For What It's Worth

By frankiekate

253K 6.4K 2.2K

Escaping a toxic relationship, Isabelle Dunn endeavors to find herself a new life. Some how, she finds hersel... More

For What It's Worth
Chapter One : New Beginnings
Chapter Two : When It Rains, It Pours
Chapter Three : Split Ends
Chapter Four: We Are Not Friends
Chapter Five : Square One
Chapter Six : Dreamcatcher
Chapter Seven : What Goes Around
Chapter Eight : Kiss Me Quick
Chapter Nine : Good Friends
Chapter Ten : Sisters, Secrets and Stargazing
Chapter Eleven : Fantasy
Chapter Twelve : Hopelessly Devoted
Chapter Thirteen : Sweet Suffocation
Chapter Fourteen : It Comes In Waves
Chapter Fifteen : Quick Fix
Chapter Sixteen : Baby Steps
Chapter Seventeen : Deep Dive
Chapter Eighteen : Temptation
Chapter Nineteen : Tequila
Chapter Twenty : Safe
Chapter Twenty One : Toxic
Chapter Twenty Two : Mom's The Word
Chapter Twenty Three : Strike
Chapter Twenty Four: Feelings Taking Flight
Chapter Twenty Five: I Do
Chapter Twenty Six : Skeletons In The Closet
Chapter Twenty Seven : She Used To Be Mine
Chapter Twenty Eight : Falling
Chapter Twenty Nine : Intoxicated
Chapter Thirty : Birthday Suit
Chapter Thirty One : The Calm Before
Chapter Thirty Two : Code Blue
Chapter Thirty Three : All While I'm Asleep
Chapter Thirty Four : Ghost
Chapter Thirty Five : Escape Room
Chapter Thirty Six : Achingly
Chapter Thirty Seven : Lovesick
Chapter Thirty Nine : The Storm
Chapter Forty : Thin Ice
Chapter Forty One : Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter Forty Two : Ammunition
Chapter Forty Three : Always
Chapter Forty Four : Everything

Chapter Thirty Eight : Yours And Mine

4.3K 94 14
By frankiekate



We lay tangled up in a comfortable silence, with her arms wrapped around my waist and her head on my bare chest like we used to do every night before we go to sleep. My fingers run through her dark locks of hair. I lean over, kissing her forehead before resting my cheek on her head.

We stay like this for a few minutes and I think about her. I'm always thinking about her. I can't help but feel like I finally have her back. I recall the exact moments I heard the words come out of her mouth. I smile to myself, pulling her further into a hug. She completely melts into me and starts tickling her finger in circle on my peck.

"Do you like dogs?" She lets out a light chuckle at the randomness of my question.

"Yeah, I love dogs. I used to have one growing up."

"Yeah? What kind?" I ask.

"A cocker spaniel. A little girl called Bonnie." A smile grows on her face as she fondly recalls her.

"Cute. Do you want a dog?"

"Sure, I'd get one."

"What about kids?" She laughs with half a scoff.

"One day." She adjusts her head on top of me.

"How many?"

"Two, maybe three. I don't know. How many do you want?"

"I don't care. As many or as few as you wanted." She sits up, her elbows propping on my chest so she's hanging over me.

"Woah! You're moving a bit fast don't you think? You've only just become my boyfriend and you're already thinking about babies?"

"Well, I thought I'd throw it out there." I shrug. "Not planning on anything for any time soon."

"Good. How about we just practice for now?" She raises an eyebrow, chewing on her lip.

"Yeah. I like the sound of that." I grin.

"Hmm. So do I." I cup my hands around her pretty face, pressing my mouth to hers.

She kisses me back with a sigh, edging her tongue past my lips. Her fingers snake up the back of my neck, tangling in and tugging on my hair. I carefully trail one of my hands down the small of her back and then hold onto her waist. She catches my bottom lip between her teeth, gently pulling.

I groan between her kisses and she laughs in response. Recoiling away, she turns onto her side, facing away from me. After fitting myself behind her, I leave a trail of hot kisses up her shoulder and back as she moves her hair out of the way.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you." I whisper between her skin.

"I will." She returns, kicking her underwear off of her foot and onto the floor.

