(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (M...

By xKadeex99

767K 6.6K 864

Alyssa Conaway, a smart good girl, was best friends with the infamous quadruplets Jayden, Brandon, Derek, and... More

1~Alyssa- First Day Back, Oh No!
2~Critical Judgment- Arrival
4~ Critical Judgment- Hope Gone!
5~Alyssa- Options
6~ Critical Judgment- Hope Back!
7~ Critical Judgment- Run In
8~ Alyssa- Ideas1
9~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 1
10~ Alyssa- Dinner with Jerks
11~ Alyssa- Losing my Mind
12~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 2
13~ Alyssa- Getting to Close for Comfort
14~ Alyssa- Confusion
15~ Alyssa- Football Game
Songs for homecoming
16~ Alyssa- Dance Prep
17~ Critical Judgment- Last Chance at Happiness
18~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 1
19~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 2
20~ Alyssa- Homecoming Part 3
21~ Alyssa- Man in the Shadows Comes Out
22- Critical Judgment~ Explanation Part 1
23~ Alyssa- Did my Life get Better or Worse, I'll Never Know
24~ Alyssa- News Gets Around Fast
25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold
25~ Alyssa- Sweet Break from the Cold Part 2
26~ Alyssa- Sweet Memories
27~ Alyssa- Rekindling the Broken Flames Part 1
27~ Alyssa -Rekindling the Broken Flames part 2
28- Critical Judgment~ Betrayed
29~ Alyssa- Broken
30~ Critical Judgment- Ignorance
31~ Alyssa- Back to School Life
32~ Alyssa- A New Start
33~ Alyssa- The Good Life
34~ Alyssa- A Place Where I Belong
35~ Alyssa- Take This To Heart
36~ Critical Judgment- Fucked Up Situation
37~ Alyssa- The End of Prom Night
Playlist for Love on Tour

3~ Alyssa- Opportunity

25.8K 255 21
By xKadeex99



I sat in silence as I waited on my last name being called, but it never came. "Anyone I miss?" Mr. Sampson looked up. Tentatively I rose my hand, "Oh, how can I forget you Ms. Conaway? I've had to send you to the principal's office so many times." He gave a light chuckle. I cast my gaze down at the guys; they turned to Mr. Sampson and were talking to him about something. Then the gym teacher responded and pointed up to me, crap they found out now! Jayden turned around and smirked; Brandon, Derek and Seth turned around and gave me a bright big grin. They have found their long lost friend but what they don't know is that she doesn't want anything to do with them now.

The bell rang and the guys and I got up leaving the Gym room. I tried to avoid the eyes of the quadruplets as I went to my locker, gathering up all my things. Next I had study hall so I quickly ran out the front doors and straight to my car. I jumped in starting the car, tearing out of the parking lot home. When I arrived at home my back pocket vibrated, it was a text from Alex.

'Where R U?' -Alex

'I went home, study hall.' - Me

'Oh ok.' -Alex

I threw my phone onto my bed and lay back taking a deep breath. They guys know it is me, how will I get through school when I have every class with them? I sat on the couch and set my alarm on my phone to go off at ten to three.

** Dream**

I was walking in the empty halls toward class when a hand shot out and grabbed me by the arm forcing me to the wall. I could tell it was a guy because of the force he had used; he took both my wrists into his hand and held them above my head. His right leg was placed between my legs holding me there.

"What the hell, what are you doing?" I yelled.

"Shh be quiet it wont hurt." The guys cooed in my ear, I felt his hot breath on my neck as he placed soft kissed there, going lower and lower.

"What?" I whispered.

"Shh." He removed his bodied from me and dragged me off down the hall. I couldn't see his face only the back of his head; he had black shaggy hair, and was at least six foot three. As he dragged me away down the hall I screamed but no one came.

He stopped at a door labeled, 'Janitor's Closet'. WTF?! He opened the door and dragged me in locking it behind him. I felt his body on mine again as I was pushed into the wall and my shirt was ripped off over my head. I stood stock still as this mystery guy kissed my bare chest. He lifted his head up and placed his lips to mine, it felt nice which was weird when this guy was forcing himself on me; I shouldn't like this.

He pulled away and I whispered, "Please what are you doing and who are you?"

"Shh well fine I guess you can see who I am." He kept my hands above my head but removed his body and went to the door again. The room soon filled with light and I closed my eyes from the sudden light. I slowly opened my eyes and blinks furiously to adjust, after a while I did and looked up into the deep brown eyes of Jayden.

**End of Dream**

I shot up off the couch, I was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. My phone was going off; I reached over, turning off my alarm and hopped off the couch walking to the door grabbing my keys off the hook. I walked out the door locking it behind me and went to my car. I jumped in and started the car backing out of the driveway; heading to Kyle's school.

