The Great Sexcapades

Da ChocolateZeno

276K 4.7K 4K

Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. Altro

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Temptations of the Heart
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
First Day Out.....
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Is It Really You?
Touch Me, Tease Me
Love And War
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil
Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

Hiya Puddin

2.5K 59 72
Da ChocolateZeno

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*I was high as fuck. Soooo....yeah. Tis a but dark and twisted. Fairest warning.*


adjective, Deliberately cruel or violent.

There are moments in your life you just know were pivotal. For Cookie....that day was winding up in the hands of Lucious Lyon. Her life was never the same after. Maybe she should have kept her quick hands to herself. Never stepped in that club at all. Where would she be at in life? Not here for sure.

She stared at her reflection in anguish. Her mascara had run from crying. Lucious was eating her alive. Imbeding himself in her more ways than literal. He was a master manipulator, his nickname should be puppet master. He had pulled her heart strings then sliced them so cruelly. To stitch them back....and do it again. To make her feel stupid.....she wasnt STUPID. He felt something for her.....had to....right? Or was she still just another one of his pets?

She gave him her submission and the dominance in him purred. He had took it and then drove her to the brink of insanity. She felt out of did she get back into herself? She growled out punching the mirror. Glass shattering in an instant. She could feel slow rivers of warmth trailing from a few cuts from the action.

She stared at them unphased. She had seen plenty of bloodshed in her time on the Lyon estate. Her own blood a handful of times. She watched the red trail down her arm. Her heart pounding in her chest steadily. Like the beat of music in the club that faithful night.

Cookie counted out the money as she bond it. After paying bills she put whatever little money she had left into her project. Something she had been working on for months now. Collection enough money to get her grandmother the surgery she so desperately needed. Hospitals weren't cheap to stay in and neither was the surgery itself. In total she needed about 50,000 dollars to cover the hysterectomy, hospital stay, and treatment afterward.

That wasn't what you just came across. Hence why she and her four cousins came together to raise the money. Between donations from friends and family and their extra change they raised just about 5 thousand dollars at first. Which brought them to their second endeavour, what they called Robin Hooding. So many wealthy people had so much to give to the less fortunate. Those desperately in need like her grandma who was suffering from ovarian cancer.

The woman that raised her and her cousins when their mothers fell off the face of the earth hooked on dope or died or simply said duck being a mother. Single handedly raising 4 girls and 2 boys. All they wanted to do was take care of her like she did them. So every weekend the girls dressed to impress and hit a club making it their goal to be noticed. From their they faked being wild party girls while expertly picking up anything they could sell. Too many people went for the noticeable things like chains. But you could easily steal a pinky ring or simply getting their number and selling it. Or picking up the lose cash they tossed about. From there they slip it into their purse or some hiding place that they could strategically get to the boys who were always lurking close by for easy disposal.

Their system hadn't failed yet and their goal was just a quick 10 thousand away. All they needed was a great night or a few good nights. Hoping tonight would be that night they hit up Leviticus, a favorite of theirs. All the fresh upcoming rappers partied there. All the city bachelors, millionaires, billionaires, rich tourists. Money was always in the air. Any body who was somebody hir Leviticus to show out. Showing off what they bought with their hefty advances. Easy prey for them, feening for pussy. Give them just a little attention and they empty their pockets just to show out for you ordering bottles, popping pills all in hopes that you would go home with them.

The spot was jumping like it normally was on a Friday night. Especially on pay day, rolling in one by one to keep from looking like a group. They grouped up eventually after scouting the club. Tonight felt off to Cookie, something not sitting right with her as her oldest cousin droned on about some rapper in the building.

She kept getting the feeling that they were being watched. Shaking it off the girls took their first shot of the night. Starting their party girl act Cookie thought it was weird when a man walked up to them letting them know they had been invited to a section. So soon they hadn't even really put on the act yet. Giving the boys a nod they melted into the background watching where they were being led. Across the glass skybridge Cookie hummed looking at the sheer gold curtains semi open. She was wondering who was in the main section tonight and would soon her her answer when she realized that was where they were headed.

Stopping at the entrance she felt her eyes buck. Lounging in the section was the one and only Lucious Lyon who looked to be conducting business. This man...was like a myth. He came up from the hard streets of Philly, started a label and heanched out from there. Or that's what media said......everyone knew the label was just a way to clean money. Mormal record label owners had a few records that circulated but once he got big in business he stopped dabbling in his own talent and exploited others. He had none of that....just popped up and suddenly was a force. He looked as hard and dark as everyone said he was. Word on the deep streets was he was connected to the Rumble. A large drug ring Feds had been trying to shut down for years.

Others said he was a major trafficker. Some said he was bigger than the mafia. That he owned the US, whispers said he had politics in his back pocket. One thing everyone knew was he was a murderer. She didn't know if those other rumours were true but she knew that.

She watchex him sliding over a few stacks of cash to the young man across from him who beamed staring at the money and sighed what looked to be a contract. As he cousins started smiling ear to ear she frowned. This wasn't gonna be a easy grab at all. There was too many men watching everything. Who needed this many body guards.

