The Ascension Saga Book One:...

By SushuiTemitsu

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Izuka Midoriya is a name that sticks in Katsuki Bakugo's mind. She died one year after her mother, a suicide... More

Prologue: Appearance of Chaos
Fall From Order
Break And Reforge
The Patchwork Bunny
Mr. Two Timer
Stain! Memories
Himiko's Vengeance
UA! A Different Kind Of Crazy
Split Sides
Crazy Is Fun
Your Symbol Of Despair
One Who Has Ascended
Just a bit of Spying
Start! The Festival!
I Choose Who Wins
Heroes are Annoying
Rabbit and Steel
His Power
Douse The Flames
An Informant... Eventually?
Clash Of Titans
Tempered Steel
Kenji Hikiishi
Fall Of Steel
Torture and Terror
Invention Battle!

Controlled Chaos

63 2 0
By SushuiTemitsu

Okey Dokie.

So the UA entrance exams. Yeah. I've decided to have my OC take a back seat. They're only here to give an excuse for All Might being better, which I wanted to happen. Izuka can realize that someone healed him, and get pissed. And maybe find them to heal All For One? Either way, It's gonna be fun. Who knows, maybe I'll end up doing the OC chapter after the entrance exam.

Let's get back into it.


Izuka stood in the vanguard 'gym'. Dabi had set it up for training. A few punching bags, weight lifting equipment, a sparring mat. Izuka and Toga had rotated on and off of them for the past months. They had received their mission.

"Infiltrate UA." Izuka shook her head. "It should be impossible."

Dabi and Twice walked in with water. "Well, for you two, it should be pretty easy. They never expect villains there."

Toga shrugged. "Yeah, but we'd better disguise ourselves. I mean, your classmates right?"

Izuka nodded. "Unfortunately yeah. But can we re-dye my hair? I don't wanna wear a wig again..."

Toga bonked Izuka on the head. "No."

"Uuuuuggghhhh. Whyyyyy?"

"Because I like it like this, and I'm lazy."

Izuka rolled her eyes. "Fine, How much time do we have?"

"Exams are tomorrow." Dabi said.

"IT'S THAT SOON?" Izuka was shocked. She didn't think that much time had passed. "Damn. Time flies around here."

"Are you ready for the written test?"

Izuka chuckled. "I aced that shit in third grade. Bring it."

"You prepared for if he shows up?"

"He's senseis kill. But I get to watch!" Izuka giggled. "And besides, I could just beat him to the point just before death. Make him SUFFER!" Izuka's aura flared up, then calmed. "Sorry. Got carried away. It's hard to control that."

Toga patted her on the shoulder. "I get it. But soon you won't need control."

"Are we allowed weapons?" Izuka pondered.

"Staffs I think. But they have to be approved before hand. Yours weren't." Jin said.

"Well fuck that. I'll just demolish anything in the practical."

Toga grinned. "I wanna see you kill a bitch."

Izuka kissed the blonde. "If your lucky, I'll catch a bitch and make them yours."

Toga shuddered in excitement. "Oh I'd like that..."

Izuka smiled. "I know you would. Let's go, your wet spot is showing."

Toga giggled and followed Izuka back to their room.

"We're gonna need new equipment." Dabi groaned.


Bakugo walked up to the gates of UA. Kirishima was by his side. Mina and Jiro were running to catch up.

"Well. Today's the day." Kirishima grinned.


"Jeez man, chill." Jiro mumbled. "You're really hyped up aren't you."

The four walked through the gates. Bakugo and Kirishima saw two familiar faces.

"Hey! It's you two! Shinama and Yumi right?"

The two girls turned. 'Yumi' Still wore sunglasses. 'Shinama' smiled. "Oh hey! Long time no see?"


"Hey you two, how do you know these girls?" Mina asked. "They're hot. Definitely not your type."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Met 'em on the beach. Took a picture for 'em. Didn't know they were taking the exam..."

'Yumi' Nodded. "That's right. I had just gotten back from studying abroad. I say that, but it's more like spending a year with dad."

"Your dad lives overseas?"

'Yumi' nodded. "Yeah. I see him every so often. He's really nice whenever I'm over there."

The bell rang. 'Shinama' Looked at 'Yumi' "We'd better get going. That bell means five minutes until the exam."

The Bakusquad bolted into the school. 'Yumi' and 'Shinama' followed at a regular pace.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just can't wait until I get to kill him."


The exam started with a written test. 'Yumi' and 'Shinama' completed it in an eighth of the time given, which was two hours. They were then directed to the waiting area by a chuckling Ectoplasm, who knew they were going to fail.

