By HoshiUtsukushi

273K 11.6K 27.5K

Rest well, King. More

What the fuck is this chapter
A note
Final A/N


3.8K 134 725
By HoshiUtsukushi





You turn to look at the adamantem. He was still deep in thoughts, not even noticing your stare at him. you still don't know what his next move will be, he might take his leave now. but it wouldn't hurt to try right?

"Oh, um... if you don't mind me asking, skeppy-" You turned to look at him.

He then snapped out of his daze and looked at you with a questioning gaze, "Yeah?" He asked.

"After this, do you plan on leaving?" You asked.

Everyone's gaze was now on you and skeppy, clearly shock that you'd choose him. they expect you to choose someone you knew long enough to trust them to be in the cabin with you.

"Uh, i'm still not sure. why?" he said.

You smiled, "Do you mind if you stay over here for a bit more? i'd like you to be the one who-"


You were interrupted when he quickly responded with a big smile, all eyes were now on him from his sudden answer. You chuckled when he realized what he just did and coughed awkwardly. a pink tint surrounds his cheeks as he looked away from everyone's gaze. He then straightened his posture and put up a serious face and looked back at you.

"I mean, Yes. i'd like to stay a bit more." He said.

You smiled at him and you immediately felt more relaxed when he smiled back at you, you then turned to phil for him to continue the meeting.

"Alright, now that's settled-"

"Wait! how can we be sure he can guard Y/N?" Quackity suddenly stood up.

"What do you mean?" Phil looked at him.

"What i mean is that, are we really trusting the princess to an adamantem? I'ts not that i'm mad, it's just-- I'm worried, okay?"

He stuttered out, skeppy then looked at him with an unreadable look. "You think I would hurt her?" He said.

"I would never hurt a fly, I only accepted because-"

Before he can even continue he stopped midway and slapped a hand to his mouth, all eyes were on him now that he didn't continue his speech. He then coughed awkwardly, looking away from the stares.

"Because what?" Quackity asked, pressing on to the issue further.

"Nothing, I accepted because I wanted to help you guys." Skeppy quickly said.

"Isn't that kind of suspicious?" Alexandra also joined the arguement. "I mean, you said that you accepted because you wanted to help. We never did anything good to you for you to help us, unless you intend to do something bad to the princess..." Alexandra trailed off, shooting glares at skeppy's way.

"Yeah! Isn't that suspicious?" Quackity pressed on.

"I would never!" Skeppy exclaiked back in attempt to defend himself.

And so the argument started, the siblings bullying the poor adamantem and trying to convince you to pick another person to stay here on the cabin with you. You then looked at phil to see him sighing and pressing a finger to his temple, you can't blame him. If you were him you'd probably be annoyed too.

"Alright, that's enough-" You stood up, all their attention were now on you.

"-Quackity, Alexandra. My decision is final, I'd like skeppy to be the one to stay here with me." You said.

Right after you said that you can see the worried expression grew on the sibling's face.

"But, Princess Y/N! You can't be sure-" Alexandra tried to reason with you.

"Skeppy is an adamantem, that is an advantage to me and to us. He is not from any kingdom and it'll be easier if a person unknown from any kingdom is to stay here with me. It'll avoid any suspicions happening." You explained.

Everyone fell quiet, you do have a point. "Yeah, I'm with Miss Y/N!" Tubbo exclaimed. Soon, each one of them started agreeing with your reason.

Quackity then sighed in defeat, "Fine, fine... I'll agree." He spoke and looked at Alexandra. "She do have a point..." She grumbled under her breathe.

After that, you smiled and you heard phil clapped. You turn to see a relieved smile from him, you then sit back down. Quackity did the same and the room fell quiet again when phil started speaking.

"Then it's decided. Let's move on to the plan." He spoke.

"As I said before, it'll be better if we stay low for now. But that doesn't mean we will be hiding forever from the kingdom, we all will go back to our own kingdoms like nothing of these ever happen." He started.

"Don't worry about reasoning about the people and guards, I've already sent someone to make a rumor that you all went to different places since you all were injured from the wedding."

