His Love [Fred Weasley x Read...

By freds_girl

707K 14.6K 21.9K

Fred Weasley and Y/n L/n are best friends since they met at King Cross station in their first year. Soon they... More

1) Mail
2) Picking us up
3) Trip to the Cup
4) Qudditch World Cup
5) Guests
6) Aging Potion mess
7) Champions
8) Alastor Mad-eye Moody
9) Ferret and products
10) Dance Practice
11) Crumpled Parchment
12) Yule Ball
13) A wonderful way to spend Sunday
14) Planning
15) Fireworks
16) A day out
17) The Third Task
18) The Order of the Phoenix
19) Harry fucked up... again
20) Cleaning
21) Unexpected surprise
22) The Beginning of the Last Year
23) The Pink Toad
24) Detention
25) Portable Swamp
26) Try-outs
27) Hermione's Idea
28) Dumbledore's Army
29) Gryffindor vs Slytherin
30) Ferret and Toad
31) Lazy day
32) The Attack on Mr. Weasley
33) St Mungo's
34) Snowball fights and fairy lights
35) Christmas
36) Daily Prophet
37) Valentine's day
38) Quidditch Injury
39) 'Happy Birthday Boys!'
40) Expecto Patronum
41) Plan
42) Grand Escape
43) Ministry of Magic
44) Farewell
45) Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
46) Grades
48) Job Interview
49) Ministry Answer
50) Fair
51) Awkward Christmas Encounter
52) Boggart
53) The Battle of Astronomy Tower
54) Guilty not guilty
55) Dinner with Mum
56) The Battle of Eight Potters
57) Bill and Fleur's Wedding
58) Trouble at the Ministry
59) 'I hate this fucking war'
60) Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times
61) Potterwatch
62) Mission
63) Time to Fight
64) The Battle of Hogwarts
65) The End
66) The Calm After the Storm
67) The Aftermath of War
68) Funeral
69) A Day to Remember
70) Epilogue
Author's Note
New Book Announcement
A Story of Forbidden Love

47) Family visit

5K 124 83
By freds_girl

Y/n's POV

"This is awesome." Came a very familiar voice from the door. Even over the noise I could recognize the voice of youngest Weasley brother.

At the doorway stood one half of Weasley clan, Harry and Hermione included. Ron and Harry stared at shelves in awe. Ginny was practically bouncing up and down, excited to look around. Hermione curiously tried to look at products but crowd in shop was making it difficult. Molly kept checking her watch every thirty seconds. And Arthur beamed at his sons' achievement.

I pushed past people and made my way towards them. "Welcome to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! How may I help you?" I said with a smile.

"Y/n!" Ginny exclaimed and pulled me in tight hug, Hermione following soon after.

"It's so good to see you, dear." Molly pulled my in motherly, bone-crushing hug.

"It's good to see you too, Molly." I hugged her back and shook hands with Arthur afterwards. "Hermione what's up with your eye?" I asked and turned to two younger boys. "If you did something, I swear to Godric you're not leaving this place alive."

"We did nothing!" Ron protested. "If we did we'd already be dead. You're forgetting I'm living with Ginny."

"It wasn't them, Y/n. In case Fred and George wanted to know Boxing Telescopes are working just fine." Hermione said.

"I told them to put warning on the box." I sighed. "They have cream for that. I'll find Fred and ask him."

"You don't need to hurry. Thankfully it doesn't hurt. At least not anymore." She stopped me.

"Y/n what were they thinking when they put that slogan for U-No-Poo thing?" Molly asked worriedly. "They'll kill them in their sleep!"

"Oh, Molly. You don't need to worry about You-Know-Who. Worry about U-No-Poo."I laughed.

"Y/n that is not funny!

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." I raised my hands in surrender. "But if they do kill them. It's my fault."

"You made slogan?" Molly whispered, as if she couldn't believe it.

"In my defense I was just kidding. They took it seriously and used it."

"Come on, Molly. It's not that bad." Arthur put an arm around his wife. "Where are Fred and George?"

"I have no idea. This place became maze and we lose each other quite often." I said and Arthur laughed.

"Do you have to wear that the badge?" Ginny asked at WWW badge pinned on my purple shirt.

I shrugged. "All of us are wearing it. The badge and something purple instead of uniforms."

