Our happily ever after? (Rema...

Door fullmoon858

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The war is over and the Lupins family is facing many changes. But are they all good or are they bad? Will the... Meer

Now i'm waiting for you
Let's go back to home
Something more than a Werewolf
Grown stronger
Species that do not have rights for a family
Building a new life
Lydia Lupin
Love that can only be experienced by family
Two unexpected visits
An extraordinary meeting of the Order
Forgotten children
Don't call him "Master"
Pack Always Sticks Together
Professor R.J. Lupin
A new way of life
White Swan
Lupin's farm
Welcome back, Auror Tonks
Lost in the Hogwarts
Teddy's first Christmas
Fallen Angel
Million Mistakes
Just another day at work
The beast


560 9 18
Door fullmoon858

The round moon shone in sky, scattering its silver light everywhere. Tonks lay on the bed, Teddy sleeping next to her, the boy's hair was silver like Grimmould place spoons. From the basement she could hear the howling of a wolf, as if there were a small wolf crying desperately for its parents. Tonks was nervous, she didn't know what was going on in the basement where two werewolves kids and an adult were locked up. Remus and Liam had taken the Wolfsbane potion, but Ezra hadn't, because no one knew how the drink might affect a child who wasn't even a year old. The fear that they would find a small child who had died of her own blood in the morning was great. Remus promised to take good care of her and not allow her to hurt herself too much, but both were still worried. Tonks couldn't sleep all night, the only thing keeping her mind all night was her son, who woke up every few hours and gave a little activity for his mother. The boy also seemed nervous about what was happening in the basement. Tonks could hear Moon walking nervously back and forth downstairs and Junior jumped on the armchair and then off and soon on and then off again.

After a long night, the sun rose again. Tonks cast a few spells on Teddy to make sure the increasingly active boy didn't roll off the bed and then she ran down, grabbing her wand and medicine box. She opened the basement door and immediately met a gray wolf puppy that Liam had begun to call Milo. Tonks stroked the little wolf's head and walked past him, going down the stairs. She saw Remus pulling on his bathrobe and two small children lying on their backs on the blankets , Teddy's baby blanket spread over them to protect their tiny bodies.

,,How are they?"Tonks asked, first squatting in front of Ezra and pushing her thickening reddish-brown curls away from her face.

,,Ezra howled all night. I didn't even know that such small wolves could howl, Ezra usually can't even say hello, "Remus replied as he sat down on the floor next to his wife," She didn't hurt herself much, she just howled. "

Tonks nodded and then looked at the four-year-old boy, "And how about Liam?"

,,There was no problem. Wolfsbane worked well, he slept most of the night or played with Milo. "

Ten minutes later, both children were upstairs in their bedroom, sleeping in their beds. Remus went to sleep as well, but Tonks, on the other hand, went for a walk with Moon and Milo, returning just before it was time to feed Teddy.


It was August 31, Remus had to go to Hogwarts the next day. He was quite excited about it, but also worried, there were many reasons to worry, such as how the students treated Remus, how he was going to get along with his new colleagues, and most importantly, how Dora was going to be able to take care of the three children alone. Remus had no special plans, he was just going to go to the castle for the ceremony and then come home and go to his first driving lesson in the evening. But even without being special, the plan meant he was away from his family and two werewolf orphans all day. Tonks and Remus tried to make it as nice a day as possible. They woke up early in the morning, woke up the children and went to London with them. They visited the zoo and the playground. Liam was very happy all day and he said quite a few times, "The old master never took us to play," For some reason the little boy refused to stop using the word 'master' he said it very often, for almost every adult. They reached a playground in the heart of the zoo, the playground was called animal kingdom and it looked like a plastic zoo. Liam slide down an elephant-shaped slide and climbed up a monkey-shaped climbing tree. Tonks and Remus swung Teddy and Ezra who were siting in swings ment for the babies. The parents could swear that the color of their son's hair and eyes were changeing under his hat and sunglasses. Teddy enjoyed the swing very much, but Ezra not so much, and after that Remus took her out of the swing and went with her to the sandbox, where the little girl also took some steps on her own. After coming to the Lupins, the girl had become much stronger, and in the week she had been there, she had learned to take a few steps on her own. A proud smile appeared on her usually sad gaze, and her golden gleaming yellow eyes shone with joy.