An hour later, Bakugo and Kirishima joined them, along with Mina, Jiro, a girl with a brown bob cut, a boy with grapes on his head, and a guy with exhaust pipes in his legs.


Izuka and Toga each raised an eyebrow.


"You're Ingeniums brother." 'Yumi' Said. "Engines, that's the entire family thing right?"


"Try not to overclock them too much. They can give you speed, but they'll stall in about fifteen seconds."

The examinee nodded, a little stunned. "N-noted."

The next forty five minutes passed, and the rest of the examinees came in. They were then directed into a large auditorium by the voice hero, Present Mic. The hero explained the rules and directed the students to the exam grounds. By some random chance, 'Yumi' and 'Shinama' were placed in the same test taking ground.

A group of students waited at the large entrance to the exam site. A few smirked when they saw 'Yumi' and 'Shinama' Arrive.

"Look at the couple of ladies we have here. Dainty little things..."

A few catcalls.

"Hey babe, after this is done, you wanna hang out?"

'Shinama' put her hand on 'Yumi's' shoulder. "Let's get ready babe."

The two girls both went to an unclaimed area and took off their shirts, leaving them in just athletic pants and sports bras. As they warmed up, a couple of guys began hitting on 'Shinama.'

"Hey girl. You wanna go out with me?"

"You've got really nice tits."

'Yumi' glared. "Back off fuckers."

A couple of the examinees laughed. "And what's it to you?"

"I said back off. Leave me and my girlfriend alone."

"Girlfriend?" One examinee laughed. "This girl's mine! Let me show you why!"

The examinee threw a punch. 'Yumi' Took the punch in the face, but didn't budge. It just knocked her glasses off, revealing her damaged face.

"I said fuck off." The girl grabbed the examinee's wrist and pinned it behind his back, before letting her aura rage. The examinees ran away. The one in 'Yumi's grip was thrown away. He got up and ran.

The two girls finished warming up. Present Mic appeared just as the starting bell sounded. The two girls took off running as the gates opened.

"First step, get weapons."

'Shinama' Nodded. Up ahead of them were three one pointers. The two just smashed past them with brute strength. 'Yumi' Picked up part of one's shell.

"This'll work for now. Let's go."

The two girls continued through the exam grounds, destroying robots as the other examinees began catching up.


"Within the groups of examinees, you see those who excel. Some collect information, others rely on speed. There are of course those with raw power. Keeping a level head can also help in battle."

A short animal sat in a large chair, paying attention to a large range of screens that displayed the exam grounds.

"Certainly a bumper crop this year. Do you think that they'll be up to the task of being the world's future heroes?"A woman asked. "What do you think Nezu?"

The animal smiled. "I think that they'll do very well, look at those two for instance."

Nezu pointed at a screen displaying two girls fighting hand to hand with the robots. They weaved between explosives, dodged under slashes. The two used the robots' own movements against them.

"Hmmm. Pull up their file."

"Yumi Shodai and Shinama Yuko. It's listed here that Shinama's quirk is 'human Mimic'"

A skeletal blonde man raised an eyebrow. "What about the other girl?"


There was a beat.

"No way that girl's quirkless. She's so fast!"

A tired man dressed in black opened one eye to look at the screen. "She's well trained. Maybe too well trained."

"Let's see how they react to destruction." Nezu pressed a large red button.


'Yumi' and 'Shinama' were already at sixty points each. They hadn't even lost a sweat.

"This seems too easy." The scarred girl said.

"Wanna find the zero pointer?" Her girlfriend asked.

'Yumi' Smiled. "You know it."

A tremor shook the area as a massive robot appeared. 'Yumi' laughed. "Look! It came to us!"

Several students ran by, each one not looking back. 'Yumi' saw one examinee trapped under a piece of rubble.

"Babe, get that girl. I'll handle the robot."

"But that isn't fun for-"

'Yumi pointed to an army of small robots barreling towards the girl. "Yes it does."

'Shinama' smiled. "Let's go. Oh, and babe, one more thing." The girl tossed her friend a long piece of pipe.


'Shinama' grinned wickedly. "Hit that thing as if it were All Might."


"Is she laughing?"

A man dressed in a red suit pointed at the screen displaying 'Yumi'

"Seems like it." Nezu said. He saw the two girls confer, before the redhead threw her partner a pipe and said something. The girls eyes dilated, and she disappeared.



Izuka laughed with glee as she tore the massive robot apart piece by piece. She had taken out the wires near it's treads, rendering it immobile. She then began tearing away its armor bit by bit. Large metal plates creaked as she wedged her fingers under them and tore them off.