"Did you make Fred and George purple sweaters?" Ginny asked Molly.

"On, no. They're wearing suits." I said and eyes widen.

"Fred and George? Wearing suits?" Ron's head whipped towards me. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I assure you, I'm not."

"They hate suits!" He exclaimed. "Fred always complained about school tie."

"They are businessmen now, Ronnikins." I ruffled his head. "At least that's the answer I got when I asked that."

"They're doing amazing I see." Harry commented, grin on his face.

"They truly do."

"But Y/n weren't you going to become Auror?" Hermione asked. "Please tell me you didn't give up on that."

"I didn't. But twins need help in here. You see this?" I motioned around the shop. "This is how it's been whole summer."

"You serious?" Ron's eyes widen. "Bloody hell."

"Yes," I nodded. "Bloody hell. There was five of us in here and we barely got to take care of everything." I said. "And Lee started commentator job and we're left with man less."

"Who is the fifth one?" Ginny asked.

"Verity, new employee."

"I can't believe Lee won't be commentating in Hogwarts anymore." Harry said. "It would be so strange hearing someone else."

"He has a game in two days. I think there would be radio transmission."

"I know Cannons are playing." Ron said. "Against Tutshill Tornados."

"Will this crowd ever decrease?" Ginny huffed. "I want to look around normally."

"You'll have to wait closing if you want that one." I said.

"Kids we lost too much time. Look around as much as you can and then we have to go."

"You won't stay here long?" I asked.

"It's dangerous outside, Y/n. We need to get home quickly." Molly said.

"Well we'll wait until we see twins, of course." Arthur added.

"I'll go find them."

"Miss L/n do you maybe know where are Messrs Weasleys?" Verity came up to me and asked.

"Not sure. They could be around cash register. I was just looking for them" I said. "And Verity please, please, call me Y/n. When you say 'Miss L/n' I expect McGonagall to comes around the corner and gives me detention."

"I wonder why you have so much trauma." Ginny giggled.

"Keep your mouth shut Ginevra." I smirked and turned back to Verity while Ginny shout to never call her that again.

"I mean I can always call Mrs. Weasley if you'd like." Verity shrugged while the others burst out laughing.

"Look who learned to speak. When you got here you barely said two sentences to me throughout the whole day." I put one hand on my hip.

"Is that my Mrs. Weasley you're talking about, Verity?" Fred asked as he came into view and wrapped one arm around my waist. "Hello, family." He smiled at all of them.

"Look at that. You losers actually did it." Ginny smirked.

"I'm starting to worry that you have spent too much time with me and George, dearest sister." Fred smirked back.

"Freddie, dear. I missed you." Molly gave her son one of her famous hugs and kiss on cheek.

"We are proud of you, boys. Excellent job." Arthur smiled at Fred who beamed.

"Thank you, dad." Fred said. "What's up with your eye, Hermione?"

"Your Boxing Telescope hit me."

Fred chuckled light and I hit his arm. "Sorry 'bout that. Here's the bruise removal paste. Black eye will disappear in an hour." He handed her tube.

"Is it safe?" She looked at me.

"Of course, it is. Have a little faith, Granger, will you?" Fred said. "Now may I help all of you with your tour?"

"I'm already away." Ginny announced and disappeared in crowd.

"Well I hope you all can manage by yourselves, I'd like to show Harry around." Fred said and started leading Harry towards nearest shelf.

Arthur found his way to the part of shop with muggle tricks while Molly just briefly moved from her previous spot, eyes still darting to the watch on her hand. Ron seemed to be quite interested in twins' quills and Broom Broom kit. Hermione looked at daydream charm.

I went to replace George at cash register so he could say hi to his family. I could twins see twins showing Harry their Jinx-off and other products of new spell-protection and distraction line. Verity came to take over form me so I could spent some more time with them and headed toward the section girls were looking around.

"They so cute." Ginny stroked fur of one Pigmy Puff.

"Adorable, aren't they?" I smiled.

"What are those?"

"Pigmy Puffs. Girls adore them." I answered.

"No wonder why. They are absolute cutest." Ginny said.

"They really are." Hermione agreed.

Ron looked around for twins, wanting to ask them something. They were on the stairs near us.

