Colliding with Malfoy

由 dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... 更多

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 22

1.3K 39 2
由 dracoxspirit

        Summer was coming to an end so quickly and I was glad however, my 15th birthday was coming faster in 2 days. Draco and I have been writing back and forth I miss him like crazy. I've been even more worried about Harry, he has nightmares every night. I've tried everything to help, I wish I could do more. He acts so different, I know why but I hate this. Things have changed with me too over the summer. I had grown 2 bra sizes, and my hips and butt couldn't even fit in any jeans anymore. I'm not even sure why my body had changed so much as if I have went through another growth spirt. I had packed mine and Harry's bag today, he went out to the park he said he needed to go on a walk I didn't want him to go alone, but he said he needed space. I got an owl from Draco which made me super excited of course, but the letter wasn't very long this time. "I think you should know everyone thinks Harry and Dumbledore are mad, no one believes he's back Kaylee, how do you even know its true?" I read this so many times. Draco seem like he believed me the night I told him why would he start acting like this now. Before I could even try to write back, I heard my aunt yelling down stairs. I ran down stairs to see Harry holding Dudley who did not seem okay. "What happened?" I said honestly more worried about Harry. "We'd love to know" my aunt said rudely. "A dementor" is all Harry could get to come out. "Stop with all your wizard non-sense." Our uncle said in his annoying tone. Before anything else could be said a letter came through from an owl and faced Harry. I was confused until it started talking. It said Harry had used magic outside of school and was expelled bloody hell? My aunt and uncle were thrilled. Before I could ask Harry anything he had stormed up to our room. My aunt and uncle were taking Dudley to the hospital I assumed they left without saying anything. I ran up stairs I could hear Harry hitting the dresser. "Harry what happened?" I made him stop and sit down to talk to me. "There was dementor two of them, they started attacking me and Dudley, I had no choice but to use magic." He sounded so angry. "Harry it's okay I'm sure Dumbledore isn't going to allow this." He got up and yelled at me. "You heard the damn card." I'd never seen Harry act like this I know he's frustrated but this is not like him. "I'm sorry," He said quickly after he realized. "I just feel so angry." I nodded "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry" The was a thud on the door than it opened mad-eye and a few others were there. "Come on you two" we grabbed our stuff. "Where are we going? They expelled me." Harry and I were being rushed outside. "Don't sorry Dumbledore is handling that." Mad-eye did a spell and our brooms appeared, and we flew off.