As I pulled up I saw the kids filling out, I pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off getting out. I walked up the steps of the school and when I saw Kyle at the top talking to Oscar I walked forward. Kyle's attention turned to me and he took off full speed at me, I braced myself for the impact and held Kyle as he ran into my arms.

"Aly!" he happily said as I placed him on the ground.

"Hey Kyle, lets say we talk about your first day over anything you want?"

"Yes, ice cream!"  He shouted; I laughed and grabbed his hand leading him to my car.

"Ok, sounds great." We got to my car and I opened his door, making sure his seatbelt was on before getting in the driver side. I started the car and pulled out of the school lot, turning right towards town. I didn't have to worry as much the part of town the ice cream shop was because it wasn't the type of area the guys and I hang out at so I wouldn't run into them.

The guy's didn't know the other side of me; they only knew the side that fought and did the bad stuff with them. My other side was to be the best big sister possible. My friends never knew that I had a little brother or any siblings. They only knew that I had a father that was never home and that they weren't aloud over, ever.

As I pulled up to the ice cream shop Kyle unbuckled and ran inside with me following him. The ice cream shop was a nice small place, never really crowded. It was white with an ice cream cone neon light up sign in the window saying, 'Jay's Finest'. I have been going to this shop with my mother for years until she pasted away, and it was only right to take Kyle here as well.

As we entered I was greeted by one of the managers, Victoria. Her and her husband, James, owned the place. We walked in and took our usual bar stool seats. There were about two tables holding up to four people and then four booths, two by each window. They were all red leather and it went well with the black and white checkered tile and white walls. Victoria came from the back as Kyle looked at the ice cream hungrily.

"Hey Alyssa, Kyle long time no see." She greeted with a bright white smile that anyone wished they had, she was beautiful. She had long beautiful black straight hair and dark brown eyes. She was about five foot five and had the body of a model. She was in her late thirties with one son; she and James have been married for a good fifteen years.  "What can I get you?"

"Hey Victoria, can I get a small vanilla brownie cup." I smiled sweetly and spun in my stool.

"Sure darling, and what about you young man?" she turned to Kyle and leaned over smiling sweetly at him; he smiled back and looked at the ice cream in behind the glass.

"Mmm...Um... can I get a medium chocolate cup with rainbow sprinkles and..." he tapped his chin thinking intently on his topping, "chocolate chip!" he said excitedly.

"Yes of course cutie." She turned and grabbed our cups, scooping out Kyle's ice cream. Setting it on the counter, she grabbed a handful of chocolate chips mixing them in thoroughly. After the chocolate chips were evenly dispersed in the ice cream she grabbed a spoonful of rainbow sprinkles mixing them into the ice cream. When all finished she scooped it up and placed it in the cup handing it to Kyle. He happily took it taking a big bite.

Victoria did the same to mine except with vanilla ice cream and brownie bits. She handed it to me and I grabbed it taking small bites. "So, Victoria how is everything, husband good?" then I noticed he wasn't around, "where is he?"

"Oh James had a doctor's appointment so I'm working alone, wish he was here I have some papers to fill out. But everything is great, I'm happy my son is back visiting us." She started wiping off the counter top while her smile widened at the mention of her son. She was very proud of him; he is growing up and taking very good care of himself.

"Hey if you need help I can run the counter while you do the paper work." I offered standing up.

"Oh no you have Kyle." She waved it off.

"No its fine, I'm sure he brought something to entertain himself with. Plus he loves it here."

"Well if you don't mind?" she asked unsure.

"No it's no problems at all." I walked around the corner and grabbed the apron hanging on the hook.

"Oh thank you Alyssa." She gave me a hug which I returned and she walked off into the back room. I looked back to Kyle and smiled.

"So Kyle how was your first day in school, sucks right?"

"No Aly." He cried happily and smiled, "I had a blast. Ms. Clarkson is very nice and fun and, and." He started breathing heavily as he rushed to speak.

"Whoa slow down Kyle, so she is nice?"

"Yes very, I can't wait for school tomorrow." He cheered happily. Oh little kids and thinking school is fun, wait till they are older they will hate it.

"Ok that's what you say now, when you're older and your sick of school and getting homework I would love to hear you say school is fun." I smiled brightly down at my brother.

As minutes turned into hours the sun started to set and the shop was closing, as I cleaned up the counters and tables Victoria walked out smiling greatly. "Oh thank you so much dear I needed the help."

"Oh anytime I don't mind helping." I walked to the counter and leaned on top resting my elbows over it. "Ok well I got to go get Kyle some dinner in his stomach, if you ever need help don't hesitate to call, ok?'

