The Ascension Saga Book One:...

Por SushuiTemitsu

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Izuka Midoriya is a name that sticks in Katsuki Bakugo's mind. She died one year after her mother, a suicide... Más

Prologue: Appearance of Chaos
Break And Reforge
The Patchwork Bunny
Mr. Two Timer
Stain! Memories
Himiko's Vengeance
Controlled Chaos
UA! A Different Kind Of Crazy
Split Sides
Crazy Is Fun
Your Symbol Of Despair
One Who Has Ascended
Just a bit of Spying
Start! The Festival!
I Choose Who Wins
Heroes are Annoying
Rabbit and Steel
His Power
Douse The Flames
An Informant... Eventually?
Clash Of Titans
Tempered Steel
Kenji Hikiishi
Fall Of Steel
Torture and Terror
Invention Battle!

Fall From Order

140 2 0
Por SushuiTemitsu

we're going back in time. Before Izuka took the jump.

After I get back to the USJ, Chapters will split between Bakugo, All Might, and Izuka.

Backstory is all green bean.

Just telling you, this may get a bit more, uhhh...

You'll see.


Izuka Midoriya was always a quiet child. Her mother was one of the nicest people in the world. Both of them could smile in any situation. Even when they were given the news that Inko would be dying in the next month, they both smiled.

They were a family that tried to find the best in everything. But it seemed that when Inko passed, Izuka couldn't see any good anymore.

To her, everything had become grey. There was no black and white. There was no good and evil. There was only her, and the unspeakable amount of emptiness that she felt. Inko had told her to stay happy.

"Can I really be happy?"

Izuka sighed and let a tear roll down her cheek, before getting ready for school.

The day was the same, except that there was no bullying. Only silence. Only silent looks as she walked into the classroom. Bakugo walked up to her and apologized.

'It's only because she was the only person you couldn't be mean to.'

Izuka just floated through the school day. Never looking where she was going. She just let her body carry her to where it wanted to go. She saw mouths move, but no sound came out.

'There's nothing. Why is there nothing?'

Izuka ran to the bathroom. All shapes fading out of her vision. Only grey seeping together.

'Why is everything so empty?'

Izuka ran into the bathroom and whipped out an exacto knife. She sliced her shoulder three times and watched the blood drip down her arm. Red seeped back into her vision. This was followed by blue, then green, and eventually her vision returned.

Izuka washed the blade off and bandaged her arm. She then returned to class.

And so life went on for another month or two. Izuka couldn't tell. She didn't remember when she stopped eating. Her bullies had begun going back to their old ways. They were braver now that Inko was gone.

A curse. It was just a curse. How could she be happy when the only thing keeping sadness and anger away was now gone?

Izuka turned to a poster of All Might that was hung in her room.

"He always wears a smile. No matter how bad it gets..."

Izuka wiped a few tears out of her eyes and walked to her mothers uninhabited room. She looked through the closet and found what she was looking for, a nightgown. A nightgown that Inko would always wear whenever Izuka felt sad. Izuka pulled on the nightgown and proceeded to lay down in her mothers bed.

Izuka cried herself to sleep.

Izuka put up with more and more every day. Making sure that she would always smile afterwards, hoping that maybe it would make her bullies sick with themselves.

Some of her bullies actually began leaving her alone, and a few of them actually checked on her, just to make sure she was okay. Maybe it just took a small act.

Bakugo was still the same. He had started bullying Izuka even more than usual. He hated how she smiled. He didn't want her to smile.

And then it dipped to its lowest point.

"Here's some advice Deku. Take a Swan Dive off the roof, and pray that you get a quirk in the next life. If you don't, at least you'll see your mom again."

"You can't say that..." Izuka shook. Bakugo ignored her as he walked out of the room. Izuka picked her charred notebook off of the ground.

"Stupid Bakugo. What if I actually did? It'd be on his permanent record. He'd never be a hero."

Izuka looked at the remains of her hero notes. "Never... be a... hero..."