I gently take hold of her hips and guide myself into her. A short breath escapes her mouth as I slowly roll against her. We find a steady rhythm, matching the speed of our panting. I peer over her shoulder to watch her face, her eyes closed and my lips parted as her breath grows ragged.

Nibbling on her earlobe, I slide my hand up her tank top, cupping, squeezing, pinching and playing with her. She lets out a set of satisfied moans as I gradually pick up the speed.

"Touch yourself." I murmur into her ear. She does as she's told, pleasuring herself from the front as I thrust from behind her. Heat curls low inside of me and I smother a groan into the slick skin of her shoulder.

Desperately but still being gentle, I pull out and switch so I'm on top of her. Her cheeks are stinging pink with arousal, her eyes stormy with lust.

"That's it. Look at me." I say as she guides me until we're connected again, our hips tightly pressed together.

She bends her knees up either side of me, her fingers hardening in my sweating back. I speed up, teetering on the edge of any and all the senses of control that I can manage.

Her legs start to tremble as we grow hotter, harder, faster, deeper. My name escapes her among a series of moans which only makes me want more.

"I'm so close." Her words struggle to fit through her panting.

"Don't come yet. Wait for me, baby." I whisper through a clenched jaw. She squirms, straining to hold on. Her body twitches underneath me, writhing in pleasure that's burning out of the control.

She grinds her hips up, opening her legs wider and I pick up the speed, thrusting even deeper into her again and again and again until we both finish. She cries out, tightly pulsing and gripping around me. After a loud groan, I collapses against her hot body.

She catches me, swirling her fingers on the back of my head as we lay there, both of us catching our breath. My weight moves with her rising and falling chest. Still in between her bare legs, she rests them on top of mine. After a moment, I manage to roll off of her, onto my back.

"You know... I was starting... to forget... how good that was..." She pants. I let out a breathy laugh as she gulps. I find her hand, lacing our fingers together and kissing the back of it. She collects herself for a moment before slipping out of my grasp. "I'll be back in a second."

I playfully pat her ass as she gets up and out of bed. She leaves the room and I drop my head back into the mattress, resting my eyes. I listen to the sounds of her clumsily clattering around in the bathroom, smiling to myself.

Soon enough, she comes back and wraps herself up underneath the covers. I do the same, shuffling around after turning the lights off. Through the darkness, I can still make out the edges of her face. I brush my thumb against them, fondly gazing at her.

"Goodnight." She yawns, snuggling down. "I love you."

"You know, I'm never going to get tired of hearing you say that." I grin. She laughs, ducking under the sheets. I playfully tickle her sides and she laughs even harder.

"Ow, ow." She winces softly and I let go of her immediately.

"Sorry." I apologize, touching my forehead to hers.

"It's okay." She strokes the side of my face with a smile. I nestle into the pillows, staring at her.

"I can't promise that I'll be good at this relationship stuff." I whisper sadly.

"You're going a pretty good job." She nods, encouragingly.

"Only because of you and how easy you make it." I remark.

"Give yourself some credit Thomas."

"I know but it's just this is my first proper go at this." I feel myself getting hot and bothered so I shove the sheets off of me a little.

"Hey." She tilts my chin so I meet her eyes. "We are allowed to get things wrong and grow and make mistakes and then fix them. We can do that, okay? Just like you said, as long as we're together, that's what matters." I smile kindly and lean forwards for a long, tender kiss.

"Do you think we can go and see Sam tomorrow? I think I need some time away from the apartment."

"Yeah of course. That sounds like a great idea." I nod at her. "We should actually get some sleep if that's the plan." She lets out a chuckle.

"Okay. Goodnight. Love you."

"I love you too." I close my eyes with the biggest grin on my face.



I sit at my dresser, circling some bronzer along my cheekbones. Looking at my appearance in the mirror, I'm looking and feeling a lot better. I've put on a bit of makeup because my face isn't too sore anymore. I've tied my hair up with loose strands waving at the sides of my glowing face. My vision goes dark when my eyes are covered.

"What are you doing? Get off." I chuckle, feeling Thomas' muscular body pressing up against my back.

"Only if you promise to keep your eyes closed when I do." I hear him say. I can tell he's grinning.

