Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

9.2K 865 5K

This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 32

123 13 32
By yourgirl_draya

This might be really boring. I've been trying to write for weeks. I'm sorry guys

" It's been a couple days since you've been home. Adrienne, how do you feel?"

Adrienne and Diane are sitting across from there court appointed therapist, Dr. Adams. This was a introduction into their journey of getting help. Unfortunately, the court only approved two free group sessions but Diane has already made up in her mind to continue therapy even if she had to scrape up some change to do so.

Adrienne shrugged her shoulders then tried to think of a better home. " Let's be real" she said as she sighed and adjusted her seating.

" All we want is your honesty." Dr. Adams confirmed and Diane nodded her head prepared to hear it.

" I feel out of place." Adrienne said trying to formulate her feelings. " Like I have no belonging. "

" Could it be that you've been away from home for several months?" Dr. Adams asked.

Adrienne shook her head no. " I would have said the same before all this happened. I was coexisting with my family, specifically with my mom. I love my mom. I really do but I don't know her."

" Have you always felt this way?"

"Things started to change after Charity was born and then things got worse once Charity's dad died in Prison."

Diane's eyes began to water as she listened to Adrienne express herself. It was one thing to keep her secrets and try to protect Adrienne from her professional life but was another to have your child feel like an outcast.

"I'm so sorry Adrienne. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just tried to do what I felt was right." Diane apologize.

"Apologizing is a good step but please understand your apology does not mean you did anything wrong. You were doing your very best for your child whether she knows your struggles or not. However, her feelings are valid. Sometimes mom, the best tools in preparing and guiding your child in this world is to be open with them. Yes, some things are not meant to be said but life's experiences are great lessons. From what I gather from your case, your struggle is admitting to your child that you've been hurt...."

Diane's heart momentarily dropped thinking that Dr. Adams was talking about her being rapped by Joe but remembered that no one but Jason knew about that. Of course she was going to tell Adrienne but in her own time if she saw that it was necessary. She would have taken her experience with Adrienne's father to the grave if she could have. Plus she wanted to deal with it herself first before sharing her truth out in the open.

" So we are on a journey to getting to know each other and to discover yourself. I'm just here as a guide to help you express your feelings. Let's start with your Childhood mom. You don't have to get to deep just start slow."

" Ok...Um... well it was just me and my mom Elbernita in the deep south. She got pregnant twice before she had me. She miscarried the first baby and the second baby was given to a relative but later died of Pneumonia. I think she was 15 when she ended up having me. Her mom and aunts were really strict religious folks and kicked her out as soon as they found out she was pregnant again. I never knew who my daddy was but it was a rumor that my daddy was some rich white man my momma worked for. When I was younger my hair would turn into this sandy brown color almost red like the rich white man everyone kept talking about. I remember being really poor and homeless but my momma, always find a way to take care of me. For my momma to be a compulsive drinker, she hardly ever raised her voice or spank me without reason but I still had my moments where I was scared"



Young Elbernita and her six year old daughter Diane were out on their own sitting in a diner. Diane had a plate of food in front of her, Fried chicken, mash potatoes, and green beans. Elbernita looked around the diner as Diane ate. Every so often Elbernita would look up to see the middle aged white waitress watching them. Her eyes were not malicious but there was no doubt that she knew Elbernita didn't have any money to pay for the food.

" Can I get you anything else honey?" She asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

" Can my mommy get a plate too?"

" We're fine" Elbernita said sternly as she looked at Diane daring her to say anything more.

" You know there's a shelter up the road that gives out free meals." The waitress said not wanting any trouble.

Elbernita looked at the waitress and repeated " We're fine"

The waitress left to tend to other customers in a huff. As Diane continued to eat, Elbernita's eyes began to wonder again until her eyes landed on a guy sitting alone in the far corner of the diner just to find him looking at her as well. He winked at her before giving her a seductive smile. She then gave him a shy smile than looked away. She picked up her glass of water and purposefully let water drip from her lips, down her chin and onto her cleavage. She pretended like it was an accident and cursed herself as she wiped herself clean. She looked back up at the man and his mouth was slightly ajar as he stared down at her chest.

"Bingo" Elbernita smirked. " You stay in this booth, ya hear? Mama's going to be right back."

She slid out the booth and made her way to the back of the diner, soon after the man followed behind.

End of Flashback

" I sat there for hours. The waitress threatened to call the police and I didn't know what to do but I sat there until she came back for me. She always did but that day she was gone so long I thought she wasn't. When she did come back, she came back with money and a bottle of liquor " Diane didn't know she was crying until she felt tears fall from her cheeks. Dr. Adams offered her a tissue.

"When's the last time you've spoken to your mother?" Dr. Adams asked. Diane felt Adrienne's eyes on her, remembering all the questions she had about who her grandparents were.

" I haven't spoken to her in almost 17 years."

" I'm seeing a pattern here. Your life based off what you just shared does not exactly mirror the life Adrienne has by all means but the dysfunction between mother and daughter is generational.If you could speak with your mother and maybe get some closure it can help mend the relationship with your daughter."

" I I I can't. I don't even know if she's even alive."Diane rushed. Seeking out her mother only meant exposure. Diane has already revealed a lot about herself and now she longed to hide in her bubble.

" You have to let go in order to heal. You have to start with yourself before you can heal the relationship with Adrienne. "

Diane struggled within herself for a while but all it took was one look at Adrienne for her to realize she needed to try.

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