Avatar; The legacy Of Genji

By Plsnoonefindmelols

38.1K 721 457

After saving millions of lives in a Ba Sing Se terrorist explosion, avatar Korra tragically passed away in ba... More

Chapter 1: The Isolated Stretches
Chapter 1.2 : The Avatar Returns
Chapter 1.3 The False
Chapter 2 The Past Avatars
Tale Of Sisters
Republic City
Identity Crisis
Fire Bending Masters
Jian Mao
Two Avatars
Dinner and Dreams
Questions and Answers
The Day Before It all Went Wrong
Master Katara
The Missing Avatar
Genji, Meet The Legacy
The End Goal
Team Avatar
A Family Reunion! ( of secrets)
Bumis Story
San's Story
Fire Nation bound

The Team arrives

1.2K 27 12
By Plsnoonefindmelols

"We don't have much time." Jinora said.

She, her sister Ikki, her boyfriend Kai, two siblings named San and Xiomara, a girl named Karia, and Avatar Genji were sitting in a circle at air temple island.

Yesterday Katara has passed away in her sleep, which wasn't much of shock considering her age, yet all the same a tragedy. Still, even though one could tell her days were coming to an end, no one could've predicted it, no one but the avatar.

"So it's you then?"" Jinora had asked.

"You're the one from Ba Sing Se."

A shaken up Genji nodded.

They were in the hospital room looking at Katara sleeping. She looked in peace. Genji knew she was. Still he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of sadness. But it wasn't his own pain, more like memories. Sort of like watching a sad television show.

Jinora turned to Kai.

"How did you know it was him?" She asked him.

Kai scratched his head.

"I didn't really, I just sort of had a feeling."

Jinora turned back to Genji.

"When Ikki gets back I'll need you to tell us everything, from the beginning."

Genji swallowed. Ikki had turned about to be much more intimidating. While Jinora was certainly powerful, he thought she calm and collected, similar to his mother. Ikki on the other hand was rather eccentric.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were the avatar?" She demanded.

He squirmed.
"I didn't know until Ba Sing Se."

"So when you found out that night, why didn't you come find us?"

"The white lotus were already onto us and we we're scared."

"Who is we?"

"Me and my friend Karia."

"And where is this Karia?"

"She should be at the apartment."

"Whose apartment?"

"Her cousin's."

"Her cousin  lives alone?"

"No he's a Middle Aged man, with two kids our age."

"And what happened to the mom?"

"I'm not sure!" Genji cried out.

"Thats not even important!" Jinora cut in.

Kai cut in.

"It's been a month since the Ba Sing Se incident, you've been able to hide from the White Lotus for that long?"

Genji shifted.

"Well not really. We haven't been here for a month, Karia and I layed low in Ba Sing Se for a few days then we're able to come here. But we were tailed by the white lotus as soon as we got here."

Ikki, Kai, and Jinora's mouth all dropped.


"NO, WELL YES." Genji exclaimed.

"We lost them at Air Temple Island and they didn't bother us for a while, until a couple days ago, when avatar- or uh Jian found us."

Ikki pinched her eyebrows in desperation. Kai sucked air through his teeth.

Genji thought he might as well get it out.

"And um Xio, I mean Xiomara, sorry I can't call her Xio she doesn't like me very much, umm is dating Jian, but he's just using her to get close to me, and I told San, sorry that's Xiomara's brother, that I was the avatar, and then umm I had this dream, and I was really freaked out, so I sort of maybe threatened Jian."

Genji finished feeling relieved. While the rest of the adults looked like they just gained a grey hair.

"So you threatened to umm hurt him?" Jinora asked optimistically. Normally that's not what she would hope for, but she could think of something worse.

"No I threatened to expose him." Genji said reassuringly, but that was the worst thing he could've said.

Jinora choked on her words.
"And by any chance has he done anything in response?"

Genji shook his head slowly starting to understand the panic.

"No but umm that was yesterday night, and today I woke up really early because I had a dream.. and."

He didn't have to finish his sentence, they knew it was about Katara.

"Wow." Kai said.

"So now they're after us." Ikki said.

Genji started to panic.

A nurse entered the room.

"Ms Jinora there's three kids outside who are desperate to see you, they said it's urgent."

Genji squirmed realizing who that could be.

"It was San, Xiomara and Karia, right? You said those were your friends?"

Genji nodded.

Ikki sighed.

"Send them in."

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