Izuka hurled the notebook at the wall. "USELESS!" What little information was left crumbled to dust. "WHAT'S THE POINT?"

Izuka stomped on the crumpled mess. "HE'S RIGHT! THEY ALL ARE!"

Izuka stopped her fit and walked out of the classroom, leaving the crumpled shreds of her notebook behind. The girl walked off of the schoolground and down the sidewalk. She eventually came to a small underpass along the way.

As she neared the end of the underpass, Izuka heard a strange slurping sound.

"Invisibility cloak, size M. Don't mind if I do..."

Izuka turned around just in time to see a huge mass of sludge latch onto her.

"With you I can finally escape that man. Thanks kid, you're my hero..."

Izuka felt her consciousness fade.

'At least I get to see mom again...'


Izuka passed out, the last thing she saw was the outline of a man with huge muscles.


Izuka woke up to an annoying tapping.

"Hey..." tap. "Hey..." Tap. "HEY!"


"Great! Thought we'd lost you there!"

Izuka was staring in the face of a muscular man with heroic blonde hair.

"A-a-all Might?"

"Yes, and thanks to you, I caught the villain! PLUS ULTRA!"

The hero held up a soda bottle filled with green sludge, before saluting and getting prepared to jump.

"Wait, if you jump, you might want to button your pants pocket to keep the villain contained."

All Might looked down at his unbuttoned pocked. "You're right. I'll fix that quickly!"

The hero buttoned his pocket and took off.

"That's odd, Something feels off."



"B-b-but if i fall from here I'll die!"

"Oh right."

The two landed on the roof of a building. "I'm sorry, I just have a question that I need to be answered."

"I don't have-bleuuurgghh." Mist began pouring from All Mights body. Izuka was already launching into her question.

"I want to be a hero, but I wasn't born with any powers. My mom died a year ago, everybody else neglects me. BUT I STILL WANT TO HELP PEOPLE! So I guess I'm askiiiii..." Izuka looked up to see an emancipated blonde man. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Blood spurted from the mans mouth. "Please calm down."


"I assure you I am-blehhhhhh."

"NO WAAAAYYYYY!" Izuka screamed.

After about five minutes, Izuka was finally calm. "So why are you like this?"

All Might sat down and pulled up his shirt, revealing a humongous scar. "Pretty nasty right? A few years back, a villain did this to me. I lost most of my stomach. Part of my respiratory system was reduced to shreds."

"Was that the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?" Izuka asked.

"You know your stuff! But no. That weakling could never even hope to even scratch me." The thin man flexed a skeletal arm. "So anyway, back to your question."

"Oh Yeah! All Might..." Izuka began squirming. This was it, her final hope.

"Do you think somebody without a quirk can become a hero?"

There was silence. And that silence was all it took to make Izuka realize All Mights answer.

"Without a quirk..."

Izuka's form slouched. This went unnoticed by Toshinori. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's possible."

A tear dripped from Izuka's eye.

"Most villains, they can destroy buildings with nothing but a clap. Such power can only be fought with other power. One without a quirk doesn't belong in that world."

'I'm sorry kid'

"I'll tell you what. You could become a police officer! Or a doctor! They save people every day! It's good to have a dream. Just make sure that it's attainable."

Izuka felt destroyed. Inside she was screaming out in pain. All Might was just another failed idol. Just another shell. Then what was Izuka?

'Worthless. I'm just worthless...'

The man began walking towards the fire escape. "Thank you All Might."

The man turned around to see Izuka crying. A sad smile on her face. Her eyes seemed a little more dull then they were.

"I have my answer."

The girl took off into a run as Toshinori's eyes bugged out.

'What have I done?'

"No. WAIT!"

The girl leapt off of the side of the building. Her arms outstretched.

Toshinori watched as her body broke on the sidewalk.

The thin and fragile man ran as fast as he could down the stairs. He found the girl with her eyes glazed over. Her breathing was slow and ragged. A death rattle.

"M-mom? I-I can s-see you again m-mom..."