"Bitch...Jack pot." Cookie heard one of her cousins whisper.

".....I think we need to play real low-key." Cookie whispered, she knew they knew of him. What he was most known for besides his music and rumoured connections was his dark past, she didn't quite feel comfortable being so close to a man who dodged a murder charge the world knew he did. Her blood running cold as he looked over at the four of them. Why did it seem so....predicted? He didn't smile as he looked each of them up and down. Snapping his finger a gaurd started descending the stairs coming straight for them.

"Mr. Lyon requests your presence." He spoke, leaving no room for arguement. His voice expectant as he gestured for them to go up. They followed him up as nerves mounted. Cookie grew worried....had they hit Leviticus too many times? Were they on a radar?

"May I say you all look beautiful. My boy Deshea has been eyeing you guys since you came in. He's looking for a good time tonight, him and his friends. You the ladies?" He spoke, his voice as cool and cold as he looked.

They nodded being let past the bouncers. While they got to work Cookie kept an eye on Mr.Boss Man. He wasn't really paying them no mind but that didn't make her more comfortable. He had been having a very busy hush conversation with some man next to him. She was so close to giving the abort signal, especially when they locked eyes. The look in those hazel greens would rattle the sanest person. Catching a waiter she ordered a drink asking her to deliver a message in between. Looking out over the club she searched for her brother and cousin. Hoping today wasn't a day they were fucking around.

"Do you smile?" She heard asked, as a shadow settled over her. She turned her head looking up meeting those eyes yet again. His cologne swirling around her, he smelled just as delicious as the expensive tailored suit he wore. Up close she could tell the magazine covers weren't faked. This man was dangerously gifted.

"Do you talk?" He tossed out, when she didn't respond.

"Oh....sorry." She blushed, realizing she had been blatantly checking him out.

"You don't seem as interested as your....friends over there." He mentioned, she shrugged looking over at them. Why was he talking to her anyways?

"What's your name?"

"Summer." She lied smoothly, he hummed searching her eyes.

"Summer?.....For a woman I haven't seen smile I doubt your warm like Summer. What's your name?" He spoke feeling like she was lying. His knowing eyes bothering her.

"My bad...its Summer." She responded, flashing him a smirk. He chuckled taking a drink from his cup, his eyes not leaving her.

"Okay Summer....Where are you from?" He pushed, she narrowed her eyes looking him up and down. This man was trouble...but she'd humour him.


"Because I'm sure you know about me already." He answered.

"Who doesn't know Lucious Lyon." She responded, making a shadow of a smile appear on his face.

"My point. So what's your story, you know mine." He tossed out, noticing her eyes looking around the club. He couldn't help but note she was looking for someone.

"You don't seem like a person who cares about my backstory." She spoke, he rose a brow.

"And what kind of person do I seem like to you?" He pressed reaching out, she felt her breath stutter as he grabbed a loose curl. He watched her waiting for an answer as he twirled the curl.

"A blunt straight to the point type of man." She stated, she felt a chill rush over her body at the slow grin that spread on his face.

"Wrong. Getting straight to the point isn't fun. I'm a man that likes to play games." He responded, something about the way he said it making her feel like she didn't know something he knew.

"So humour me. Answer my question?" He spoke, she hummed deciding to go with it.

"Born in Compton, moved here to be with my grandma when I was a kid. Never met my father, and my mom's probably dead or on her way." She answered, his eyes stared deep into hers for a few minutes till he smirked. Some of that was true but she was still lying to him. It only spurred his desire to play.

"Summer....born in California. The name is starting to warm up." He chuckled, as a waiter bought her drink. She gave him the first real smile. His eyes were so watchful, it unsettled her that it felt like he knew when she'd take her neck breath.

"See do that more often and you heighten your attractiveness." He pointed out, letting his hand fall from her hair. His eyes enticing, she wasn't wrong for noticing how sexy he was. Her lack of response made him tilt his head watching her watch him. Taking mental note of how guarded she looked at him. Licking his lips his fingers ghosted down her arm. Giving her a seductive look before uttering his next words.

"Come sit and talk with me." He spoke, not giving her a chance to respond. Before he turned and started walking away. She stayed rooted staring at his back. Glancing over his shoulder he noticed she wasn't following like he asked. A spark of irritation in him. He wasnt a man that liked to repeat himself. Giving her a dark look that made her jump into action.

She followed him back into the section. Glancing at her cousins making sure they were good she realized he was leading her a little deeper in the section. She didn't notice a small room connected to he section. The same sheer gold curtains acting as walls. Sitting down she followed watching a seemingly bodyguard shut the curtains.

"Get me a bottle." He instructed the one at the entrance. He nodded walking off as Lucious turned to face Cookie.

"They your bodygaurds?" She questioned, he gave her somewhat of a glare.

"I don't need body guards baby." He responded like she offended him.

"You sure? Cause 7 foot 400 hundred pound brother right there gives me different vibes. And the tall bald one, they look, talk, and act like body guards. It's okay, we all need protection." She teased, Lucious smirked leaning closer to her.