"The people were probably talking about you guys right now at this very moment, they're very worried to see half of the guests from the wedding is still not returning to their kingdoms. Don't worry, no suspicions had been raised. Just rumors"

No one dared to object from what phil had said, only nodding and humming in agreement. Ranboo then raised a hand and phil nodded in his way, indicating he can speak up.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking- when will we return?" The enderian spoke.

Phil smiled.

"Right now."


"That is a weak excuse for some low insects like them."

A certain masked man was relaxing in his study, "Anything else you'd like to report?" Dream asked, looking up to see his all familiar Butler.

"That is all, your majesty." Punz said.

Dream hummed, "You are excused." With that, punz bowed and exited the study room with elegant footsteps faiding in the background.

He then pulled another paperwork and started writing something on it, his mind was busy thinking of how to find the pests that ruined his plans. His hand was still focused on writing some important words down on the paper.

Suddenly, a knock broke him out of his trance. "You may enter." He said out loud while he put down the pen he was holding.

Then, the door to his study opened. A familiar face then surprised him. His brown locks was messy but it still suits his face, two dark brown horns were growing on the side of his head. His red eyes were droopy as he smirked at the sight of the masked man.

"I heard you called for me?" The new guest said.

Dream nodded, standing up. "Glad you accepted my invitation, Schlatt."

Schlatt then scoffs a laugh and slammed the door shut, stomping his way infront of dream and plopping down in a chair infront of the table. Dream sat back down and smiled under his mask.

"I never thought I'd need any help for this situation but I guess I do." Dream started.

Schlatt only rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just get to the point." He said.

Dream ignored his annoyance and spoke up, "My spy had made progress." He spoke.

Schlatt raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" He said, interested.

"He had found some of the pests but is still in process on finding the other pests, we're making great progress here." Dream said.

Schlatt smirked in triumph, "So, what's the next move?" He asked.

Dream smiled sadistically under his mask, a crazed look was plastered in his face. "What's your right hand man name?" He asked.

Schlatt tilted his head, a glare present on his face. "What about him?" He asked.

"Well, he's gonna be really important in this situation Schlatt. So what's his name?" He asked.

Schlatt only stayed quiet for a few minute, his right hand man? Did he mean quackity? What does quackity gotta do with this mess? He don't exactly care that much for his right hand man, if he's still workig then he's still useful. But lately, he had been noticing that he had been slacking off his job. Going home early and leaving some unfinished paperwork behind.

He never dared to ask why, he had just assumed it's just some stupid family issue he got with his siblings. But lately, he found out that that was not the case. He had been exchanging letters with another unknown person, he also never bothered to ask why. He just assumed that the dumbass was in love and was sending letters to some slut.

But it seems like there was more to it, considering that dream is asking for his name. He would never bring up his right hand man for nothing, so he assumed this had to be something important.

"His name is Andrew Smith, what's this mess gotta do with him?" Schlatt asked.

Dream was quiet for a moment, he seems to be in deep thoughts. His emotions was unreadable because of the mask, he then spoke. "Is he that guy who's always wearing a beanie and is speaking Spanish?" He asked.

Schlatt shot a weary glance at dream, so he had already gathered some small information about his right hand man without his permission.

"No, who's that? I don't have any right hand man that's described that way. Andrew has blonde hair and is always wearing a suit." He said.

Dream was quiet for a few minutes again, he then pulled out a picture and tossed it to the table. Letting Schlatt see it.

There, on the picture was a photograph of his right hand man. Familiar beanie and black hair, a bright smile was on his face. He was wearing a blue jacket with white shirt underneath.

"Is he not this guy?" Dream asked.

Schlatt scoffed out a laugh, "Who's that mother fucker? Of course not." He managed to say.

He was not stupid, it was obvious that quackity had something to do with this situation. But why? He never expected his right hand man to be involved in such a big mission. He first need to know where he was before he can make a first move with dream.

"Really? Then show me how this 'andrew' looks like."

