Someone Else's Not So Good Fa...

By KayleighMayBieb

7.5K 128 42

This is just another story that is about a beautiful teenager girl called Fatime Orbán that falls in love wit... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One.
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three.
Chapter Twenty - Four.
Chapter Twenty - Five.
Chapter Twenty - Six

Chapter Five.

275 7 4
By KayleighMayBieb

Re - Cap:

I helped Jazzy open the door so she could go and see Fatime and we all could sit down and try and relax. As soon as I opened the door, Jazzy screamed in happiness to see Fatime but didn't understand why she's in a hospital bed. Jazzy tried to get up into the bed to give Fatime a big hug, but she wasn't able to do that so I walked in up behind her and picked her up so she was able to sit on the bed with Fatime. After a while, it was a getting late so Ryan and Kayleigh was starting to get ready to say their goodbyes to us and we made plans to see each other after Fatime is out of hospital and better. By the time they were about to leave, I looked over to see how Jazzy and Fatime where doing and there was both fast asleep in each other’s arms.

* * *

Back to the story.

As I was looking at Jazzy and Fatime sleeping, I decided that I needed a photo of these together. They are my two favourite girls. I quickly snapped a photo of them together which I then made it as my wallpaper, and locked it which I then placed in my back pocket of my black skinny jeans.

After a while, I could see myself getting sleepy so I quickly opened up my twitter app on my iPhone and tweeted;

" Goodnight My Beliebers #MUCHLOVE x"

After I did that, I followed some beliebers, send some dm's and did some re-tweets. As I finished my last re-tweet, I saw that I had a new dm so I opened it up to see who is was and okay is someone pranking me or is it just me, I looked at the user name and looked at it again to see, it was right. Am I seeing things or is it just me seeing her user name on my screen. I looked at it once more to make sure it was her, but I was wrong it was someone else with the same user name. I opened the dm to see that just another message from one of my beliebers saying;

i love you.

I smiled and started to reply to it saying that i love you too and thanking them for being with me from day one. As I was replying I looked over and Fatime and when I read " i love you." she smiled. Was she still awake? I whispered i love you too. I need to make her mine after we are out of this hospital or as soon as possible after. After I had finishing send that dm, I put my iPhone on the table near her bed, and slowly fell asleep dreaming of how I was going to make her mine.

The Next & Final Day In Hospital.

I slowly, opened my eyes to see Jazzy sitting up on Fatime's bad and smiling at me. I went over to the bed and picked her up slowly, so that I didn't wake her up. I went back to my seat and placed Jazzy on my lap and said to her, that I needed to take her home, now because you are seeing her grandparents with Jaxon today. I needed to go and get a piece of paper from someone so i can leave a note to Fatime and the reason why I and Jazzy are not there, because if she wakes up and she doesn't know where I am, she will start to worry.

I got up out of the chair and placed Jazzy on her feet so she can walk, with me. I placed my hand into hers and walked out of the room, I went down to the hospital shop which wasn't far from her room, so i could go and get a notebook or a piece of paper and pen. As Jazzy and I found the shop and walked into it, I saw a notebook that was perfect for the note and I could use for lyrics for future songs later. I paid for the notebook and could see that Jazzy, was looking at the sweets, she picked her favourite and, I got some to for me and Fatime, before we went to pay for the sweets and the notebook and pen. When we was at the counter, to pay for the notebook and sweets, the man, was smiling really big and evil. What's up with that? I got out my card and paid for our things and was about to walk out of the shop when the man said, can I have you autograph please, it’s for my son; he's a really big fan of yours. Sure, what’s he's name? Nick. Thanks man, means so much. Your welcome, here you are. Have a nice day.

Me and Jazzy walked back into Fatime's room, and sat down so, I was able to write the note for her and pack Jazzy things. Firstly, I packed up all of Jazzy clothes and things that she had with herself yesterday and, placed them near the door, so I was ready to go and just write the note for Fatime. I placed the notebook on the table that was near her bed and moved the chair closer to the table so it was easier for me to write the note. I got the pen out of my back pocket and started to write:

Hey Sweetie!

Just me :)

Did you sleep well? If you were wondering where me and Jazzy have gone to I just taken Jazzy home as she and Jaxon are going out to swim with grandparents today. I won't be too long, if you need me, just text me or ring me okay.