Toshinori felt tears streaming down his face as he saw the spark of life fade from the girls eyes.

"No. NO! Come on. STAY WITH ME!"

Toshinori was doing everything he could to stabilize the girl.

"Sir! The Ambulance is almost here! Keep it up!" A citizen shouted.

No sooner had they said that then an ambulance barreled down the street with its siren on. It came to a quick stop at the side of the road. Two people got out of the vehicle.

The first was a young man with black hair and scarred skin. The other was a blonde girl in a nurses outfit. Her blonde hair was pulled into buns on her head, and her teeth were pointed.

"C'mon! We gotta take care of her before she's gone for good!"

The two placed the dying girl on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance, before speeding away with the siren on.


"Quickly Toga! Get her hooked up to the machines!"

"There's so much beautiful blood..."


Izuka felt something cover her face. She could suddenly breathe again. But there was still so much pain. Rest. She needed rest. Just... Rest.



Izuka was in a space. There was nothing around her. Only light. How could she even know that she was there?


Izuka turned to see her mother, sitting in a rocking chair.

"Izuka. It's too early for you. What happened?"

"Mom... You're here. I can see you."

Inko Midoriya smiled. "Yes Baby. I'm here."

Izuka ran to her mother and embraced her. "I missed you."

"Baby. I missed you too. But it isn't your time. You need to go back. If you wait too long, it could break you. Just remember, I'm always proud of you. You'll always be somebody's hero."

Izuka looked at her mother and cried. "Can't I stay a little longer?"

Inko gave a sad smile.

"Mom? NO MOM!"


"This one is interesting."

Izuka's body was stretched out before a man with a strange mask.

"Why did you bring them Dabi?"

"I think that they have untapped potential. She threw herself off of a building. It's clear that she had nothing left. Can you bring her back?"

"Hmm. A loyal subject is the best subject. Stand back."

Izuka sat up with a shout.


"Welcome my dear. My associates brought you here to save you. We have a proposition."

Izuka was looking around like a wild animal. Dabi walked up to her side. "Hey, hey. Calm down. You're okay."

Izuka rubbed her head. "Give me a minute. Everything's just so, fuzzy."

"Probably because you were dead for a minute there." The Dabi said.


"Give her a minute. Let her adjust."

After a few minutes, Izuka could see clearly. "What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"I remember being bullied. There was-pain. Then I met that man. A fake... Then I jumped... I saw my mom... I-I died..."

"Well, you did die for just a moment. Luckily I have a quirk that allows me to revive anything that's been dead for five minutes." The man in the mask said.

"Where am I?"

"You're in my hiding facility. Nobody knows I'm here, so they won't know that you're here either. To the world, you're dead."

"So, I really did."

"Are you okay?" Dabi asked.

"Dabi! Of course she isn't! We just picked her dead body up off of the sidewalk!" A blonde haired girl said.

"You're right. Sorry..." Dabi said.

"Who are you?" Izuka asked the blonde girl.

"Me? I'm Himiko Toga! But you can call me... hm. How about babe?"

Izuka felt her face flush. "B-babe?"

Toga's face flushed and she squirmed. "Yeah, that's it..."

"Toga! You tell me off and then try to woo her? You really are insane." Dabi shook his head.

"Enough both of you." The masked man said. "Let her adjust. She did just die. I'm sure she has a lot more questions."

The two stopped bickering. Izuka looked at the man. "Why is my vision still so... weird?"

"Describe it."

"I dunno. It's sharper. More focused. Almost as if I'm looking through only one eye. But both of my eyes are open..."

The masked man sighed. "There are... some things that I wasn't able to fix..."

Toga walked up to Izuku and gave her a Mirror. "What is-what did I do?"

Ikku's face bore a large scar. It almost looked like an imprint from an explosion. One of her eyes was a milky white.

"Why is my face-"

"I said that I fixed as much as I could. Unfortunately, your tissue had been damaged by something else before the fall. Then you fell on that side, destroying your face further. That's why you have that scar." The man in the chair said.

"Is that the only thing?"