That's a tough call, still, Schlatt only smirked in annoyance and pulled out his scroll out of his pocket and started looking for a guy that's close to his description of 'andrew' earlier. He had the picture of every staff on his Palace so it was easy to spot a blonde guy.

He then showed dream a picture of one of his guard, blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing a suit. Schlatt yawned, "Are we done yet?" He asked.

Dream looked at the person Schlatt showed him, he grumbled something under his breathe in annoyance. "Alright then, let's move on to the important part." He said.

Now this catched Schlatt's attention, he was now wide awake. He then stuffed back his scroll in his pocket and leaned forward, "Oh?" He asked.

He was not stupid indeed, he will do anything to protect the identity of his right hand man. After all, without quackity he won't be anywhere near on being a King right now. He owe a lot to that guy, the least thing he can do is protect his identity.

But that doesn't mean he'll protect his right hand man's friends.


(Forgive me for the short amount of screen time I'm giving dream and Schlatt :') I'm trying to do a (poor) cool transition so that y'all have no idea what their plans was HEUHSEHAUAHSA)

"Right now."

Phil said and almost everyone gasped in the room, "right now?" Wilbur repeated.

Phil only nodded, "Yes. The more early we move, the more advance we will be in this battle." He said.

The people in the kitchen thought about it for a bit before nodding at each other, "Now that's said, pack your shit up. We'll be on the move." Phil said.

Then, one by one, they all start going upstairs to get their things. Just when Fiona was about to leave the kitchen, phil called out for her. "Fiona." He called out.

Fiona then looked at phil, "Yes, your majesty?" She asked.

There was now the two of them left, the others went on their own way to pack their shit up. Fiona then looked around at first before nodding and sitting back down on one of the chair she was sitting earlier.

"What is it, your majesty?" She asked.

Phil smiled down at the gal, "No need to be formal, just call me Phil." He said.

Fiona was about to decline when she thought about it for a bit, Philza was a king that needs to be respected and be given proper respect from his people. It was rare for him to suggest someone who's low as fiona is to just call him by his first name.

With a little hesitation, she nodded. "So uh, what is it your-- erm... Phil?" She stuttered.

Phil chuckled at her before going to the point, "I've been taking flights here and there to make sure no one was following us here in the cabin." He started.

"I somehow manage to find... A certain guy near the cabin. He was not exactly in the cabin but he was close, about a mile away." He said.

Fiona tilted her head, a mile was close to him? For her that's far away from being close. "He was wearing something a royal guard would wear, and there I saw it. The royal crest planted on his cape." He continued.

"There was no doubt he's from Omáda óneiro kingdom. That green bastard probably send him to find Y/N." He said.

Fiona then gasped, he was already sending someone to find the princess? He act way too fast. "Just a question, uh- why are you telling me this exactly?" She asked.

Phil then looked at her with a serious look on his face, "The point is, he did not sent that royal guard to find the princess." He said.

"That's what he wants us to think, to panick. But no, I found some new information while stalking the royal guard." He added.

Fiona listened closely, "He sent the royal guard to find you, fiona." He said.

Fiona's green eyes widened in surprise, "What? Me?" She asked, totally shocked. "Why?" She asked.

"Probably because dream found you not on the palace or something, I'm not still sure." he said.

That information sent shivers down fiona's spine. She never thought of that possibility, that dream will get his attention to some maid like her. Still, this was enough to make her pale as a ghost. I mean, who wouldn't? She's just a simple maid that got caught up with this mess.

Still, she did not regret anything. Without the princess's help, she'd probably be dead right now. With the witch satisfied with her soul in hand, that thought only made her shiver more as she tried to take her attention away from all of these information.

"So it'll be dangerous if you went back to the palace." Phil added.

Fiona looked to the ground, she had made a decision to join this mess. And she's gonna be ready for whatever consequences there is. She then looked up from the ground and to phil with a determined look.

"What should I do now?" She asked.

"I suggest you find a home to lay low for now, I'd want you to stay here with Y/N and skeppy but the possibility of that Royal guard finding the cabin and you, it'll be a problem." He said.

