The Ascension Saga Book One:...

By SushuiTemitsu

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Izuka Midoriya is a name that sticks in Katsuki Bakugo's mind. She died one year after her mother, a suicide... More

Prologue: Appearance of Chaos
Fall From Order
Break And Reforge
The Patchwork Bunny
Mr. Two Timer
Stain! Memories
Himiko's Vengeance
Controlled Chaos
UA! A Different Kind Of Crazy
Split Sides
Crazy Is Fun
Your Symbol Of Despair
One Who Has Ascended
Just a bit of Spying
Start! The Festival!
I Choose Who Wins
Heroes are Annoying
Rabbit and Steel
His Power
Douse The Flames
An Informant... Eventually?
Clash Of Titans
Tempered Steel
Fall Of Steel
Torture and Terror
Invention Battle!

Kenji Hikiishi

27 2 0
By SushuiTemitsu

And we're back. This time... we get some action.

Soon the Hosu incident will happen. But we need a bit of preparation. A bit of recruitment, maybe a chapter where I show some training for Tetsutetsu. Oh, and villain Mirko... I have a design for her.

I'll talk about that soon. So for now, let's get into it.


All For One sat in his chair, a glass of wine in his hand. A table lay before him, a white tablecloth over it. Three plates lay on the table, the first contained no food. Inko's ghost sat behind it. The second was his, it held a bit of rice and some other food.

The third belonged to Izuka, who had dressed up nicely for the first ever "Midoriya Family Dinner."

"So how is your infiltration of UA?" Inko asked with a smile.

Izuka took a bite of her food, before dabbing her face with a napkin. "It's going well. Toga and I have made new allies. They will join the league soon."

"Describe these... new allies." All For one set his wine down.

"The first is my lab partner, Hatsume Mei. She has already joined Toga and I in missions, and has made gear for Toga. The second is a boy with a quirk that makes his skin steel. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. He too has joined Toga and I in missions."

"How do you know that they can be trusted?" All For One pondered.

"They have killed for me already. The heroes also know nothing of our plans, I befriended Hatsume before we attacked the USJ. Toga did the same with Tetsutetsu." Izuka said.

All For One smiled. "These two are marvellous assets. A hardening quirk would be very useful in our ranks..."

"It's more than hardening." Izuka said. "His quirk uses the iron in his bloodstream to turn him into steel. He's the one who lost in the one on one in the sports festival."

All For Ones face broke into a maniac grin. "Ah... that one. Yes, he can be trusted. He lost quite badly, and the heroes insulted him for it... they don't know potential when they see it."

"His quirk is quite powerful. He needs to consume meals high in iron to keep his quirk working. Turns out nobody thought of blood as a way to get the mineral..."

"Ah... so you've already improved him?"

"Enough to kill a hero." Izuka smiled. "But enough of me. Mom, what have you been doing?"

Inko's ghost smiled. "Oh, well now that you know I'm here, I've been spending time with your father. It's lovely to see our family back together again..."

"It certainly is..." All For One said. "Even if it is not how I intended, it is nice to be together once more."

"Dad... I have a question, concerning All Mights quirk..."

All For One took a bite of food. "What is it that you need to know?"

"I need to know its origins... you refer to him as your arch enemy... does it have to do with your quirk?"

The villain nodded. "All Might is the latest holder of the quirk. The only one to survive for so long. The other holders all had their own quirk, and yet toshinori was the first to be quirkless."

"He was WHAT?" Izuka growled.

Inko went over to Izuka's side and gave her a ghostly hug. "Sweetie... I'm so sorry..."

"The story of his power and mine are intertwined. His quirk is known as 'One For All' It was born of my power. I gave a quirk to my younger brother. The quirk allowed him to stockpile energy. I had thought my brother to be quirkless, but he had a useless power. It allowed him to pass on quirks through his DNA. The two powers combined, and One For All was born. Toshinori was the first quirkless to inherit it."

"This... power. Would it be able to stockpile quirks as well?" Izuka asked.

"Now that is a thought... None of the successors displayed powers like their predecessors. But then again, they never lived that long... What makes you ask?"

Izuka took a sip of water. Inko drifted back to her seat. "Katsuki Bakugo is the next successor. I'm sure of it... His power should be explosion, but he used super strength, some type of enhancement... and then, in the sports festival, he controlled some kind of shadow..."

"Can you describe this shadow?" All For One asked.

"It came from his arm... When he was controlled by Hitoshi Shinso. It was hard to see, but there was a flicker of black along his arm. Hatsume told me that it snapped him out of the trance by slapping him."

"Black whip then..."

"Ah... Daigoro..." Inko sighed.

