Cannonball >> A Malia Tate Fa...

By elmoakepoke

114K 3.8K 724

"Stones taught me to fly Love taught me to lie Life taught me to die So it's not hard to fall When you float... More

Playlist (A Big One) and Characters
1) Just One Yesterday
2) Lighthouse
3) Misunderstood
4) Jet Black Heart
5) I Can't Fix You
6) Secret Love Song
7) Misunderstood
8) Haunted
9) Heaven
10) I Hate This Part
11) Can't Sleep Love
12) Broken Home
13) So Small
14) Stop
15) Fight Song
16) Everybody Hurts
17) Hercules
18) Half of a Heart
19) Smoke Break
20) These Four Walls
21) Status Quo
22) Change
23) If Only
24) Cannonball
25) My True Happy
MORE THAN WORDS- Cannonball Sequel
Prologue 1) When You Think Your Alone
Prologue 2) I'll Be Like a Ghost Behind You
SEQUEL 1) When You're Down
SEQUEL 3) You Know I'll Give My Words to You
SEQUEL 4) When the Seasons Change
SEQUEL 5) And The Sun Shines On Your Face
SEQUEL 6) Yeah I'll Be There For You
SEQUEL 7) Yeah I'll Be There For You
SEQUEL 8) Just As Much As I'm A Part Of You
SEQUEL 9) I Find Peace in Every Story You Told

SEQUEL 2) And You Can't Find a Thing to Say

438 18 0
By elmoakepoke

A/N: Quick disclaimer! I am British and don't know much about American schools. I imagine their senior year is similar to our year 11 to 13, where you choose a few subjects to do GCSE's or A levels in. If I'm wrong please let me know.


The sound of pages turning and students mumbling to one another, trying not to bee too loud in the library. Lemony had a book in each hand, two history textbooks, she had been one of the last to pick a course for senior year and there wasn't really a topic that peaked Lemony's interest but she always found certain historical topics interesting. It also helped that she knew her fair share of information about Ancient Greece.

Lemony made he way to the table where Scott, Kira and Malia sat revising their work. Lemony dropped both books on the table, sitting herself down next to Malia.

"How have we only been back a day?" Lemony asked, opening the book to the glossary.

"I'm already drowning in work." Kira agreed, looking up from her notes.

The group were interrupted from their work by the sounds of Stiles bounding over to the table they sat at. He had two pieces of paper in his hands.

"So, you found something?" Scott asked, still doubting is friend.

"Another signature." Stiles put the two piece of paper on the table. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago," Stiles explained pointing to on sheet. "and this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." He then pointed to the other, comparing the two.

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked, saying what everyone is thinking.

"You didn't break into the administration office, did you?" Lemony blurted it immediately.

"No, I did not break into the administration office." Stiles said, without looking at her.

Scott gave Stiles the 'is that true?' Look.

"Okay, I might have broken into the administration office." Stiles caved in. "Can we just focus on the signatures, please? They're different."

The four of them looked at each other then down at the two signatures. Lemony rolled her eyes at her brother.

"They're sort-of different." Malia said, but Lemony could tell she didn't believe it.

"They're completely different!" Stiles 'twas getting Moore and more frustrated as the conversation went on. "Come on, look. The garlands don't match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke are totally off..." Stiles pointed to the two signatures at the 'differences'. "And look! Look at this-- perfect example of the criminal tremor."

Lemony stifled a laugh. "Since when are you a graphologist?"

Stiles ignored his sister.

"So, now Theo is Theo, but his parents aren't his parents?" Kira asked.

"Someone's not someone." Stiles looked at her, with so much sass. "And when I figure out who that someone really is, someone's in big trouble."

"But no one's done anything wrong." Scott tried to explain.

"Yet." Stiles pointed to him. "If Theo's parents are both psychotic killers, we should not trust him, right?"

Malia cleared her throat looking at Stiles. "My parents are Peter and the Desert Wolf."

Everyone looked at Stiles, eyebrows raised.

"Okay. It's fine. You know what? I'll figure it out myself." Stiles picked up the paper from the table. "Right? I don't need you," He pointed to Scott, "or you," he pointed to Kira, "or you" he pointed to Malia, "or even you." He pointed to his sister. "I don't need anyone." Stiles stormed off.

Stiles then proceeded to storm out of the library, leaving his friends behind.

Lemon sighed going back to her book. "Touchey isn't he." She said to no one in particular.


Lemony had chosen the bunk next to Izabelle, and unpacked her bag in the adjacent chest of drawers. Lemony was happy to have a cabin mate who was so friendly and smiley, she was anxious that her cabin mate would be someone she wouldn't get along with. She was very lucky that Izabelle was similar to her. Izabelle was incredibly talkative and Lemony found it endearing.