Fiona nodded, he does have a point. That royal guard is trained when he was still a teenager, he was trained for these kind of things. He can just sneak in the cabin without making a sound and kidnap fiona away from the princess's and skeppy's sight.

"I'll take her with me!" A voice suddenly spoke up, startling the two.

She then looked behind her to find a certain fox. Fundy, "I'll be going back home to my turf, it's gonna be a lot safer if she's with me." He spoke.

Then, a black haired gal hurried inside the kitchen, almost tripping to her feet as she entered the kitchen with an excited grin. "I think she'll be safer if she's in my Manor!" She exclaimed.

Phil looked at the two, tilting his head as he looked at fiona. It's her decision after all, "You can stay on them for a while. When I get rid of the royal guard I'll send you a letter to go back." He gave fiona a warm smile.

With that, he left the kitchen. Leaving the trip together, "So? What do you say, fiona?" Alexandra smiled.

Fiona just stayed quiet, "I think it'll be better if you come with me. Alexandra's Manor is close to the palace, and her brother is the right hand man of the King of the manburg. It can put you in danger." Fundy explained.

Alexandra then shot fundy an offended look, "Wait, wait, wait, so you're saying that being the right hand man of the King of the manburg is a bad thing?" She said.

Fundy shook his head, "No, that's not what I'm implying-" he was interrupted when Alexandra spoke again.

"Oh? Then what are you implying?" She asked with a sassy tone.

"What I'm saying is that, your Manor is close to the damon's palace. It can put fiona in danger, unlike my turf which is far away from the palace." He explained with a calm tone.

"Your turf is known as a danger to the school, don't you remember?" Alexandra shot back.

Fundy crossed his arms, "False rumors are quick to spread, my turf is nothing close to being dangerous. Humans are the ones who's making my turf dangerous." He spoke, starting to lose his patience.

As Alexandra was about to shot back a comeback when fiona stood up and finally spoke, "Okay, okay don't fight now..." She said, getting between them to avoid them fighting any further.

"Alright then, so what's your decision?" Alexandra asked, eager to know fiona's answer.

Fiona was in distressed, not knowing who to pick. Fundy was right, his turf was far away from the palace and it'll be a safe place for her to stay low for a while. Alexandra on the other hand, her manor sure is close to the Palace but from what she know is the damons don't have any connection to the quackity Manor to begin with.

Both have an disadvantage and an advantage, but still. She can't be sure which to choose.

A. Fundy.

B. Alexandra.

[AYYEEE YALL BE PLAYIN FIONA FOR THE FIRST TIME DKSSJJSDNKS, both outcomes for fiona will be the same. Just the relationship of the character will improve or will go down, so choose carefully for fiona :DD]


All of them were on their way to go on their own kingdoms now, the only people that's left on the cabin was you and skeppy. Phil said he was going for a flight in the air so he left, the cabin, for once, is quiet.

The dancing of the fire and the crackles of the burning wood under the fire is the only sound you can hear, you were currently on the couch, reading a book. Skeppy was in the kitchen, making some coffee.

You can hear his footsteps when he exited the kitchen, a hot coffee in his hand. He then plopped besides you and put the coffee in the coffee table infront of you.

"So... You're a princess right..?" He asked sheepishly.

You hummed in response, looking at him. "So like, how should I call you? Just princess?" He asked.

"Just Y/N is fine." You smiled.

"Oh, alright then. I have no idea when it comes to formality, so yeah" he said, scratching the back of his head as he smiled.

"That's completely fine, don't worry about it." You said.

He only nodded, grabbing his coffee and sipping it. You then turned to your book, figuring that he probably don't like talking that much.

"So uh..." He started, startling you.

"Yeah?" You asked, looking at him.

"I've invited a friend over... Is that okay?" He spoke.

You looked at him, shocked. Friend? What did he mean by that? Are they another adamantem like him? A little suspicious, you asked. "Friend?" You spoke.

He nodded, "Don't get the wrong idea! I figured you'd be bored so..." He trailed off.