"I don't, people need protection from me." He spoke, lowly waving off the man. He nodded stepping out standing on the other side of the curtains. She felt his words light a small flame of fear in her.

"Is that right? So the rumours are true?" She tossed out, he paused narrowing his eyes at her. Making her wish she never opened her mouth. His gaze both making her squirm.....and surprisingly heat her body.

"Be careful." He warned, a sick smile on his face. She watched him shrug off his suit jacket and bit her lip. Getting comfortable he took off his tie unbuttoning a few buttons. What he was taking off next caught her eye. Diamond studded cufflinks, along with his watch.

"Lucious..." She called, he looked at her watching her take a drink from her cup.

"Do I need protection from you?" She questioned, that slow grin creeping onto his face.

"No....not yet." He spoke, taking his drink to the head.

Eyeing her darkly, she hummed looking down at her hands to avoid his eyes. One of his goons putting a bottle and ice on the table. Lucious opened it fixing two drinks. Taking hers from her hands he put a new one. Watching her drink he smiled, his game far from over. As the alcohol started to set in between them things shifted.

"So Summer....what are you doing at Leviticus." He pressed, rubbing his hand along her thigh. Light and teasing but every so often he tested her limits.

"My business." She responded with a chuckle. His eyes flashed dangerously but it disappeared just as quick.


"Like drinking, and having fun." She responded, not falling into the trap like he wanted. He grinned....he liked her. Something about who she was just got his attention.

"We've been talking for a longgggggggg time." She gushed, easing her hand onto his chest. She would be lying if she said the man beside her didn't light a fire in her. She wasn't here to find a man though. She could have some fun though right? Her cousins always had fun, sometimes they slept with their subjects or got some personal things. Was she gonna pass up something with this sexy man? His mystery was like a sweet aphrodisiac.

"Is that a problem?" He asked leaning back, she nodded throwing a leg over his lap. He tensed watching her carefully, his hands gripping her waist and feeling. To her he was going along with the flow. Only if she knew she was slyly being patted down. Easing into his lap slowly her mind feeling free. Whatever she was drinking it was expensive and worth the damn money. He rose a brow at her as she got comfortable straddling him.

"Did you come talk to me because you wanted to know my name? Or talk to me because you wanted something else?" She questioned, he smirked not answering her. Resting his arms around her waist he grabbed her ass. She bit her lip grinding against him. Leaning in close she held her breath feeling him peck her lips. Closing her eyes as he pulled her into a deep kiss spurring a deep lust inside her. There was danger in the way he commanded her mouth. Like it was his and he could do what he pleased. The room getting hot easily, she moaned as he kissed down the deep vline of her dress, his hands patting down her thighs for anything hidden. Good she wasnt carrying weaponry, he'd have to kill her.

"Boss, we got a problem." A voice spoke up peeling into the room. Lucious paused glaring at the man. Cookie went back to kissing his neck as they spoke. He kept his gaze hard as he stared his guard down, her lips hitting a spot that was stirring the monster in his pants. They shared a knowing look before he pursed his lips side eyeing the girl kissing on his neck.

"Mhmm, give me 10 minutes. When I come back me and you are leaving." He stated pulling away, his tone serious and demanding. Her body purred at his dominance not will you was you will come. She rubbed the buldge in his pants and nodded. Easing her body off his lap he adjusted hiself before stepping out the room. Looking at her phone she noticed a message.

Cash got into a bar fight we gotta roll out. Where y'all at?

Cookie whined she was not at all getting some rich dick. She heard it hit different, sighing she texted him back. Sitting their her eyes drifting over to the cufflinks. She could feel something telling her to leave them alone, but they were just calling to her. At least she wasn't stealing his phone or his Rolex. It was just some cufflinks. Slipping them into her bra quick she sipped her drink waiting for Lucious to return.

"Were you behaving?" He questioned as he entered the room, she nodded staring at him. He stood in front of her narrowing his eyes.

"You sure?" He pushed, she nodded grabbing his belt buckle pulling him closer. She looked up at him opening her mouth and winking. He growled lowly cupping her jaw.

"I can fill that pretty mouth if thats what your asking." He purred, starting to unbuckle his pants. He was just about to whip out his dick when his goon spoke again.

"Boss....we got a dude looking for your girl." He paused looking down at Cookie. Narrowing his eyes he let her face go. She gave him a pout as he buckled his pants up.

"Let him in." Lucious spoke sitting down next to her.

"Do you have a man I don't know about?" He pressed pulling her into him, his stare making her think careful on her words. She shook her head seeing her brother come into view. His eyes bucking before he pulled it together. He had been wondering why she said call her Summer.

"Summer....Come on its time to go." He announced looking at his sister.

"You are?" Lucious questioned, watching Cookie grab her things. He was feeling some type of way about this.

"Her brother."

"You didn't tell me you had a brother." Lucious spoke up, now staring at Cookie intently. Oddly enough she felt a light sweat break out as if she was being caught in a lie.