           We showed up at this random apartment complex which than a house appeared in the middle. We walked in with everyone. The first person Harry and I spotted was Sirius. We ran to hug him so fast. "What is this place?" He told us he'd explain later but we should go see who else is here. We ran up the stairs to find Hermione and Ron. "We've been worried about you two!" We have them each a hug. "Us too" We went down stairs and ate dinner and they explained a lot of things to us. It was hard for me to take everything in about this order of the phoenix. All I could think about was how my birthday was in less than 2 days now and I had no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to go. I couldn't even eat now everyone was chatting around me and I was just staring at my plate. I felt like I was gonna cry and have a panic attack. I couldn't do this by myself right now. Everyone was finally getting up from eating dinner. I didn't even move, I didn't even notice everyone was gone until Sirius said something. "What's on your mind?" and that's when in started all the tears came. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" I finally got my tears under control he had moved over beside me. "I can't tell you where people can hear." He nodded. "Follow me." I told him I had to go get something out of my trunk first. I came back down and he took me too a room that was pretty far from everyone else so they couldn't hear. "What is that?" I swallowed hard I wasn't suppose to tell anyone but I trusted Sirius not that I didn't trust Harry but he has enough going on. "Have you ever heard of a healer witch?" He turned is head to the side. "Actually yes." This surprised me most people don't know about them. "Really?" He nodded. "There was one in my family 1000's of years ago they're very rare, that's all I really know they're very rare." He was trying to see what I was holding which was the book Dumbledore had given me. "So, what if I told you I am one." He stood up quickly. "What?" He seemed pretty shocked. "How long have you known?" He sighed. "I'm not sure if it's completely a great thing however, I healed a kid at school from a pretty nasty cut 2 years ago at school and I didn't even realize I was doing it. Snape is the one who noticed him told Dumbledore and he's the one who's been helping me." I handed him the book. "This is a pretty old book since you only get a healer every 500 years." He started flipping through pages. "Well let me see." He told me. "Let you see?" he grabbed something out of a dresser and cut his arm. "Let me see your magic." I got nervous what if I can't do it and he doesn't believe me. "I'll try, I'm not that great at it yet." I thought about it for a while and finally it started to heal. "Wow... I've never seen anything like that." I didn't know what to say really. "You can't tell anyone, no one knows besides you, Snape, and Dumbledore." I lied because Draco knows however no one knows Draco and I are together. "I know, they would try to take you away if the ministry knew about you." I nodded. "Yeah... but there is something else you should know." He nodded I flipped to the part of the book about the 15th birthday of the healer. "I can't really even say it I think it's best if you read it yourself." I sat down and let him start to read. It took him a bit to read everything and he looks back up at me. "Kaylee... your birthday is." he looked at the clock and seen it was almost 12. "Your birthday is in almost a day..."I nodded. "I don't know what to do or where to go we need to keep this between us." He nodded. "We have a basement, I don't think anyone would be able to hear you..." I started crying. "I don't wanna be by myself when this happens, please stay with me." He hugged me. "I would never let you go through this alone you father and mother would never forgive me." That made me feel better. Sometimes I wish they could be here with me right now. "There is more of what Dumbledore told me." He sat back down "Go on," he seemed pretty fascinated about all this but I could tell he was nervous about what would happen on my birthday. "I'm not saying this is true, but Dumbledore said he believes I was the one who kept Harry and I alive that night, not our mom and why I don't have any mark like Harry does he said that's why it's important for no one to know because if you know who knew that it probably wouldn't be good." This made Sirius's eyes widen. "That actually makes perfect sense." He nodded. "I have this connection with Harry, I can feel his emotions sometimes when they're really strong... I wonder if that's why." He nodded. "You don't have to worry Kaylee, we won't let him find out, don't tell anyone about this not even Harry or your friends." I nodded. "Of course." He got up. "I think you need to go have some time with your friends and we can worry about all of this tomorrow, everything is going to be fine, you're one of the strongest witches I've ever met. He hugged me. "Now go I'm sure they're wondering where you are." Sirius went off to his bedroom and I was going up the stairs when I seen Fred at the top. "Can we talk for a minute?" I shrugged "I guess," He pulled me into a room. "I suppose you and Malfoy are still a thing," he asked. "Yes," he nodded. "You can't tell him about any of this Kaylee. Promise me you won't." I gave reached my pinky out to him. "You really think I'm that dumb, I'd never risk my brothers protection like that. Now here I pinky promise you I won't tell a soul about this not even Draco." He took my pinky "Okay good, I'm glad you understand." I nodded. "I care for Draco a lot but Harry is my brother I would never do something like that, that could possibly put him in danger." "Good," he said and we went to go hang out with everyone else where the room was full of laughter. Harry was the first one to pass out. I sighed in relief "He doesn't sleep good at all anymore." I told Ron and Hermione. "Why not?" Ron asked. "He has nightmares and night sweats so bad now, I'm worried about him being in a dorm away from me when we go back, I'm just glad you'll be there." They both looked sad. "I hate this for him." Hermione said. "Me too." I agreed. "We should try and get some sleep too though." We all decided to go to bed since it was so late. It was nice to have a night like this one full of laughter we haven't had one in a while. As soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out.

      We were all woken up for breakfast the next morning. Which was nice since we never had breakfast as a family at our aunts and uncle. Harry didn't have a nightmare last night which was nice I'm glad he was able to get some rest. Strangely I got an owl while at breakfast and it dropped a letter on the table and left. "Well who's writing you a letter?" Sirius, Harry, Ron, and George asked all at the same time. "Well since y'all are so nosey, it's my friend." It was from Draco I could tell by the envelope but I wasn't going to tell them that of course. Everyone went back to talking so I started to open the letter. I didn't realize how heavy it was but a beautiful bracelet fell out. This made everyone look my way and I could tell my face was super red. "Well I think someone who is more than a friend got you that" Sirius said. "Who got you that? It looks bloody expensive." Everyone was passing the bracelet around. "Wow" is all they could say. I finally read the letter. "You never wrote me back, I've been worried I hope all is well write me when you can. By the way Happy early Birthday." I guess I didn't forget to write him back yesterday I just got really busy and didn't even think about it. "So are you gonna tell us who it's from?" Fred started laughing "yeah are you?" I shrugged. "I wish I knew, all it says is Happy early Birthday, I assume it's from same person who gave me the flowers on valentines last year." Sirius laughed. "I guess someone fancy's you, a lot." I nodded. "Yeah I guess so," I finally got to see the bracelet and it was beautiful. "Well whoever it is, they have really good taste." Mrs. Weasley added. "Yes indeed." Mr. Weasley added. I slipped it on, "Maybe he'll finally reveal himself this yeah," Hermione said. I shrugged "maybe," I could see Fred was trying to keep from laughing cause he knew, and knew I was just fooling everyone else.