That's odd of him to think, the two of you met only in one day. So who's this friend of his? "Who are they?" You asked.

He immediately smiled when you asked that, "Oh! He's a very good friend of mine, I think the two of you already met..?" He trailed off.

As if on cue, a thud coming from the roof had catched both of your attention. You stood up, alarmed. While skeppy just smiled widely and ran to the front door.

"That must be him!" He exclaiked, opening the front door.

With a confused face, you followed after him. When you got out of the cabin you saw him looking at the roof of the cabin with an excited smile on his face, you then followed his gaze.

There, on the roof was the same demon that helped you and the one you talked to yesterday at night. This time he wasn't wearing any cloak since skeppy was wearing it, he have a warm smile on his face as he flew down the roof.

"Bad! You're here!" Skeppy spoke.

"Hello skeppy!" The demon greeted.

Then, skeppy engulfed the demon in a hug in which the demon was quick to return. You just stood there, watching them. "Alright then... Why don't we go inside?" You stated.

They then broke the hug and nodded, hurrying inside. Leaving you alone outside, you then followed them inside and closed the door. You shrugged off the snow that fell on you when you were outside before following the two in the living room.

"So uh... You guys know each other?" You asked.

They sat down on the couch and you sat down on the rocking chair that you had pulled the last tie you were taking care of a certain pinkette, they then looked at with a smile.

"Yes!" The demon spoke.

"What's your relationship with each other?" You asked.

Skeppy was about to answer when the demon beat him to it. "We're besties!" When he said that skeppy seems to look like he was betrayed.

"What? But I thought we're-"

"So, what's your name?" The demon looked at you, ignoring skeepy.

"Oh, uh- I'm Y/N Da-" you paused.

The only thing that can be heard in the room is skeppy's whining, you paused on your sentence...

Were you really a damon? Of course not, you were adopted. You are not a Damon and you will never be one, you're just adopted. You're no one special, just your ordinary commoner.

You're not a Damon, you are so far away from being a damon. The damon had an unknown history on their kingdom, until you came into the picture. You're just another decoy for them to use for their kingdom to have a good reputation.

You're not a damon.

For once, you listened to the voices. "I'm Y/N L/N." You smiled.

The voices were right, you're not a damon. Because if you were a damon then you probably would've been married to dream right now, a L/N would not do such a childish mistake. A L/N would be more smarter than that, you're a L/N and not a Damon.

If you were one, then your father would've forced you on marrying dream. And because you're not a damon he knew that you have the upper hand, that's probably why he didn't bothered talking to you about the wedding.

You smiled, for once you were glad that you were not a damon.

"Y/N..." The demon spoke, testing your name in his tounge.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N! My name's Bad!" He spoke.

You tilted your head, "Bad? You don't look like you're a bad person." You stated.

Skeppy bursted out laughing at that, "Well, my full name's actually Badboyhalo! But I prefer to be called bad!" He smiled.

"Badboyhalo?" You asked.

"That's not his true name, more of like an alias." Skeppy stated.

You did not bothered asking what's his real name was, maybe there's a reason why he named himself that? You might be overthinking but it wouldn't hurt to guess.

"Oh... If you don't mind ne asking, where did you find that name?" You asked.

Bad then smiled, "Well personally, I think that name is pretty hardcore and really cool!" He said.

You found that cute, "Your name doesn't really suit you, you're really kind and nice y'know?" You said.

"But not that I'm saying that your name sucks, I think your name is unique in it's own way." You quickly redeemed yourself.

"Heh, don't worry about it. I get that a lot." Bad spoke, chuckling.

It seems like you wouldn't be bored for the rest of the day then.


Days passed, the three of you had became really good friends. You figured that bad hates curse words, in fact if one said a curse word he'd quickly argue with a 'Language!' You've been used to it by now.

You're a person who doesn't/do swear a lot, so you try avoiding saying any curse words so that you wouldn't be scolded by bad.

Talking of scolding, bad acts a lot like a parent would. Constantly scolding skeppy when he did something wrong, but more than that, he was really sweet. He's a good company on the cabin.