"You didn't ask. Sorry our night has to end. It was fun Mr.Lyon." She spoke, trying to sound calm then proceeding to plant a deep kiss on his cheek. He hummed staying quiet as he watched her get up. Looking down at his table he grinned.

"Goodbye.......Summer." He spoke up making her look over her shoulder. His eyes dark but his first smile bright as he propped his feet up. Exiting the club they all climbed into the SUV waiting.

The stupidest move she could have ever made. Life was well for two weeks. Then one day he and his goons strolled into the coffee shop she worked at. He was rather charming saying he remembered her. His eyes filled with amusement when she had panicked once he said her name her real name. She was shaken up as she fixed the coffee catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror forgetting they had name tags. That wasnt how he knew her name though.

As quick as they came they had left. Imagine walking into your shitty apartment to pitch black. Then suddenly a voice comes from the darkness. Next thing you know you're at the feet of a deranged man. His public appearance was a mere fraction of the man underneath. If they saw him in private the world would lock him up and throw away the key.

She remembered begging him for her life. Trying to convince him she didnt think he was stupid. That she could just get one over on him and he wouldn't know. He made her kiss his shoes that night, and apologize over and over again till he got his fill. Then he gave her a choice. Work for him till she paid him back.....that was a lie but she didnt know it yet. The other choice was to watch him gun down her brother and cousins...and her precious grandmother. She rushed to except his offer.

Little did she know she'd never be able to pay him back. His estate was a scary place. A new territory and she was lower than low. She was treated like a slave. Cleaning from early morning to late night. Without so much as seeing him for three weeks. One day she decided she didn't want to do her chores. Disobedience got you a trip to the master. He had forgotten he had acquired her at that point.

She made him remember fast. Maybe it was the severe lack of sleep but the way he was listening off rules made her feel as of he viewed her as a child. She had told him to go fuck himself in a room full of people. You'd think she would end her right at the way people bristled. Or by the way he approached her with such calculated grace. She didn't she know danger till she spit at his feet. The smile he gave her was the scariest thing she had ever seen.

You ever been stripped then whipped publicly? It was a grueling experience and yet everyone called her lucky because he didnt break skin. No she wore the dark bruises for days. She didn't even finish the number of lashes he decided on. Apparently she had blacked out like a weakling as everyone said. She knew fear then, she was so embarrassed for one she had been exposed. Two, she was afraid he'd decide to make her finish her punishment.

She was on her best behavior after that. Apparently she had been being watched carefully as well. In response to her stellar behavior she was granted an off day but there was a catch. She had to spend it with the devil himself. Oh and he was still very angry with her.

He was a sadistic man really. He brought her underground to where they tortured people. There's nothing more nightmarish than seeing a man in a tailored suit pulling someones intestines out. As they hummed to a song on the radio and smoked a cigar with bloody hands. She was trembling then....she had flinched when he had cupped her face with a warm bloody hand. Asking if she would throw up with a giddy expression. She almost did feeling the strain of blood dry on her face.

She thought that was the worst. A man that stole from him was sealed in a clear box. Not scary enough hundreds of snakes were in the box seeking out his warmth to make matters worse he had little pads on his skin that shocked him with such voltage he would jerk. Getting bite after bite till he no longer breathed.

"You want to try?" He had asked pushing her torwards the box.

She had screamed bloody murder, fighting him as he pushed her closer. Her soul left her body when he had them open the lid. As she screamed in terror he was laughing. She remembered his warning so clear "Think twice, your life is my gift." Like a fearful person she had cried her apologies groveling at his feet. Pleading not to go in the box. His eyes had softened very subtly and he smiled and said he forgave her. Next thing she knew he quite literally drug her by her hair to a dark room and locked her in there.

1 week of darkness with the bare minimum of food was a sure fire way to correct behavior. She came out terrified of the darkness. Confused at the fact he said she was forgiven then locked her up? She had thought scaring her was punishment enough. Nothing was ever punishment enough.

Tired of staring at the now dripping blood she wrapped her wound. Not bothering to wash off the blood. She was angry and red was giving her calm. She wanted more blood but this would do for now. The next blood to spill wouldn't be hers. She'd make sure of that. Tonight she would either live or die.

Death wasnt that scary anymore. She came close often in the 9 months of her captivity. She was defiant by nature. It was in her blood to come out on top. Her spirit intrigued Lucious. He wanted to crush it. So he spent alot of time dragging her around with him for his amusement. That's when she met that bitch....Anika. His favorite whore who hated her the day she met Cookie. So keen on showing Cookie her place. She was well treated because she was obedient apparently. If evidence meant he fed her like a dog and treated her like one she wanted no parts of it.

Or so she thought.....he wasnt a gentle man at all. Nothing about him was gentle yet the more time he forced them to spend the more she started to admire his power. The rumours of what he did barely scratched the surface. This man was terrifyingly powerful and it made her salivate. Gentle Lucious was nonexistent but to her he did. Gentle Lucious didn't inflict physiological harm all the time. Gentle Lucious allowed her to kneel by his desk while he worked. Gentle Lucious aloud her to speak without being physically harmed. That was her version of gentle compared to the terror he caused.