"You'll probably have some mental issues. Your brain is completely fine, but dying is not something to be taken lightly. Your mind breaks from these things. I'm sorry that I- Why are you laughing?"

Izuka was giggling maniacally. "It's not like you can break something that's already broken."

Toga blushed at Izuka's laughter. "Damn, broken people are hot..."

"How can I repay you? For returning my life?" Izuka asked.

"Are you sure? I don't need a reward..." The masked man said.

"Nonsense. You're the first people to be this nice to me. I owe you."

"Look, you can do me a favor by staying alive. Where is your family?"

Izuka's face saddened. "They're gone. I don't have one..."

Everybody was silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry." The masked man said. "Would you like to join our family?"

Izuka looked at the man. "You mean, stay with you?"

"Well, with these two. They'd be sort of like your family." The man motioned to Dabi and Toga.

"If you don't say yes, I'll make you~" Toga smiled.

Tears streamed from Izuka's eyes. "I'd- I'd love too... Yes!"

The man smiled. "Then go. Let me tell you, when you join our line of work, you'll be going through hell."

Izuka smiled back at him. "I've been through hell already. Second time around's always easier."

The three left the masked man alone. "Well then Izuka Midoriya, I wonder how you will develop now? Bringing people back can always make them... Volatile..."


Dabi and Toga led Izuka out of the building they were in and down the street. They entered a small building with a bare room. Dabi called somebody, and a portal opened where they stood.

The group stepped out into a dimly lit bar. Dabi spoke to the bartender- A man made out of purple smoke- And another portal appeared. The group walked through that portal, and stepped out into an alleyway.

"Okay, we're in Hosu now. You'll need this." Dabi said, giving Izuka a knife. "Only use it if needed, and keep it concealed. We have some work to do tonight."

Izuka stayed behind Dabi and Toga. "What kind of work? You're kind of scaring me..."

Dabi and Toga just kept on walking. They walked through the open streets of Hosu. People bustled around them. No one payed the trio any heed. They eventually came to a stop at a small apartment building.

"Okay, we'll get you situated here tonight, then we'll be off. You will join us tonight yes?"

"What exactly will we be doing?" Izuka asked.

Dabi led the girl inside. "Look kid, we aren't heroes. We're like- permanent mercenaries."

"So you're agents for an organization."

"Yes, one run by villains." Dabi said. "Even if it was a different organization, I'd say the same thing to you. It's kill or be killed. If you roll with us, you've got to be ready for blood."

Izuka was silent.

"Look. What happened to you is... tragic. You can still be someone who does great things. You can help change the world. And even if you don't want to, we'll stay by your side and protect-"

"Let's go." Izuka cut Dabi off. "I want you to teach me."

Dabi smiled. He could see the glint of excitement in her normally dead eyes.

"I want to learn how to protect what's important to me, and change the world."


Izuka had been given an outfit by Toga. The two had run over some ways to use a knife before joining Dabi on the rooftop. Izuka's outfit wasn't very armored, it wasn't even really a villain outfit. She just wore black athletic pants and a black sports bra. A black mask covered the lower half of her face. At her hips were two knives.

"Okay. Where are we going?" Izuka asked.

"Sensei's been having trouble with an associate of the league. He's an informant by the name of Yukiho." Dabi said. "We were tipped off by our most trusted informant. Yukiho is always well guarded. But we cannot let sensei's information get leaked."

Izuka nodded. "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

Dabi smirked and began running across the rooftops. Toga and Izuka followed. There were points where the group would duck down as a hero jumped past. There was no reason to waste time.

They eventually stopped in a housing district. A large modern looking white house sat before them. Izuka followed Dabi and Toga as they walked into the house.

A portly man with a creepy smile ran forward. "Ah! Hello there! I'm glad that you-"

"Shut it Yukiho. We know what you've been up to."

The portly man smiled. "Do you think I'd come that easy?"

The air shimmered. Ten bodyguards stood surrounding the group of three.

"Shit." Dabi swore. "You two take care of the guards. We'll deal with this guy last."

