Suga Oneshots and Sickfics

Autorstwa DeniskaTen

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"Yoongi tried to shake his head. As he gained more consciousness however, the pain became more pronounced and... Więcej

Working Too Hard 1
Working Too Hard 2
Meeting New Members
Drunk After a Concert
Motionless Min 1
Motionless Min 2
Until the Blood Appears
The Last
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life
Doubling Over
Handing Over Crutches
I'm Sick of This Fake Love
Faking it All
Falling Off
Everything at Once
Bloody Night
One Sunny Evening
College Life
Doorframes and Award Shows
Yoongi Is Here To Save the Day
Concern Works Two Ways
Nobody Knows 1
Signing For Help

Yoongi, You're Not Wanted

2.3K 72 14
Autorstwa DeniskaTen

Requested by @Sugi


As much as Yoongi liked performing, he did get tired of the whole ordeal sometimes. Each concert was just so tiring and he was so exhausted after them. Plus, he did like seeing his family and friends and spending time with them. Being on tour prevented him from doing that.

Thankfully, their tour was coming to an end. They had one more show to do and then it was finally over. Yoongi had promised himself to try and enjoy it as much as he could. He was pretty worn out though. But with enough energy drinks and vitamin shots, anything was possible.


"What book are you reading?" Jimin asked.

"Something about art," Namjoon said.

"Ooh, nice," Jimin said half-heartedly. He didn't seem to be too interested, but he stayed beside Namjoon anyway. He perked up a bit when he looked at the nice paintings however. He eventually pulled a chair up beside Namjoon so they could look at the book together.

Yoongi watched the exchange from the big couch. The book did look interesting.

"When you're done with the book, can you give it to me?" he asked.

"You want to read it too?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, later though."


"Since when did you get so interested in reading, Yoongi?" Jin asked.

"I love reading!"

"You never read though...?"

"I do!"

Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes. "Seriously, can't you guys ever be quiet?"

Jin nodded. He closed his mouth and suddenly, looked very interested in his phone.

"Respect your elders," Yoongi said. "I'm older than you."

"Ah..." Jimin sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I was just kidding."

"Good. That's what I thought."

Namjoon shook his head.


His outfit was sparkly, Yoongi noticed. He giggled. He felt like a little kid for a moment. But he quickly straightened himself out, and got serious. The setlist was posted on the wall. He had it memorized but he looked at it anyway. Everything was listed in the correct order.

"We have twenty minutes left," Taehyung said.

Yoongi nodded. In the past, these last minutes before the show started were the scariest moments in his life. He panicked about anything and everything that could go wrong. But now, he was calmer. He had learned how to keep his anxiety at bay. Now, he could think clearly about the performance and actually enjoy it.

"Seokjin hyung?" Jimin asked.


"What time is it?"

"Like... 6:10 pm."


"No problem."


During their non-choreographed songs, the members would walk around the stage and get as close as they could to the fans. Yoongi liked doing it a lot. He loved to look at the faces of their fans, and how they would light up when they saw Yoongi making eye-contact with them. It made him feel like he was a part of something. He liked that feeling.

This concert was no different. Yoongi sat down on the edge of the stage and performed their songs. The fans around him were respectful and didn't try to touch or hurt him in any way. Yoongi stopped worrying about it after a while. He was fine.

The song ended. The concert continued. Yoongi didn't pause to think about anyone or anything that might have seemed a bit off. Everyone was being nice. He was focused on the performance, not on analyzing how suspicious someone might have seemed.


The last song was also of that type. The idea was for them to walk around emotionally on the stage. The song was "Young Forever". Yoongi knew that he was going to start crying. He wasn't as emotionally unavailable as he liked to act. Even Jin was going to cry. He knew he was going to.


One minute he was singing along happily, and the next minute, he was crumpling up in pain. Yoongi clutched his head. Someone had thrown something at him and they had perfect aim. As he blinked downwards to see what had hit him, he saw that it was a cracked Army bomb. Great.

Jin's hand was on his back. The crowd was awwing. Jin was saying something. Yoongi couldn't hear. Fuck, that had hurt. His head was pounding. That had really hurt. His eyes were starting to water. It could've just been an accident, but he had a feeling that it wasn't one. Jin kept his hand on his back and guided him towards the backstage entrance. Yoongi couldn't see anything properly. He hoped that the other members were continuing the performance. He would hate it if the whole show was ruined because of him. But then again, it wasn't his fault.

When he finally stumbled backstage, Jin pushed him into a chair. Yoongi sat down heavily, panting. His headache had cleared up slightly, but it was still throbbing. He was handed an ice pack. Yoongi held it up to his head. It numbed the area, which relaxed him. Jin stood off to his side, making sure that he was alright.

"I think you should go back," Yoongi mumbled. "I'll join you guys soon, don't worry."

"You sure?" Jin asked.

"Mmhm, it doesn't hurt that bad. I'll be okay."

"Do you... do you know what happened?" one of the staff members asked. "Did someone throw something?"

"Lightstick," Jin replied quickly. "I don't know if it was accidental or on purpose but..."

"I know what happened!"

Yoongi groaned. Of course, Taehyung had decided to join them backstage as well. He was more talkative now than Yoongi had ever been in his entire life.

"I was over there when it happened, I heard what that person said! It wasn't an accident. She screamed how she didn't want you being in the group. It wasn't an accident, I swear!" Taehyung said quickly. "I was right in front of her when it happened, it wasn't an accident! She said she didn't want you in the group and-"

"Do you remember what she looked like?" the manager asked.

Taehyung shook his head. "The lights didn't illuminate her face. But I heard it! I had taken my earpieces out so I could hear the fans. I heard her! I promise! I'm not making things up!"

