The Great Sexcapades

By ChocolateZeno

276K 4.7K 4K

Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. More

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Temptations of the Heart
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
First Day Out.....
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Is It Really You?
Touch Me, Tease Me
Hiya Puddin
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil
Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

Love And War

3.2K 76 129
By ChocolateZeno

Vote and Comment.💙

Tilting her head back Cookie let out a long sigh. A glass of the finest red wine money could buy. Almost through a 17 thousand dollar bottle. Hell she was stressed she needed this shit. She didn't know what to do in this situation. When did she ever know what to do when it came to Lucious.

This was one of the first times in a very long time she was in the wrong. She could admit that, something scary about therapy was it forced you to be held accountable. She couldn't solely blame him for her choices because they were her choices. She made them as much as she tried to justify them.

She was still hurting from everything. That was another truth. Yes he was hurting too but that didn't make her hurt invalid. This was Lucious though he didn't care.

"Maybe we're broken."

That was his answer to her asking if they still loved eachother. That shit hurt more than anything he had said before. Well....up until he tossed out her 400 thousand didnt do shit for him. That one was up was why she was sitting in the family room at 4 AM after an aimless drive till her tank was damn near on E. Her hot head ass gave the key to the house like an idiot. She half expected to be locked out but she found the door unlocked and her key in the same spot.

No sign of old salty anywhere. Not that she minded he had said enough to last a lifetime. Pouring herself another glass she hummed. She had truly thought they could mend the gaps. Hell the fighting over the room, the petty labels, the pop ups....she thought they were playing their normal game. Guess she was as wrong as wrong could get.

Getting out of the SUV Lucious scowled. How hard was it simply to watch someone. Webb needed to get back on his rocker. Cookie was god knows where emotional, never a good thing as time has showed. Heading up the steps not taking into account to check the garage. He could admit he had taken tonight's verbal sparring way too damn far. Hearing the door opening and slamming followed by grumbling Cookie closed her eyes.

Walking through the foyer he turned the light on. Pulling off his jacket and walking the few steps he noticed a figure sitting in the dark. Frowning he turned the lights on in the family room. Revealing Cookie slouched on the couch. Full glossed puffy eyes looked back at him.

"Where have you been?!" He barked out, not getting a response.

He let out a low breath glad she was safe at least. Slowly walking over her eyes silently followed. Bracing herself for more gut wrenching words to spew from those lips. Picking up the bottle of wine he felt its lightness. Shaking his head he rounded the coffee table taking a seat on the surface. His eyes boring into hers. She looked off to the side bringing her glass to her lips.

"........I lied." He admitted, rubbing the side of his face.

"About?" Cookie croaked after a while. Her voice still husky from crying.

"The money....I didn't blow through it. It did alot for Empire, I robbed and shit to get more but that was my foundation." He spoke, she didn't acknowledge his words instead sinking deeper into the couch.

"I said that shit to hurt you.....I knew it would hit deep."

"Why?" She breathed out, eyes gliding back to his.

"Because that's what I felt listening to your speech." He confessed, the jabs back and forth was them. Her speech wasn't apart of the game. Spilling shit publicly had motherfuckers who ain't know him eyeing him.

"Man...." She chided, an eye roll following. His soft features hardening in response. She downed her glass reaching for the bottle. Looking at the glass then the bottle she hummed. Setting the glass on the table she brought the bottle to her lips.

"You said you were done. Why are you in my house?" He bitterly tossed at her. Her guzzling might have been unattractive to others but he practically grew up with this woman. Back in a time she drunk patron straight out the bottle. Normally in nights just like this. Habits of the past never seemed to die with them.

"I dont know.....I don't know. You hurt me and I come come Lucious? What is this?" She asked aloud.

"I hurt you? Cookie you did this! You lied to me! You went behind my back! You! Gave enemies power! It was you...." He growled out, evidence of anger coming out to play once again tonight. She couldn't go for round two. Taking another hearty drink her vision doubling just slightly.

"Okay." She sighed out, cutting off what was about to be a rant.