Once Lemony had finished setting out her belongings Izabelle smiled joining Lemony on her bed.

"What do you want to do now?" She asked.

Lemony shrugged. "What is there to do? I was hoping i could call my dad or brother. Tell them I'm alright."

Izabelle nodded. "Best place to get signal is top of the hill. I can take you if you want. Show you around along the way."

"Sounds like a plan" Lemony smiled.

The two girls got to their feet, Izabelle reached over to her bed to grab her jumper tying it around her waist, while Lemony picked up her phone from her bedside table. Then the two departed.

The sun was hot on the the floor outside the cabin as the two girls entered the courtyard, where all the other demigods were spending their free time. Lemony had no idea what to expect but she was excited for her summer.

Lemony looked down at the twelve year old girl walking next to her. "So back home it's just you and your step mum?" She asked.

Izabelle shook her head. "It's my step mum's son as well, Oliver. My step mum has been the only parent I've ever really had. Dad was never really there for us."

"Oh Iz, that really sucks." Lemony sighed putting a hand on her shoulder. "You have a sister now." Lemony smiled, she's always wanted a sister.

Izabelle smiled. "I like that."

Lemony was enjoying her time here already, Izabelle had made it really easy.

The two girls strolled past the Ares cabin where a group of, who Lemony could best describe as- warriors, were stood chatting and laughing about something that Lemony and Izabelle didn't hear.

"So the cabins are in order from where their godly parent sits on the Olympian council." Izabelle explained. "Gods on one side and Goddesses on the other."  She gestured to each side of the small campfire that resided in the middle.

"Okay sounds simple enough, what next?" Lemony asked, stopping for a second to retie her shoelace.

"Meal time." Izabelle started. "When we receive our food we always give an offering to our mother, in the fire pit at the lunch hall." Izabelle explained.

"Sounds like an excuse for you not to eat your vegetables, just give them as an offering." Lemony giggled.

Before Izabelle could reply, the two girls heard a different voice addressing them.

"Hey Brice who's the newbie?" A male voice called out to the two.

Lemony finished tying her lace, then got to her feet, where she saw a young man, who she could only assume he was her age at least. He had a prickle of stubble lining the jaw of his brown skin. Atop his head sat a a mes of jet black curly locks, the dar hairs spread down the sides of his face to meet the scruffy stubble on his jaw. His rounded hazel eyes followed her movements perfectly mirroring the smirk that shaped his thin lips. As he stepped closer, Lemony's eyes glazed to his build- he was muscular to say the least. He wore a tight red shirt, where his muscles strained against the fabric. Lemony did her best to avoid staring. He stepped over to the two girls, one eyebrow hooked.

"This is Lemony." Izabelle introduced her. "She's daughter of Hecate like me."

He looked over to Lemony his eyebrow still raised. "Lemony?" He asked.

Lemony shrugged. "It's a nickname."

He nodded slowly, seeming to understand. "It's your first time here right?"

Lemony nodded. "I've only known about all this Greek God thing for a year." She shrugged.

"Normally you would have started sooner, you're going to be behind on your training." He explained, raising his right hand to scratch his jaw.

"Hopefully I'm as fast a learner at this as I am in class." Lemony smiled.

He just sighed. "Doubtful." He turned back to Ares cabin. See you round Brice. Lemon." He looked over his shoulder to the two before walking off.

Lemony didn't even bother correcting him she just walked away, with Izabelle following. "Well isn't he lovely?" Lemony asked.

Izabelle began to lead Lemony up the hill. "You seem smitten."

Lemony froze. "Iz, do you even know what that means?" She asked but didn't wait for an answer. "I'm not, why would I be? Besides I have someone back home."

Izabelle was suddenly interested. "What's his name?"

Before Lemony got a chance to reply, she heard someone's voice.

"Ah Miss. Stilinski. I see you are making friends already." Chiron's voice came from behind them on the build up to the hill. "Hello Izabelle."

The two girls turned on their heels, smiling.

"I have something I wanted to ask you Miss Stilinski." Chiron said stepping closer.

Lemony nodded. "You don't have to call me that, it's too formal for me."

"Alright then Emily." He nodded.

Lemony hesitated but followed him, Izabelle hot on her heels. She wasn't used to being called her actual name.

"I wanted to see if you were up for a little one on one duel?" He asked, Lemony froze. "I just want to know how skilled you are in combat that's all."