"Taehyung, we can't just-"

Yoongi sighed. He tried to take deep breaths while he sat there. Taehyung's voice was too damn loud. He was sure that the whole building could hear him. Thankfully Jin was quiet.

"I saw it! I heard-"

"Taehyung, be quiet and go back out on stage," Jin snapped. "It doesn't matter what you saw or heard, screaming like this won't help anything out."

Shaking his head, Taehyung lowered his voice and kept talking. "That girl doesn't like Yoongi, that's why she threw her lightstick at him. It wasn't an accident, I know it wasn't. I was in front of where she was sitting. I heard her yell death threats at Yoongi hyung. I heard it. Why would I lie about this?"

Jin didn't reply, but he was twisting his lip. He nervously looked up at Yoongi, whose face had turned white.

"Do you want to go back on stage or what?" the manager asked. "Yoongi?"

"Don't let him go back out!" Taehyung said. "Who knows what else she brought?"


Yoongi groaned. He adjusted the ice pack on his head. "Give me one moment."

"I suggest that you don't, hyung."

"Okay, let him decide," a staff member said.


"I think I'll go out," Yoongi said. "It probably was just an accident."

Taehyung sighed, but didn't try and argue anymore. He glanced out towards the stage entrance. The others were still on the stage. They could hear the loud music playing. They could even hear the fans.

Yoongi stayed seated for a moment longer before he stood up. He nodded at Jin who didn't reply, only headed towards the entrance. Taehyung clicked his tongue. A flash of panic went through him. He knew what had happened. He knew. He saw.

But he took a quick look at Yoongi's expression and he knew. Yoongi wasn't going to listen to him. He was determined to finish the concert.


"So Taehyung, you were saying that you saw someone throw the lightstick at Yoongi? It was on purpose, you say?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah."

The concert had ended without any other incident. Yoongi had missed the entire last song, but he had managed to get there in time for the final goodbyes. The fans had screamed really loudly when he had come. It made him feel loved.

But by the end of the whole sequence, his head had started throbbing again. Yoongi didn't tell a single soul that it had started hurting again, but he struggled through it now. Of course, he should have known. He had barely managed to change into his casual clothes before Namjoon had dragged him along to an "emergency meeting" (aka to listen to more of Taehyung's conspiracy theories).

Except now, it seemed like everybody had started to believe what Taehyung was saying. Even Jin. Yoongi was astounded. Taehyung could be making stuff up.

And why did it even matter? Really, Yoongi wasn't even hurt! Mostly.

"Do you know where she was sitting? Like... where in the seats-"

"Yep," Taehyung interrupted Namjoon. "I can point it out for you too."

"Are you sure you actually saw anything? The concert lights were kind of... not very clear, and it could've just been an accident..."

"Yoongi hyung, I'm telling you, I saw! I heard her yell death threats-"

"You had earpieces in! How the hell did you hear anything? You can't hear anything normally and all of a sudden you can hear one voice among thousands?"

Taehyung glared at Yoongi. "I had taken the earpieces out at that time, you nitwit. Everyone was singing about how they were forever young and I'm walking around, enjoying myself and all of a sudden I hear 'Min Yoongi is so useless, he should go kill himself' and then... BAAM! She was in the front seat. I know."

"That couldn't have happened."

"It did."

Yoongi grimaced. Taehyung's face was red.

"Okay, then I guess we'll address this later," Namjoon said quickly, trying to stop the argument. "Yoongi, does your head hurt?"

"Kind of, but not that much."

"Rest today," Jungkook suggested in a soft voice.

"No thanks, I was planning on running cross country tonight."

"No time for jokes Yoongi," Taehyung said. It was weird to see such a serious no-nonsense look on his face.

"Oh okay."

"I have an ice-pack for you if you need one, don't worry," Jin said. "Do you need it?"

"Not really," Yoongi said. "Some painkillers would do just fine."

"I have those too."


"No problem," Jin said.

Yoongi stood up. He made the mistake of looking directly into the light and the headache flared up. He accidentally let out a yelp and clutched his head. Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, but the bright flash of the light stayed in his mind.

"Oh, it doesn't hurt that much, does it?"

Taehyung's deep voice sounded in his ear. Yoongi let himself lean into Taehyung's arms and get helped by him.

Taehyung helped him walk out of the room, down the hallway, into the elevator... all the way to the car. Yoongi slid into the car as quickly as he could. This day was awful. He wouldn't even be able to get a good night's rest easily. He buried his face into Taehyung's sleeve. He hated this.

Yoongi was thankful that Taehyung didn't say much. Everything was very quiet and tranquil. Just what he needed so his head didn't hurt as much.


The next day, at Hoseok's urging, Yoongi was forced to pay a visit to the doctor. After waiting nearly three hours, it was determined that he didn't have a concussion. He was told to go take it easy for a few more days so the headache would stop.

Over the next few weeks, the agency cracked down on the identity of the mysterious lightstick thrower. Taehyung pointed out the area in which she had been sitting and her name was found out quickly from ticket records.

Damn, Yoongi hadn't seen this coming. He got to see her once. She didn't look particularly scary, just a regular person. But, oh no, she was messed up. She hated Yoongi for whatever reason and wanted to see him fail. It was so weird. The agency sued her. She was forced to pay a big amount of money for damages. Yoongi received a good chunk of it and honestly, he was relieved.

He would take a smack on his head for 5000 dollars everyday.

Just kidding.

If it wasn't for Taehyung though... let's just say Yoongi was very thankful.



anywho, requests are open

double update today :)

2118 words

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