        The rest of the day went by pretty slow but the closer it go to 12:00 am the more nervous I got decided I should probably write Draco back. "Sorry I haven't written you back I got really busy with a lot of stuff, however I can't thank you enough for this girl it's so beautiful. I don't want to freak you out, but tonight is the night... I'm super nervous. I don't know how it's going to go but I want you to know I care about you so much. I will write you as soon as I can after everything is over I'm not even sure how this is going to go it's all I can think about right now. I wish this didn't have to happen to me but it will be okay. I can't wait to see you. Much love, K." I gave the letter to my owl who went straight away to take to Draco. After it had send Sirius walked in. "I've talked everyone into going out for Harry's birthday tonight, they all want you to go though however, I've told them for some reason Dumbledore wants me to take you to see him. They believe it." I nodded. "So no one will be here when this happens you're safe." I sighed in relief. "Harry has so much going on I didn't want him to hear me everything and worry more." He nodded. "You should get some rest, I'll come get you when everyone leaves." I nodded. He went out of the room. Honestly I was pretty tired I decided to just go back to sleep, I just want to this over with, there really is no getting out of it.

Sirius didn't have to come wake me up, I had woken up myself at 10:45 pm. It was getting closer, which made me wanna puke. I did look over and beside me was a letter. These owls were getting faster at this whole letter thing. It was from Draco. "This is killing me, I can't be there and I want too so bad. I'm the one who's suppose to be there when you go through this. I'm so sorry. I'm not going to be able to sleep until you let me know you're okay." I didn't want to write back, not until it was over. I hurried down the stairs, everyone was gone and Sirius was sitting on his couch reading my book, I forgot I hadn't gotten it back from him. "Look who's up," he said with a smile. "I feel very well rested." I laughed trying to not make myself so worried or sad. "I wanted to read this so I could understand what's going to happen, so every bone in your body is going to break... this is complete torture." I nodded. "Maybe it won't be so bad," I was lying to myself. "I don't want you to go through this." I nodded. "I know, but I guess I have no choice." I sat beside him and he started talking about my parents. I loved when he talked about them, he loved them so much. We talked for a long time and the next time we looked at the clock it was 11:30. I couldn't believe it was so close. We walked down to the basement in silence. When we got down there, it was 11:40 by than. "If things don't go okay please tell Harry I kept this from him for his own good, I hate keeping secrets from him." Sirius shook his head. Things are going to be fine." I didn't wanna cry. But I could feel it. "I don't want him to loose me too." Sirius didn't show a lot of emotion but I could see a few tears. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He gave me a hug. We sat there in silence for a while. Until it was 11:59. This longest minute of my life. Finally it was 12. We stared at each other forever, nothing was happening. "Do you feel anything?" I shook my head. "No, not yet." And than it happened you could literally hear my toes cracking. "Ow, I think it's starting." There was a bluish glow around me. "Yeah I think it is." For once Sirius actually sounded afraid. It hurt but no bad enough to scream yet. All of my toes were healing after they broke. Than my ankles started to break I let out a scream for that one. "I wish I could do something." Sirius said. I couldn't talk I was just trying to focus I wanted this to end fast. It was literally happening from my toes to my head the farther up it came the more it hurt. I honestly felt like I had tunnel vision I was in so much pain at one point. When it got to my back and ribs I couldn't stop screaming. Sirius was trying to talk to me but I could barley hear him. Than I blacked out.

             I woke up with Sirius holding me, "You're okay." He gave me a hug. "Oh my goodness, you're okay." I felt different, as if there was just so much magic inside me now. I sat up beside me. "Yes, I'm okay... what happened?" I looked at the time and see it was 4 in the morning. "Your eyes closed like half way through and I could still hear your bones breaking but you weren't screaming anymore. Than all the sudden you started floating than you laid down I've been sitting here holding you for an hour I could hear you breathing but you wouldn't wake up... do you feel okay?" I nodded. "I feel fine, I actually feel different but in a good way." He smiled. "Wow, your a healer this is so amazing you have a beautiful gift, your parents would be so proud right now." This made me smile. "Thank you... thank you for being here for me. I didn't know who else I could go too I'm so glad I have you." He hugged me. "You'll always have me, you and Harry both." We got up and decided we should probably sleep since it was so early now. "If you start feeling bad don't hesitate to come get me." Sirius said before we left the basement. "Of course." I went up to my room, Harry was sound asleep. I decided I should probably write Draco since I had not only one but two letters on my bed from him. I just know our owls hate us. His letters were just him saying "please write.. I'm getting worried." "Kaylee I can't sleep, please write me." I got my stuff out to write him. "Draco, I'm okay... I will tell you everything when I see you, I can't wait to see you... not much longer now. Now get some sleep." I gave my owl the letter and opened the window. I'm glad I chose the bed right next to the window.  My owl was back as soon as I got done in the bathroom getting ready for bed. It was crazy how the letters seemed to deliver faster from here. I wasn't very tired, so I decided to read for a bit until I got sleep. I got through about a chapter in my book before Draco's owl was at my window, I let him in he dropped the envelope and off he went. I opened the letter. "It's such a relief to hear from you. I will go to sleep now, I can't wait to see you." I tucked the letter in my trunk with the rest he had sent me all summer. I continued to read until I fell asleep.


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