"Daigoro Banjo. Also known as the pro hero 'Lariat'. He was the fifth holder of One For All. That power sounds like his quirk, Black Whip..." All For One said. "It appears that you are correct... One For All can stockpile quirks..."

"Then what do we do?" Izuka asked. "I don't think I can stand up to six supercharged quirks, and super strength."

"No... You can't yet... But you will be able to. Give it time..." All For One smiled. "Now, it's getting late. It appears that you have finished dinner. You are excused. Have a good night my dear."

"Thank you sensei." Izuka bowed.

"Please, call me father." All For One said.

"Okay. Thank you father." Izuka smiled.

"Now go on. Do your thing."

A portal opened, and Izuka stepped through. Kurogiri appeared soon after to clear her dishes, before he too left.

"Well sweetie. We still have a bit of time..."

"You're not going to live much longer, are you..."

"My dear, I will become a spirit like you, and help you in watching over our daughter..."

"But when will that be?"

"I feel that time drawing near... I don't know how much longer, all I know is that it will be soon, almost too soon..."


Izuka stepped into her bedroom, where Toga was busy suiting up.

"You've got a mission?"

"We have a mission." Toga said. "I already emailed the school under our emails, explaining how we'd miss tomorrow and Thursday. We should be back by Friday."

"Where are we going?" Izuka asked, pulling on her outfit.

"We've got a new potential recruit... He, well, She has been hiding in China. A villain that goes by Magne."

"Huh... how is this gonna go down then?"

"They've been chased out of several countries. They haven't been sighted in Japan yet. So they can join us and remain off of the radar for a bit. But we only have a small window of time." Toga said. "We should take these."

Toga tossed Izuka her collapsible staff.

"Just in case, you know?"

"I never drop my sword." Izuka said. "But I'll take it..."

"Okay, let's go."

A portal opened, and the duo stepped through.

"It's good that you aren't recognized in that outfit here." Toga said, as they leapt out of the portal and onto the rooftops of Qing Qing city.

"Yeah, really nice. Wait... Magne's in Qing Qing?"

"Yup. Welcome to the place quirks were born!" Toga flipped over an alleyway. "We aren't gonna have a hotel this time, you okay with that?"

"Honestly, it's been a while since we spent a night on the streets." Izuka smiled. "So are we killing anybody?"

Toga smiled. "If you want. I think Magne still has some enemies here though... we should help them get their business sorted out."

Izuka nodded as she vaulted over a ventilation unit. "Got it."

The duo did a circuit of the entire city, but found nothing.

"It was easier to find fucking Twice! And he was in Tokyo!" Izuka grumbled.

"Yeah... guess we really will need the extra days..."


Izuka rolled her eyes as a squad of heroes leapt across the rooftops to confront the them. They uttered the famous catchphrase of all heroes in chinese.

"I'm so fucking glad I learned different languages. Otherwise I wouldn't even give these idiots the time of day."

"Who are you calling idiots? We are the newest heroes in Qing Qing city! The greatest team of heroes to ever exist! We are-"

"Stupid. Shut up." Izuka interrupted.

"How dare you interrupt me like that villain?"

"Oh, a villain? I could be a hero like you, do you chase down heroes you see? So sorry..."

The heroes shuddered as Izuka disappeared and reappeared behind them.

"But lucky for you... I'm a villain..."

The first hero whirled around and took a swipe at Izuka. The girl just ducked the blow and kicked the hero back. Toga grabbed his wrists and twisted, rendering his hands useless.

"No!" The second of the group yelled. "Rush her!"

The three remaining heroes rushed Izuka as Toga held the whimpering form of their team member. Izuka leapt over a strike and planted her foot on one of the villains faces, before leaping off and axe kicking another hero. The three heroes stumbled back.

"Bitch-" One spat.

"Oh please," Izuka said, appearing behind the hero with her sword drawn. "I only go by bitch in one situation... You can call me Ghost..."

Izuka stabbed the hero through the chest faster than the eye could see. "Say hello to the rest of the fakes..."

The hero Toga was restraining gave a shout of anger and tore himself from her grip. He rushed Izuka in a blind rage, not caring if his hands were unusable. He ran face first into Izuka's blade, which killed him instantly.

"Ah... it certainly does feel good to do this again..." Izuka monologued, wiping her bloodstained hand down the side of her face.

Toga grinned, before ducking. The two living heroes had attacked her.

"Bitch, you'll pay for killing them!"

"No..." Izuka giggled. "I won't... your fates were already sealed when you decided to be false heroes..."

Izuka whipped out a knife and hurled it to the side. One of the heroes didn't see it and leapt right into the blades path, resulting in his leg being stabbed. The knife was buried up to its handle.

The hero gave a shout of pain and landed, before ripping the knife out of his leg. Izuka noticed his skin creep back together quickly.

