watery, red and puffy but still beautiful eyes before giving me a piece of paper.

I unfolded it and started to read the letter that was written on it:

Dear Skylar,

You're probably wondering who I am and what I want from you.. Well.. I'm the current leader of your pack and I want you to know the truth about your story even though it's hard and sad.
I'll start from the beginning..

Your father was the Alpha of our pack and your mother was his imprint.. They were both powerful and great people or so we thought. When your mother realised she was pregnant of you, she knew she didn't want a baby and nor did your father. They decided that when you would be born, they would dump you in the forest somewhere far away from their home and let faith decide what would happen with you and they kept to their idea.
When you were born they did what they planned on doing since the beginning, knowing you would probably not make it.

After they left you, they lived happy with each other not ever mentioning about their possible murder of their own daughter. After what happened, everyone hated them with their whole soul so we ended up kicking them out of the pack.
Nobody knew anything about you and your parents couldn't care less. We all thought you were dead but then I finally found you and found out that you were the alpha of another pack, that you imprinted, that you had grown up among wolves and that you finally built yourself a life.

We never found the right alpha for our pack and since not long ago I didn't understand why but now I do.
Your father was the alpha and you were their only child, so when they got banned and kicked out from our territory you became the alpha. The problem is that a lot of people are trying to find you to kill you so they can become the Alpha because since pack is very powerful and big. I know that you have a lot of people that will protect you but you're in danger and I needed you to know that.

I didn't contact you until now because I knew that this would break you but I thought you should know the truth about your passed. We're in town until tomorrow so if you want to meet us, meet us at sundown at the the South edge of town.

I hope we can meet you soon.

The Fallen pack

When I finished reading the letter my eyes were wide. People were trying to kill my Imrpint, the love of my life and her parents just abandoned her like a piece of trash. She was already broken by what happened yesterday and those assholes had to choose today to come and send her the truth.

A mix of anger and sadness was boiling up inside me and I was doing my best to keep myself under control but it was getting harder. Then I felt that I couldn't stop it anymore so I quickly pushed Sky off of me and got few steps away from her, scared to hurt her and I shifted before I could stop it. I was about to run into the woods when she got up with tears still running down her face and went to stand in front of me.

"Jake, hey, it's ok, we're gonna be ok, calm down. Please I need you to calm down... I can't do this on my own please.. " She said with a layer of pain, sadness and worry in her voice "please" She repeated in a whisper tone almost begging, then it hit me. She was scared I would leave her just like her parents did.

I then changed back and ran the hug her. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "I'm so sorry darling I didn't mean to scare you" I whispered. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.. We're gonna be ok" I added. I held her close to me and she buried her head in my shoulder.

After a while I got a call from Seth who had ran to Emily's place to meet up with the rest when we had found Sky, he said that there was someone weird at the door and he wouldn't leave. Sky immediately shifted into her wolf form

And started to run as fast as she could towards the house, knowing it would probably be one of the people that the letter was talking about. One of the people that was planning to kill her. I shifted too and started to run after her but I had no chance on catching up on her since she was way faster.

When I got there I saw her facing another Wolf

She was standing in her alpha posture which made her look much bigger as she growled and snarled at the other wolf. I immediately jumped next to her and started to growl at him. When Sky saw he was about to jump on me she attacked him mid air and threw him onto the ground. With her paw on his throat she growled very loudly at him.

Then, the wolf submitted itself by laying on his back with his tail in between his leg. She put her paw off of him, changed back human and so did we. He was looking weird at her so I went to stand next to her but a bit in front of her with my arm slightly in front of her.


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