"I did this.....okay. It was me....I'll admit it. I fucked up. I confided in another.....I pulled away from you....I lied about sleeping with him and let you beleive it. I did all that, I own my mistakes." She poured, she couldn't play anymore. Lucious stared at her eyes unwavering as they glared at her. Sitting up she downed the last of the bottle.

"I'm sorry Lucious. Okay, I fucked up. I was hurting Lucious...." She started, it was his turn to roll his eyes. Making a move to get up Cookie grabbed his arm. He nails digging into him.

"NO! Sit down and listen to me! I was hurting! The Kingsley shit, white Tracie, Empire, the loft, the Show, Then Andre. I felt so warped of what we were." She poured, her drunk mind spilling her hearts contents.

"I felt like the floor was snatched from my feet. I couldn't breath! Lucious I felt like I couldn't come to you! Where was my support for the show? You shot it down, where was my support in general. You were forcing this deal with it type of attitude. Sometimes you have to cry! You have to let it out or you become....become....YOU! I needed you to let me pour out my feelings, I needed you to let me feel. Marriage were supposed to lean on each other. You locked your feelings up and left me to struggle with my mind. I found comfort elsewhere. Then Andre left me that letter........" She sucked in a sharp breath, feeling emotions hitting her still so fresh.

"HE DIDNT WANT YOU TO KNOW COOKIE! He.....he wanted to go! He was tired! THAT WAS HARD FOR ME I WASNT TRYING TO KILL MY SON! I WAS TRYING TO....LOVE HIM! Like he needed to be loved!" Lucious erupted, snatching away from her.

"If the roles were reversed could you honestly say you'd tell me?" He tossed standing up.


"Cookie you.."

"YES! I would tell you! I would tell you because you held him when he was sick, when he cried, you watched him tsjevhis steps, you watched him grow, YOU BIRTHED HIM! I would tell you because even if he decided to do it anyways I could know. I would tell you because you are his mother and missing 17 years of his life was hard enough. That the thought if losing whatever time he had left would tear you up....that if he died the next day you still had that day...." She spewed, wiping fiercely at her eyes. Swaying in her seat slightly.

".......I thought that I was being his father. I thought that all I've done him wrong I could do this for him. Even if it hurt to do it. That's how I saw it Cookie, not to hurt you.....never to hurt you. I did what Andre asked of me, he needed that of me.....because you couldn't give it to him." Lucious spoke, wiping a stray tear. He lost a son in saving another. So much had happened so fast.

"After that Lucious I wanted a break from you. And I saw my opportunity to get it....but you weren't going to let me have it so I lied to you. You and I both know if I said we needed space without that lie you would have dragged me kicking and screaming by my damn new growth. There is no such thing as space with you man. I turned around I swear i did....I was going to go.....because I love you but you were gone already. The damage was done. And for that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I let you go 6 months alone." She finished.

"You didn't communicate either." He sighed, washing his hands over his face.

"I know.....Lucious....I dont want to give up on us. We worked so hard but I guess I get it. When I look at you I can tell someone else has your attention...." She dropped, catching him completely off gaurd. His face telling all of it.

"I was mad at first....but I did that. Its okay.....if that's who you're into now. Tell me now, I wont fight it. Itll hurt and I'll probably get angry with you...might fuck some shit up but I'll take it. After all therapy is about healing." She drunkenly spewed revealing her deepest thoughts.

"Therapy?" Lucious tossed.

"Yeah Therapy......" She sighed, she hated it but she needed it.

"Cook...." He started, getting a raised eyebrow.

"Cook? Ah hell....break my heart tomorrow." Cookie groaned, getting up with a drunk sway.

"Its complicated." He confessed, she hummed setting her empty bottle down. Falling forward he caught her steading her.

"Everything is complicated." She breathed out, as she drunkenly made her way to the stairs.

Taking off her heels she practically crawled upstairs. Her world spinning around her. Watching her go he sighed. There was a part of him that was screaming go fix things with Yana, another was telling him his current wife was worth the fight. What she said held her truth. She did what she did that wasnt changing. Taking her seat he rubbed his neck. He felt betrayed but how many times had he betrayed her. Why was this such a hard pill to swallow?

