Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9K 240 723

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th𝙴 πšπ‘’π‘‘α΄œα–‡π™š β’Ήo͑͜e͑͜sΜ†ΜˆnΜ†Μˆ'Μ†ΜˆtΜ‘Μˆ πŸ„΄πŸ†‡πŸ…ΈπŸ‡Έβ€Šπ“½
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.

363 15 22
By mrtobiaz_

Tord quieted so he could better hear Tom speak.

" the explosion, we moved into new apartments. They were close enough together that we could still talk and hang out. But it started to become routine that they'd come and check on me." Tom explained softly.

"Why would they check on you?" Tord asked, intrigued. He rubbed his thumb on Tom's wrist. As a calming gesture to relieve this pain Tom had.

"That's exactly what I asked them! They said they wanted to make sure I was okay, because I started having a lot of anxiety about the" Tom cleared his throat as he continued. "After about a year or so, when the Rebellion was getting more members, we moved to the base, to be closer to the action. You know?"

Tord nodded. Still a bit confused as to where Tom was going with this. And still keeping his hand on Toms.

"We had three groups, Green, Purple and Blue, but I stopped having a say for my group."

"Why? You should've had a say. It is your group." Tord remarked.

"I know. But then I found out why. One day, I went in my room to see that everything was in boxes. I mean EVERYTHING. I saw Edd and Matt packing my stuff, I asked them about what the hell were they doing! This was my stuff! My life! They told me that I was getting out of hand. They..." Tom sniffled. "They said that my bullshit about you was stupid, and that they were sending me to a fucking Mental Hospital because; and get this, I thought you were still alive.

Tord was pissed as to why the fuck would they think that?! He didn't try hard at all to change his appearance as Red Leader! They should've known it was him! And doing that to Tom. Accusing him of being crazy! It pissed Tord off! But...he didn't know why.

"Thomas..." Tord began.

"Don't- You know what? Fuck it. I was so pissed at them that I left. That's what they wanted, isn't it? I moved into my apartment, and that was it."

Tord squeezed Tom's hand a bit, as he stopped the car. "We're here."

Tom looked out of the window. "It's raining again..."

Tord chuckled and looked at Tom. "Want me to get your bags?"

Tom frowned. "Are you sure? I can carry them."

Tord shook his head. "I'm good! So, you'll get Marie?"

Tom laughed. "Isn't it obvious?"

Tord stepped out of the car and stared at him and Tom's intertwined fingers. He let go of Tom's hand and chuckled. "Sorry, I forgot we were..."

"No, its okay..." Tom answered.

There was awkward silence as Tord grabbed Tom's bags, and Tom grabbed Marie. Tord locked the car door and looked at Tom. He still had Marie in her car seat. Tord assumed that its because she's sleeping, and Tom doesn't want to wake her.

He noticed that Tom still had a free hand. Tord didn't necessarily want to bug him, but his suitcase was a bit heavy so...

"Do you mind holding one of these? Tord asked, whilst holding his hand out in response for an answer.

"Huh?" Tom asked, looking at him in confusion. He stared at Tord's hand before gently placing his hand inside Tords.

Tord was startled by this and could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks.

Tom looked at him. "What? Did you not mean-?"

"I meant the bags..."

"Oh, d-do you want me to-?"

"No! Its fine!"

They stood in silence with their hands intertwined before they walked inside.

Tom looked around. "Nice place for a hide-out."

"You like it? It's just a little something. The, ah, nursery is through here." Tord said happily.

Tord led Tom hand-in-hand to the nursery.

"Whoa..." Tom gasped. The nursery was decorated with lavender and white wallpaper, some red and blue flower stickers on the wall. The room was complete with a crib, a rocking chair and a changing table.

"It's perfect, Tord. It's perfect." Tom said happily.

Tord smiled and gently took Marie out of her car seat. He kissed her gently on her forehead and placed her in her crib. Marie snored softly and slept. Tord grabbed a baby monitor and they both walked out of Marie's room.

Tord had a thought. What he'd say no. Unless...

"Come here Tom, I want to show you something!" Tord said happily.

"Alright." Tom smiled.

Tord led Tom down into a dark room.

"Um..." Tom began.

Tord turned on the lights, and the room was illuminated. Racks of guns and ammunition were to be seen lining the walls, along with clothes on clothing racks that had the Red Army logo stitched on.

Tom flicked his tongue. "Recruitment centre?"

Tord snapped his fingers into small miniature guns. "Exactly."

Tord gestured towards some changing rooms on the other side of the room. "You can find some clothes that fit and- "

Tom grabbed some clothes off of a rack and sped towards one of the changing rooms.

"-Okay." Tord finished.

Moments later, Tom walked out of the change room in a black turtleneck sweater, gray jeans and a blue overcoat. Tord's hoodie was in his arms along with the shorts. Both of which he shoved in his small carry-on bag.

Tom looked at a slightly opened door. "What's in there?"

"Want to see?" Tord grinned.

Tom shrugged and the two walked towards the door.

"Ladies first~" Tord purred while holding it open for Tom as he passed through.

"Fuck off." Tom grumbled giving Tord the finger as he walked inside.

Tord rolled his eyes. "So Jehovah, this is the meeting and initiation room."

Tom turned to Tord. "Initiation? What is it? A blood oath? A sacrifice? Forced to watch that godawful- "

"No! No none of that!" Tord exclaimed, cutting Tom off. "Its fairly simple, just raise your right hand."

Tom did as followed. And Tord got an idea. He smirked.

"Alright, now repeat after me. Through all the pain."

"Through all the pain."

"We shall prevail."

"We shall prevail."

"My life to give."

"My life to give."

"Hail Red Leader Hail."

"Hail Red Leader Hail."

Tord smiled. "Welcome new soldier!"