Examinees watched as the scarred girl tore the massive robot to bits in minutes.

"Holy shit."

"What kind of power is that?"

Izuka giggled as she ran up to the massive robot's head. "Show me if robots have blood!"

The girl smashed through the giant lens of the head. Inside she found what she was looking for, the piping that controlled the coolant, oil, and fuel.

"Show me..."

The only thing people on the outside saw was a tiny spurt of oil that ran down from the robots 'eye'

"Did she make a freaking robot bleed?"

Izuka appeared on the shattered lens, laughing.

"She's crazy."

The girl leapt down, she was covered in oil. She was still focused on a goal.

"Now how can I help you babe?"

The girl grabbed a large piece of discarded metal from the large robot and hurled it with incredible strength, wiping out six robots.

'Shinama' emerged carrying a brown haired girl on her back. Her left arm was slightly burned, and hung limply by her side. The other arm was being used to fend off robots. A one pointer rushed the girl, who punched the head to bits. She then grabbed one of its spider-like legs and whirled around, using the body to smash an incoming three pointer.

'Shinama' arrived at 'Yumi's side, before collapsing. "You handle the rest babe..."

Izuka felt her blood boil. "You hurt her."

The aura of bloodlust that sprang out of her was strong enough to be felt by all of the teachers in the observation room.

"What the hell is this pressure?"

Nezu's eyes were glued to the form of 'Yumi' Who was shaking with unbridled rage.

"I think we're about to see how great a quirkless can be."

Izuka rushed into the army of robots. To everybody watching, it only took a moment for the robots to start flying.

Three pointers fired rockets, Two pointers hurled bits of rubble, One pointers rushed in.

"Dodge, smash, catch, throw, repeat!" Izuka caught two rockets and hurled them back at the robots, destroying eight. The girl ripped electrical parts out of the fallen robots, while she kicked active robots away.


"What the hell is she up to?" Vlad King asked, leaning forward in his seat.

The pro hero Power Loader was watching as the girl fiddled with the mass of wires in her hands. "Is that?"

"What is it Power Loader?"

The hero gulped. "That's two things actually. The first is an EMP. The second is a makeshift bomb."


Izuka finished the EMP and turned it on, shutting down all robots in the area around her. Other robots rushed in to be shut down by the device. Izuka finished the makeshift bomb and threw it into the air, before covering herself with several pieces of robot armor.

The bomb exploded, destroying every robot within range of the EMP.


"Did she just-?"

"No, look! She covered herself with robot armor. I think she's okay!"

The proctors gave a cheer as the girl got up from the destroyed zone. Power Loader grinned. "Nezu, I want her."



Izuka and Toga appeared in the apartment building.

"I can't believe you got hit by a rocket launcher."

"Hey! When there's twenty of those fuckers coming at you, one's gonna hit!"

Izuka pulled the blonde wig off of her head. "Great, it's off again. How do you think we did?"

Toga smiled. "I think we did well enough to get in. Power Loader gave you a lot of praise. Maybe support for you?"

"Then you'll need to come up with some excuses." Kurogiri warped into the room. "Sensei says that when we attack UA, he wants Izuka there. You'll need some good excuses for your scar and your absence if you get in."

Izuka nodded. "Noted. I'll just say that I got the scar in an inventing incident. The absence, I can say a relative passed? Eh?"

Dabi sighed. "It's better than nothing."

"Funny. It's so bland that I thought you'd like it." Toga grinned.

"Shut up."


"So dude, how do you think you did?"

Mina walked alongside her three friends.

"I definitely got in." Jiro said.

"I have to get in! Otherwise I wasted all that study time!" Kirishima grinned.

"Yeah. I fucked a bunch of robots up. I hope it's enough to get in." Bakugo said.

"Aw Bakugo! Of course you'll get in!"

Kirishima turned to Mina. "How do you think you did?"

Mina grinned. "I guess we'll have to wait and find out."


Izuka and Toga leapt through Tokyo. They had moved from Hosu, didn't want to kill in just one place.

"So. Who are we killing tonight?" Toga asked.

Izuka's eyes crinkled. "Whoever we want."

The two spotted a figure jumping along the rooftops towards them. "Looks like we've got one."

The figure pursued them for a while, before they landed in an alleyway and hid. The person landed behind them. Izuka heard a phone being dialed.

"Hey. I think I'll need assistance. Come to this location."

The person hung up the phone. Izuka could now see that they were in fact a hero. A rather popular one, that went by the name of Crucible.

"Little little bunny, hopping in the forest~"

Crucible fired a blast of his quirk, "Magnesium" into the alleyway. Izuka kept taunting him.