She had thought her affection and desire was one sided up until the day a gaurd got too handsy.......and lost his hands. She got to sit in his lap that day. She had melted being so close to him. Stockholm Syndrome or not call it what you want but somehow....this snake charmer could make her forget what evil he put her through. That's when she started to notice things changing in her. She stopped getting queasy at the sight of blood. Started watching eagerly as people were tortured. Enjoying the iron grip he had on her.

Seated at Lucious's feet Cookie tried not to listen to his ranting. Someone somewhere had fucked up a shipment of "delight" whatever that was. She learned to stop asking questions. They either pissed him off....or were darker than her kind could handle. She flinched at the sound of a gunshot echoing in the room. The bang making her ears ring, a body thudded in front of his desk. She kept her head down even though she wanted to see.

She was in trouble for stealing a shirt from him. In her defense he forgot it and she was just borrowing it. She got her hands threatened to be cut off for it. He let her keep the shirt what did that mean? Lost in her thoughts she felt a hand settle on her head. Petting her it both irked her and warned her. Taking a chance she lifted her head to look at him. His thunderous eyed already on her. She shivered lowering her gaze.


"Hmm?" He grunted, his fingers stilling in her hair.

"Why can't I go in your room?" She asked, reaching out and playing with a shoelace.

"You don't deserve it." He spat, she looked up confused. Was she displeasing him? What did she do?

"......Have I.....done wrong?" She asked, that familiar grin popped on his face. The shuffle of someone cleaning filling the room.

"When do you not." He growled, she was always getting into something. He had to admit it added fun to this burning house.

"......It gets your attention." She admitted, dropping her head. He caught her chin lifting her head.

"The devils voice is sweet to hear." He stated, like she was supposed to understand him. Everything he said had the iceberg effect. His words the tip....but what lie below.

"Yes?" She muttered confused. He chuckled darkly, slifing his thumb over her bottom lip.

"Careful." He warned, she eyed him as she sucled his thumb between her lips.

"I never did get to fill your mouth." He spoke, remembering their first meeting.

"You have a task to complete." He stated, gesturing to the growing buldge. She let his thumb free biting her lip.

"Don't look so eager." He chuckled.

"I want to....." She whispered, reaching out for his zipper. He watched her with electrifying intensity. Her desire for him was something he was very very aware of.

"Careful." He voiced once more, his tone going straight to her core. Head a warning they say. She was sane when she came here......but she was learning she just might do anything for him.

She was falling for this beautiful eyed psycho. She gifted him her full submission. The way this man could own a body was downright godly. The way he handled her unlocked something in her. She loved being roughly snatched. Being used by him. She thought it was a show that things were changing between them.

She was wrong....for the first time in weeks she was forced back to her chores. All while that skinny bitch was back crawling behind him everywhere he went. She felt cheated, she thought they had broken barriers. She was wrong so she did what was logical. Fuck someone else.....that got her whipped and tossed into that cellar for two weeks. When she got out there was a gift on her bed. The severed head of her sexual outlet with her panties shoved in his mouth. She had screamed and his laugh had answered her call. His way of reminding her of her place.

Then she was the one being his shadow again. Every time she got comfortable he ripped the rug from under her feet. This was a game to him. He enjoyed her emotional suffering. It pleased him to see her cry and loose her mind in confusion. He was an evil man.....yet she didnt hate him. No she loved him and the more Anika tried asserting her claim over Lucious the more crazed she became. She wanted him to do something but he didn't. So she denied him her pussy.

So what did he do? Handcuff her to the bed and then fuck Anika in it. Making her watch and listen all because she refused his touch. Even pausing his fucking to lick a trail of tears on her face. One thing she observed in the many rounds they had was the simple fact that Anika cried in pain from his usual antics more often then not. It amused Cookie she could take his brutal sex easily and sometimes craved the bruises he loved to leave. She could see the annoyance he held but she guessed he was proving a point.

That he was in charge and she was the whore who wet his dick. She held no real power. That's what he tried beating her over the head with. As time passed it was becoming his biggest lie. She was learning how to push his buttons. How he reacted to things. She was figuring him out and he couldn't stand it. His threats started becoming empty because she knew despite how bad he treated her sometimes he loved her company. He could put her in the cellar but she welcomed the darkness. He could whip her but she lived the pain. He could yell at her but it made her wet. He could get as rough and as loud as he wanted and she would smile. Even as he berated and belittled her she knew he loved her new found identity.

She could tell by the way his eyes would twinkle with craze when she would giggle as if he didnt hold the keys to her life. Then some days he hated it because he couldn't play the games he wanted anymore. She was becoming him in so many ways. His last hold on her was the other bitches that knew the taste of his seed.

No more.

It had been a full month since he last gave her attention. She was feeling deprived and it made her think dangerous thoughts. Lucious Lyon was hers and she wasnt sharing any longer. She was proving a point to him. That she could match his energy. She may have regretted falling into his hands on occasion but she had never felt do free.

