Broken (A Draco Malfoy Fanfic...

By Blue-Jellybeans

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Sometimes when things get wet in the rain they start to crumble and fall apart, under the pressure. That's ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Very important

Chapter 19

14.4K 444 282
By Blue-Jellybeans

"Yes" Harry said. Thank the Gods he forgave me, now I don't feel so bad well no more than I should. I smiled but then a thought dawned on me and my face filled with anxiety.
"Harry, you know that I will never like you in that sort of way, right?" I said, hoping that I wouldn't hurt him even more.
"Yeah, I kind of figured that out" he said. And with a last small smile we departed.

I curled up on the couch in the common room, with a book in my hand. I turned to the first page of the yellow edged book and began to read.
The first thing you should know about me is. . .
But I didn't get to finish that sentence because someone sat down next to me.
"Samantha?" Draco whispered
"Mhm?" I answered
"I need to take you somewhere" he said in a soft voice.
"And where might that be?" I said, and decided that I couldn't focus so I closed the book and looked at him. His eyes. His beautiful eyes that got me staring every time.
"Well you know how the Astronomy Tower is my favorite place, and the Black Lake is your favorite place?"
"Yeah?" I said having no idea where this was going.
"So I thought maybe we could find our favorite place, not mine or yours, something we can have together" he said with his eyes twinkling.
"Where is our new favorite place going to be exactly?" I questioned
"Come on, I'll show you" he said and slipped his hand into mine to pull me up, but once I got up I didn't let go.

I let Draco lead me since I obviously had no clue where we were going. We passed several chatty portraits, and we even passed Moaning Myrtles bathroom. We went a little further than that when Draco came to a halt. He went behind a pillar and then in the corner I saw a staircase. A staircase I most probably passed everyday but I wasn't observant enough to notice it. We walked down the stairs and right at the bottom there was a door, we went through it and into the most wonderful room I've ever seen.
It was lit by candles that aligned the walls, washing the room in a warm golden light that reflected in our eyes. The walls were carved to make it look like domes and many images were engraved in the white stone walls. My eyes scanned the room and fell on a blanket, pillows and . . .a picnic basket.
"Wow" I said, stunned at the beauty of the room " how did you find this place?"
"Well let's just say that I have a gift for seeing beautiful things" he said looking right at me.

We sat down on the soft blanket.
"I didn't pack the normal picnic stuff, instead I brought the best food in the world, in your opinion" he said the last past with a smile as he lifted the lid open and took out a pizza box.
"Awwww" I said as I took a piece of my favorite pizza "you know, I don't know what your favorite food is Draco"
"You're right you don't, why don't we play 20 questions? You can ask me first if you want?" He said politely.
"Okay, so what is you favorite food?" I asked my first question.
"Macaroons" he said with a smile.
"I love macaroons too, next question is. . ."

We laughed so hard at our most embarrassing moments, almost cried at our worst memories, and we were intrigued by what we had to say.
"Okay so this is the last question" he said
"Ask away" I said, my head was on his chest and his fingers were brushing through my hair gently.
"If you could go anywhere in the world, that you haven't been to already, where would it be?" He said voicing his last question.
"Um, Amsterdam" I said truthfully.
"Good choice" he said, his voice sad.
I propped myself up with my elbows and looked at him in the eye.
"Draco what's wrong?" I ask my voice full of concern.
"Nothing" he said with a weak smile.
"Oh come on, I'm not stupid, I know something's wrong. What is it?" I asked again hoping he would tell me.
He avoided my gaze and looked to the floor. There was a silence spread over the room, and it was killing me. After what seemed like forever he finally turned to look at me with glassy eyes.
"Samantha i brought you to this place since school ends in a week , and I have something to tell you. Please try and understand this was not my decision, I really didn't want to but. . .I have to" he said, he sniffed and once again looked down from my demanding eyes.
"Please tell me what's bothering you, I can help you through whatever this is" I said starting to get more worried.
"I don't think you can help with this one. Well my mother, after the dementors performed the kiss on my father she cut herself off from everyone, even from me. She became very depressed and we didn't know where she was until yesterday. Yesterday she sent me a letter saying that she couldn't handle living alone in that house so she moved to some remote place out of England. In the letter she said that she needed me to come and live with her" he sniffed "Samantha I'm moving away" he said.
I was going to end it there but that would be cruel , so. . .

My mind took a second to process his painful words, I shattered. I cracked. . .I broke.
I really don't believe people when they say that in that moment they wanted to say so much but their voice was gone. Well now I truly understand what they meant by that, but instead of wanting to say so much, I on the other hand had nothing to say. My mind went blank, I froze and I couldn't get myself out of it.
He was going. Going to some place that I would most probably never see him again.
"When are you leaving?" Was all I got out.
"A day before the train leaves" he said.
I was so shocked, he was going to leave me.
"I'm so sorry, I really didn't know until yesterday" he said "you are the only person I can fully trust and love because you truly know me. I love you Samantha, and I really didn't want to leave you but I have to" he said and tears were now falling freely down both of our faces.
Despite the pain I was going through, he said that he loves me. It makes sense because we know each other properly. He is the first one I've told about my fathers death, besides my mother of course. He was the first person that ever kissed me, he was the first person I opened up to. I went with him to see his father for the last time, I was his anchor. And he was mine.
"I love you too" I whispered.

Hi everyone. So...what's going through your mind right now?

I wanted to let you guys know that I will be writing one more chapter and then the epilogue. So yeah, there's not much left.

Ive had so much fun writing this book and I want to thank you all for reading it. :)

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