Black beauty

By helenabonhampaulson

59.8K 2.1K 319

You and Bella met as students and grew close until something broke you away from eachother. Will you meet aga... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 1

5.6K 96 12
By helenabonhampaulson

A/N- apologies if some things don't add up such as time and characters present. I've tried to do some research to make it as authentic as possible but some characters need to be there for my story. Please be kind to me, this is my first fanfic :)

-M <3

Today is my first ever day at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Now, you can imagine the shock on my face when I received the letter stating that I am indeed, a witch. I still can't believe it now and for the record, neither can my parents. They thought it was all a hoax because magic isn't real, right? But they had to believe it because, why else would an owl swoop into our garden midday and drop a letter on my lap? They were so unhappy because they began to believe that their daughter is a freak. It hurt me that they thought so lowly of me but, when had I ever cared what they said or did. It isn't my fault that I am a witch, I just want them to be happy for me. I know that will never happen though. Just my luck that I've made them hate me even more.

When I opened the letter it read 'we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry at this early stage due to showing great potential. We look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage' the letter was written in a green cursive font and the envelope was sealed with a shimmery wax stamp with the Hogwarts crest pressed into it. The letter explained all the assets I needed for my time at Hogwarts. Before me was a long list, containing things I had never heard of: a pewter cauldron, crystal phials, the book fantastic beasts and where to find them. I was even told that I should arrive with a pet, either an owl, a cat or a toad!

Due to the fact that I had grown up as a muggle and went to muggle school, I had no exposure to the magical world and therefore, had no clue what I was getting myself into. One thing I was always fearful of, is failure. I am determined to not let myself fall behind or let my lack of magical knowledge hinder my progress.

I was taken to Diagon alley by my parents, reluctantly may I add. When we got there, everything seemed so familiar yet so new. There were so many children around my age collecting their equipment ready to start the new term. Parent's were with their children happily going around shops, it made me look silly as mine were miserable as sin and looked so out of place. I think they were just worried that this place was real and that they would have to believe that this was actually happening. I doubt they'll ever accept me as a witch though.

Once we had received everything I needed, we got back to the car and headed home. I decided on an owl. I got a barn owl and decided to call him Gizmo, he was squawking happily in his cage next to me. "Will you shut that owl up Y/N. It's giving me a headache" I frowned because there was nothing I can do about him, he probably wants to be free to fly. "Oh, by the way. If you get yourself into any trouble, we will NOT be there to pick up the pieces. We have decided that we want nothing to do with this 'magic' business so we expect you to behave" my father said in the driver's seat of the car. I just sighed and agreed because I knew there was no point in arguing with him, it would only end in tears.

I couldn't wait to get out of here. My parents always expected the most from me even though I am just a child. I know that Hogwarts is going to be my place to escape. I doubt I'll come home unless I absolutely have to.

I was dropped off at Kings cross station without even a goodbye. I looked at my train ticket and frowned at the platform "Nine and three quarters, surely this is wrong" I decided it would be best to wander in and see if anything catches my eye to help.

I was about to lose all hope until I saw a small family mention Hogwarts. They were hushed about it since muggles were present but they were loud enough for me to hear. I watched closely as they stopped between platform's nine and ten. When they made a run for the wall that was when I knew where I needed to go. I waited until they all went through the wall before I tried it. I took a deep breath and charged towards the wall, luggage going through first. I closed my eyes tightly bracing for the collision but I felt nothing. So, I opened my eyes and there it was the Hogwarts express.

There were so many students and parent's, I was almost jealous. I didn't let it get to me though. I pushed my way through the crowds and got onto the train. I put my luggage in the designated areas, keeping my carry on containing my robes. I found an empty carriage and got changed immediately. I couldn't contain my excitement.

The train started to move, leaving the station. But as it did, the door slid open and four boys were stood before me. "Is it alright if we sit in here with you?" I nodded and they piled in. I broke the silence "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you all" They smiled at me and one of them spoke on behalf of them all "I'm Sirius, this is James, Remus and Peter" "Thank you for letting us sit with you, everywhere else was full" I giggled "It's no problem, honestly" We talked for a while and got to know each other.

"So, you know nothing about magic then?" I nodded and they were shocked. I told them briefly about how my parents feel and they sympathised with me. "Well, my parents expect me to be in Slytherin but I know that I won't be. I'm nothing like them, fortunately" I hoped that I would be in the same house as the boys so that I'm not alone.

Halfway there, a lady with a trolley full of amazing foods passed us, "anything from the trolley dears?" I had no money since my parent's thought they spent enough getting me my items. I shook my head however, the boys got basically the whole trolley between them. They got chocolate frogs, exploding bonbons, pumpkin pasties, Bertie botts every flavoured beans and many more treats. Remus handed me a chocolate frog and explained that they're hexed so they move. I opened the box and it hopped out before I could catch it. But then, I realised there was a card at the bottom of it, Albus Dumbledore. "Oh, that's the headmaster of Hogwarts, it's said that he is the greatest wizard of all time" I felt uneasy looking at him though, maybe it was because they said my headmaster is one of the most important people in the wizarding world.

The train finally pulled to a stop and the five of us decided to stick together. We departed the train and were stood on the platform chatting. "First years, follow me" we heard. I turned around and stood before us was a huge man with a bushy black beard and a mane of frizzy hair. I had never seen anything like it so I was pretty scared.

We followed the man called Hagrid to some boats and made our way to the castle. It looked incredible in the moonlight. All the lights shining in the many hundred windows contrasted the silhouette of the castle reflecting against the river. We were all in awe looking at our new home.

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