One of those dish it but can't take it moments. He had really thought he was doing right by Cookie. Felt he was on the up and up just to hear he was lacking. He didn't want to admit that his anger was misguided. After all she truly hadnt slept with him. Yet because she did he wanted his revenge to be Yana. Then that girl embedded herself in his heart.

Getting up he grabbed Cookie's key off the table. Turning lights off he headed upstairs to his bedroom. Finding a hard headed woman beneath the covers. Dead asleep already. A fresh glass of dark liquor in hand. As if they hadnt been waging war over this room all week. If he left she would feel like she won. If he stayed....he might forget his anger. Cyssing her out in his head he grabbed the drink setting it on the end table. Huffing he left the room. She could have this small victory. Just this one for now.

Waking up the next day Cookie's head was throbbing. Her alarm blaring loudly. She cursed getting up to start her day. Showering and completing her morning routine she headed downstairs. Lucious up drinking a cup of coffee scrolling on his tablet. He looked up as she entered. The two looking at eachother but not saying a word. Breaking eye contact first Cookie walked to the fridge. Ignoring all the childish ass labels.

"Good morning mother." Andre voiced, entering the kitchen from the second entrance. Cookie grunted grabbing her assorted fruit. Jaunita walking over with her morning tea. Andre looked at his mother worriedly before spotting his father. A knowing hum left him. Lord knows the tension had manifested.

"Walkers finally sleeping through the night." Andre voiced to both. Lucious smiled at the mention if his grandchild.

"That's great baby. How's Terri? You doing what I told you?" Cookie questioned.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Baby's here and all but dont undervalue the mother." She spoke, Lucious cut his eyes st her. He figured she had blacked out last night but it looked like she remembered all.

"I know mama."

"Kiss my baby for me." She spoke, exiting the kitchen. The front door opening and closing not long after her. Andre the whistled walking over to Lucious.

"That missile had your name on it." Andre chuckled.

"Not the first of many."

"What's going on with you two pops?" Andre questioned.

"Destruction. War."

"The usual." Dre joked, Lucious stared at him not a chuckle leaving.

"Oh your serious. You guys were just good at the hospital. I thought all this was....well foreplay I guess." Dre muttered.

"Nope." Lucious stated.

"So you guys are what? Back to hating each other. It never lasts one of you slips."

"I'd like to slip a knife in her chest." Lucious spat, bringing a laugh from Dre.

"Why are you punishing her pops? You know she kept tabs on you. Always making sure you were good, even if she never reached out." Dre spoke, Lucious scoffed not believing that. She was busy with a new life on screen.

"Confession. I'm not the one that found the evidence of Thirsty with Damon. That was mom she knew he was on your suspicion radar so she dug. She pulled the card I just delivered the message." Dre admitted, Lucious huffed his jaw clenching. Pissed she was the one to discover this before he could solidify his thought. In exchange for his life Thirsty was to find that damn uncle and report on Damon's moves. Low and behold Thirsty had the same type of deal with Cookie. Report on Lucious keep your life.

"Irrelevant." Lucious stubbornly spat.

"Well when FBI stormed the house looking for you. Know mom held you down in your absence. Even when they threatened to take her back to prison." Andre spoke, leaving him with that info before exiting the room.

So fucking what! Lucious scowled tossing his tablet down. Damn her she had Damon smiling in his fucking face. Had him so sprung he decided to step to Lu. Fuck him and her. None of this would have happened had she not done her damn dirt. A whole trip out of country with that fucking nigga. Pity the damn fool right?


"Yes sir?" She quickly answered.

"I want Cookies stuff out of my room by tonight."

"I cant do that Sir."

"Why not!?!" He growled.

"Ms. Cookie now signs my checks sir." She answered.

"I sign your checks!"

"You do not." She pointed out.

"I hired you I'm head of the house. You do as I instruct."

"In my contract renewal you stated yourself in the event of your absence I'm to be working for next in line. That's the Mrs. Sir." She informed him, he scowled storming off. She couldn't help the chuckle. That was the truth and she didn't feel like getting no boxes just for Cookie to tell her to put it back. If anyone asked her to take the labels off she was going to have a fit. Them two just needed to fuck and theyd be squared away. Serving the married pair had been observation of that enough.

Later that night...