"So you have a healing factor... very nice..."

The hero gritted his teeth and rushed at Izuka with the blade. Izuka spun out of the way and sliced upward, rending the hero in two.

"Not as good as fathers however..."

The last hero leapt at Toga. The blonde reached out in a flash and grabbed him by the neck. "We're looking for a person that goes by the name Magne. You seen them?"

The hero shook their head, Toga pouted. "Aw... I'm sorry then. Well, at least you get to see your friends!"

Toga squeezed, crushing the mans throat. She dropped his lifeless body without remorse. Izuka smiled.

"It certainly is good to be back..."


Kenji Hikiishi walked through the streets of Qing Qing city. She had noticed the shadows that leapt over the rooftops the night previously. Their eyes had been searching for something, or someone.

All that Kenji could hope for was it not to be heroes from Germany.

She had just escaped that country, she wasn't eager on moving again, so she had decided to stay low. The villain Magne wasn't alive in Qing Qing city. The villain Magne didn't need to come forward unless absolutely necessary.

"Honestly... they can't find me that quickly!" Kenji muttered. "I'll stay here a bit longer, then I'll move somewhere else..."

The woman looked around, before ducking into a run down apartment building. She made her way up the flights of stairs, before coming to a battered door.

"Finally back... Almost too close. They'll be patrolling soon as it's getting late..."

Walking in, Kenji noticed a few things. One, there was blood on the now broken window. Two people were sitting on the couch of her apartment. Both wore hoodies. Kenji outstretched her hand and generated a magnetic field, pulling a knife into her outstretched hand.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

The two figures shook a bit, a fit of giggles came from them.

"Really? You consider us a threat?"

Toga and Izuka stood up.

"You're a hard person to find Kenji Hikiishi. How long have you been here?"

Magne gripped the knife in her hand tightly. "I'll ask again, who are you? And why are you here?"

Izuka sighed. Wind tore through the room as she appeared in front of Kenji. The woman went wide eyed as Izuka plucked the knife from her hand.

"Honestly... Using a toy like this..."

Toga walked to Izukas side and examined the knife.

"I always had a thing for kitchen knives... but back to the point!" The blonde turned her attention to Kenji. "Kenji Hikiishi. Or do you prefer Magne? We're from an association in Japan, and we'd like to recruit you."

"An association? Like a hero association?"

"More of a villain association." Izuka said, looking at the blade of the knife with glittering eyes. "This was the only chance we had to find you, as you tend to move around a lot."

"Yeah... okay... but why me?" Kenji raised an eyebrow.

"You have skills we need. You've been discriminated against, and you want to make the world a better place at heart."

"Never thought I'd hear a villain say that." Magne chuckled. "Well, you are correct. I want the world to be more accepting. I've been treated like dirt, falsely accused of murders, although some people... I definitely did murder..."

"Look, will you join us or not?"

"I would, but I've got quite a few people hunting me. I've been here, like I said, about a week. Heroes I've angered normally show up in places I move to. And there are several heroes who I actually know have pursued me."

"Have you seen them here?"

"Yeah. Actually appeared in the papers here yesterday. The top two heroes in Germany flew here to find me. I killed a few of their sidekicks..."

Izuka smiled. "Why am I liking you more and more?"

"I dunno. You like fighting people?"

"I'm a bit addicted to blood..." Izuka smiled, turning the knife in her hand over and slashing across her arm. "It's just so... Beautiful."

Toga shuddered with delight. "Babe... can I please have a taste?"

Izuka held her arm out, and Toga latched on to it. Kenji stared at them.

"Um... okay. If you could help me take care of them, I'll join you..."

Izukas face lit up. "Okay! Where can we find them?"

"They patrol at night. That's why I have this apartment. They'll probably be around here tonight."

Izuka smiled. "You just leave them to me. Babe, wou;d you like the heart of a high ranking hero?"

Toga detached from Izukas arm. "You have no idea how much I want the heart of a high ranking hero..."

"Then you help our new recruit pack up... I'll go take care of them."

Izuka Flashed a grin and hopped out of the broken window. Magne watched the teenager leap across the street below in a single jump, landing on a rooftop.

"Well damn... do you think we should help her?" Magne turned to look at Toga, who was busy rooting around the apartment, grabbing clothes and such and stuffing them into cases.

"She'll be fine. She fought against the full force of UA's staff and won. That's including All Might by the way."

"But that was... the USJ attack that was on the news... Does that mean that-"

"Yup. You just joined up with me and my girlfriend. Welcome to the League of Villains. Patchwork Bunny is happy to have you."

Magne whipped back to the window. Izuka waved, and spread her arms, before taking a free fall off of the rooftop.