"So many have been stained, so many before us~"

The hero fired another blast, which again hit nothing.

"Stained red with blood, just as they should, come on little bunny let me add you to the list~"

Izuka hurled a knife at the hero, who deflected it with his quirk. The girl leapt out of her spot in the alleyway, swinging her sword and hitting open air. The hero dodged and third to counter, but found that he had a knife protruding from his hand.

"What the- AAAAAHHHHH!" The hero screamed as Toga appeared out of the alley and slashed the backs of his ankles, severing tendons. The hero's legs buckled under his own weight.

"Thank's babe. Now, should we make our scene?"

Toga kissed Izuka and pulled out four knives. "Let's do it."


A squad of five heroes appeared on the scene where their associate-Crucible- had sent for help. They went by the names Whirlpool, jetstream, Nullheart, Negative, and Counterstrike.

The five heroes walked into the alleyway to find a terrifying scene.

Crucible was pinned to the wall with several daggers. The hero was breathing softly as blood trickled from a gash in his chest.

"What the hell?"

"I've only seen one scene like this..."

"Glad you could join us!" The five heroes looked up to see a teen couple sitting on the rooftops. The milky white eye of Izuka seemed to analyze their soul, even if it didn't actually function.


Multiple daggers flew from the couple. The heroes barely managed to dodge them. Whirlpool looked up to see the incoming blade of a katana. The four other heroes watched as their comrade was killed.

Izuka giggled madly, marveling at the crimson blood. "So beautiful."

"She's a monster... They both are!"

Toga gave the four heroes a chilling grin. "Which one do I want first..."

"You monste-ggghhh" Negative fell to Togas blade. The girl stood before the heroes, blood splattered lightly on her face.

"You heroes have the most beautiful blood..."


Nullheart rushed in to attack Izuka, but was parried with the katana. Izuka spun around and kicked the man in the stomach, causing him to retch.

Jetstream launched a blast of air at Toga, who threw a knife so perfectly that it cleaved through the air blast and stuck into the hero's hand.

Counterstrike's quirk only worked when she was hit. It seemed that the villains knew that, as they began throwing the two heroes around, using their own attacks to injure her, as she injured them.

"Fuck. There's no choice! Go all out!"

A blood curdling aura flared up out of nowhere. Izuka rose behind Nullheart, her face clouded over, only her green eye shining through. "If you insist."

The hero was sent into the air, where Izuka began playing a game of kicks and punches, making sure to not let him touch the ground.

"Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!" The scarred girl giggled. "I wonder, how long before you explode?"

Toga was busy immobilizing the remaining two heroes, who looked on in horror as Izuka beat Nullheart to a bloody pulp. The body of the hero finally hit the ground with a wet thud.

"Beautiful. You made my boots red..."

Izuka stepped up to Jetstream, who was still very conscious. The girl thrust her mouth onto his, before stabbing several knives into his chest. The first wave of blood she drank, the second and third she shared with Toga.


Izuka smiled at Counterstrike. "Fake." The woman met the same fate.

Toga looked at the scarred girl, who was busy rubbing the blood of the dead heroes all over her. The blonde blushed heavily, before going to kiss crucible and killing him.

"Did I say you could kill him?"

Toga shuddered in excitement. Her body heat suddenly spiked upwards. "What are you gonna do?"

Izuka grabbed Toga's chin and thrust her tongue into the blonde's mouth. After roughly three minutes, Izuka broke contact. "I think you know. You get the collar when we get back."

Toga kissed Izuka back. "Please..."


The morning sun shone brightly on the city of Tokyo. A man going through his morning walked out to drop the trash in the alley dumpster. As he turned around, he froze.

The bodies of six heroes were placed in different positions, their eyes wide. Crucible was pinned to the wall with several knives. Jetstream and Counterstrike were propped up beneath him, their lips locked together.

Negative and Whirlpool both had their costumes torn, and lay together, as if they had just gone a round. And the destroyed body of Nullheart lay in the center of it all. A large picture of a patchwork bunny painted in blood dominated the alley wall. The overall horror of the scene before him made the man scream. He would never recover.

A message was written around the alley walls in blood.

"We had fun tonight. Hope to see you soon."


Okay, shorter on the entrance exam. And I know what people are gonna say.

"But if Izuka's in the support course, how will she get to the USJ?"

Bear with me. I need this to play out how I've imagined it. Izuka and Toga being very badly disguised, and yet nobody realizing. Izuka not being trusted after Eraserhead sees the scar. The entire thing is leading up to one beautiful moment in the story.

How much can I destroy Mineta, along with the entire school?

Anyways, until next time.

Sushui out!

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