Making it home after a long day of filming Cookie kicked her heels off. Heading upstairs and into the master bedroom. She plopped onto the bed letting out a small grunt. Her feet screaming at her for wearing new heels. The click of loafers met her ears making her groan. Lucious coming out of the bathroom glaring at her form. Opening his mouth to start round 7.

"Aht!" She rushed, holding a hand up. Getting up she walked to the bar pouring herself a glass. Taking it to the head she repeated twice more. Jogging in place for a minute to get the blood flowing.

"Okay. Come with it."

"You told Juanita to ignore my requests?!" He barked.

"Ummm, probably. Pretty sure I did." Cookie shrugged.

"I want you out!!"

"No can do player. This is as much your house as it is mine." She answered.

"I built this. My name is on the damn deed!'

"Marrage spoils." She spoke.

"Cookie..." He growled.

"Lucious." She echoed.

"You are going to get out."

"Put me out." She spat, he rose a brow at her challenge.

"You don't think I will?"

"Why dont you give it a try?" Cookie spoke, taking off her earrings. Prepared to whup his ass if he stepped into her bubble.


"Because I love you! If it's so damn easy to let go prove it to me. Cause I sure as hell dont have the formula you do. I still want us to work. To fix this Lucious." She poured.

"We're beyond repair. I dont trust you. You betrayed me."

"Forgive me!! Like I've done you! You know how hard it is to not throw your past in your face Lucious? I wont because I said I forgave you and I have. WHY CAN'T YOU?!" She barked.

"You dont deserve it!" He spat, she threw her hands up done with the conversation.

"You act like I dont need you to......" She cut herself off, not about to bare her heart if he didnt want it.

Making another drink she tuned him out. Ignoring his presence in the room as she migrated around. His anger grew tenfold as she ignored him. As night rolled in she showered ready for bed. Finding him already in his pajamas. Turning off the lights she climbed in bed just for him to turn the lights back on.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you."

Ignoring him she dug in her end table. Putting on her sleep eye mask to block out the light. Followed by earplugs, making a show of putting them in. He seethed silently staring at her. Hoping she might catch fire. Huffing he turned the light off climbing into bed aggressively. Sleep finding him rather quickly despite his anger.

He was the first to stir the next morning. Having unknowningky cuddled up to Cookie in his sleep. He sleepily hummed nuzzling the sweet smelling pillow. Opening his eyes he realized it wasnt a pillow at all. Particularly draped over Cookies back, an arm around her waist his head in her neck. It felt natural....normal even. Dare he say he was enjoying this? Huffing he peeled away.

Getting ready for his day he stood at the sink shaving. Nearly slicing his damn neck open as Cookie strolled in butt ass naked. Catching him completely off gaurd as she passed him. His eyes greedily followed her form as she entered the shower. Had she gained some weight? Not that it would bother him. Her preferred the fullness of her hips and thighs.

Scowling in the mirror he finished his touch up. Pretty sure Cookie bouncing around the room naked was meant to seduce him. She could be a little succubus when she wanted to be. Make him vulnerable after sex to tear his walls down. He'd fallen victim to that too many times to count. She knew how to get through to him.

So why didnt she try before all this shit? Yes he was a hard headed insensitive bastard most days. Yet she remarried him and dealt with that. Why didnt she force that communication on him? Granted he knew it wouldn't have been easy but damn it try harder.

Marriage was fucking hard to maintain. He focused so hard on trying to be everything she needed. Shit hurts to find out he still didnt measure up. He thought he was doing so good. If even after all that it wasnt enoughehy the fuck did she want to "fix them". Clearly the peices weren't fucking fitting anymore.

He was so mixed up mentally. So confused to many emotions flowing without an outlet. Maybe that's what truly made Yana more than revenge. She was such a bright light. Untainted by darkness.....a distraction. Was she meant for him? Over the course of a few months she had worked her way into his heart with her innocence. Did he want her for her... or the distraction she offered?

As if the universe was playing games a knock came to the door. Getting up from the couch decided to answer the door. He had nothing better to do. Sitting at hone was growing boring. Swinging the door open he didnt expect the object of his recent thoughts to appear. Glaring vehemently at him Yana stood. Without word she slapped him.

