Three Spheres

By SeiranSensei

803 163 6

Amadeo is 20 years old young man, with a sword attached to his waist and an insatiable desire for freedom... More

# Syllabus #
Chapter 1 - Test
Chapter 2 - Aberration
Chapter 3 - Weights
Chapter 4 - Scales
Chapter 5 - Blizzard
Chapter 6 - Prudence
Chapter 7 - Exemplary
Chapter 8 - Report
Chapter 9 - Bunnies
Chapter 10 - Gawmen
Chapter 11 - Vibration
Chapter 12 - Pulse
Chapter 13 - Neighborhood
Chapter 14 - Edisia
Chapter 15 - Returns
Chapter 16 - Alcohol
Chapter 17 - Subpoena
Chapter 18 - Knowledge
Chapter 19 - Variance
Chapter 20 - Classes
Chapter 21 - Stones
Chapter 22 - Curse
Chapter 23 - Challenge
Chapter 24 - Circle
Chapter 25 - Deals
Chapter 26 - Vampires
Chapter 27 - Centipede
Chapter 28 - Golem
Chapter 29 - The adventures of Okonko 1, The Rescue!
Chapter 30 - Avenues
Chapter 31 - Despair
Chapter 32 - Swamp
Chapter 33 - Throat
Chapter 34 - Fraud
Chapter 35 - The adventures of Okonko 2, The Division!
Chapter 36 - Horde
Chapter 37 - Half
Chapter 38 - History
Chapter 39 - Earth
Chapter 40 - Grootslang
Chapter 41 - The Adventures of Okonko 3, The School!
Chapter 42 - Onslaught
Chapter 43 - Armor
Chapter 44 - Timeless
Chapter 45 - Alternative
Chapter 46 - Candle
Chapter 47 - The adventures of Okonko 4, The Delation!
Chapter 48 - The Adventures of Okonko 5, A Good Boy
Chapter 49 - Red
Chapter 50 - Marshal
Chapter 51 - Pairs
Chapter 52 - Letter
Chapter 53 - Loneliness
Chapter 54 - Nagahira
Chapter 55 - Girl
Chapter 56 - Ágora
Chapter 57 - Subjects
Chapter 58 - Voice
Chapter 59 - Decadence
Chapter 60 - Champions
Chapter 61 - Aristourgima
Chapter 62 - Fire
Chapter 63 - Direction
Chapter 64 - Cut
Chapter 65 - Family
Chapter 66 - Pixies
Chapter 67 - Crypt
Chapter 68 - Heroine
Chapter 69 - Mother
Chapter 70 - Stealth
Chapter 71 - Cat
Chapter 72 - Disturb
Chapter 73 - Meeting
Chapter 74 - Nayla
Chapter 75 - Rupture
Chapter 76 - Travel
Chapter 77 - North
Chapter 78 - Allies
Chapter 79 - Axe
Chapter 80 - Books
Chapter 81 - Akkorokamui
Chapter 82 - Ocean
Chapter 83 - Remnant
Chapter 84 - Contact
Chapter 86 - Dagger
Chapter 87 - Servants
Chapter 88 - Doppelgänger
Chapter 89 - Past
Chapter 90 - Identity
Chapter 91 - Bomb
Chapter 92 - Claustrum
Chapter 93 - Magnum
Chapter 94 - Hunt
Chapter 95 - Casualty
Chapter 96 - Machine
Chapter 97 - Reaper
Chapter 98 - Heart
Chapter 99 - Judgment
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Chapter 101 - Sin
Chapter 102 - Escape
Chapter 103 - Theory
Chapter 104 - Curses
Chapter 105 - Wings
Chapter 106 - Murderer
Chapter 107 - Prison
Chapter 108 - Blue
Chapter 109 - Betrayal
Chapter 110 - Tempest
Chapter 111 - Rite
Chapter 112 - Behemoth
Chapter 113 - Possession
Chapter 114 - Mask
Chapter 115 - Invasion
Chapter 116 - Theater
Chapter 117 - Power
Chapter 118 - Lili
Chapter 119 - Lull
Chapter 120 - Demon
Chapter 121 - Weapons
Chapter 122 - War
Chapter 123 - Amadeo
Chapter 124 - Angel
Chapter 125 - Time

Chapter 85 - Obscure

5 1 0
By SeiranSensei

Next to the white and gold castle that corresponds to the prefecture of Sarauniya and the headquarters of Ecclesia's Executive Unit, there is a dirt yard, with buildings that resemble stables, some small, others huge. That place, unfitting the scenery of the city, was previously some type of parking lot, but today, it is where Godeve Busia spends most of her mornings: Her private "Dragon Workshop", as she likes to call it.

_ Almond, be quiet! _ Godeve exclaims, trying to hold the winged snake with golden scales _ Let me clean your snout, girl!

However, the Sand Dragon refuses, playing to dribble Godeve. She jumps, slides, and climbs the woman, letting out several cheerful lizard squeaks. Her slim body, more than 3 meters long, is agile and slippery, so that it escapes from Godeve's hands with ease. The woman snorts in irritation, albeit happy.

A serious grunt, however, draws her attention. An orange Dragon, of colossal proportions, covered in mud and leaves approaches, crestfallen. Godeve looks him up and down and, slapping her own face, exclaims:

_ Persimmon!! Did you dive into the river again?! _ The creature responds with a snore _ You're one of a kind! Who could have imagined that a Sun Dragon would like water! _ She approaches him, removing the branches and objects trapped between the scales _ By the Goddesses... You are very naughty!