The girl landed softly on her feet and drew her hood up. Kenji lost sight of her in an instant. It was as if she had never even been there.

"Come on." Toga grabbed the woman by the wrist and pulled her out the door. The woman was about to shout about the cases, but saw a purple mist dissipate into thin air, the cases were gone.


"Come on!"


Izuka sat on the edge of a rooftop. She watched as Toga pulled Kenji down the street and away from the area. Two shadows appeared along the skyline. They began approaching.

"It's time to have some fun..."

The two shadows drew closer, to reveal two heroes in dark suits. One was male, the other female. They both leapt through the city with haste.

Izuka stood up and smiled, before taking off after them. Her leap cracking the stone of the building behind her.

Izuka gained speed and drew her sword, leaping into a stab as she closed the long distance between her and the heroes in seconds. The heroes jumped out of the way.

"Who are you?" One asked in german. Izuka smiled and spoke back fluently.

"I'm the one who will reunite you with your sidekicks."

The two heroes leapt upwards as Izuka slashed, dodging the attacks just barely. They were on the defensive.

"Oh come on... it's no fun if you don't fight back!"

Izuka slashed again, before jumping towards the heroes. The first spun and delivered a kick, which Izuka dodged. The second rolled out of the way, before jumping back to punch. Izuka caught their fist.

"Huh... Heroes. They always disappoint." Izuka pulled, yanking the hero towards her, before she grabbed the womans hair. "Hmm... I know you. Your name is escaping me, but your quirk relies on your hair right? I wonder what happens if I-"


Izuka felt a punch hit her in the side. She flew across the rooftops, before slamming into the wall of a tall building.

"I don't know who you are, or if you're working with that bastard Kenji... YOU CANNOT DEFEAT US!"

Izuka chuckled as she pulled herself from the bricks of the wall. She leapt forward at breakneck speed and grabbed both heroes by their collars, before slamming them both into the ground.

"How did you... *Cough* Take a full power punch?"

Izuka smiled, and drew her face closer to the heroes ear. "Your punches are NOTHING! Not compared to those of ALL MIGHT! Even he could not defeat me..."

The hero shook as he felt the menacing aura from Izuka. His partner flipped over and punched Izuka in the face. Izuka rubbed her jaw.

"Huh... I almost felt that."

The scarred girl reached out in a flash and grabbed the woman by the throat, before slamming her into the ground. The hero was knocked unconscious.

Her partner shouted and ran to her side.

"Sarah. No, dear god. NO!"

He began trying to give her CPR. Izuka shook her head.

"That won't work. She was knocked out by blunt force trauma. She's breathing fine. She'll die soon either way."

The hero grit his teeth. "I can save her. I have to! I can't spend my life without her!"

He brought his lips to hers to do mouth to mouth. Izuka shook her head.

'He doesn't know how to do anything else. Idiot.'

"You want to be with her so badly? Then die with her." Izuka stabbed the man through the back, her sword went through him and stabbed his partner as well. Both heroes died.

Izuka licked the blood from her blade and sheathed it. "Sleep now, and forever."


Toga and Kenji stepped through a purple warp gate. They landed in Kurogiri's bar. Izuka sat there, sipping a drink. A small silver box sat next to her.

Toga went over and sat down. Kenji did the same. "So how did it go?"

Izuka slid the box she had to Toga. Inside were the hearts of both heroes she had killed.

"I brought you both. The one insisted on them never being apart." Izuka took another sip of her drink. "Do you like it?"

Toga kissed Izuka in response. Kenji shook her head. A misty bartender walked over to them. "Welcome to the league Magne. Would you like a drink?"

Kenji nodded. "I'll take whiskey and coke. Thank you."

Kurogiri nodded and made the drink. Kenji took a sip. "So you two. Where do we go now?"

"You're part of our group. Which means you'll be living with us, and the rest of our teammates."

"You have more teammates?"

The door to the bar opened. Dabi and Twice walked through. The door to Shigaraki's room opened, and he walked through. Two portals swirled into existence. Hatsume and Tetsutetsu appeared in the bar.

"Everybody, meet our newest member. Kenji Hikiishi. Her alias is Magne. Kenji, meet the Vanguard."

Magne looked at the faces of the whole group. Most of them gave nods of acknowledgement. Tetsutetsu gave a grin. Hatsume gave a thumbs up. Dabi, Twice, and Shigaraki, were a bit more intimidating.

"Uhhh. Hey!"


So we're bringing Magne in. Soon Stain will also join. We'll have more from that list too. I also have an Idea for a second OC. But I have to discuss it with some friends first, and see how I could pull it off. Anyways, Hosu is coming up soon. So we can look forward to that.

Until Next Time,

Sushi Out!

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