A light sting traveling over his skin. He knew slaps that made his ears ring and skin burn. Hers was a breath of fresh air. Though that dark side of him yearned for something harder. He mentally scoffed he was just horny. Coming back to reality he scowled at Yana. How dare she come to his front door and attack him?

"You came all this way just to slap me?" He spat, she scoffed inviting herself in.

"Dont flatter yourself. I have a few gigs here." She huffed, taking a good look around. At the real him the man she knew was only a fraction of the true Lucious. His home decor was everything she thought it would be....but a few peices of art that didnt fit his soul stood out. Turning back to face him she took him in completely. This look was new....boldly enough she liked it more.

"I couldn't leave without letting you know how I felt about what you did to me." She stated, Lucious stuck his hands in his pocket pursing his lips.

"You're entitled to that. Get on with it I have things to do." He spoke, a chill in his voice that bothered her. This wasnt him. This couldn't be him.

"Every time you open your mouth you let me know how much pain you are in." She spoke nearing him, her eyes pleading with his. The hazel orbs softened slightly in her direction.

"Even as you look at me in your eyes is just fire...... Everyone that you ever loved has hurt you...that's why you left me." She stated, touching his chest softly. His arms remained loose st his side.

"I left you because my kingdom needed me." He corrected. He had what he needed to get back to the life he knew. His kingdom was under attack. He did what a king should.

"Does it need you? Or do you need it?" She pressed, those few words hit him hard. Cookie suddenly on his mind.

You act like I dont need you...

"You said what you had to say. Now say goodbye Yana." He stated, his eyes hardening once more. She blinked in shock. Pulling her hands away she stared in disbelief. Hurt crossing her features. His eyes never softened again. Dropping her hands she walked out the door. Hoping he'd call her name and say it wasnt so. The only sound she got was a door slamming shut.

"Damn it Cookie!" Lucious roared out, storming to the bar he made himself a drink. Nit bothering with any ice. He needed to numbers mind. This trap that was Coocious truly was like the STD it sounded like. Flaring up when it wasn't needed, a damn disease without cure.

"Am I making lunch for your guest as well?" Jaunita questioned, Lucious looked up cutting his eyes at her.

"Does it look like I have a guest?"

"I wouldn't advise one....Sir." She knowingly spoke.

"Juanita." Lucious growled out.

She took her exit with that. He huffed wondering once more why he kept her ass around here. Maintaining a buzz the rest of the day evening fell upon him. Peeling himself from his office chair he headed upstairs knowing he needed to get dressed for Hakeem's listening party. He smelt her before he saw her. Finding himself in the bathroom eyes lit with inferno.

"I thought I got rid of that." Lucious spat fighting the growl in his chest. Cookie looked down at her outfut shrugging.

"I bought a new one." She answered.

The lavender dress was thin. Two gold chains holding it in place. It clung to her frame asserting her curves while still giving room for imagination. The back out the dress fabric draping right above her ass. The chain straps meeting like a necklace at the back of her neck. A decorative chain of diamond like gems running down her spine. Alluding to following the trail beneath her dress. It was a damn work of art. Made for her body....he hated it. Hated that it drove him wild. She had worn it once for their anniversary.

That night was......erotic. Passionate and so very...dirty. His dick hardened thinking about all the nasty things the two of them got into that might. He vividly remembered her sucking the damn soul from his body on her knees in the limo. He had made sure to toss that dress out. It was too powerful in his mind. So where the fuck did it come from. Again! His body reacting without his permission. There was no missing his bulge but she ignored it. Turning back to the mirror she added a diamond clip to her bun. Her long tresses pulled up showing off that neck he loved to mark up.

"Why do you care what I have on Lucious?" She asked, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

"I dont care, I dont want you. It was a simple question."

"Good to know. There are papers on the bed." She informed him, he frowned confused. Walking to the bed he stared st the stack of papers. Air leaving his lungs like she had punched him in the chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!!" He roared, glaring at the divorce papers signed with her signature.

"You divorced me once. I wont let you do it a second time." She responded, leaning in the doorway as she pulled on her heels. She had cried signing those papers. She had no more tears for him. A phone call today had been the last thing she needed to hear. It was the push she needed to hold up. He could have this room but she wssnt leaving this house.