Walking out of her room she didn't bother to fix the rats nest that was her. She looked like she had been crying because she had. She had torn up her room in rage. She had a thirst that wouldn't settle. Her demons wanted out. Walking into the kitchen she grabbed a bug knife. Toying with it she frowned it wouldn't do. Instead she headed to his room. He wouldn't be in there. Tonight he was hosting a poker night mixed with a business meeting to discuss his drug ring. She knew the code to get in the armed room.

Opening his weaponry she grabbed his favorite knife. It was like his prized possession.....good. She would be his next prized possession. Stalking back downstairs she stopped at her first victim's door. Harper, he didn't call for her often. She was such a little cry baby. She too believed in Anikas bullshit seniority claus. That was her downfall, walking into her room Cookie stared at her. Sleeping soundly unsuspecting.

Cookie stabbed her at an angle. She watched Lucious butcher enough to know where the lungs were. Harper's eyes had opened suddenly. She let out a scream that was cut off by her choking on her own blood. Cookie watched coldly twisting the knife to quicken the process. Harper would drown due to the blood filling her lungs. Pulling the knife out Cookie moved on. Why did she feel such a rush from that. It made her smile and laugh.

Her next target poor little Yana. Cookie would make hers quick. Apparently she sucked a mean dick but couldn't take it. He called on her when he was stressed and needed quick release. She wasn't asleep when Cookie walked into her room with a bloody knife. Cookie felt bad a bit. Yana was concerned someone had attacked her. She was neither friend or foe. She was just a depressed girl who was sold by her father. When Yana approached her Cookie apologized to her before attacking her.

She didn't stab her. Yana didnt deserve pain. Cookie had caught the small woman by suprise giving her the upper hand. She quickly and precisely snapped Yana's neck. The crack echoed in the room but that was the quickest kill Cookie could do. She gently laid Yana down closing her eyes. Covering her with a blanket and giving her the stuffed animal she loved.

"What the fuck did you do!?" Cookie looked up at the shrill voice. was like her to be lurking. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Yana then back to her.

"Lucious is going to kill you....and I'm going to enjoy it. LUCIOUS!" She screamed, taking off Cookie grinned as she grabbed her knife.

She exited the room calmy turning off the light so Yana could sleep peacefully. One last goodbye she ran after the still screaming Anika. It wasnt hard to catch up considering Cookie was barefooted and Anika was in heels. When she was reachable Cookie had lurched forward stabbing Anika from behind. This time her scream was of pain and not to call. The sound gave Cookie so much pleasure she nearly moaned.

Gripping Anika's hair Cookie bashed her head into the wall repeatedly. Till Anika quieted to whimpers, her warm blood darkening the tight red dress she had on. Cookie was content with continuing to beat in her face. A sick thrill bubbling as she used her bodyweight to slam again and again. It was thrilling she was enjoying herself when a voice boomed down the hall.


She looked up locking eyes with him. She knew he'd answer Anika's call. Not because he wanted to but because she was breaking a rule by disturbing his game. His company oh so loved to see a girl punished. So she was sure Lucious was coming for Anika to do that. He hadnt expect to see this.

"Help meeeeeee...." Anika whimpered, Cookie silenced her with a hard shove into the wall. She couldn't talk to him anymore. She had no rights.

"What are you doing?!" He growled, as he slowly stalked her way. Like he was approaching some caged animal.

She turned Anika to face him showing her destroyed face. Lucious didnt react as he looked at Anika. His steps didn't stop as Cookie raised the knife to Anika's neck. His eyes intense as he watched curious to what she'd do. She got her first reaction when she drug the sharp knife across Anikas neck. Deep with the very intent to kill.

Only then did he stop to truly see this. Even as blood poured from the major artery Cookies anger didnt subside. Anika still had his damn attention. She hissed stabbing repeatedly Anika's blood everywhere until she accidentally cut herself. He was livid she could see it in his eyes. She left the knife embedded in Anika's chest as she let the woman go. Her body thudding in the hall. Bystanders watched the scene on the edge of their seats.

Lucious walked once more his strides even slower as he approached. His eyes never leaving hers, she held her head high watching him approach. The back of his hand connected with her cheek so suddenly she had stumbled backwards. Holding her cheek a laugh bubbled up from deep within her. As she lifted her head to look at him it didnt stop. Not even when he grabbed her by the throat and lifted her on her toes.

"They are all dead." Cookie laughed, angering him more.

He squeezed choking her, she closed her eyes welcomjng the darkness. He stared at her his expression so murderous. He hated the effect she had on him. Growling out in frustration he put her back on her feet easing his pressure. Allowing her a breath she opened her eyes confused. Why wasnt she dead? Her breath left her once more a the sudden force he used to slam her against the wall. Her bloody hands grabbing at the hand on her neck as she gritted her teeth. Pain exploding from the back of her head.

