Cannonball >> A Malia Tate Fa...

By elmoakepoke

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"Stones taught me to fly Love taught me to lie Life taught me to die So it's not hard to fall When you float... More

Playlist (A Big One) and Characters
1) Just One Yesterday
2) Lighthouse
3) Misunderstood
4) Jet Black Heart
5) I Can't Fix You
6) Secret Love Song
7) Misunderstood
8) Haunted
9) Heaven
10) I Hate This Part
11) Can't Sleep Love
12) Broken Home
13) So Small
14) Stop
15) Fight Song
16) Everybody Hurts
17) Hercules
18) Half of a Heart
19) Smoke Break
20) These Four Walls
21) Status Quo
22) Change
23) If Only
24) Cannonball
25) My True Happy
MORE THAN WORDS- Cannonball Sequel
Prologue 1) When You Think Your Alone
Prologue 2) I'll Be Like a Ghost Behind You
SEQUEL 2) And You Can't Find a Thing to Say
SEQUEL 3) You Know I'll Give My Words to You
SEQUEL 4) When the Seasons Change
SEQUEL 5) And The Sun Shines On Your Face
SEQUEL 6) Yeah I'll Be There For You
SEQUEL 7) Yeah I'll Be There For You
SEQUEL 8) Just As Much As I'm A Part Of You
SEQUEL 9) I Find Peace in Every Story You Told

SEQUEL 1) When You're Down

605 18 1
By elmoakepoke

SO THIS IS THE SEQUEL BOOK! I wrote it at its own book but I thought I'd put it on here because not everyone has seen that I've put up the sequel, so here.

The repetitive sounds of metal clashing against metal. The grunts of people who were being thrown around and fighting back. These were all Lemony could hear as she walked through the strawberry field at the bottom of the hill. Lemony was nervous to say the least. Well wouldn't you be if it was your first day at a new place while having only five minutes to  not only learn you had powers but master them to a point where you don't embarrass yourself. Needless to say Lemony was shitting bricks.

"Ahh Miss. Stilinski. I'm glad you made it." A familiar voice came from behind her.

Lemony slowly spun on her heels and was met with, Mr. Bruner. Although he was not in her usual wheelchair. Lemony's eyes visibly bulged in her head when she saw what looked like four horse legs and a tail.

"Uhh Mr. Bruner? I didn't recognise you sorry. You look." Lemony thought for a moment. "Different to the last time I saw you."

He just laughed. "You don't need to beat around the bush, Miss. Stilinski. Please I prefer Chiron."

Lemony just nodded, pushing her bag over her shoulder more.

"Welcome to camp." Mr. B- Chiron gestured. "Where we have been training heroes like you for centuries."

Chiron began to walk, Lemony followed along side, occasionally having to double step to catch up to him.

"I don't think I'm a hero, Chiron. More of an accidental survivor." Lemony sighed, realising she would explain. "No matter how many times I mess up, somehow I crawl my way out alive."

"Don't put yourself down so much. You have proven yourself to a few gods already." Chiron explained, directing her away from what looked like a battlefield to a more campsite looking place. "Not even some of our heroes who have been training for years can say that. You should be proud."

Yeah well not all of them can say they slept with one too. Lemony thought to herself as that was probably not something she should tell him.

Chiron led Lemony to a variety of big buildings all of which look different, there was buildings of different colours and sizes, shapes and features. The had to be at least 20 in this what Lemony could only describe as a village. Also in the dead centre of the courtyard lived a small fire pit where people of varying ages where gathered. Some of them looking in Lemony's direction.

"These are the cabins, each on dedicated to a god and each one designed and created by that god." Chiron explained. "You're lucky you didn't join us a few years ago because your mother didn't have a cabin of her own so you would have been put in there." Lemony looked over to see a old worn cabin with dull brown paint that is chipped off and there is a caduceus overhanging the door. "Hermes cabin houses those who don't know their parentage."

Chiron walked Lemony around the courtyard, he named each cabin that they passed. Zeus. Hera. Demeter. Athena. Artemis.