" So you're divorcing me?" He spat, the words disgusted coming out his mouth.

"You just said you didnt want me Lucious." She sighed. He gaped at her, she was acting as if this was nothing.

Glaring at the papers once more he stomped into the closet. She shook her head not playing into this childish game. He needed to make a decision. As much as she loved him she refused to do a rerun of this chasing eachother and being toxic. It wreaked havoc on not only the family but their professional lives.

He should have been jumping for joy. He said they were broken, he was never forgiving her, and that he wanted out. She was just doing what he wanted. Instead of being happy he was spending this whole party glaring at her. Despite no interaction between them and arriving separately. He hadnt taken his eyes off her form. Once she had headed to the bsre on her lonesome did Lucious slither up.

"You've become popular around here." He spoke up, referring to the male attention she was getting tonight. Nothing a 9mm couldn't fix.

"Did you sign the papers?" She questioned, ignoring his taunting.

"No." He spat.

"Are we going to court?" She sighed, he pursed his lips ignoring her question. Reaching out he fixed her necklace. His fingers brushing her skin.

"What did you come over for?" Cookie tossed, noticing him lingering on her skin.

"To ward off the men." He truthfully answered asking a seat next to her. Cookie rolled her eyes at him taking a sip from her long island.

"Have a good time with your guest?" She tossed, Lucious froze his fingers stopped playing with her name pendent. That damn Jaunita was a snitch.

"I dont recall spending more than two minutes talking. Wouldn't call that a good time." He stated, feeling the need to clear his name. Those divorce papers had dug up some things in him. Pulling out the reasonable side of him.

"Hmm." Cookie dismissed, not believing him. His fingers once more started tinkering. The bartender bringing Cookie a new drink winking at her. Gaining a glare from Lucious that sent him scurrying away.

"Are you jealous?" Cookie teased, he didnt want her right?

"No." He growled out.

"Lucious.....I need you to make up your mind. Whst do you want me to do? I brought you an exit you dont want it. I offer you dont want it." She spoke, fixing the lavender wrist scarfs he had on. He stared at her intently emotions swirling in his eyes.

"When you know come see me. I can allow you your freedom...." She added, poking a sharp lavender acrylic nail where his heart was.

"Or....I can make it up to you." She purred, his eyes locked with hers as she dragged her nail down his chest sliding across the print in his pants.

"Let me know." She ended, grabbing her clutch and drink before walking away. He watched her walk off enjoying the swish of her hips as her smooth legs carried her away. Truth be told he made his choice when he had Jaunita burn those divorce papers. Yana words coming back to mind.

Does it need you? Or do you need it?

The answer was both. He needed Cookie mo matter how hard he fought it this last week. She had her faults like everyone else. No one not even Yans knew him like she did, nor did anyone have his back in the dirt like she did. She fucked up that was a given but he had fucked up many times as well. As Cookie said herself she needed him. If she didnt she wouldn't have let him hold all the cards.

Sensual R&B played overhead as Lucious entered the master bedroom. Kicking off his shoes he followed the sound of sloshing into the bathroom. Cookie relaxing in the jacuzzi tub. Eyes closed a glass of champagne off to the side. Walking deeper into the bathroom he took a seat.

Sitting at the edge of the tub Lucious gazed at Cookie. Her perky mounds playing a game of peekaboo in the bubbles. He was hungry. Hungry for his wife, only she could sate his needs. Grabbing the champagne flute her eyes lazily opened to meet his gaze. A ripple in the water as she shifted.

"Cookie." He spoke, one call that said volume. He made his choice, she hummed pleased with the outcome.

"Lucious..." She responded, a coy grin held on her lips. Licking his lips he scooped up a hand full of bubbles.

"You seem lonely." He tossed, blowing the bubbles in his hand in her direction. Raising her leg he watched her velvety skin appear above the bubbles. A taunting foot pointed at him.

"Do I? That's a shame."

"It is." He grinned, playing along with this little game.

"What ever will I do?" She dramatically sung, a heavy sigh followed by a drink.

"I guess I'll have to fix that." He sighed, she gave him in inviting smile watching him stand up.