And of course, their constant flirting didn't go unnoticed by you. Though you didn't say anything about it, you still noticed their flirtings. You found it amusing, an adamantem and a demon? A unique match you'd say.

Today was different though, you had received a letter from a crow. You assumed that it was from phil, the crow was sitting in the window in your room with the girls, you unfoldes the letter and read it's content on your mind.

Dear Y/N,

Today, Wilbur will take a visit and will drop off some supply. Just wanna tell you that just in case he came there uninvited.

I wanna keep you updated, the others were now back on their own kingdoms and they already took care of the rumors around their own towns. For now, the people were at bay.

We don't know how long they'd be at bay though, dream is probably doing his plan on the Palace right now. We need to be quick.

The children were back in school now, they're doing good in their classes if you were to ask.

Quackity, he's more bussier than usual. But let's just hope he'll send an update letter soon.

That's all for now, take care!

Sincerely, Philza.

With that, you smiled. At least they bothered visiting. You then put the letter on the nightstand, watching as the crow fly away from the cabib. You then walked back downstairs in which you saw a... rather peculiar scene.

"Please! Don't do this, bad!"

"I'm sorry, skeppy. As much as I hate this... I have to so this."

"Please! I'm begging you- Agh!"

Bad then placed down his final card, "Uno!" He shouted, a victory smile on his face.

Skeppy then slumped down on his seat, crying invisible tears. "Um... Am I interrupting something?" You spoke.

When your existance was now acknowledge by the two, bad smiled. "Good morning Y/N! We were just playing." He said.

You then walked forward, on the coffee table was a pile of uno cards. Alexandra's uno cards.

Meanwhile on the quackity manor, Alexandra was going through chest to chest. A distressed look was plastered on her face.


Back to the cabin, you can't help but feel somewhat uneasy when you looked at the uno cards. You quickly ignored the feeling and just smiled.

You then noticed a piece of paper was also on the table, you then read what was written on it.

Bad - 9

Skeppy - 3

You snorted, no wonder skeppy's whining like a child. You then sat down on the couch, watching them clean the cards and shuffling it again.

"Oh by the way, one of my friend will be visiting here to drop some supplies." You stated.

Bad then started giving out their cards, "friend?" Skeppy asked.

You nodded, "His name is Wilbur, the one you helped out on the field the other day." You said.

Skeppy then put down a yellow six numbered card, "Oh, the British dude?" He asked.

You nodded, "yeah." Bad then put down a yellow four numbered card.

Then, just like that the conversation ended quickly. They continued putting down cards, trying to gain the upper hand and win. You glances at skeppy's card to see some lucky cards, a four plus card and a block card.

You then peeked at bad's card. Your eyes widened when you saw he have two four plus cards, a reverse card and a two block card. Yep, skeppy's gonna take an L for sure.

You chuckled and stood up, walking to the kitchen. You figured to make some teas before Wilbur showed up, with that, you put the kettle on the furnace and waited for it whistle.

You then looked outside the window from the kitchen, you saw a figure trudging to the snow. A familiar beanie sitting on their head, you smiled. That was probably Wilbur.

When the kettle whistled, you were quick to remove it from the furnace and pour them to the mugs that already have coffee powder on them. Then, you started stirring them one by one, constantly looking at back to the window to see Wilbur closing to the cabin.

When you finished stirring, just in time when you heard skeppy exclaimed curses in the living room. He probably losed again, you chuckled as you put the mugs in a tray then walking back to the living room.

"That's just impossible! This is bullshit! How come you win everytime!?" Skeppy whined.

"Language! And it's because I'm great at this game, skeppy." Bad said.

"That's just cheating!" Skeppy shot back.

"I'm not cheating!" Bad defended.

"Oh yeah? Prove it then! Kiss me!" Skeppy sassed back.

"Okay!- wait- WHAT! NO!" bad was quick to decline.

"See! Then you're cheating!" Skeppy Simply laughed out loud.