Tom looked around confused. "Welc- wait...WHAT?! I'm actually a soldier now? Seriously?!"

Tord grinned. "That's how it works!"

Tom frowned. "There's no way out of this, is there?"

"I let you in on my secrets Tom." Tord said seriously, placing his hands on Tom's shoulders. "If you don't accept, you will be killed."

Tom shrugged, backing away from Tord. "I mean, it'll piss Edd and Matt off, so what the fuck not?"

Tord blinked in disbelief. "Wait- really? You'll join?"

"I mean, I guess. I better not regret this commie." Tom sneered.

Tord smiled. "You won't now-" Tord checked the time on his phone. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "What? Did someone delete all of your- "

Tord cut him off. "No! Why-why do you keep asking that?"

Tom raised his brow.

"Right...Well, I promised my parents I'd call them when the plane landed, but I forgot..."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Just call them now."

Tord gritted his teeth. "Are you sure?"

Tom nodded in response. So Tord called them. He put the call onto the large screen in the meeting room for a bigger view. Not even a minute later, they were shown on the screen.

"Tord!" A voice on the screen called.

"Why didn't you call us?! We were so worried! We-"

"Pat, slow down," the first voice said. "I'm sure Tord has a good reason for why he didn't call."

"I...forgot. Before you say anything, I have good news! Not only does he want to be in the baby's life, but he joined the army!" Tord smiled.

Pat breathed a sigh of relief. "See Paul? I told you, he's fine. You worry too much."

"I worry- you're the one who almost sent some soldiers after him!"

Tord saw Tom smirk. Oh course he did. My embarrassment is probably the funniest shit he's seen all day. Tord thought. But...Tom also seemed...happy. Tord's parents practically raised Tom! Tom's dad was out of the picture. And his mom...let's just say she wasn't exactly mom of the year. At all.

Pat sighed. "Wait, is Tom there with you?"

Tord looked over at Tom. Tom sighed and walked into frame.

"H-Hey..." He said awkwardly.

Pat gasped. "My GOD! You're so short!"

Tord belt out laughing. "It's true! You're like a fucking third grader!"

More laughter came from the other side of the camera as Tom's face grew red with embarrassment. Tord walked over to Tom and placed a gentle hand in Toms. Tord knew that Tom was self conscious. He absolutely hated being short. He was tall as a kid but hit his last growth spurt in sixth grade. Since then, everyone's been towering over him. Suddenly, the laughter was interrupted by a call from Tom's phone.

"Who was that?" Paul asked.

Tom looked up in surprise and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Nobody."

The conversation continued with questions asked about Marie, and about what Tom has been doing. Tord noticed that Tom mainly kept his answers limited to one word. And he left them very vague.

Then Tom's phone rang.

Tom declined it as quickly as the call came in. Everyone was silent, so Tom brought the conversation back to Marie, when his phone rang again.

Tord looked at Tom. "Maybe you should answer it. It is the third time they called."

Tom sighed and let go of Tord's hand as he walked upstairs.

Tord couldn't see, but he could tell that Pat was scowling. Before he could say anything, Pat spoke.

"What are you doing?!"

"What do you mean?"

"Go see him! He probably needs someone right now!"

Tord knew there was no point in arguing so he walked up the stairs. What he saw nearly broke him. Tom had his phone on speaker and coming from it was the sound of Edd's voice. He was screaming at Tom and surprisingly, he said nothing. He didn't even stand up for himself. He just stood there. Trembling at the sound of Edd's voice.

"You need to stop Tom! You killed him! We all saw! You need to stop this fucking nonsense! Now, the hospital doesn't have many rooms left, so it'd be nice if you could just STOP MOVING AND GETTING DIFFERENT APARTMENTS! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK US TO FIND THIS PLACE, AND APPARENTLY SOMEONE SAYS THEY SAW YOU, AND SOME ASSHAT LEAVE! SO TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE!" Edd screamed from the phone.

Tom shuddered. "I-...He's not dead..."

Tord heard Edd scoff from the phone.

"Tom, I swear to god I will send the fucking police after you. So do us all a favour and TELL ME WHERE THE HELL YOU ARE!" Edd screeched.

This was Tord's breaking point. He didn't want to interfere, truly, but...he snapped.

"Listen here you little shit." Tord hissed. "Who gave you the fucking privilege to speak that way. I am very much alive. Thank you for asking, and might I ask what part of that tiny-ass little shrimp brain of yours gave you the idea that Tom is lying? Is it the same part that makes you so fucking stuck up? And just as narcissistic as dear old Matt? Please, explain. I'm sure we'd both like to know."

Tord waited a moment before speaking again. "No? That's a shame." Then Tord hung up on the call.

Tord went to grab Tom's hand but Tom pulled his hand away.

"What the hell did you do?" Tom snapped, his eye's filling with tears.

"What did I do?!" Tord yelled. "I helped you! You were just letting him walk all over you! He was telling you shit and-"

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW?! I HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS SINCE YOU LEFT TORD! THREE, FUCKING, YEARS! I WAS FINE THEN!" Tom cried while fat tears streamed down his cheeks.

Tom wiped away the tears on his sleeve, eventually realizing that he shouldn't even bother, as he was still sobbing uncontrollably. "I don't...I didn't ask for your help Tord."

Tord wiped away some of Tom's tears. "That doesn't mean you don't need it, Thomas..." Tord said softly.

Tom sniffled. "C-Can I Do you even ask-? I...haven't done this in a while."

Tord pulled Tom into a hug and was surprised at how tightly Tom clung to him. Tom's breathing became deeper, and more controlled as he melted into the embrace. Tord ran a hand through Tom's hair as they stood together, swaying slightly in a moment that could only be described as pure bliss.

But like most good things, it had to come to an end.

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