Fckd Up// Ranboo Angst

By roryynn

116K 5.2K 8.4K

Ranboo makes new friends at the skatepark who just so happen to be streamers too, Great! But what happens if... More

1~-Worst Days-~1
3~-He's Fucked Up-~3
5~-Friends! Fun! -~5
6~-Cross Your Fingers Ima Need It-~6
7~-That Really Whips My Nae Nae-~7
8~-I Lose My Temper-~8
9~-The Good Side Of Things-~9
10~-This Is Why I Dont Go Out-~10
11~-Top 10 Anime Betrayals-~11
12~-Why Do I Do This?-~12
13~-Stars Were Made For Falling-~13
15~-The Child Is Crying-~15
16~-Please Don't touch My Arm, Thanks-~16
17~-Hey, I'm Trying I Swear-~17
19~-How To Be A Failiure 101-~19
20~-Don't Have Time-~20
21~-For No Reason At All-~21
22~-Tell Me Shit-~22
23~-I Deserve To Bleed-~23
24-~New Idea's~-24
26~-A little To Easy-~26
27~-Keep Calm #girlboss~-27
28~-Have Fun!-~28
29~-Ah Shit.-~29
31~-Daddy's Boy-~31
32~-Tea Party!-~32
33~-Instant regret-~33
34~-You Were Doing So Well-~34
35~-Sleepy Boi-~35
37~-Mmmm Drugs.-~37
38~"Great" Friends-~38
39~-This Isn't How Its Supposed To Go.-~39
40~-Party's Are Fun.-~40
41~-Calm Down-~41
42~- Family Therapy-~42
43~-Why Do I Have To Be Like This?!-~43
44~-Please Stop-~44
45~-Dont Die This Time~-45
46~-I'm Getting Pretty Fucking Tired-~46
47~- Happier -~47
48~-Tubbo's Final Ending-~48
49~- Technoblade's Final Ending. -~49
50~-Tommy's Final Ending-~50
51~- Phil's final ending.-~51
52~- Wilburs Final Ending. -~ 52

2~-Wait Really?! Friends?-~2

3.2K 131 229
By roryynn

I skate over to the closest park and see how many people are there, only 2 groups and 3 people alone.

I skate over to one of the empty bowls and chill skate around the park for a few minutes till I wanna grab a quick drink at the store next to the park.

Thanks to my luck as soon as I stop my skateboard goes fly towards a person. "board!" I yell out running to maybe get it before it hits them, shit.

it hit them right on the ankles and I pause for a second as they look at me.

I walk up to them and grab my board "i- I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and, and then it hit you. I didn't mean to, mean to hit you."

They were tall, they had curly hair with a grey beanie on. they were wearing a yellowish shirt, like the colour of sand but browner. they had normal jeans on that were light-coloured.

They look at me with gentleness and speak "it's okay! I'm Wilbur or Will" he smiles and asks for my name

"oh, I uhm am, I am ran- Mark, yeah it's Mark sorry"

"I'm cool with nicknames, you were going for something like ran- ranboo?"

I nodded yes hoping he doesn't hate me.

"I've heard of you, your one of the best streamers!"

"I wouldn't say the best, maybe a good one but definitely not the best"

"you seem cool, you should hang out with me and some of the other boys" I agree and we walk over to them.

one is sitting on the grass with a book, skateboard and backpack next to him, he had long pink hair tied into a ponytail right where his back started, he scared me. but his clothing was nice, he had a black and dark red striped sweater tucked into black pants that had a chain on his hips. he also was wearing a ton of jewellery

I look over at two boys helping each other skate (the taller one helping the shorter one how to balance) the shorter one had wavy kinda fluffy hair covering his eyes a lot. His outfit had a large t-shirt with yellow and navy blue stripes but more toned down with a white collar. He also had on white jeans, which's is not good for a skatepark uh oh.

The taller one had blond hair and blue eyes, his outfit had a red plaid flannel with a black shirt under and black pants that probably were stolen from the guy with the pink hair if I were to guess.

Wilbur introduced me, the pink-haired one was Techno or Technoblade, the one with the fluffy hair was Toby or Tubbo (he got very excited when new people call him Tubbo) and the blue eyes one was Tommyinnit or Tommy.

We all sat in the grass by the skatepark but a good distance away. I was mostly quiet the whole time while Tommy was carrying the show.

"Mark? are you okay?" Tubbo says with his British accent. I wonder if he's from here in America or not. "yeah, what's up?" I respond kind of nervous because I wasn't zoned out, I was paying attention just not talking.

he pointed to my arm, my arm?

My eyes go wide.

I look down to see the white long sleeve dripping blood on the grass, oh shit. "I must have, must have spilt some... drink while I was skating, yeah. I had juice.."

"what tubbo?" Wilbur asks not getting what Tubbo means. "what's wrong with his arm?" Tubbo repeated, Wilbur was sitting on the side that couldn't see my arm.

"he's dripping drink!" Tubbo says quickly pointing to my arm.

panic mode

yes panic mode!



he leans a bit getting a look at my arm, his eyes widen and he stands up and rushes to the bag they brought.

what the hell is he doing.

"come here mark for a sec"

You just met him you can't pour your problems on him.

we both walk to a bench and he makes me sit down "it's just juice I swear"

"juice?" he asks looking at my red sleeve.


"What kind?"

"uhm, cra- cranberry! it tastes like wine"

he grabs my arm and looks at the big stain of blood on the long sleeve.

"cranberry juice isn't that dark, mark"

My breathing speeds up as he touches my sleeve with the other hand about to lift the sleeve, I take my arm back and pull the sleeve back down. I'm about to stand up and say "my moms probably waiting for me I should-"

"I already know what it is, there's no point in hiding it now," he says and gently reaches back to my arm.

"If you already know why do you need to see?" I say, I really didn't want him to see. To see the new ones, or the old ones running up my arm.

"I just want to see how bad it is, you're fine"

I give in to it like he said he already knows. I look the other direction at pretty trees as he lifts my sleeve. I regret this decision deeply.

"holy shit mark-"

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