,,Aren't you a good girl, huh? "Remus asked, smiling at the child and handing her some toys from the sandbox.

Suddenly, a small owl slipped on Remus's shoulder with a letter on it's leg. Remus quickly picked up the letter and looked around to make sure no Muggle had seen it. The owl flew away and Remus opened the letter and read it quickly. As Remus looked over his shoulder, he saw his wife standing there, Teddy on her lap.

,,What is it, Remus? "Tonks asked as she noticed a shocked look on her husband's face.

,,Lydia, "Remus replied, his voice stiff but fragile," She was attacked in Knockturn Alley this morning, she's in the hospital and she wants to see us both, "

Tonks's had a wrinkled look on her face, as if she didn't know what to think of the news, but she said, "We'll take the kids to my mother, she's home today, and then we'll go to the hospital."

The smell of the hospital was more disgusting to Tonks than it had ever been before, the whole thought of going there seemed very repulsive to her. Maybe it was that she hated hospitals, maybe it was that she had spent too much time in St Mungo, or maybe it was that they went to see someone Tonks wanted to write out of her life and pretend that they have never existed. A moment before they entered Lydia's ward, they paused at the door for a moment, looked at each other wordlessly, nodded at each other, Tonks sighed heavily, and Remus opened the door. It was a tiny ward with a two-bed, black-haired woman sleeping on one bed, her hospital bed was surrounded by flowers and 'heal quickly' cards, while the other bed had a woman with a tired face with some wrinkles, and sand color hair. She sat on her bed, wearing a blue hospital robe, a white blanket covering her legs, her unhappy eyes watching her hands lying on the blanket. Her right hand was completely wrapped in bandages and she had several patches on her face. Remus coughed, making Lydia's gray eyes jump up in fright, she looked at the two people in front of her as if she didn't realize if it was real or she was dreaming, slowly a delicate smile appeared on her lips.

,,You came?" her voice was very quiet, barely louder than a whisper.

,,What happened to you? "Remus asked, trying to keep his voice as firm as possible.

She shrugged gently and smiled a little sadly, her eyes sinking back down, "It's nothing. Just a few wounds. How have you been? How's Teddy doing?"

Remus raised a surprisingly an eyebrow, Tonks crossed her arms over her chest, "If you're all right, why did you invite us here?" she asked, rolling her eyes as Lydia's face looked surprised, as if she couldn't understand why she was being treated like that.

,,I ... the doctor thought it would be good, I didn't ask him to write to you, honestly." she sighed and then continued, her eyes still on the blanket," I ... I would actually like to apologize to you, I was wrong,"

,,Ou, you think so? You stole our son! That's more than wrong! "Tonks wanted to shout at her, but she kept her voice so as not to wake the other patient.

,,I know I'm sorry. I realized I did wrong and I treated you wrong. I wanted to come and apologize, but then I got attacked, "

,,What happened, who attacked you? "Remus asked," What did you do at Knockturn Alley? "

,,I work there at store where magical creatures are sold. Not a good job and I don't like how the creatures are treated there, but there was nothing to do, I needed a job. This morning when I was walking to work, I was attacked by a big man in black robe. I don't remember much, just that someone grabbed me and then the next thing I know is that I wake up here with thet, "she slowly and carefully pulled the bandage off her hand, exposing the maze of deep scars, the red scars formed text, "Watch your back Lupin"

,,Ou, so thats your plan. Let me guess, you're going to blame me, that I was the one who attacked you, you're going to say how shitty wife I am, and that I'm not only child abuser but also Jack the Ripper, and you're trying to convince Remus to break up with me, "Tonks smiled sarcastically, an angry glow in her eyes, "Correct me if I'm wrong."

,,You're very wrong, Tonks, I didn't intend to do that, but I don't blame you for thinking so. I was big bitch, "

,,Who else toes have you stepped on, other than me and Dora?" Remus asked more suspiciously than anxiously.