With these words, she embraces the colossal muzzle and is lifted a few meters above the ground. She lands on her wellies after, and dances to the musical sound another of her glorious creatures makes, lying lazily in the shade.

_ M-Madam...

A human voice interrupts her. Godeve startles, runs one hand over her clumsy hair, and stretches the pink T-shirt with the other. The Dragons walk away when Godeve approaches the unusual visitor. Shyly, she says:

_ Good morning! Excuse me for the sloppy appearance. I'm still on my pajamas... Hahah!

_ N-No, it's fine, Mrs. Busia! _ The boy seems even more shy _ I bring you a message.

Bowing 90 degrees, the boy hands over an envelope, apologizes again and leaves, marching as fast as he can. Godeve looks at the paper. Almond climbs on her shoulder, curious. She reads:

_ Well, see, it's from Shina. I can't have a minute of peace. _ She caresses the Dragon while opening the seal _ What is so important for them to call me before 6 am?

The letter's content is justified. Godeve's mild expression becomes more serious. With a sudden movement, she captures Almond, wipes her snoot and then says, to the three Dragons:

_ I apologize, friends. I'm going to have to leave earlier today. Let the caregivers take a look at you later, will you? Stay safe.

Without delay, she heads towards the castle. Her heart is beating fast.

Keeping as much silence as her wheelchair allows, Keisha secretly walks through the corridors. She is excited for another day of amazing research and...

_ Keisha, good morning. You woke up early today! _ Godeve's voice interrupts her thoughts _ Where are you going? And Fayola?

_ Hi, Aunt Eve! _ She tries to put up her best smile _ I'm going to the library again. I'm meeting with a friend soon...

"SHIT, I said friend, now she's gonna ask!", Keisha thinks. Godeve says:

_ How "cool", Keisha! Who is your new friend?

_ Actually, they're more like an "assistant", hehe! _ A half-truth _ They're a Veneficus from outside the city who came to research different stuff. So I thought it was nice and we're, like, studying together.

_ It seems to be a lot of fun. I hope you come to some formidable conclusions. _ Godeve strokes her hair _ It is a pity, however. I was about to invite you to go with me to Brazva. Remember what we talked about the incident with the Ranger? It looks like Shina found out a few more things and even called Eloah. I'm leaving right now, but since you have plans, I'll let it pass this time!

Keisha appreciates the invitation, but she will really have to decline. They say goodbye in the corridor, and the girl goes on her way, no longer in secret, to study demonic magic.

Upon arriving in Brazva, Godeve thanks the coachman with a handshake and a smile, as well as a respectable tip. She proceeds to the meeting point defined in Shina's letter, with a priesthood advisor, and a cavalry guard. Wearing her simple uniform and not the pompous ceremonial clothes, she feels more at ease.

She knocks on the door and a familiar voice asks her to enter. Eloah and Shina get up when she enters. Crossing her arms, she says:

_ Good morning, early birds. I know you must be in a hurry, but how are you? We haven't met in a long time. _ She turns to the Priest _ Abeden, sorry for abusing of your kindness, but could you prepare that wonderful coffee, please?

_ Of course, Mrs. Busia, consider it done!

_ No, Godeve, no need to... _ Eloah stands.

_ Of course it's needed. I know that you are going to give me bad news and, from the way Shina wrote in that letter, you are going to ask me to kill something. We will have coffee, yes, just like the old days. _ She sits _ It could be our last.

Shina frowns and sits down next to her sister:

_ Don't speak in such morbid way, Eve.

Godeve apologizes, but still smiles. After a few minutes, Abeden returns with cups of steaming and fragrant coffee. He and the knight leave the room so the women discuss privately. Godeve delights the drink whose shades match the black glow of her own skin. With a cordial gesture, she asks the others to begin the report:

_ As you know, a few weeks ago, a Ranger from the Brazva District Unit, Okonko Babatunde, has disappeared. _ Shina begins _ They didn't find any clue and his body was also not found. However, I analyzed every inch of this Unit and managed to reconstruct fragments of the past, from many months ago. _ She massages her left wrist _ Apparently, this Ranger was attacked by two people in the basement, but... nothing happened after that. Only now he vanished.

_ After having discovered this, Shina called me. _ Eloah complements _ I used one of mine... how do you put it? "Technomagic gadgets"? _ She smiles; Godeve laughs _ And we managed to find a trace of energy that could be from one of the aggressors. When I traced the electromagnetic profile of the wave, I noticed that... _ She swallows _ It expands over time.

_ Curious. _ Godeve says _ Absolutely compatible with a Crescent Sphere, correct? It would be very useful if we could use this technology to find any Witch. However, finding one is already a beginning. _ She pauses _ What are the next steps?

Shina resumes her speech, having difficulty keeping her voice steady:

_ We found the most likely location of our target. We intend to go there tomorrow. It'll be the three of us, the people of my special team, and two others that Eloah has chosen. What do you think?

_ Victory and defeat are extremely tenuous, sister. We are at a disadvantage, since we don't even know how old our enemy is. I hope this task force will be enough, but... _ She holds Shina's and Eloah's hands _ Isn't it scary?

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