Speak soon babe,

Love J x

I finished the note and placed the note on her bed side table where her phone was. I quickly kissed her on the cheek and walked to the door with Jazzy and her things. I walked to the car and dove to my grandparents’ house with Jazzy. I hope she will be okay, on her own. I thought to myself, that I hope not to be too long. Jazzy and I arrived at my grandparents’ home and Diane opened the door and, picked up Jazzy into her arms and I smiled and I was glad to see them. I hadn't seen them in a while. I know I have to get back to Fatime, but I just can't leave without saying hello or anything. Fatime won't mind would she? I walked into the house and saw my mom and my grandpa sitting in the living room whilst Jazzy was on the floor playing with her toys and Jaxon wasn't around, so I guessed that he was sleeping or something.

I stayed with my family for about 45 minutes before, then I realised that I needed to go back to the hospital to see Fatime. I said my goodbyes and hugged all my family and opened the door and walked down the driveway to my car. I opened my car door and attached my seat belt and started the engine. I drove back to the hospital reasonably quickly, but it wasn't the fastest as of the traffic. I was able to park in the staff car park, it was less noticeable to people that I am here. I stopped the engine and undone the door and walked through the main entrance door which led me to the reception. I didn't need to ask the person at the reception desk as I knew where Fatime was. I walked into her room to see that she was awake, and that she wasn't alone. That Austin boy was in the room again, sitting with her. I am really starting to not like this kid. I walked in to the room and Austin gave me a dirty look and then smiled back at Fatime. Seriously this kid, needs to learn when someone is mine or really personal to me, and doesn't treat them right, something is going to down in a bad way.

I said hey, to Fatime, and then asked Austin why he was here. I didn't like that fact that he was here, when I wasn't. I don't trust him. He said that he was just checking up on how Fatime was getting on. And then he made a remark that was out of line. As you wasn't.

"Excuse me, buddy?"

"But I think you'll find I have and you don't even know her anyways."

"I think you find I do know her,"


"She is a friend of mine."

"Yeaah right man."



Guys seriously, stop fighting or someone is going to get hurt. It was too late for that; Justin had punched Austin, right in the face. He was really unbalanced.


" What the hell was that for?"

" He needed to be put in his place, I will show you the reason why?"

I got out my phone and showed her the picture and then explained why that needed that to happen. He was just too cocky and too full of himself. Austin walked out of the room and went to find some help, for his face. I went to the bathroom to collect her bag and the clothes that she was going to wear when we were allow to leave as it was her last day here in the hospital. After I had collected all of her things, the nurse came in to check everything was okay, with Fatime and that she was able to be discharged from the hospital. The nurse got her a wheelchair so she could be discharged and I collected all of her things and placed them on the chair so I could help Fatime; get out of the hospital bed without hurting herself. I slowly eased her into the wheelchair and placed her bag on her lap and I carried the others things.

As, we were about to open the door to the leave the hospital, we both realised that Fatime hadn't changed into her new clothes in her bag, So I gave the nurse her bag and help Fatime into the bathroom to change and the nurse helped her. I walked into the room so that she could have her privacy. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Fatime came back into the room and me and the nurse helped her get back in to the wheelchair. She looked beautiful. The nurse opened the door for us and opened the lift for me and Fatime. I wheeled her into the life and closed my eyes. I know I was with Fatime, but I still have a feeling in my stomach that I really didn’t like. The doors pinged open and the nurse told us that we needed to wait in the waiting room until a doctor came and signed her out and explain when she needs to come back to have her casts removed.

A few minutes later, middle - aged woman came into the waiting room and asked for Fatime and me. I got up of my seat and wheeled Fatime into the office. The doctor asked Fatime a few questions and asked her to sign a few pieces of paperwork. When Fatime has signed the paperwork the doctor, asked her if she was available in a few weeks to come in and have her casts removed.

"Yes, I am. Oh, wait a minute, I don’t have a car and my mom is away on a business trip."

"That’s okay, I can drive you here, and it’s no problem."

"Yeah, are you sure Justin?"

“Of course."


We both said our goodbyes and thank-yous to the doctor. I opened the door and wheeled Fatime to the car. After I placed her into the car, I put the wheelchair in the back of the Range Rover. I started the engine and drove back to my place. It was only a 20 minutes’ drive. When I stopped the car in the driveway, I got out and went to the back of the car got out her wheelchair. I placed it near the side of the car and opened her door so that I was able to help out of the car and into the wheelchair without hurting her. I took my keys out of my pocket and opened the front door. It was mid- afternoon and it was started to get cold, so put her bags on one of the chairs in the living room and then moved her to the sofa and moved the wheelchair to the side of the sofa. When I was done that, I asked her if she wanted to watch a movie or chill out. She answered by saying;

"Umm... I don’t really mind Justin."