Lydia tied her bandages back around her wounded arm and then replied, "I don't know, I haven't spoken to many here, I don't know who it might have been,"

Tonks rolled her eyes again and walked to the window sill where she sat down. She didn't want to believe that Lydia was really meant her apologies. Every word Tonks heard coming out of Lydia's mouth sounded like an attack and an insult to her, and she couldn't help it. Lydia had treated her terribly and had never shown any respect for her. There were always only attacks and lies, and manipulation of Remus. Even now, Remus' attention was directed at Lydia, he asked his aunt questions about her injuries and atack, saying things like, "You should be more careful," "Is this kind of job right for your age?" "Where else are you injured?" "This scar looks like it's made with claw," Tonks sighed and leaned her head against the cold glass, watching Muggle London live behind that window.

,,Remus, could you bring me some tea? "Lydia asked, her voice much stronger now than before.

,,Mmm, sure. Do you want something too, Dora?" Tonks heard her husband ask, she shook her head and then she heard the door open and then closed again.

For a moment there was complete silence in the room, the only thing she heard was the snoring of another patient. But then Lydia's voice sounded softly, "Tonks, I ... I'm really sorry about the way I treated you. I should never have used your hospitality like that and tried to grow Teddy myself." Tonks didn't answer anything, she didn't even move but pretended not to hear her, "I never wanted to hurt anyone, I just wanted to take care of Remus, I couldn't accept that my little nephew didn't need me anymore and that he has someone else he needs. I understand that you are angry and offended at me and that you can never forgive me.The truth is that you are a good mother and it is normal that you are raising your child in your own way. What do I even know about this? I have never had a family, only one miscarriage when I was 19. It's just...everything bad in Remus' life has mostly been my fault. You'll see, he wouldn't be a werewolf if I hadn't been there. It is all my fault and I have lived for thirty years with the regret that my nephew is living a terrible life because of me. He was happy and smart boy and that should never have happened to Remmy..."


,,Come on, Remmy, the moon is almost rising. If we are not in a hurry, we will not see the fairy dance! "

,,I'll be right there, Auntie, "shouted almost five years old Remus, pulling on his jacket, "Can we really see the fairies dance?"

Aunt Lydia nodded at him, squatting in front of the little boy to close his jacket lock, "If we hurry, yes."

Remus smiled and quickly put on his boots, "Let's go then, Auntie, I want to see the fairies!"

Lydia smiled and took her nephew. Lydia was very proud that she managed to make her little nephew love nature and magical creatures as much as she loved them. She hoped that maybe Remus would one day succeed in fulfilling a dream she had never succeeded in, and that this little boy could one day become a great and famous Magizoolog. In order to give the boy this dream, Lydia often led him to explore various magical creatures in the forest, they had so far seen Unicorn, Gnome, Chizpufle, Puffskein, Flobberworm and Thestral, whom Remus could not see because of his innocent soul.

They went outside and walked out of the yard of the cottage in the middle of the forest, going deep into the forest. The forest that surrounded the cottage of Hope and Lyall Lupin was quite a magical forest and there were a lot of magical creatures. This was also one of the reasons why Hope never wanted Remus to go to the woods, but Hope could not forbid Remus to go to the forest with his aunt, because Lyall was convinced that such hobbies could be useful for the boy in the future. The quote of the Lupins family was that every piece of education you manage to get is priced in gold and worth a hundred percent use. All Lupins had a faith in education, while Hope believed in love and human emotions and how each person has something that makes their soul valuable. Lydia called it a silly Muggle worldview, while Remus believed that his mother's opinion also contained some truth.

,,Wow," little Remus sighed as he stop walking, his big gray eyes looking up at the big full moon shining in the sky, glistening like a piece of silver, "The moon is so beautiful. Perhaps one of the most beautiful things ever."

Lydia smiled and put her hand on Remus' shoulder, "I think fairy dance is more beautiful than a boring moon, becouse full moon is with us every month, but fairy dance is only once in year."

,,When I get older, I want a fairy!" he said enthusiasticly.

,,Fairies are not very loyal and good as pets. But maybe you're lucky and you'll find a woman as beautiful as a fairy. "

They walked on. The forest became darker and denser. Remus kept his aunt close, worried that he might get lost in that darkness. He looked around anxiously, hoping to see the fairies, but nothing. They tried to find flying lights in the dark forest, but they saw nothing.

,,Auntie, were we late? "Remus asked anxiously.

Lydia shook her head, "We're probably too early actually. We'll wait a while, I'm sure they'll come out."