She missed his touch. The way he made her feel. She just wanted to feel the love she knew they shared. Watching him peel off a article of clothing one by one became a show of seduction. A tinge of unnatural anger coming over her knowing some bitch was out touching on him. He had lost weight and toned up, she was envious for not watching the process.

"Such a venomous look. Is it company you want or to drown me?" He tossed, noticing her shift in mood.

"Both." She admitted with a shrug.

She had a right to her jealous. Even if she was forgiving him for it, he was within his mental rights. That didn't mean she didn't want to hurt the poor girl. Showing up to her house like that. She was lucky she wasn't there. Probably would have caught an undeserved ass whupping just for breathing.

"Which type of drown?" He hummed, she simply winked turning down the heater of the tub. She wasnt in the mood to hear him complain about being stewed. Watching him drop his boxers she purred. She had missed her soilder dearly. Sitting down Lucious unstrapoed his prosthetic. Setting it off to the side before stepping into the tub. A low hiss leaving him as he sunk in across from her.

"Its down before you start." She announced.

"Are you going to stare at me or pass the loofah?"

"Stare." Cookie answered, a fine specimen he was even at his age. Sighing she tilted her head to the side, feeling his hands rubbing her feet beneath the water.

"I think you're being rude. You haven't offered me any champagne." He tossed, she chuckled taking a drink emptying the glass.

Holding the content she slowly glided over to him. His eyes watching bubbles and water slide down her skin. Pulling herself into his lap she pecked his lips. Letting the champagne flow into his mouth. Cupping her face he deepened the kiss. Like she was oxygen, and he was deprived of air. In a way he had been deprived. Apart they were dangerous and fierce, but together they were so deadly.

Pulling back he looked up into her eyes. His orbs piercing as he searched her soul. Looking for anything and everything. Holding eye contact she rubbed his shoulders kneading the skin. Her own eyes searching his soul and there was something she didn't like. He truly did have feelings for another. They weren't light either, her gaze darkened as she registered the weight.

"She means nothing." He breathed out, Cookie put a finger to his lips shutting him down.

This tub was hot enough without her eyes burning him. Leaning down her lips kissed the skin of his neck. Trailing her tounge up the thick column. A hand dipped below the water. Her hand stroking his length almost to full potential.

"I'm sorry about everything, My King." Her voice tumbled forth, holding its truth with her need for forgiveness.

"Oh, I'm back to my king now?" He teased, quickly learning she wasnt in the mood for jokes.

You would think such a soft womans hand didn't have a lot of strength. He definitely felt the pressure as her hand grabbed him by his neck. His laughter dying in his throat. His dick jumped looking into those brown pools.

"MY King." She repeated, a growl of dominance coming out. One that he felt like toying with.

"I dont feel like your king." He blurted, looking away from her.

He could feel the heat of her eyes mount. Oh he was glad he had cut his hair. There was nothing for her to pull on to inact her punishment for such words. Or so he thought when her sharp acrylic nails dug into his cheeks. Forcefully turning his head back to look at her as she raised up. He sucked in a breath at the feel of her tight walls slowly sliding down his length. Going centimeter by centimeter of every inche he had to offer. Pure and unjust torment. Anytime he tried pushing his hips up to force her to take him she lifted and started over.

"Cookie." He hissed, humming she finally took him to the hilt.

A groan leaving her lips, easing her grip on his face. Home this was home. She kissed her nail indents, rolling her hips. Spelling out my king with her motion. Drapping his arms along the rim of the tub he watched her work. Low sounds slipping from him. Tilting his head back he felt her scratch across his chest. A particular sensation he was quite fond of in times like this.

"Fuckkkkk baby." He praised, she leaned into him riding him with more passion.

Water sloshing in the tub. Licking her way up his neck she bit him hard on his spit. A rather deep moan leaving him as she tortured him with her teeth. Claiming his lips their inferno raged. The kiss rough and sloppy. Lucious gripped her waist trying to slow her hips. Getting a growl in response. Cookie bit his bottom lip. Hard enough for him to taste copper faintly.