Dabi tossed the man into the air, causing him to hang from his shirt on the chandelier.

Two guards rushed Dabi, who quickly whipped out a knife and dispatched them.

"You killed them..." Izuka gasped.

"It's kill or be killed. What will you pick?"

Dabi fought off three more guards, Toga dispatched the rest. The group looked at The place where the informant hung, only to see that he wasn't there.

Dabi suddenly crumpled to the ground. Izuka whirled around to see Yukiho with a knife to Toga's neck. "You try anything, and she dies."

Izuka felt it. It was something that she had always put off, the feeling of rage. Her vision flashed white, and she saw her mother again.

"GoOD byE IZuKA." The vision smiled evilly. "YoU NeveR cOULd Be uSeFul."

Izuka flashed back to reality. Yukiho was toeing the line, slipping his hand around Toga's waist.

"I know, I'll take this one... She'll sell for quite a bit."

Toga shuddered in the man's grasp.

"Oh? Don't want to be a slave? A pretty girl like you would be-" *Thunk*

Yukiho fell to the ground, a knife embedded in his forehead. Toga looked at Izuka and shuddered in excitement. The girl was grinning wildly underneath her mask, her arm outstretched.

"That's fun... Hehe..." Izuka giggled. "I like this..."

Toga leapt into the green girls arms. "Yeah? Then you'll stay with us?"

Izuka ripped her mask off. "Hell yea I will!"

Dabi stood up and looked at the dead body of Yukiho. "Huh. Bitch." He turned to the two girls. "Before we light this place up, let's check to see if there's anything of value."

The three looked through the house. They ransacked the entire place, checked under beds, looked through cabinets, overturned tables and chairs. Yet they couldn't find anything.

"He's gotta have something..." Dabi grumbled.

Izuka wasn't paying attention. She was looking through the study. "Now, if I know guys like this..." She knocked on each bookcase. Each time, the wood on each shelf made a clacking sound. Izuka smiled as she heard one made a boom. "Wow, that's pretty loud."

Izuka pulled out each book until one didn't come off of the shelf. It just leaned towards the girl, pulling a hidden lever.

"If you look hard enough..." The girl grinned as the shelf spun around. Izuka stepped into a hidden room.

The room looked almost completely empty. A stack of hard drives sat in a box off to the side of a desk. On the desk, a monitor flickered dully. The screen displayed a series of files. Izuka walked up to the computer and began navigating through it.

"Okay. Lots of information. Looks like this guy moves around a lot of stuff. Electronics, weapons, you name it. But where is his stock?"

Izuka opened a file labeled 'storage' and smiled. "Here we go."

After inputting the password hidden on the bottom of the desk, the wall slid back to reveal several suitcases.

Two were your standard size suitcase. The third was longer than the others. Izuka retrieved them and dragged them into the study. She located Dabi and handed the cases to him.

"Let's show these to sensei first." Izuka said. "Do you have anything that I could carry stuff with?"

Dabi pulled a folded up duffel bag out from nowhere. "What are you getting?"

Izuka grinned. "The best things that he was hiding."

The girl walked back to the hidden room and filled the duffel bag with hard drives. She then brought Dabi in. "We're burning it down right?"

"Yeah. You get Toga and head out. I'll join you soon."

Izuka met up with Toga at the front of the house.

"So you found the stuff?" Toga smiled. "That's good. You'll be a good addition to the team."

Izuka fidgeted a little bit. "Are you sure? I didn't do that much..."

Toga wrapped her arms around the green haired girl. She nibbled Izuka's earlobe, and whispered to her. "What you did today was so beautiful. You'll be a great villain."

Izuka smiled as the house behind her burst into flames.

"A villain huh? Who would've thought..."


I'll be doing the entire one year backstory first to answer questions. I'll try my best not to mess this up. So please keep giving your support!

If you have discord, I'd recommend joining the servers in my bio. You'll be able to reach me a lot easier.

Anyways, that's all for now.

Sushi Out!

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