Another Fairy Tale /Ateez

By secretangel04

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I feel like dreaming a dream I've never seen even in dreams It's too vivid To conclude as just a dream - Atee... More

Chapter 1 - the memorial
Chapter 2 - Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 3 - The burden of living
Chapter 4 -the Theatre Club
Chapter 5 - Cause of death: Darts
Chapter 6 - Best dolphin shape?
Chapter 7 - C is for Compass or Confusion?
Chapter 8 - No thanks I'm ok
Chapter 9 - Unbreakable friendship
Chapter 10 - A little Jealousyyy
Chapter 11 - Is this legal?
Chapter 12 - Is love enough?
Chapter 13 - One must remember, so others won't forget
Chapter 14 - You had one job, Wooyoung
Chapter 15 - Stylist Rory to the rescue
Chapter 16 - A lost puppy named Yunho
Chapter 17 - The friendzone
Chapter 18 - Revenge or Justice?
Chapter 19 - The ship is sailing
Chapter 20 - One come together to form us
Chapter 21 - The hairband
Chapter 22 - The start of a beautiful friendship
Chapter 23 - Mingi and the relationship advice
Chapter 24 - Everybody say thank you Haknyeon
Chapter 25 - The fall of the crown
Chapter 26 - "You're an idiot." - Choi Jongho
Chapter 27 - Surprise successful
Chapter 28 - Caught in 4k
Chapter 29 - Yunho aka the reason why dating standards are so high
Chapter 30 - We're all in this together
Chapter 31 - Nine against the world
Chapter 32 - The last destination
Chapter 33 - The Return
Chapter 34 - "You're Rory, right?"
Chapter 35 - Reunions
Chapter 36 - Way Home?
Chapter 37 - Well, that's awkward
Chapter 38 - Missing puzzle pieces
Chapter 39 - The place filled with Anxiety aka School
Chapter 40 - Welcome Home
Chapter 41 - Another Bet: The Sequel
Chapter 42 - One last play
Chapter 43 - Amusement park
Chapter 44 - Amusement park pt. 2
Chapter 45 - Second Chances?
Chapter 47 - New Life
Chapter 48 - Return on the boat
Chapter 49 - Ateez Again
Chapter 50 - Family dinner, yay
Chapter 51 - We make one play
Chapter 52 - Finally at peace

Chapter 46 - End and Beginning

66 2 0
By secretangel04

Look around you
Did you find your dream?
Did you find your treasure?

- Outro: Long Journey, Ateez

"Oh, hey Yunho.", Chan said as he opened the front door, revealing the tall guy who was holding a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. Chan raised an eyebrow. "Are you here for my sister?" 

"Yeah. Is she upstairs?", Yunho asked nervously. 

Chan sighed. "Come in. But don't get home too late, okay? Her room's on the right." 

"Thanks.", Yunho mumbled and took of his shoes, glad to be free from the awkward silence. When he made his way to the door, someone came out of the living room. Ms. Bang. Yunho immediately bowed to her, making the woman smile. 

"You must be Yunho then. My daughter talks a lot about you." 

Yunho's ears turned red but he couldn't help but feel proud of it. "Oh really? I hope she only says good things about me." 

"Don't worry.", Ms. Bang said and then gestured to the flowers. "Should I put them in a vase?" 

"That would be nice. Thanks." 

"No problem." She took the flowers and then looked at Yunho again. "We'd like to invite you to dinner one time, if you want. We're very curious about our daughter's boyfriend." 

"O- of course.", Yunho stammered. 

"Now go. Rory should be upstairs." 

Not wasting a second Yunho went up the stairs and immediately saw which room was Rory's, thanks to her name being written on the door. He smiled at her handwriting and knocked. When no answer came he slowly opened the door. Yunho's gaze fell onto Rory, who had accidently fallen asleep on her bed. 

Not able to hide a smile at her cuteness Yunho came closer and softly kissed her cheeks, causing Rory to wake up. At first she just stared at him, still half in her dream, but then she realized what was going on and jumped up, accidently banging her head on Yunho's, causing both of them to flinch. 

"I'm so sorry.", Rory said, trying to sound serious but as soon as her eyes met Yunho's, they broke out in laughter. 

"It's okay. I guess, we shouldn't walk around unsupervised after hurting ourselves, almost burning an apron and-" 

"I get it. We're not partners in crime but partners in chaos." 

Yunho let out a laugh and sat down on Rory's bed, looking around the room, while Rory tried to quickly kick some clothes under the bed. His gaze fell onto the pictures on the wall and then back to Rory. "Your room's nice. It's totally you." 

"Yeah. A mess." 

