Fckd Up// Ranboo Angst

By roryynn

116K 5.2K 8.4K

Ranboo makes new friends at the skatepark who just so happen to be streamers too, Great! But what happens if... More

1~-Worst Days-~1
2~-Wait Really?! Friends?-~2
3~-He's Fucked Up-~3
5~-Friends! Fun! -~5
7~-That Really Whips My Nae Nae-~7
8~-I Lose My Temper-~8
9~-The Good Side Of Things-~9
10~-This Is Why I Dont Go Out-~10
11~-Top 10 Anime Betrayals-~11
12~-Why Do I Do This?-~12
13~-Stars Were Made For Falling-~13
15~-The Child Is Crying-~15
16~-Please Don't touch My Arm, Thanks-~16
17~-Hey, I'm Trying I Swear-~17
19~-How To Be A Failiure 101-~19
20~-Don't Have Time-~20
21~-For No Reason At All-~21
22~-Tell Me Shit-~22
23~-I Deserve To Bleed-~23
24-~New Idea's~-24
26~-A little To Easy-~26
27~-Keep Calm #girlboss~-27
28~-Have Fun!-~28
29~-Ah Shit.-~29
31~-Daddy's Boy-~31
32~-Tea Party!-~32
33~-Instant regret-~33
34~-You Were Doing So Well-~34
35~-Sleepy Boi-~35
37~-Mmmm Drugs.-~37
38~"Great" Friends-~38
39~-This Isn't How Its Supposed To Go.-~39
40~-Party's Are Fun.-~40
41~-Calm Down-~41
42~- Family Therapy-~42
43~-Why Do I Have To Be Like This?!-~43
44~-Please Stop-~44
45~-Dont Die This Time~-45
46~-I'm Getting Pretty Fucking Tired-~46
47~- Happier -~47
48~-Tubbo's Final Ending-~48
49~- Technoblade's Final Ending. -~49
50~-Tommy's Final Ending-~50
51~- Phil's final ending.-~51
52~- Wilburs Final Ending. -~ 52

6~-Cross Your Fingers Ima Need It-~6

2.8K 113 135
By roryynn

-~-~-Wilbur Pov-~-~-

"so... big M, Mark my man!" Tommy says looking at Mark next to Tubbo in the backseat "Are you okay Tommy?" mark asks "we shouldn't have brought you." Tommy says and flips him off.

"I'm going to bite your finger off," Tubbo says trying to bite him, so Tommy starts screaming.  "Tommy be quiet you prick!" I  jokingly say and we all start laughing.

The drive to the roller skating place is 2 hours so this will be tiring if they don't fall asleep, Tommy and Tubbo don't usually stay awake but I don't know with Mark cause I met him yesterday.

thirty minutes into the ride I look back and see them all sleeping. Tubbo's head resting on Tommy's and Tommy's head on Mark's shoulder. I get a quick picture and show techno, "now Tommy and Tubbo won't be a pain in the ass anymore!"

"what was he holding when Tubbo ran into his bathroom?" I ask. Techno looks to make sure they all are asleep "it was full of blood, like a lot"

for another hour we talk about what we are going to do and how to make him stop. Techno pulls up at a gas station and pulls up to get gas.

by this time Tubbo's head was rested on his window and Tommy's head was on his shoulder, Mark's head was on his window as well.  I unbuckle my seat belt and turn around and tap Mark on the shoulder until he opened his eyes  "Mark can I talk to you for a second?" he nods yes, unbuckles, and we walk into the flower garden next to the gas station.

" you okay mark?" I spoke gently. "what?"

"why you hurt yourself?" I ask, "oh" he looks at the ground "yeah, just -just the kids at school are a bit mean.."

"mean?" I ask "yeah.." "how about this, every day you don't hurt yourself we will do something fun. "

"I don't know if I c-" his voice breaks out, I don't wanna make him cry just want him to stop. "how about this, if you don't for a week we will go on a road trip somewhere anywhere"

"I don't thi-" his voice cuts out again. we both sit on a bench and he fidgets with his fingers. "listen, will it be hard, yes extremely. but I do believe you can do it"

"I can't, I really can't, I've tried, I've done everything, I just- I just can't," he says in between tears "as long as you try I'll be proud of you"

"techno says it's time to get going but we have 30 more minutes, before we go back can I uhm, see your arm?

he weakly gives me his arm. There is two that look like they couldn't be made 3 hours ago, oh right the tissue in his hand. I take a wrap thing out of my pocket and began to wrap his wrist. "two days" if I see any new ones we won't go on the trip okay?"

he nods yea.

"I'm going to the car, wipe off your face and then come back okay" I smile and hug him.

~-~-Ranboo Pov-~-~

He hugs me then walks away. I wipe my face off with my sleeves and try to put on my happiest mood. My hands are shaking so bad, I mean I have only sipped sprite and a monster in two days so...

I walk back to the car through the flower field and picked up two alliums and put them in my pocket.


"you have a flower, pussy" Tommy calls out to me about to open the door. "yeah look!" I hold it out for him to see "It's an Allium, I like it" I sit in my seat and put my seat belt on. "have it" I hand it to him and he puts it in his jeans pocket.

"Everyone ready?" Techno asks. he begins to drive.

after about 15 minutes he turns the volume up on the car speaker. It must've been too loud cause my hands started shaking. "Techno! turn it down a bit" Tubbo yells "haha the pussy can't handle loud noises" Tommy says

"Tommy," Wilbur said.

he looks out the window and opens a package of biscuits/cookies. "want some anyone?" he asks I shake my head no but everyone else takes some. "You should have some Mark," Wilbur says looking in the mirror. "no, ill just have a drink."

I grab the drink in my bag and take a sip, it's surprisingly good. people tell me it tase my battery acid, but it does taste good.

"are you emo now?" Tubbo asks "what? why would I be emo?" "are you Karl?" "what no? ohh my drink"

"aren't you younger than me? you shouldn't drink that" Tommy adds "It was either this or beer?"

"Beer?" Techno asks

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