"Pinky promise." I return with a suspicious hint to my tone. He removes his hands and I keep my word. I feel slight movement and a light weight settles on my chest.

"Okay. Open." I stare at the mirror to see a delicate, shimmering necklace hanging around my neck. I lean forwards to get a better look, touching it. It's beautiful. "I bought it that day Elliot visited."

"I love it." I exclaim, admiring it between my fingertips. He straightens out behind me in the mirror, watching my reflection. "Thank you."

"Take it as an early present." He grins, referring to Christmas which is slowly sneaking up on us.

"Are we doing presents? I haven't even had the time to think about it." I frown, glancing at him through the mirror.

"No. I don't want anything." He shakes his head.

"Really?" I quiz.

"Yeah. I have everything I want right here." He rests his hands on my shoulders before planting a kiss on my cheek. I smile into it. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I roll on a bit of lip balm and then stand, taking his hand. "Let's go."


Thomas knows the way to Sam's room better than I do so he leads the way when we arrive to the hospital. Getting to the door, Thomas knocks his knuckles against it and waits in case we're interrupting something. He lets the both of us in after hearing a call.

Sam is propped up in bed, looking so much better than he was when I saw him last. He's got his usual, wide grin on his face paired with his sparkling blue eyes.

"Hey guys!" He greets us as we get to his bed. "How are you doing?"

"We're great." Thomas exclaims happily.

"You're looking so much better Sam, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm feeling good. They've said I'm making a solid recovery so looks like I could get discharged tomorrow. I can't wait to get back into my own bed."

"Yeah I bet." I return and then start digging through my bag. "I actually bought you a bag of popcorn and some chocolate."

"Oh my god, the hospital food is gross." He grind and I hand them over to him. "Thank you. I could kiss you!"

"Please don't." Thomas chips in with a laugh. Sam and I share a subtle smile before a quietness stirs up.

Sam looks between us and there's a look on his face as if he's debating whether or not to say something. I know there's probably some questions he wants answered now that I'm back.

"So." I sigh, linking my arm around Thomas'. "I'd like to introduce you to my amazing boyfriend."

"No way!" He cries out as all of our grins get bigger and bigger. "Oh guys, I'm so happy for you." He shuffles forwards. "Well done man." He pat Thomas' shoulder but he steps back.

"Hey, don't give me any credit. She was the one that asked me." He explains. Sam laughs, looking at me with an open mouth.

"About time wasn't it?" I shrug.

"It was indeed." Sam laughs. God, I didn't realize how much I'd missed the sound of his laughter.

After catching up for half an hour, Thomas goes out to get us some drinks and a snack. I've pulled up a chair to sit at Sam's bedside. I can tell he's been waiting for the opportunity to ask and now that we're alone, he does.

"So what actually happened?" He tilts his head, speaking softly. I give him half a smile, preparing the already well-rehearsed speech in my head.

"I don't know what Thomas has already told you but I had a plan and it all went out the window pretty much straight away." I let out a strained, nervous laugh. "Nate, he kept me at the apartment and left me there with different guys if he was busy. One night I managed to get out and I came back home."

"Thomas mentioned that you were being... distant." He trails off.

"Yeah. I was. The idea of having him even touching me made me uncomfortable after what had happened to me. So physically, I was being distant and then I didn't want to be around him because I knew I was being so unfair."

"And how did he take that?"

"He was so patient and it put things massively into perspective. I don't want to waste time on something so good. On someone so good."

Sam smiles and takes my hand in his. He seems almost proud, overjoyed with what I've said. At that moment, the door clicks and Thomas comes back in. We go silent and I glance over at him. He looks unsure, frowning.

"Everything okay?" He strolls up behind me, playing his hand on my shoulder. I cover his, my other laced with Sam's.

"Everything is just fine." I remark.


With both of my hands holding onto a bowl of chips, I come out of the kitchen into the longue where Eva, Violet, Paige, Wesley and Thomas are standing back to look at the Christmas tree we've been setting up. It's an ordinary green tree and we've decorated it with red and golden ornaments.

"The angel on the top looks better." Eva says, holding it up to show everyone.

"No. Come on, it's got to be the star." Paige debates in return. Violet looks back, noticing me.