"No, a beautiful mess.", Yunho said and laughed at Rory's dramatic acting. But then he remembered the meeting with her mother just a few minutes before. "Your mother invited me to dinner one time." 

"What? She did?" 

"What if I mess up and they don't like me, Ro?", he whispered and Rory stopped trying to fix her hair, messed up from her sleep. She sat down next to Yunho and took his hand. 

"They'll love you, trust me. Chan already likes you." 

"But what if they expected someone bett-" 

"You're the best for me, Yunho. I don't care what my parents think, because in the end it's my decision, right? I decide who I love. Or rather, my heart." 

All of a sudden all worry left Yunho's body and he only heard one sentence over and over again in his mind. I decide who I love. "You love me?" 

Rory let go of his hand but Yunho immediately held onto it again, pulling her onto his lap. At first Rory tried to hide her face but there was no running away anymore. With shaking fingers Rory played with her blouse. "Yes. I do." 

As soon as he heard these words, Yunho tightened his grip around her waist and placed a soft kiss onto her lips. Rory fell back onto her bed sheets, pulling Yunho with her, deepening the kiss. Their lips broke apart when they had to catch their breath. 

"I don't know what the hell you've done so I fell for you so hard-", Yunho whispered, still out of breath. "But there's one thing I'm sure about." 

"What?", Rory mouthed, not trusting her voice, her hands around his neck. 

"That I love you too." 

"M'Lady.", Yunho said, smiling brightly as he offered Rory his arm which she gladly took. 

"Where did you take me?", Rory asked, trying to hide her blushing cheeks but of course Yunho had already seen it. Yunho lead Rory up a hill and watched her face light up in excitement when she saw what he had prepared. 

"A picnic?", she yelled happily and ran up to the blanket, where various boxes were already laying around. But then Rory looked up and gasped. "Where are we?" 

Yunho sat down next to her, a proud smile on his face. "I always went here as a kid when I was sad. The view of the town and mountains made it impossible for me to stay furious and nature always cheered me up." 

Embarrassed he looked away but Rory placed her hand onto his chin and turned it to her, so he had to face her. "Thank you for showing this to me. It means a lot." 

"I thought about where to take you and a restaurant seemed too boring, so I thought this would be nice." 

"Nice? It's wonderful.", Rory said. "When did you have time to prepare this? Please tell me you didn't cook yourself. I love you, but your cooking skills are as bad as our ability to not light up an apron." 

Yunho chuckled, not able to get mad at her. She was telling the truth, though. "I asked Woo for help, who asked Seonghwa, who asked Hongjoong-" 

"All the boys did this?", Rory asked shocked and touched at the same time. 

"At one point they all were at our place and tried to give me dating advice. Ahh, I love them." 

"What did they tell you?" 

"San suggested I should take candle lights with me to make it more romantic. Jongho said I should sing you something but I know I'm gonna fail since I can't stay serious around you." 

"I'm sure your voice sounds beautiful, though.", Rory said, wondering what his singing voice would be like. Yunho grinned.

"One day, maybe. Seonghwa's advice was actually helpful. He told me to be a gentlemen all the time." 

"So they all shared their advice?" 

"Nahh, Mingi and Yeosang just came by to raid our refrigerator. At least I saved them.", Yunho answered and took of the lid of a smaller box, revealing strawberries. Rory already wanted to take one as he put them away. "Uh uh, they're for dessert." 

"You're mean." Rory pouted, making Yunho smile.

"Let's eat or Woo's gonna kill us." 

"You're scared of someone half your height?" 

"He can be very scary when he's angry." 


"The moon is beautiful tonight.", Yunho whispered and Rory hummed in agreement, her head on his chest, while eating the last strawberry. Then a comfortable silence got between them as they watched the night sky in peace. 

Rory smiled to herself when she remembered the last few hours filled with laughter, small kisses and joking around. It felt like she was back on deck on the night of their first date, when they had been watching the stars as well. 

While watching the sky, Yunho thought the same. He remembered watching Rory at a rail, her hair messy due to the wind, and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Did he dream about that? It felt so real, yet so surreal at the same time. 

A rustling sound tore Yunho out of his thoughts and he watched Rory turn around so she could face him. Even in the moonlight, her smile lightened up the darkness. She leaned in closer to kiss his cheek and Yunho closed his eyes in peace. Then she placed another one on the corner of his lips. Then he felt her breath his his lips and opened his eyes again. 

"Are you not going to kiss me?", he asked and Yunho could see how Rory tried to hide her smile. 

"No. I'm still salty about you cheating in laser tag. That's your punishment now." 

"A punishment?", Yunho asked amused. "So that's how we're playing now." 