Lemony did her best not to react and just let Chiron talk, he would ramble the occasional story about the gods at he spoke.

"Ah here we are." Chiron stopped suddenly in front of what looked to be the last cabin. "Welcome to your summer home Emily. This is your mother's cabin."

Lemony looked over the building. He called it a cabin but that was an understatement. Lemony could have sworn it was bigger than her house. There was a slanted roof which housed the high ceilings that Lemony could tell were inside. The walls were dark almost but they seemed to shimmer in the light, as if they were translucent and made of magic not bricks, Lemony could see four different navy doors to enter through.

"It's nice." Was all Lemony you think to say.

Chiron placed a hand on her shoulder and chuckled. "I'll let you get settled and I'll see you tomorrow to begin your training." Chiron went to leave before stopping again. "Wear something you don't mind getting muddy."

Lemony just nodded her eyes never leaving the building before her. This was when her anxiety began to kick her. 'Which door does she go in?' 'Does it matter which door?' 'Who is in there?' 'Is she going to like them?' But mostly 'will they like her'.

She took a deep breath, looking around at the other cabins once more. Her eyes fixating on Artie's cabin.

"Come on Lem you can do this. You've over come death like three times in the last year alone." Lemony shook her head and began to walk up the steps to the second door to the left.


Lemony's summer flashed over her eyelids as she sighed before lugging her bag over her shoulder and climbing out of her brothers car. Stiles was rambling about his distrust for Theo, but Lemony had been trying to ignore it all morning, silently wishing she was back at camp and not at school.

Lemony was greeted by Malia who kissed her cheek, Lemony smiled a sigh of relief.

"How are you, Lem?" Malia asked.

Lemony just rolled her eyes and gestured to her brother. "Stiles ran a background check on Theo."

Malia rolled her eyes at Stiles. "And what did you find?"

"A speeding ticket." Lemony sighed wanting to walk away.

"So, you ran a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Malia exclaimed.

"A speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." Stiles turned to face the two girls.

Malia sighed, shrugging. "Which means what?"

"Who speeds?" Stiles asked, waiting for an answer but when no one said anything he spoke again. "People trying to get away from something!"

"Well, how many tickets do you have?" Malia asked.

"None!" Stiles scoffed at her insinuation.

"How many would you have if dad didn't get you out of them?" Lemony asked him.

Stiles put his head down and looked at the floor. "Seventeen."

"I don't know, Stiles... I mean, I see why you're worried-- he's really hot." Malia sighed, looking at Lemony suddenly. "Sorry Lem."

Lemony looked at her and smiled. "It's fine, go ahead. So long a you don't leave me for him."

Malia nodded silently. "He's got like great hair, perfect body... You should definitely feel threatened."

"Thank you... Because I do..." Stiles sighed. "Now more than ever."

"You want me to torture him?" Malia says a little to quickly for Lemony's liking.

Stiles raised his hands at her. "No, I don't want you to torture him!"

"I'm pretty sure I can take him..." Malia shrugged, looking to Lemony who smiled.

"I have a plan, all right?" Stiles started. "There are steps to doing this right."

"What steps?" Lemony asked, shrugging.

"We get the story, verify the facts." Stiles began to explain. "You find the piece that doesn't fit. and... And catch him in the act. That's how you do it."

The three of them turned their attention to the car park so see Theo getting out of a silver car.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" Malia questioned as the three of them watched Theo turn around at wave at them with an innocent smile.

"Because I remember Theo from fourth grade, okay?" Stiles sighed. "That's not Theo."


Lemony gently pushed the navy door open where she was greeted by a long rectangular room which stretched out to the far wall. Along one side there sat bed after bed, which Lemony later discovered the beds lift to reveal storage space. But not all the beds were beds, one was looked as though it had been turned into a sofa, the colours and fabrics were the same, another was a writing desk and a third was a chair to go beside it. There were doorways on either side of Lemony and a narrow staircase down the far wall. Lemony peered through the doorway to her left and saw what she could only describe as giant cubical bathrooms each with their own toilet, sink and shower, all of the was dark and seemed to shine in the light.