"Is, back us up." She grins, sliding in next to Eva. I look between both, tilting my head and scrunching my face up.

"Sorry guys. Star takes the win." I shrug. Paige celebrates with a little, victorious fist through the air.

Thomas saunters on over to me, picking out one of the chips from one of the bowls I'm holding. I roll my eyes at him before placing them down on the coffee table, among all of the mess we've made. We decided it would be nice to have people over, especially as I'm still finding the idea of going anywhere else quite daunting. We've been decorating the apartment all evening, while enjoying various snacks and drinks.

After another ten minutes of sorting the tree out, Paige suggests we play a game of truth or drink so we all settle on the couch as she sets up the pile of cards in the middle. Thomas sits across from me as we're playing individually and he picks up the first card.

"Okay. When was the first moment you knew that you were attracted to your partner?" He reads off.

I furrow my eyebrows, pondering in thought, Thomas studies me as I do. Obviously, I knew he was good looking from the moment I ever first laid eyes on him. That was way before I turned up at his door, I'd seen him around campus before then. I try to pinpoint the exact moment that things changed. I let out a laugh to myself.

"Okay so there was this one night where he made me jump and I dropped a glass bowl. I somehow cut my hand and he cleaned it and wrapped it all up for me. It was then when I realised that I was feeling something beyond the lines of friendship."

I fondly recalled that night and the way his touch on me felt for the first time. It was when a man was fixing my injuries instead of giving them to me. I look around to all the smiling faces and then I laugh. God, we're all so soppy.

"Okay my turn." Paige clears her throat, picking up the next card. "As a couple, you know my set of friends and vice versa. Who among my friends do you not like?"

"Oh this is a cop out of a question." Thomas huffs. All of us know what the answer is going to be.

"Well, I have to say that I don't particularly like any of your friends that you hang around with. They always put you down. I know you would pretend like it didn't get to you but it did. They're assholes." He shrugs in answer. "These guys are way better." Paige gives him a short smile.

"Duh. Of course we are." Violet chirps and we all laugh.

"What is your honest opinion on polygamous relationships? How would you feel if your partner said they wanted to be in one?" Eva reads off. Violet takes a moment to think before answering.

"I think that they can work for some people but I'm not interested in it." She shakes her head. "I would be upset that you'd want to be with other people as well as me. It would kind of feel like I'm not enough for you."

"Yeah that makes sense." Eva returns with an agreeing nod.

"But if being in a polygamous relationship was the only way to have you in my life as a partner then I would try it." Violet finishes off, causing Eva to smile.

"Well for the record, I don't want that." Violet grins happily.

"I would probably kill you if you wanted to date other people." Paige shares a laugh with Wesley.

"Well it's a good thing I don't, huh?" He subtly squeezes her hand in his.

"You've gone soft man." Thomas nudges into Wesley with a chuckle. He then look around at all the other adoring faces in the room. "I think we've all gone soft."

"Wes, what's the worst date you've ever been on?" Paige asks, taking the next card. "You better not say it was one of ours."

"I wouldn't dare." He laughs and then scratches his neck, thinking. "Oh, there was this one time where I took a girl out for dinner. I think she was nervous because she'd been drinking and by the time she got there she was already drunk."

"Oh no. I remember this story." Thomas winces.

"So we were half way through the date, she was really funny and super nice and..."

"Okay, okay we get it!" Paige teases.

"So it was going well and then she threw up all over the table, the food and herself. It was awful." He finishes off his story, the others snickering to themselves.

"Did you ever see her again?" I ask, tapping my fingers on the side of my glass.

"Safe to say I didn't. I hate sick, I really hate it."

"He called me up afterwards and I swear he was crying." Thomas jokes and we laugh at him.

"What's the last thing you searched on your phone? Show us." Violet poses the question to Eva who flushes red and starts shaking her head. She lifts her drink and has a large swig of it. "Oh, it can't be that bad!"

"I can't remember everything on there so I don't want to risk it." She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Someone else have a turn." She points to the deck so I take a card.

"What is your favourite body part of your partner?" I look to Thomas where a smirk grows across his handsome face. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm sure we can all guess what you're thinking." Violet says.