"How much for this?" Ron asked twins holding up a circular shaped product.

"Five galleons." Twins answered in the same time.

"How much for me?"

Twins shared glance. "Five galleons."

"I'm your brother!"

"Ten galleons." They shrugged.

"Not fair! If it was Y/n or Lee you'd give them discount!" Ron shouted. "Heck you'd give them for free!"

"And are you either of them?"

Ron rolled his eyes, mumbling curse under his breath and walking towards Harry. Ginny and Hermione suddenly found interest in love potions. Cormac McLaggen kept looking at Hermione, who was obviously uncomfortable. I stood in front of her shielding her from his gaze. She thanked me with small smile and returned to potions in front of us.

"Hellooo ladies." Twins grinned as they made their way towards us.

"Love potions, eh?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, they really do work." George nodded.

"But the way we hear, sis, you're doing just fine on your own." Fred smirked.


"Aren't you currently dating Dean Thomas?"

"That's none of your business."

"Wait, wait, wait. Dean?" I asked, turning to Ginny with wide eyes. "What's with that Corner boy?"

"Excuse me? What boy?" Fred asked, his over-protectiveness for his younger sister coming to surface. "Care to explain."

"Nope." I said. "Girls business. Fuck off." I grabbed Ginny's shoulders and dragged her away.

"What are doing?" She asked.

"Speak up. Is he good to you?" I asked. "Is he good kisser?" I smirked.

"Go to hell, Y/n." Ginny shoved me away.

"I'm just asking." I shrugged. From the corner of my eye I noticed trio sneaking out. Bad sign.

"What do you think they're doing?" Ginny asked, rolling her eyes.

"Getting themselves into some shit again. It's going to be funny to watch if Molly finds out."

"Tell me about it."


We closed joke shop couple of hours ago. And now instead of doing the paperwork we were supposed to already finish we were stuffing ourselves with ice cream. Lee called us via floo-network and told us all about his day.

We managed to get ourselves to sit on the table around midnight. We are so going to regret not doing paperwork sooner. For the next hour the only things heard in the room were quill scribbling, occasional small talk and a lot of frustrated sighs from all of us.

"What we didn't think about when we started shop was there is going to be this much paper work." George said, rubbing his temple as he scribbled down order for Peruvian darkness powder.

"I swear one more paper and I will burn them all down." Fred groaned.

"Wait 'till you start getting more orders via Owl Post. I'm pretty sure you'll have to read at least fifty letter per day." I sat down, picking up a quill of my own after going I n kitchen to drink water. We left all paperwork for the last minute and now we have to finish everything by tomorrow morning. There weren't hundreds piles of paper but these are Fred and George we're talking about. They absolutely hated paper work.

"Don't remind us." They rested their heads in their palms.

"How many more?" I asked.

"Thank dear Godric we're more than half way done." George sighed. "I think we could finish this in hour, maybe less."

"Then I don't see the reason for this much complaining." I said.

"Here's one reason." Fred said. "We started this in midnight. We will hopefully finish it by 2 am and then we have less than five hours of sleep. I can't function with five hours! II hope you remember that I always fell asleep in classes whenever we would stay up late."

"And what are we learning from situations we got ourselves in?" I raised eyebrows.

"We should start it on time next time." They groaned and rolled their eyes.

"You sound like mum." George said.

"Well if her and McGonagall were here we would maybe do this on time." I shrugged.

Time passed. It seemed like an eternity, honestly. No wonder Fred lost his nerves. Both twins kept running hand through their hairs constantly. Making them look like birds nest.

"Finally." Fred threw his quill in the air.

"I don't know for you two, but I'm dead." George said getting up. "I feel like I'll fall asleep as soon as my head hits pillow. Good night you two."

"Good night." Fred and I spoke.

I stood up as well, about to walk out. But Fred stood on the chair, which became quite uncomfortable after few minutes of sitting, let alone more than an hour. I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Is everything alright, my love?" I asked, pressing kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Just tired and stressed. Are we sure there's nothing more? Last thing we need are some problems with paperwork." Fred rubbed his eyes.

"I don't think there is." I shook my head.

"Remind to never take some things for easy." Fred said. "I thought this would be the easiest park of owning joke shop. Not the hardest."