In a second Yunho had turned them around so he was now hovering above Rory, who had definitely not expected this. Yunho leaned down to her ear, grinning in victory when he noticed the goose bumps he left on Rory's skin wherever he touched her. 

"You're gonna get your punishment for teasing me." 

With these words Yunho put his hands on her sides and started tickling her, causing Rory to gasp for breath. She started laughing uncontrollably and tried to get out of Yunho's grip but he was too strong for her. 

"S-Stop.", Rory laughed, out of breath. 

"Only if my punishment is over." 

"Anything to make you stop tickling me." 

"Then you know what you have to do." 

"I hate you." 

"You love me." 

"Damn right, I do.", Rory whispered and wrapped her arms around Yunho's neck, pulling him down and smashed her lips onto his. Her hands wandered to his hair while Yunho put his arm around her waist. After they pulled away, completely out of breath, Yunho grinned. 

"I'm still better than you at laser tag." 


The drive home was filled with comfortable silence as Rory played with Yunho's hand on her lap, listening to the radio. Then her gaze fell onto the car key dangling down and spotted a lucky charm attached at it. 

"It's cute.", Rory said and when Yunho threw a confused look towards her she pointed at the lucky charm. Yunho smiled sadly and looked at the road again. 

"My father gave it to me. Said it would keep me safe while driving." 

"Let's hope it will. Your father seems like a good man." 

Yunho flinched at that. He considered not telling Rory the truth but scolded himself for thinking like that. The moment he had asked her out he promised himself to never lie to her. "He isn't." 

"What do you mean?" 

"My father's in prison.", Yunho replied, pulling the car onto a street leading back into the town. "Got caught selling illegal weapons and drugs." 

"He still cares about you, if he got you the lucky charm, right?" 

"He may be my father and a part of me still loves him but that doesn't change the fact that he left Wonbin and me alone." 

Rory stayed silent for a while and Yunho already wondered if he said to much but then she spoke up again. "You're a good brother, you know that?" 

"I didn't have a choi- are you okay?", Yunho replied but stopped when he saw Rory searching for something. 

"I can't find it." 


"My ring.", Rory answered, her voice shaking in fear. The ring was a connection she didn't want to lose. The ring was a reminder of the time she was close to giving up, a reminder to never stop fighting. 

Yunho's smile fell and he remembered someone precious to Rory had given it to her. Someone she loved. Trying to sound convincing, he said. "Maybe it's under the seat." 

Rory was too busy searching for it to notice the change in Yunho's mood. "It's not. I lost it." 

"Who gave it to you anyway?", Yunho asked, parking the car at the side, scared his feelings might cause an accident. 

"Someone very important to me." 

"Who?", Yunho asked further and Rory stopped searching at the cold tone of his voice. 

"My grandmother." 

Yunho scoffed and the sparkle in his eyes disappeared. "I know you're lying, Rory. Who gave it to you?" Yunho saw his own fists clench in jealousy and he had no idea of how to control it. "Another boy?" 

"You're being ridiculous, Yunho. There's no one else." 

"Then tell me the truth.", he said and turned to Rory, causing her to back away, surprised at the cold look on his face. 

"I can't, don't you understand?", Rory replied, her voice desperate. Her eyes started to water and when she looked at Yunho again, his were too. "You'd think I'm crazy." 

"I told you about my father, something I haven't talked about in years. And you can't tell me who gave you the ring?" The disappointment in Yunho's voice made it hard for Rory to breathe. 

"I'm sorry, I can't." 

"Get out." 


"Please.", Yunho whispered, staring at the road, not able to bear looking at Rory, knowing she didn't trust him enough, knowing he had hurt her in this moment. It broke his heart to hear her sniffles as she collected her things and when Rory opened the door, he wanted her to say something, anything. 

But she didn't. 

With tears in his eyes Yunho started the engine again and sped up, not looking back once. 

Rory watched as his car turned around a corner before she broke down. Her sobs filled the quiet night but Rory didn't care. All she cared about was sitting in a car driving further away with every passing second. It was all her fault, she thought. And she knew it. Rory scolded herself for being so clumsy. For losing the ring. For lying to Yunho. 

Taking a deep breath Rory stood up again, wrapping her jacket tighter around her shoulders. The night was warm but all warmth had left Rory leaving her in the cold of her heart. With her head down, Rory started walking home. Usually she wasn't scared by the night but she flinched at every sound, not sure what to do if someone would suddenly try to hurt her. 

Then she heard a car pulling up and Rory turned around immediately but all hope was destroyed when she saw it wasn't Yunho's. Now, a bit scared, she stepped back when the car stopped next to her. A window was moved down and Rory gasped at the familiar face. 