His silence was unevering. He always had something to say. He was never silent, she didnt know how to reach. He punched the wall beside her head letting out a growl before his mouth crashed onto hers. She froze.....he didn't kiss. It was too intimate for him. She melted her heart sucking it up afraid he might rip the affection away. He was so turned on he thought he might bust the seams of his pants. He hated losing his control and right now he had none. Pulling back his eyes searched hers. She gasped at the clarity she saw in them.

"Why?" He questioned, he had to know seeing her eyes so crazed as she stabbed Anika so violently had been like a strip tease to him. She looked so deranged and he loved it.

"Mine." She simply growled.

For once in his life the possessiveness she was showing didnt piss him off. His body hummed in agreement with her. She had just asserted herself challenging him in front of others and he didnt feel the need to put her in her place. Something surged in him as he kissed her again. She had already been his before but he felt the need to prove it. Right here in front of everyone. He didnt care that her hands were still wet with blood as she cupped his face. Or the fact that Anika's lifeless body was at his feet . He had to have Cookie, but duty was still his main focus.

Pulling back she watched him regain his control. He looked down at the mess around them. A heavy sigh leaving him in the process. What was he going to do with Cookie. She was so much trouble. Pulling out his handkerchief he started wiping the blood off his face.

"Clean it up." He growled at her, she bit her lip giving a nod.

His expression darkened briefly distracted by the action. His mind screaming control before he fucked her in this pool of blood. He should have gotten rid of her a long time ago. Now he was stick with this....annoying need for her presence. What ever the hell that was. She did things that he killed others for less. When it came to the moment he could never do it....he would miss her?

"CLEAN IT UP!" He barked, marching off angry at his own thoughts. Cookie giggled looking at her mess. There was no more women taking his attention from her. She didnt lose her life either. Mission accomplished in her book. If he brought any other eager hoes to warm his bed they'd die to. As she grabbed Anikas arm to drag her she heard stomps coming her way. Looking up to find Lucious.

"What?" She asked, he snapped his fingers expectantly leaving her to figure it out. Realizing he wanted his knife she pulled it from Anikas lifeless body. Handing it to him he snatched it. Checking it for damage, before cleaning it. Sliding it into his special pocket. A huff leaving him as he snatched her by the arm. Dragging her through the halls.

"I thought you said clean up." She poked, he glared at her not responding. She smirked any other day he would have chocked her by now. Rejoining his poker game he tugged her into his lap. Ignoring how bloody she was. It angered him, he couldn't explain his need for her presence right now.

Cookie yawned as she was ushered down the hall. A tight grip at the nape of her neck. She allowed him to lead her without fight. She had fallen asleep in his lap at some point from his hands playing in her hair. Hearing the beeping she knew she was at his room. Being shoved inside as he passe putting his knife back carefully. When he spun to face her she tensed.

"What am I going to do with you Cookie? So so....disobedient." He spoke, his tone mocking as a senile smirk appeared.

"Keep me."

"At what costs...." He muttered, taking of his suit jacket. She frowned confused at he meant. Easily distracted by the way he undressed. Such a delicious body on such a sinful man.

"The way you look at I own you." He mumbled, to no one in particular.

"You do." She breathed out, his eyes grew lusty at her admittance.

"Good girl." He praised, his belt clattering to the floor as he stepped out of his pants.

"You bend to my will?"

"Yes." She answered, he turned opening his weaponry. Pulling out a gun, she froze eyeing him weary of his intentions.

"You'll do anything for me?"

".....Yes." She answered, stumbling just a bit. He hummed seeming unconvinced.

"If I asked you to pull the trigger, would you?" He asked, clicking off the safety. Losing her voice she nodded. He hummed once more placing the gun in her hand. Lifting it to her head. Her her hand trembled as he positioned her finger in the trigger.

"Would you kill for me?"

"Yes." She whimpered, the cool metal against her skull frightening her. She had thought death coming would be glorious.....she didn't feel that right now. He leaned in his face an inch from hers. His cool breath on her lips. His gaze sharp and intense, his hands sliding down her sides.

"Will you die for me?"

"Yes." She answered, tears gathering in her eyes. He squinted a bit holding eye contact. Stepping back he said nothing fixing himself a drink.

"Prove it. Pull the trigger Cookie." He ordered, watching her hand start to tremble more.

She sucked in a breath unable to fight the sob coming out. She had half a mind to ask him why he wanted her to kill herself. He simply watched taking calm drinks from his glass. In nothing but boxers, so at ease. Holding eye contact with him she held her breath. Her tears free falling......she pulled the trigger.

The click that sounded out made her jump. There was no darkness, her lungs burned with the need for air. Did she do it wrong? Lucious tossed his drink back throwing the glass cup. His expression the angriest she had ever seen.

"Look what you do to me!!!" He roared out, smacking the gun from her hand.

It thudded against the floor as he snatched her by the neck. Lucious wasted no time attacking her. Her back colliding roughly with the wall. His lips smashing on hers. Dominating the kiss making her body so hot. Her adrenaline on high she could hear her heart in her ears. Their movements were rushed, their longing for eachother taking over. He roughly picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist in instinct. He dropped his boxers as he bit along her neck. Her moans filling the room. He knew she was already ready for him. No way in hell she couldn't be. With the ruined dress she had on bunched up he skillfully pulled her thong to the side.