When Lemony walked back into the first room she was met by a young girl sitting at the desk, reading a book. Her dark curly hair reached down past her shoulder, she was small Lemony could tell by the fact the tips of her shoes barely scraped the floor as she swung them. She turned to face Lemony her olive complexion and soft features radiated kindness and warmth.

The girl smiled at Lemony, and put down her book. "Hi you must be my new cabin buddy. My name is Izabelle Brice. But you can call me Iz."

Izabelle stood up and made her way over to Lemony, before pulling her into a little hug, she barely met Lemony's shoulders.

When Izabelle pulled back, Lemony introduced herself. "You can call me Lemony. Everyone does."

"That's a strange name." Izabelle smiled.

Lemony laughed before putting her backpack on the bed beside her, sitting down next to it. "I guess, I'm just so used to it." Lemony smiled fiddling with her sleeve.

"You're still new to this, huh?" Izabelle asked, sitting back on the chair she was sat on before.

Lemony nodded. 'That obvious?"

Izabelle smiled. "Don't worry it's my second year here. I only found out about all this a couple years ago when my dad walked out on my step mum and I. I accidentally cast a burning spell on his car. I was only 10."

Lemony stopped and froze. "Wait what spell? What are we? Fairies?" Lemony laughed.

Izabelle shook her head. "Our mother is the goddess of witchcraft, so we have the ability to master spells of a wide variety, though it takes practice and time."

"Well this took a turn. I've only ever spoken to dead people." Lemony explained. "And you should she the scythe I got given." She smiled playing with the ring on her finger.

"You speak to the dead? I have tried to but I still hate bee successful." Izabelle spoke with such enthusiasm.

Lemony shrugged. "Well it started when I woke up from a coma."

Izabelle smiled, she got to her feet and made her way to the bed where Lemony sat. "Let's make a plan of action. I will help you with the spell casting and you teach me how to pass through to the world of the dead."

"I like that plan." Lemony nodded. "I don't 100% know how I pass through The Window to their side but I will try."

Izabelle sat down next to Lemony. "If you want I can help you out around camp, getting settled and learning the ropes?"

"Yes." Lemony said a little too quickly. "I think I'm going to need lots of help."

Izabelle got to her feet and nodded. "Then let's get your living quarters organised. Before we go to the food tent."

Lemony nodded back, and get to her feet. "Let's do this."


A/N: Sorry it has been forever since you've heard from me. I lost my writing bug and was on Tumblr for ages reading imagines and shorts about Pedro Pascal characters and I went down the rabbit hole.

I got pulled out when I read all the lovely and funny comments you wonderful humans have left me, so this is for all of you.

I looked up the description for Hecate's cabin and I will paste what I found below, so if you want you can read what I was aiming to describe, but may have failed to:

"Hecate's Cabin (#20) looks normal but is built from blocks of stone with magic inscriptions written on them. If the blocks are dropped, they could explode or turn anyone within half a mile radius into trees. The cabin is four modules back-to-back with two on each side and has four entrances. The cabin also has a slanted roof and high ceilings. The cabin can be rearranged and moved as desired; this module can be as big or small as it needs to be. More campers can fit into the same amount of space as a regular cabin with more privacy and better accommodations.

Inside: The interior has four main sitting rooms with two built-in cushioned benches that double as beds, in each, and storage space underneath for their clothes, armor, and weapons. There is also built-in, programmable furniture that can be collapsed, moved, and reshaped; with the snap of their fingers, the living area can be turned into a bedroom, gym, dining room, or military command center. There is also a dozen preprogrammed interior-decorating schemes and state of the art private bathrooms with large showers. A narrow staircase leans against the back wall that leads up to the lofts with two more twin beds and extra built-in storage underneath the stairs. The loft can also be used as a meeting area, game room, whatever the campers want."

I also want to introduce you to:
YaYa Gosselin as Izabelle Brice, 12 year old daughter of Hecate and Lemony's new cabin mate. She is based on my little sister of the same name. She acts confident but is insecure.

Hopefully will see you again soon

Love Em x

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