Remus nodded and walked a little further, curiously examining the bushes that he might manage to see fairies there. Since no one could be seen in the bushes, he looked back at the sky. He liked the stars, especially the search for different constellations in the sea of stars. He found a little Dipper, Big Dipper, Draco ja Lynx. Now he tried to find another one, maybe Orion or Canis Major. He watched the sky, squinting his big eyes to see better. He shouted happily when he found the star Sirius and with it the Canis Major.

,,Look, Aunt Lydia, I found the Great Dog Constellation! "he shouted at her happily and looked at his aunt, who was sitting on a stone a little away, taking notes in her notebook of magical creatures.

Remus made a note to himself that when he got home he would make a new note in his booklet of constellations and add Canis Major on it. Suddenly he heard a voice in the bush and he hurriedly turned there. Something moved in the bush.

,,Fairies? "Remus whispered, sneaking a little closer to the bush.

The movement in the bush ended. Remus remained quiet again, looking carefully at the bush. Did he scare the fairies away? He blinked his eyes several times, trying to figure out if the movement was real or his brain played games with him.

But then he heard that voice again, it sounded like a growl. Are fairies growling? Then Remus noticed two yellow glowing lights, glowing golden yellow, with tiny black dots in the middle. Remus's eyes swelled with excitement, he took a step forward and stretched out his right hand toward the bush, whispering, "Fairies?"

The next thing Remus saw was a large, gray-haired animal jumping out of the bush, whose sharp teeth pierced the young boy's right shoulder. His whole body was filled with great and severe pain, he screamed in pain and lost consciousness due it, the last thing he heard was his aunt screaming, "Remmy!"


Lydia's eyes were full of tears and she didn't know it, but Tonks cried too, her eyes were just hidden by her shoulder lengthy Weasley red hair," I have never heard anything so heartbreaking as Hope crying when she held unconscious Remus, the way she begged that he would be alive and that everything would be okay with him, it was horrible. It was even scarier to see the face of my dear big brother when he realized what had happened and that even if his son survives, his life will never be the same again. We all blamed ourselves I blamed myself for taking Remus into the woods during the full moon, Lyall blamed himself for being the one who insulted Greyback, and Hope blamed herself because mothers blame themselves whenever their children are in pain."

Tonks nodded imperceptibly, her head sinking more against the glass. Her heart dripped with blood at the thought of how much pain her beloved Remus had felt in his life.

Lydia wiped her eyes clean with the edge of the blanket and then whispered, "Seeing someone you love is pain, is awful, it's more painful than getting hurt yourself and it leavs stronger, bigger, deeper scars." she sighed, more tears came into her eyes, "I don't expect you to forgive me, Tonks. No one can forgive someone who takes someone's child. But know that I'm really, very sorry. I really care about Remus and I also care about Teddy, and I'd be very happy if you gave me a chance to try again, and who knows, maybe we could become friends. We're kinda a family, you're one of Lupins now. I'm...I'm sorry."

,,I'm sorry, too, "Tonks cried out loud, unable to hold it any longer," I'm sure I did something wrong, too. "

,,No, you didn't. It was completely my fault. "Lydia said.

Tonks turned her head slightly at older woman and smiled, "Okay, I'm not going to argue."

Lydia also smiled a little, wiping the tears from her cheeks, "Is it too early to ask you for a hug?"

Tonks nodded, smirking, "Yeah, I think it's a little early,"

When Remus returned, they agreed with Lydia that when she got out of the hospital tonight, she would come to Remus and Tonks' cottage so they could talk a little. They brought Teddy, Ezra, and Liam from Andromeda's house, she seemed very happy with the time she had spent with the children and she asked them to bring them back sometime. As soon as they returned to the cottage and ate lunch, Liam fell asleep on his chair. Remus took him in his arms and taked him to sleep. Tonks set the game blanket for Teddy and Ezra and raised two babies on it to play. She herself sat on the edge of the blanket, handing the children the toys they had thrown away from time to time. Remus came back and sat a little away from them in an armchair, watching the children play and Tonks handing them new toys. Sitting on the blanket, Ezra waved her hand at Remus and then at Tonks, Tonks helped her get up on her feet, and then the little girl took some awkward steps to Remus, arms outstretched. Remus smiled and took the little girl in his arms, making her sit on his knees. And when Remus noticed that Ezra's little hands were pointing to Peter The Rabbit's book on the coffee table. Remus grabbed the book, opened it, and began reading it to the girl. Tonks took Teddy in her arms and sat on the armchair's armrest. Listening to Remus 'soft voice, it didn't take long for Ezra, Teddy, and Tonks, who more and more falled into Remus' arms, to fall asleep.