"We got it done." I kissed his temple, then his neck and then his cheek. He relaxed and brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles. "Let's go to sleep."

I dragged Fred into our room. Taking my pajamas I went into bathroom to change, leaving Fred in room. As I came back Fred was already in the bed. A smile replaced his frown when he saw me in his shirt.

"Can I have some cuddles?" Fred asked quietly and sweetly. Moonlight fell on his face, lighting up his freckles and chocolate brown eyes. He looked so angelic and cute.

"Do you even need to ask?" I smiled and climbed into his open arms.

I inhaled the smell of his cologne mixed with cinnamon as I snuggled in his chest. His arms wrapped protectively around me. Fred pressed kiss on the crown of my hair, drawing patterns on my hip just below the hem of my shirt. Comfortable silence fell upon us.

"I thought I'd never say that but I miss school. Not really Professors and definitely not homework but late night sneaking, pranking and everything else." Fred said, looking up the ceiling.

"Yeah then you didn't have to do homework. And now you have to all this paperwork." I laughed.

"Not funny." He grumbled. "I never realized how much of it there is."

"You're acting like you're Minister of Magic and had to look over tons of reports." I rolled my eyes.

"Honesty, being Minister is easier." Fred huffed. "You think Kingsley could smuggle me in the Ministry? I'd be much better than Scrimgeour anyway."

"I'm sure you would."

"You're not believing me, huh?" He propped himself on elbow and turned to face me. "You'll see tomorrow I'm going to confuse some old wizard to get me in there. And then I'll find Minister, give him my awesome ideas and when he hears them he'll simply give me his office." Fred said confidently. "You, George and Lee are going to be advisors."

"And who will take care of joke shop?"

"Verity can. And Percy once he sees what disappointment of his younger brother became."

"You're acting like you're about to become king."I giggled and pressed kiss on his cheek.

"You can't deny I'd be the most awesome Minister of Magic Britain has ever seen." Fred smirked. "And the hottest one as well. "

"You and your confidence." I shook my head.

"Those poor young ladies in the Ministry will swoon over me. Too bad for them I'm taken. And I have the most beautiful girl in whole fucking world." He whispered and captured my lips and I sweet, loving kiss.

"I don't know if I hate you or love you." I smiled, kissing him again.

"You know you love me."

"Do I?" I smirked, raising eyebrow.

"Yes, you do, my love. Because if you didn't you wouldn't put up with me this long."

"Yeah, you're really annoying some times." Playful smile spread across my face.

"You have wounded me, Y/n." Fred put a hand over his heart dramatically. "You called your adorably funny and troublemaking boyfriend annoying."

"Yup, this is what I'm talking about."

"I am bleeding and the only way for me to be saved is a kiss from a princess." He fell back against the bed, sighing dramatically.

"Well I guess you're going to bleed out then." I shrugged. "Eh, what can you do?"

"Hey! Not cool! Your true love is dying over here!" Fred hit me playfully.

"Weren't you complaining about being sleepy? Do tell me why are you suddenly interested in being an actor in some tragedy." I yawed.

"I tired but I can't fell asleep. It's frustrating!" Fred pulled me back into his chest. "I want to sleep but I just fucking can't!"

"Do you think it's safe to go for a walk?" He asked after a moment.

"With Death Eaters running around, it most certainly isn't."

"Ugh!" Fred groaned. "Go to sleep, sunshine. Sorry I kept you awake."

"Maybe you could try drinking warm milk or chamomile tea."

"It won't hurt to try." He got up from the bed and I followed suit. "Where are you going? You were yawing earlier."

"I'm going with you."

Fred rolled his eyes before pushing me back on the bed. "I can heat up milk or make tea by myself." He pulled covers up and tucked me in. "You stay here and sleep. Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

"And here you go with this." He handed me teddy bear he gave me last Christmas. "Mrs. Cuddles will keep you safe while I'm gone." He kissed the tip of my nose.

"Mrs. Cuddles? You gave name to the teddy bear?"

"Yes." Fred answered nonchalantly. "If pets can have names why not stuffed toys."

"Mrs. Cuddles it is then." I smiled and hugged bear tightly to my chest.

"Good night, sleepy head." Fred chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, Freddie." I called when he was about to leave room.

"Yes, love?"

"I love you."

He chuckled. "I love you more."

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