"I want to hurt you." He growled out.

"....Then hurt me." She purred.

Impaling her with one swift stroke. She tossed her head back, hitting the wall hard but she couldn't process that pain. He was aggressive with his thrusts. Her body jerking violently against the wall. She dug her nails into his back singing her pleasure loud. She wondered if her back would bruise from the wall. Hitting her head against the wall once more she fletcher vision blur. She needed this, she wanted more she needed more. Holding on for the ride she felt her orgasm building. Recognizing the signs he pulled away from the wall.

Spinning them around he swiped his hand across the dressee clearing anything in his way. Almost tripping on the boxers around his ankles. Laying her down she gasped at the cold wood on her heated skin. Hooking his arms he dragged her body closer to him. Her ass hanging off the dresser. Picking his harsh moments back up she dug her nails into the wood gasping for air. Scratching the polished surface.

"LUCIOUS! YESSSSSSS!" Cookie screeched, her orgasm snatching her. He reched forward covering her mouth, his ears ringing from her high pitch. His eyes watched her perky breasts bounce as he fucked her ruthlessly. No stop in his stride, he was an animal. Focused on devouring and conquering her.

"YOURE MINE." He growled at her, all she could do was nod her eyes rolling. Those two words making her shiver.

Her skin stug from how hard their skin was colliding but it was such a delicious pain she found herself drowning in the waves a second time. Pulling his release from him, he emptied deep in her holding his depth. He had such a fetish for watching her pussy spasm after and orgasm. Pulling out his seed dripping from her pussy, which looked like it was going to swell a bit. He groaned deep in his throat. How could he have let her get into his fortress? How did she make him....CARE? He watched her legs tremble as she caught her breath. His hunger not stated, she needed punishment. Not because she decided to kill three people in his hok, nobhe didnt give a damn about that. She needed to be punished for the things she made him feel. Lucious didnt need to feel. She was fucking with his head...he didbtge mind fucking around here. Bending over he picked a up her limo body, tossing her on the bed. She kept out a suprised sound bouncing about.

He pounced on her flipping her over. Grabbed the head board she braced for his damage. Sliding back into her warmth their mixed juices coating him once more. Digging his nails into her hips he went back to the primal speed. A hand grabbing her hair yanking her head back.

"I'm yours." She moaned, eyes rolling he growled his pleasure smacking her ass hard enough to leave a mark.

Pulling her back to his chest he put her in a headlock choking her as his hips pistoned inside her. It hurt so deliciously, her cervix being battered. She felt her mind slipping from her to darkness. He felt her body slump in his hold, loosening the headlock, he let her body flop onto the bed. He didn't intentionally mean to choke her out, he needed to learn how to focus with her around. Passed out or not he wasnt done with her. Adjusting her position he went back to his speed.

Cookie woke up with an audible gasp. Squirming about he held her down. Her mind was fuzzy and unfocused but she knew she was at his mercy. Her back arched so deeply she thought it might break. She felt him everywhere, he was her only thought.

Their was no escaping him as he drilled her into the mattress. A harsh thud of the bed and the wall. Her third orgasm hitting her so hard she saw stars. He was everywhere on her. Clawing and biting, leaving his claiming marks for everyone to see. She thought she might die from suffocation as he pressed down on her back. Locking her in place stopping her running. Her battered walls so sensitive pleasure and pain was one. A few soul searching depths defying thrusts later she was falling apart again, as he stilled. Her walls sucking him dry, his chest rumbled in a low moan. The sound pleasing her, he was rather silent and focused during sex.

He shocked her once more when he allowed her to lay in his bed without getting shoved off onto the floor. As she panted trying to catch her breath she thought she hallucinated the hands ghosting down her back.

"If you leave....I'll kill you." He threatened, leaning by her ear. That threat wasnt empty.

"Never." She responded, turning to face him. He leaned on his dude eyeing her with a newfound softness. Silence filling the room. He had a sudden urge to spoil her.

"What is something you want Cookie?" He asked, playing in her hair. His calm unsenile eyes reminding her of the version if him she met at the club.

".....I want to be your equal." She carefully tossed, watching his eyes darken she quickly explained.

"I dont want your Kingdom.....I just want to sit with you." She muttered, he hummed her answer pleasing him.

"A thorn......defends the rose, against those trying to steal the blossom." He muttered, his usual nonsense only he understood. Testing the waters she scooted close to him. He tensed but allowed her to cuddle, he felt uncomfortable but oddly enough content.

Cookie had unlocked her potential, granted he forced it out of her. She had evolved into a woman worthy of a Kingdom. He turned her into a monster, sucked her into his darkness. He was pleased with his creation. His chest rumbled in a chuckle lulling her to sleep. Staring at her he smirked.

Very very pleased...

Hope you enjoyed!😩

I have no words for what I created😂😂

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