In the evening, Remus, Tonks, and Liam sat in the living room. Tonks and Remus tried to teach Liam how to play the cards, the little boy screamed every time when the card exploded in his hands, and after that he started laughing from the heart, saying it reminded him of fireworks that he longed to see again. Teddy and Ezra played on their game blanket. Teddy was on his stomach on the ground, trying to pull himself towards Ezra with his small hands. Ezra sat on the blanket, waiting for a younger boy to do the same, but he couldn't do it yet. Milo and Moon slept by the window, lying in the warming spot of the setting sun. Junior was a little away from them, sitting on the windowsill, his eyes exploring. 

,,So, let's fight now. Me and Liam vs. you, "Tonks said to her husband and then sat on the floor next to Liam," You're going down, Wolfy, "she laughed, making Liam smile.

,,Well, we'll see that, "Remus replied competitively," But don't expect me to go easy on you. "

,,Neither do we! "

In the end, this game only became the battle of Remus and Tonks, Liam was basically there just to hold Tonks' cards and laugh every time someone's cards exploded. Just before the winner was announced, someone knocked on the front door.

,,It's Lydia, "Remus said, standing up from his seat and putting down his last three cards on the table.

,,Ah, you gave up! Our victory!" laughed Tonks doing a high-five with Liam.

Remus smiled at them and said, "Amm no, we'll continue this game later. I won't give up!" he walked to the door and opened it for his aunt.

,,Did I miss something?" Lydia asked curiously as she stepped in and pulled her shoes off," Are you two...fighting?"

,,Never," he said," We and Liam are just playing cards."


Remus smiled and led her into the living room. Lydia's eyes widened when she saw a four-year-old brown-headed boy and little Ezra sitting on a blanket. Her gaze swung quickly between Tonks and Remus, her mouth open in amazement.

,,You adopt more children?

,,Not really, "replied Tonks," It's a long story. "

Lydia's eyes were fixed on the little boy, who was watching her with his dark green eyes. She walked over to Liam and sat down next to him, looking at him with a tender and precious look. Liam smiled at her, handing her the four cards he was still holding.

,,Do you also want to play? Master uncle Remus is leading now, but Master aunt Tonks and I are right after after him, we just need to get rid of one more card and then we hit Master uncle Remus' ass, "Liam's voice was clean and innocent and he seemed to be serious, Tonks giggled about it and Remus raised his questionable eyebrow at Tonks.

,,Aren't you a little cute angel?" Lydia asked.

,,No, I'm a little Wolf, " Liam suddenly clenched his teeth, pretending to bite," When I grow up, I want to blew down pig's houses. "

Lydia raised her eyebrows, but seeing how serious the little boy's gaze was, she began to giggle kindly and then caressed the boy's hair, tangling them, "You're a very interesting little boy." Her gaze then shifted to Ezra, whose drilled yellow eyes watched her with interest. Lydia's face became slightly anxious when she saw the sad look on girl's face, the look that looked like something was wrong and that there was something out there that she really missed.

,,Where did you get those kids?" Lydia asked, looking up at Remus and Tonks.

Then they told her everything, starting with how Remus went to the pack and ending with how Ezra howled two days ago during the full moon. Lydia's gaze grew sadder and more compassionate, but at the same time a worried and mysterious glow remained, as if she knew something she wasn't telling them. The thought circled in her head, "This girl's eyes are going to bring her a lot of trouble,"


Lydia is back. I'm not sure if I've written before about how Remus was bitten. But if I am, can we pretend that Remus remembered the attacked wrong and that this version is correct? I have such a small memory that I can't remember whether I talked about it in a previous story (Our Pink Moon) or not.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment a lot. Believe me it's a lot of fun. You can even write about how your day is and, for example, write something fun about Remadora or just Harry Potter. You can also write any questions you have to me or whatever. (Even 'you are gay' is okay start)

I hope you have a nice day and see you in the next few days in the next chapter where Remus goes back to Hogwarts.

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