Lemony stuttered for a second. It hadn't occurred to her that she'd actually have to fight people, as stupid as that sounded. "I guess, I'm still relatively new to the whole fighting thing. I've been in a total of of like four fights. Three of them I had back up."

"I know you will do brilliantly, Emily." Chiron reassured. "I've heard good things from the Gods about your battle skill."

Lemony stayed silent.

Chiron continued. "I will meet you on the battlefield with Mr. Diggs, in an hour. Does that sound manageable?" He asked.

Lemony just nodded.

"Excellent. See you then." Chiron waved as he walked away to finalise the plan.

Izabelle stepped forward into Lemony's eyeline.

"I'm screwed aren't I?" She asked. "This 'Mr Diggs' is going to practically kill me."

Izabelle but her hand on Lemony's shoulder. "Don't worry, Chiron will stop Dexter before you die."

"Thanks for believing in me." Lemony smiled sarcastically at her. "You're a good sister." Lemony tried to laugh.

Izabelle giggled. "I'll be there cheering you on."

"Good. I'm glad I have someone on my side." Lemony sighed. She turned herself around ad continued her accent up the hill.

Izabelle jogged to catch up with her. "So. Emily Stilinski?" She asked.

Lemony looked over at her. "Yes?"

"That's a nice name." Izabelle just shrugged. "I didn't know that was your name."

"That's because I don't like my actual name, and no one uses it." Lemony explained. "Not even my teachers."

"Don't worry, Lemony." Izabelle double stepped to keep up with Lemony's bigger strides. "I won't tell anyone."

Lemony just smiled.


Stiles was writing on his board, he had been fixating on Theo all day and was trying to find him guilty of something. Lemony had grown tired of his obsessing and called for reinforcements. Lemony strode into the doorway of Stiles' room, she leant against the door frame, her arms crossed.

"In here dad." Lemony called out.

Noah came around the corner, leaning on the other side of the door frame. He looked at what his on was up to. "Usually, we wait until they do something wrong before we declare them guilty."

"Well, he's guilty of something." Stiles said so sure of himself.

"Accusations require proof, and proof always trumps instinct-- it has to." Noah explained.

"I know, Dad." Stiles sighed.

"He's The Sheriff, Stiles. He knows what he's doing." Lemony sighed.

Stiles looked at his sister. "You've got too much attitude now. What happened to you as that camp?" He asked.

Noah spoke before Lemony could sass him again. "Let it go, Stiles. Get some sleep."

The two began to walk away. Until Stiles' voice drew them back.

"Hey, Dad?" He called now he was stood in front of the board, opposite the two of them.

Noah sighed. "Mmm-hmm?"

"I got it. There's something different." Stiles said expressionless. "I know what it is."

"Okay." Noah said waiting fo him to continue.

"You're not wearing your wedding ring anymore." Stiles pointed to Noah's left hand, that was leaning against the door frame.

Lemony's eyebrows furrowed, she looked around to see his hand. "Dad?" She asked.

Noah didn't say anything, he didn't explain his actions. He didn't need to at the end of the day, he as essentially single again. Instead he changed the subject. "You're sure this kid's guilty?"

"Absolutely." Stiles sai with such certainty

"Then all you gotta do is wait." Noah said. "If they're really guilty, eventually, they make a mistake." He looked over to his daughter. "They always make a mistake."

The two of them nodded.

"Right. Goodnight." Noah said one last time before walking away, leaving the two of them alone.

Stiles looked at Lemony. "Please don't sass me. I just have a bad feeling."

Lemony nodded. "I trust you Stiles. You're never really wrong."

"Well you missed a lot of me being wrong while you were in a coma." Stiles sighed.

Lemony nodded. "Night then." She began to walk away from his door.

"When are you going to tell me?" Stiles asked, Lemony stopped. "What happened at that camp? You're different."

Lemony turned back to him. "I grew up." She shrugged. "That's what happens when you get your arse handed to you over and over again, over the summer."

"Maybe you'll tell me one day." Stiles nodded.

Lemony shrugged. "Maybe. Night."

And with that Lemony left her brother alone in the hallway.


A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! For pride month I am planning on writing a Lemalia centred chapter, maybe a date between them, sprinkled with camp flashbacks.

I should introduce the new character. I don't know whether he will be a recurring one or a one off. But my idea was to make a camp trilogy for Lemony.

Alfie Enoch (aka Dean Thomas from Harry Potter) is Dexter Diggs

This is Dexter Diggs, he is the same age as Lemony (I never really established her age). He is son of Ares and a known Casanova around camp, all the girls (and some boys) are very smitten.
He should be my last new character for a while. But we'll see.

He will be in the next chapter, if you don't like him, let me know, if you do let me know.

Em x

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