You chuckled, putting the tray on the side on the coffee table so that it wouldn't get in their game. When they saw the coffee they quickly grabbed their own mugs.

"Thank you Y/N!" Bad thanked you.

You grabbed your own mug and sat down on the couch, "you're welcome." You then sipped your coffee.

Then, the door opened. It revealed a snow covered Wilbur. He shrugged off the snow in his trenchcoat before entering the cabin, a bag was in his back. When his eyes landed on the three of you he seems to relax.

"Hey Wilbur." You greeted him.

"Hello." He greeted back.

He then noticed the single coffee in the tray and looked at you, "for me?" He asked. You nodded and he quickly took a sip.

"So... Who's this?" He looked at bad.

"My hubby!" Skeppy declared, proud.

"Skeppy no!" Bad declined.

Bad then turned to Wilbur with a sheepish smile, "Hello! My name's badboyhalo! I'm a friend of skeppy!" He said.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow with the name, he then glances at you. You only shrugged your shoulders and took another sip with your coffee. He then shrugged it off too, going to the kitchen.

You were quick to follow him, putting your mug to the counter. "So how's it been?" You asked.

He then put the bag in the counter, unzipping it. "Been laying low for now, we can't afford to do anything stupid so we're moving slow." He said.

He then took out some canned foods, you then grabbed them and put them to the right place. He noticed your help and only smiled. "Anything new?" You asked.

"Eh, just new paper works. The flu on the kingdom is still there." He shrugged his shoulders.

He then pulled out some potions, you then put them on a separate chest. "The others?" You asked.

"Niki's on her palace as usual, doing some paperworks I assume. Quackity's been usual as usual, the kids were now back in school. I don't know about drista though, from what I've heard she's been absent for a long time." He explained.

Your face twisted to a worried one, she probably went back to their Palace. "And fiona?" You asked.

He chuckled, "Don't know. From what I know she either went with fundy or with Alexa." He said.

You raised an eyebrow, you trust the two to take care of your friend. She's just more than a maid, she's a friend to you. Sure, she might've have some mistakes in the past but she was determined to face the consequences.

That's what make you like her.

With that, the two of you chatted while putting the supplies on chests. By the time you two were done it was afternoon, you then heard skeppy screamed out in the living room again.

"HAH! SUCK THAT! I WON!" He screamed out.

So he finally won, "Great job skeppy!" You can hear bad clapping his hands in the living room.

Then, footsteps can be heard. The two of you turned to see the two of them entering the kitchen, smiles were on their faces.

"Y/N, you won't believe it- I won!" He exclaimed, looking at you with a large smile.

"That's amazing!" You complimented him.

"I know right?!" He exclaimed.

Then, there was a comfortable silence. Wilbur was looking up something in his scroll, bad was wagging his pointy tale back in forth while skeppy was finishing his coffee.

"So, what now?" You asked, the day was still young. There's so much to do.

"I don't know." Skeppy shrugged his shoulders.

"I know!" Bad exclaimed.

You then turned to him, "yeah?" You asked.

"Let's bake muffins!"

That statement made you and Wilbur looked at each other at the corner of your eyes, they didn't seem to notice as skeppy agreed with bad.

Wilbur and you were probably thinking the same thing.

The flu coming from the muffins on the kingdom.

Then, your guard went up. Is he..? No, you can't be sure. You need to make sure before you make any assumptions.

I mean, he's such a kind being. He even hate swearing, he's really sweet and kind. Can someone like him really poison half of the kingdom?

You then glances at him, there's always a possibility...

"Well? What do you say Y/N?" Bad turned to look at you.

You looked at wilbur, not knowing what to respond. He just shrugged his shoulders.

If you were right, then you need to turn him to the royal guards. If you're wrong, then everything will be fine.

You just hope everything will be fine.

A. Make some muffins with bad.

B. Decline.

AYYYEEE, so sorry for the lack of update. I've been procrastinating these days ;-;


Updates might be slow! Sorry!

That's all for now, remember to eat healthy foods, sleep and drink water!

Love y'all! Stay safe! :DD

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