"Rory?", Ms. Han asked shocked. Then Jisung jumped out of the back row of the car and pulled Rory into it. 

"You're freezing!", he said worried and took of his own jacket to give it to her. Rory mumbled a quiet 'thanks', not trusting her voice while Jisung shared a concerned look with his mother. 

"What are you doing out here this late?", Ms. Han asked carefully, noticing the tear stains on Rory's cheeks. 

Rory sighed and tried to answer but another wave of tears came up, causing her to ugly cry into Jisung's chest. "He- he left me." 

"Who?", Jisung asked but realized there was only one person who could leave Rory this hurt. "Yunho?" 

Rory nodded and Jisung already wanted to start cursing Yunho but she quickly stopped him. "It was my fault. I deserve it." 

"Nobody deserves to be left alone.", Ms. Han said. "No matter who's at fault." Then her face softened at Rory's tired face. "Let's drive you home, okay? Rest a bit." 

Rory leaned onto Jisung, too tired to argue and slowly warmed up in his arms again. In this moment she wanted to tell him how grateful she was to have him but Rory had a feeling Jisung already knew. 

After a few minutes they had reached Rory's home and she had calmed down a bit again. She turned around once more after exiting the car. "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you." 

"No problem.", Jisung said but couldn't hide the worry in his eyes. "We're glad we could help. Now get your ass inside or you'll get a cold. You'll see, tomorrow it won't seem so bad anymore." 

"Thanks.", Rory whispered and watched the car drive away, a bit more at ease now. Still, she walked into the house with heavy steps. Everyone was already sleeping and Rory just wanted to go to bed and cry herself to sleep. She passed the kitchen and spotted something on the table. 

With a small smile she went towards the vase and asked herself what her Dad had done again to buy her Mom flowers. But then her gaze fell onto a small note on the side. 

"For Rory.", she whispered. "From Yunho." 

"Bitch you did what?", Jongho asked Yunho, trying to stay calm. Jongho had watched a movie when Yunho had came home, shaking in anger, so he asked him what had happened. Then Yunho had told him everything, leading to Jongho now staring at his friend in shock. 

Jongho grabbed his glas of water and poured it over Yunho. "Wake up, you idiot! We all have secrets and yes, maybe there's been another guy. Maybe. But that's in the past. This girl is head over heels for you and I'm not gonna let this relationship get destroyed just because you're not able to control your jealousy!" 

"It's not just that, Jongho.", Yunho said, wiping the water of his face. "I trust her with my life. Hell, I don't even know why! We don't know each other that well, but I do trust her. But she doesn't and it hurts." 

"Rory trusts you, Yunho. Did or did she not tell you about her own fears when she kidnapped you into the bathroom?" 

"How- how did you know?" 

"Lucky guess.", Jongho said but waved it of. "She wouldn't tell that someone she doesn't trust."

"If you're being a bit louder, you'll wake Ms. Choi up as well.", someone said behind the boys and when they turned around they saw Lennie. She breathed heavily and had to sit down to catch her breath. "So what the hell is going on that you're arguing at fucking 1 am?" 

"He-", Jongho started but Yunho immediately stopped him from telling anything by putting his hand on Jongho's mouth. If Lennie would know what happened between him and Rory, he'd be dead meat by the start of sunrise. Jongho bit his hand, causing Yunho to back away. 


"You didn't wash your hands, did you? Disgustang." 

"Guys?", Lennie asked, her voice filled with panic but the boys ignored her. 

"You're wearing the same pyjama for weeks now. That's disgusting." 

"It's my favourite pyjama!" 


Jongho smiled, knowing he could win this game easily. "Yunho left Rory on the street alone. At night." 

"What?", Lennie yelled but held her tummy in pain. "Guys? I- I think it's time." 

Both Yunho and Jongho stopped in their tracks and watched the woman in shock. 

"What are you staring at? Come help me!" 

"Isn't the due date in three weeks?" 

"Tell the baby, then!", Lennie yelled, close to loosing her patience as Jongho and Yunho helped her get to the car. Jongho sat down next to her, holding her hand and helped her with the seatbelt while Yunho jumped onto the drivers seat. A few seconds later they were driving to the hospital, Jongho desperately trying to calm Lennie down. 

"Breathe in, breathe out. Stay calm." 

"How could I?", Lennie asked and pointed towards Yunho. "That idiot left my sister on the street! What if something happened to her?" 

"I- I'll call her.", Jongho said and pulled out his phone. While dialing Rory's number, he spotted something next to his seat. "Is this yours?" 

Yunho almost overlooked a stop sign when he saw Rory's ring in Jongho's hands. With a shaking voice he shook his head. "It's Rory's." 

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