"So a movie it is then ;)"


"My Bad! - What film do you want to watch?"

" Umm.... have you got any horrors?"

"Yeah, Paranormal Activity?"



I went and placed the disc into the DVD player and sat back down next to Fatime. I was glad that she was with me and not in the hospital anymore. We were about half way through the movie, when I was starting to feel hungry so I asked her what’s her favourite pizza and Fatime said Cheese.

I went into the kitchen and picked up the phone that was placed on the wall near one of the cupboard and dialled the number for my favourite pizza place in Canada called – Pizza Pizza! I ordered my favourite pizza and Fatime’s and some sodas. I said thanks and hung up the phone back on the wall. I walked but into the living room to see that Fatime, very sleepy but still watching the film. About 15 minutes later the doorbell rang. I quickly went to the door to get the pizzas and drinks and paid the delivery man with 20 dollars and said thank-you. When the man was walking back to his Justin I closed the door and went into the kitchen to get some plates for the pizza. After I got the plates I walked into the living room and placed the food on the coffee table, when I had done that I opened my soda and picked a piece of pizza up and starting eating. When I was eating, Fatime said thank - you for the food and started eating. When I had finished my food I cuddled up her and waited until he had finished with her pizza and drink. While I was waiting I was kept watching the movie. After about 15 minutes all of the pizza was done with and so was the drink so I walked into the kitchen and placed it in the rubbish bins. I walked back into the living room and watched the rest of the movie with Fatime laying her head on my chest. It was prefect, as the movie was finishing there was scary part and all of a sudden I heard this massive scream and crying. I looked over next to me, to see that Fatime was the one crying and the one that screamed. I quickly calmed her down by giving her a big hug and told her;

"Shhh... Its okay, I'm here. There nothing to worry about, I promise okay babe."

"After a few minutes the film had finished and Fatime was calmed and relaxed. I put the disc in its case and placed the case back into one of the draws where my DVDs are. I went back to sit down with her and could see that she was getting really sleepy so I picked her up bridal style and walked up to my room and placed her on my bed and covered her with the covers and turned the lights off and I was about to walk out as I heard her speak, saying;?

"Where are you going?

"I am sleeping on the soda, in the living room.

"No, don't be silly, please stay Justin."

With that I took off my t-shirt and jeans and got into bed with her. I was about to say goodnight to her when we looked into each other’s eyes. It was like if her eyes were magic. There was so brown and pure. There were stunning. We stared into each other’s eyes for a few minutes and the I looked down and she began to blush again. I think it's cute when she blushed. I put my arms around her small waist and kissed her forehead and whispered goodnight into her ear and smiles. I then quickly fall asleep happy know that she is in my arms.

A few weeks had pasted, and it was the day that Fatime is able to have her casts removed. She was really happy to finally get them off. In the past few weeks, we have made more eye contact and flirty with each other but not much, as she isn't mine yet. I have been wanting to make her mine since the day we met.

We both arrived at the hospital around 4:30 in the afternoon, as the hospital will be less busy with people and patients as the visiting hours are over. I got the wheelchair out of the back of the car and pushed it to the side of the passenger side and opened the door for Fatime. I helped her into the chair and wheeled her in to the waiting room. I told the receptionist that Fatime was her and that were waiting in the waiting area. After a while a nurse came out and called Fatime's name and I wheeled her into the room. It wasn't long until she was on the bed and the doctor was getting the equipment ready to have the casts removed. You could see in her eyes that she was happy to have them removed but also scared. I don't know why she was scared, I was here and I will always protect her.

The treatment was pretty simple and straight forward. As it was happening I placed my hand into Fatime's so it was make her less stressed about the treatment. After the treatment was done, the doctor asked if she wanted to keep the casts as they were signed but family and friends. She said yes please. The nurse walked away with them and came back with them in a medium sized blue bag, so I or she could carry them. When she received the bag, the doctor said everything was fine and that you just need to take in easy for the next few days so your arm and leg and adjust back to their normal working selves. We both walked out of the doctor room, and the smile that was on her face was magical she hadn't smiled in a while so I was glad to see her smiling again.