"Ok dear thank you." I handed her my apron and grabbed Kyle's hand walking out the shop waving one last time to Victoria. As we walked to the car I saw another car park next to mine, the person got out and walked up to us. There were four guys staring at us and grinning brightly like idiots.

"Hey Kyle," Jayden beamed down at Kyle giving him a high five.

"Hey Jay," Kyle happily smacked his hand.

"Ow are you getting stronger?" Kyle laughed and lifted his arm flexing his arms showing off his muscles. I couldn't help the laugh that came up watching Kyle trying to be tough. Kyle gave the rest of the guys high fives and grabbed my hand again, I couldn't help smiling down at him, he was everything to me my little brother was my only close family I had left.

"Hey Alyssa," Jayden said quietly, I ignored him and didn't care to glance at him.

Ignoring him I started toward my car, "Come on Kyle lets get home and make something for dinner."

"Ok." He said happily bouncing all the way to the car; I opened the back seat as Kyle climbed in and buckled up. I opened my car door but someone closed it on me, I looked up and came face to face with Jayden and the boys.

"Alyssa talk to us." He pleaded, "Please?"

"What do you want from me?" I snapped.

"I want to know why are best friend is ignoring us and lied about being our friend when we asked, what happened to you?" did he seriously just say what happened to me? I felt my blood boil.

"Me?" I snapped, "No what happened to you? I moved on with my life, how about you do the same." I yelled and yanked open my door getting in. I started the car and drove off leaving the guys standing speechless in the parking lot. I should have known Jayden would show up there probably to see his mother, Victoria.

When we arrived home we got out and I locked my car up walking into the house. I made Kyle dinner and tucked him in bed before I jumped in my bed and lay awake staring at my ceiling think about what is going to happen tomorrow at school. After thinking about nothing for an hour I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 


My alarm went off at the normal time. I got up showering and getting Kyle's breakfast ready. Kyle woke himself up early and came trudging down the stairs in his uniform.

"Hey Alyssa, why are you still in your PJs?" he asked eying me still wearing my sweatpants and tank top.

"Oh I want to wear something comfortable for school today." I placed his food in front of him and went to eat my toast looking out the window. I hated lying to Kyle but it wouldn't look good telling him 'yeah sister is not going to school'. Last night after all the thinking I had done I decided to skip school to avoid seeing the quadruplets.

I drove Kyle to school and went back home plopping my butt on the couch watching TV. After a few hours I got up and started cleaning up around the house; doing some laundry, cleaning the dishes and vacuuming. I got about fifty texts from the guys asking where I was and why I wasn't at school. I never cared to reply.

At three o'clock I picked Kyle up and took him home making him a snack as I helped him with his first homework assignment. When we finally finished I made him dinner and let him watch some TV before I had him take a shower and go to bed.


I missed school that whole week, on Monday I couldn't keep running away so I woke up and took a shower dressing in black skinny jeans and a tight blue tank top with my black and light blue DC shoes. I put on my heavy make-up and placed my black locket around my neck. The cold metal freezing my bare skin as it hung loosely. I did the usual like every morning and got Kyle out the door and to school.

After I walked him safely walk into the school I pulled out and went to my school. I parked in my spot and got out. Walking up the school steps I entered the deserted halls. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. When I had everything I needed for class I closed my locker and walked to class. Arriving outside the door I stopped and debated if I should skip second period or not? Look at what these guys are doing! I am never scared or nervous, ugh. In frustration I grabbed the door knob and turned it opening the door.

Everyone turned to me but I ignored their stares as I walked to my desk. I sat down and looked at Sara; she was glaring at me and then mouthed 'we will talk later' before turning to the teacher. "Your back Alyssa," Ms. Pierson said happily while smiling.

"Yes I am." I smiled back and looked down at my desk.

"Ok class, since we are learning about musicals later on I feel we should see some of the talent in this room." Ms. Pierson skipped the room and then her gaze fell on me, oh no! "Ok I will have a duet, Jayden, Alyssa please come on down." I gulped and stood up going to the front of the class with Jayden standing next to me.

"They get to sing together?" some girl asked looking shocked and jealous.

"Yes I thought Alyssa should cheer up some and I pair her with a person that I know can already sing. Ok do you both know the song called 'Broken' by Seether featuring Amy Lee?"

"Yeah," Jayden and I answered at the same time, that song was one of my favorites; it had a great message to me.

"Ok I will play the song but without the people singing, just sing the lyrics." We nodded and Ms. Pierson walked to her desk. She started fiddling around on her lap top will the guitar started strumming in the back ground in an even rhythm.

After a few cords the part when Seether's raspy deep voice usually starts singing I heard Jayden's voice, it sounded close to how an angel might sing, he was really good.

"I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away." as he sang that line Jayden turned to me and looked me in the eyes; we just held each others gaze. "I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain."