"No. No, I'll give an answer." He holds his hands up and tilts his head at me. He scans over my whole body, his gaze making my skin prickle like I'm nervous. "It's probably your eyes. Yeah." He nods confidently, satisfied with his choice.

I can't help but smile at him with my lips pressed together. Even though it's nice, it's still annoying that he can sweet talk me so easily. He gives me a quick, soft wink.

"Okay. Earth to you two." Eva waves her hands to break us out of our trance. "Let's play as couples."

We all shuffle around on the couch until I'm sat next to Thomas. He wraps a warm arm around my middle, pulling me into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder as he pulls the next card, looking to Wesley and Paige.

"Where's the weirdest place you've had sex with each other?"

"No where that weird, I don't think." Wesley answers slowly. "Maybe..." Paige leans over and whispers something to him, cupping his ear. They let out a mischievous laugh. "Oh yeah... there was one time in the hot tub."

"I've been in that hot tub!" I cry out, lifting my head. "Ew." Everyone laughs and I shake my head at them.

"Okay, Thomas and Is. What are your favourite or go to positions in the bedroom?" Eva reads out. We have to look at each other, both of us with a frown on our faces, trying to think.

"Anything really." I answer. "I don't think I'd say we have a go to."

"I like being able to see her so anything with one of us on top I'd say." He adds on. I raise my eyebrows quickly, surprised at his answer. "What?"

"I don't know what I was expecting but I didn't think it was going to be that." He smiles down at me while Wesley picks up a card for Eva and Violet.

"Do you roleplay in the bedroom? Give us some examples." The pair of them burst into fits of giggles, Eva going red again.

"I don't think I want to say." She shies away, reaching for her drink.

"Fine. We'll pass." They both take large sips of their drinks, escaping the question.

We continue to play a few more rounds but everyone leaves before anyone gets too drunk. Having them all over made me completely forget about what's been happening, like everything is back to normal and ordinary. Every so often I get flashes and remember things that have happened or been said but I've gotten pretty good at pushing those thoughts aside as quickly as they arrive.


Wiping my face in circles, I start to remove the little makeup that I have on while calmly pacing around the room. Thomas is sat up in bed, shuffling around on top of the sheets. He nods his head up at me and throws one of his t-shirts to me. I catch it and put the used wipe in the trash.

Stripping out of my clothes, Thomas eagerly watches even though I'm not even trying to do anything on purpose. I chuck it on over the top of my head before flopping down on the bed next to him.

"Are you going to read?" He quizzes. I glance over at my book, To Kill A Mockingbird and then wrinkle up my nose.

"Probably not tonight." I answer, propping my chin up with my elbows in the mattress.

"Good." He smirks and tugs me closer over to him.

He pushes his lips up into mine with a sigh and I fall onto my back so he can lay over me. He does and I tangle my fingers up into the locks on his hair, gently twisting and pulling. His hands find my side, firmly holding me there. I edge my tongue into his mouth and he lines his with mine.

He groans into the next set of kisses which only sets something off deep inside of me. I shift my weight so he rolls back and I can straddle myself on top of him. My hair falls down one of my shoulder as I duck down to meet his lips once again.

His hands leisurely wander down my body, sliding up the hem of the huge shirt I'm wearing so he can touch and squeeze my bare ass. Gradually, I start walking the tips of my fingers down his torso at the same as I move my kisses down his jaw and to his neck.

"So my Mom-." He breaks away.

"Oh way to kill the mood Thomas." I laugh, sitting up over his heaving chest. I rest my hands on him as he holds onto my hips.

"No, I just remembered that I had to ask you something." He says breathlessly.

"Okay?" I frown, puzzled.

"My Mom basically has family and friends over for Christmas every year because... she has the space and doesn't want to be alone at Christmas I guess. So I was wondering if you had any plans or if you wanted to come with me?"

"I didn't have any plans but it looks like I do now." I answer happily.

"So you'll come?" I cock an eyebrow at him with a mischievous smile.

"I hope so." I return, biting on my lip. He laughs at me before switching us so he's on top of me again. He pins one of my wrists up above my head on the pillow.

"Oh, I'm planning on it." He murmurs, his breath tickling my ear before he catches my lips once again. I giggle into his kisses, letting him take me up into his storm.


-Frankie Kate

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