Fatime's Pov

"Justin - Can we go to Starbucks so I can go and get my favourite frappuccino please Justy?"

"Yeah sure, only on one condition."

"Okay - what's that Justin?"

"I am paying and taking you out to dinner soon."

"That's two things, I can pay for myself you know Justin and I would love too."

"I know you can, but I like to treat my friend no and then."

"Okay, off to Starbucks we go!"

It was only a 5 minute drive to the nearest Starbucks coffee so I pressed on the radio and Fall starting playing. I started to sing the lyrics to myself;

"Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right..."

When I had just finished that, Justin smiles and starts with me. Omg! Is this really happening I'm singing fall with Justin Bieber. When the song finished, we had just arrived at Starbucks. Justin got out the car and came around the front of the car and opened the car door for me.

"Thank-you, what a gentlemen."

"You’re so very welcome."

Justin's Pov.

Fatime's pressed the play button on the radio and my song "Fall" came on, she started singing, I didn't realise that she could sing as well. She sounded like an angel. When she has finished the first verse of the song, I had to join in. We sang together until the song has ended it was beautiful. We were in perfect harmony together, but the best thing about it that when i wrote this song I didn't dedicate it to anyone, but now Fatime is in my life, I have decided to dedicated to her, the song was perfect for her and it was about her and me. That's the most important thing about that song.

Fatime and I got out of the car and walked into Starbucks and ordered our usual's at the counter and then found a small at the back of the coffee shop. We didn't want to be seen, so we sat at the back of the coffee shop. I can't stop looking into her beautiful eyes, there are magical. We talked about most things and we flirty a little too. I am so glad I have met her. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, except my career and my beliebers, of course. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. Once we finished our drinks we said thank -you to the staff and may our way back to the car, but before we was able to get to the car, Paps, were anywhere, we couldn't move, there asking so many questions and flashed from every corner. I had some glasses in my pocket so I got them out and gave them to Fatime, as the lights were getting really bright. I didn't mind about mine eyes to much. As soon we were able to get in to the car, I pressed the horn and the paps, moved away completely. After a few minutes, all of the paps had gone and we were about to make our way back to the house, but there was girls that, looked like that wanted a picture or just a small hug. I quickly got out of the car and when over to the girls and said Hello. I love to be able to see fans and hung out with them, maybe just for a picture or sign a t-shirt or an album, but that put a smile on their face and make me smile too, so I am happy. When my beliebers smile I smile.

After I signed some of the girls’ things, I realised that Fatime, didn't come out of the car with me. She still sat there in the car. Why did she do that? I needed to find out why. She looked sad; I looked at her when she was looking down so it was so easy for her to see that I was looking at her. The girls saw that i was looking at her, so that asked me who it was. I said it was just a friend that I really really liked. Some of the girls asked if she was able to come and see us. I went back to the car and asked her if she wanted to come and the girls as they wanted to see them. She smiled, but I could see through the smile - it was a fake one. I didn't say anything about and led Fatime and myself back to the girls and we took a group photo together and signed something. Then one girl asked;

"You’re really pretty, what’s your name?

"Fatime. Thank-you but I will have to disagree that comment."

All of the girls and myself, didn't think that. She was beautiful. So I made a signal to the girls so that we could make Fatime realise that she is beautiful. We all shouted at once;


As soon as we all said that, she started to run, I ran as fast as I could, to catch up with her to see what's was the matter. I catched up with her quiet quickly and could see that she was crying. When I looked to see she was crying it started to pour with rain. I just laughed, but I wished I didn’t. She started to run away, but I was quick enough to grab her around the waist, without hurting her.

"Shhh... Its okay, I'm here. Everything is gonna be alright, I promise okay babe."

"What's up.?"

"Nothing Justin, I'm fine."

I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine we just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. It was perfect. At this point she has stop crying.

"I know your lying; I can read you like a book Fatime Orbán."

"Really, because I am fine Justin."

"Please tell me what's the matter, maybe I can help?"

" Okay, answer this please?"


"Why are you so caring and kind towards me, I have nothing compared to those girls, I just another girl that nobody lov...

I couldn't be hearing this, so I did, what I have been wanting to be done since the first day I saw her. I pressed my lips against her soft beautiful lips. She was really shocked at first but after a few seconds she kissed back. It was amazing. The feeling was there again. It's magically perfect.

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