I then started singing along quietly like in the song with Jayden and it didn't sound half as bad. I was a pretty good singer, not the best but I'd say it was ok. "Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome and I don't feel right when you're gone away."

Jayden picked up singing his line after the chorus, "You've gone away; you don't feel me here....anymore."

I knew the next lines well; it was my solo. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before I began. "The worst is over now and we can breathe again. I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away. There's so much left to learn and no one left to fight. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain."

We sang the chorus again but this time I sang a little louder along with him. "Cause I'm broken when I'm open and I don't feel like I am strong enough. Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome and I don't feel right when you're gone away."

[Instrumental] "Cause I'm broken when I'm open and I don't feel like I am strong enough. Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome and I don't feel right when you're gone away. Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome and I don't feel right when you're gone [Jayden]...away."

As Jayden and I sang the last line of the song I noticed the sparkle in his eye. "You're gone away; you don't feel me here....anymore."

When the song ended Jayden and I were still staring into each other's eyes, the class erupted into applause. I broke the staring contest and looked at the teacher; she was beaming at us and then slowly clapped. "Great job you guys, you sounded perfect. I never knew you could sing, Alyssa?"

"Well I guess it has always been a talent of mine." I shrugged walking back to my seat and sitting down.

"Well I'm glad we found it. After school I would like to see you." I nodded and class ended. I walked out the door and was attacked by Alex and Sara.

"Ohmigod, why haven't you been in school?" Sara asked glaring at me.

"Sorry I had to leave down a relative pasted away." I lied smoothly, over the years it got to be very easy.

"Oh I'm sorry. But Ohmigod I never knew you could sing like that, you and Jayden sounded perfect together, so angelic and sounded like you two belonged to sing together." Sara said dreamily and leaned on my side.

"Yeah I never knew I could sing either but I guess it was good."

"You guess? You were amazing." Alex finally spoke and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and with the end of that subject we walked off to third period.


School went by slowly and before I knew it I was the end of the day. I went to my locker discarding my stuff and walked out to my car. Sara and the guys left before me and probably went to terrorize the town without me. I met up with Brad after lunch and was feeling a little down so we planned to 'hang out' after school. Well he has football practice so he asked for me to wait outside till it ended, normally I would never but I didn't want to go home so soon so I decided to stay.

I lay on the hood of my car soaking up the sun. My mind wondered back to singing with Jayden. It felt amazing to be singing again, I haven't sung since the boys left. I decided to give up singing and I now realize that was stupid. Singing was the way to let my feelings out. I was feeling in the mood to sing some more so I took out my iPod and put my headphones in blasting Paramore's Breathe. This song was great, one off my favorites. It explained the way I felt when the boys broke their promise to stay in touch. It basically stated that when the guy you like is with someone else you can always find love tomorrow or you will find love just wait and it will come, maybe it will come with the guy you so happen to like.

As I tapped my foot to the beat I sung along to Haley Williams, the lead singer of Paramore.

When my song ended I switched to my next song which explained how I felt about Jayden and the others. It was by Paramore again, I loved them. Their songs spoke to me, gave me inspiration. 'Never Let This Go' blasted through the headphones as I started singing along, enjoying my time alone.

When it ended I sat up and dug threw my bag till I found my music journal and flipped to the first page. During all my classes I couldn't concentrate so I wrote a song describing how I felt, it was not that good but it helped me somehow. I picked up a beat and thought of a good melody to practice my song with. After the melody stuck in my head I started singing along to my song.

I heard someone clear their throat, I snapped my head to the sound and standing in front of me was an older looking man around his mid forties. He was in a grey suit with a black dress shirt and dark grey tie. He had black hair that looked like it was starting to get gray hairs, his deep grey eyes piercing into mine as I stared back. He was on his phone and staring at me. "Shana I will call you back." He spoke into the phone attacked to his ear and hung up smiling at me. "Hello, my name Richard McCarthy."

My mouth dropped open in shock, thee Richard McCarthy was standing here, in front of me. 'Ohmigod.' was all I could think. Richard decided to talk since I was too shocked to. "You know who I am." He asked amused.

"Um, yes you own the top recoding studio in the nation."

"Yes that's me." He walked toward me and held out his hand, I shook it happily.

"So what are you doing here, at a high school?" I dropped his hand and jumped of the hood of my car.

"Well I came here to meet up with my most recent band, Critical Judgment, but I think I got a new reason, to talk to you about signing a record label with me." He grinned widely as my mouth hung to the ground, me? Get a record label with Richard McCarthy? That is a dream and would be great but that is the same place as Critical Judgment is signed too.


Song of the Chapter: 'Broken by Seether and Amy Lee' You already read the lyrics so I won't post them again.


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