Her nails digging into his hands prying them off. Giving up the fight he let her fully dominate. Their would be a time for him to get his revenge. Looking up into her eyes he wasn't ready for the slap that echoed in the bathroom. The pain intensifying his pleasure. The dark side of him purred. Those were the slaps that did wicked things to him.

"Behave." She hissed, Lucious let his eyes fall closed biting his sore lip.

Water sloshed more as Cookie focused on taking him through the ringer. Raising off him she felt him slip out her walls. His soilder twitching just below her. Teasing him by allowing just the tip to penetrate her. His fists clenched fighting the need to throttle her right now. Falling victim to her tricks he grabbed her hips forcing her down. She hissed at the delicious burn that followed. The smirk of satisfaction on his face not lasting long. Another slap raining down on him. He shuddered a moaned groan leaving him.

"Harder." He demanded, she complied the hiss he let out turning her on.

His dark seeded lusty eyes lighting her body on fire, he was hard as steel throbbing with need. She commenced her riding this time focusing on his climax. Grabbing him by the neck she applied steady pressure. Leaving her love bites along his waiting skin. The need to mark her territory. Using her free hand she reached down cupping his balls.

Massaging them in her hand, perfectly timed tugs and squeezes. Lucious was in heaven. Eyes rolling behind his closed lids. His body tensed feeling his peak nearing. She quickened her speed, feeling his balls growing taut. Signs of a release, squeezing his neck harder she felt his body shudder.

"Cum, My King." She ordered, her own release mounting.

"Shit Cookie!" He growled, a tingle zipping through him followed by his seeds expulsion. His eyes locked with hers as she soaked up the power she held.

Sitting up he hissed as her walls spasamed in her own climax. Milking him her greedy core wanting everything. Resting his head against her chest he hugged her catching his breath. She hummed dragging her nails across his back. Caressing his head as they recovered. Pulling back Lucious cupped her face. Laying a kiss on her the made her melt into a puddle. Like he siphoned all her dominance in one breath.

"My Queen....." He purred against her lips. She swooned her tounge dancing with his. Pulling back Lucious flashed her a wicked grin finishing his statement.

"My Queen.....has been very naughty." He spoke, hardening inside her. Cookie bit her lip batting her lashes innocently at him. Simply shaking her head in response. Leaning down she kissed his red cheeks.

" doesn't save you." He pointed out.

Grinning she shrugged slowly riding him. Grabbing her neck he lifted her off his length, making her turn around. Holding on to the rim of the tub she arched her back for him. Presenting herself like a gift. Giving her ass a hard slap, he shoved two fingers into her core. Pumping relentlessly and rubbing her clit. Her mouth dropped in a silent cry rocking back into his hand.

Pulling his fingers out he reached around making her taste their combined essence. She moaned around his fingers, biting down on them making him hiss. Tangling his hand in her hair he tugged hard. She hissed her pussy gushing at the action. Hooking an arm around her neck he pulled her up. A loose headlock as he pushed into her walls.

"Aggressive little minx." He purred into her ear. She smiled briefly before she was overcome with pleasure. He worked his hips steadily. Forcing her to arch while tightening the headlock. She grunted with each hard thrust. More water sloshing around, starting to spill on the floor.

"Tell me sorry." He demanded, squeezing his arm.

"I'm sorry my King." She rushed without hesitation.

Pausing his hip action he let her catch her breath. Reaching behind them pulling out the plug draining the tub. Forcing her to bend over the rim. She had no choice but to hold her weight with her hands pressed to the bathroom floor. Slapping her ass twice, he eased his thumb in her ocean. Collecting her wetness before pressing the thick digit against her back for. She groaned deep in her throat as it penetrated her. Driving back into her ocean he worked his hips harder. Fucking her with his thumb in time with his dick. Her eyes rolled as her orgasm built. The rim of the tub digging into her stomach no longer her concern. She felt the wave crash into her rocketing her to the moon.

"YES YES YESS OH GOD" She screeched, pulling out quickly he rubbed he clit.

Relentless with his stimulation till she squirted like he wanted her to. Diving back in her ocean her throaty cry for abreakfell on deaf ears. Her orgasms rolling in right after another continuously. The type of pleasure that was torture. His revenge for everything that transpired between them. Shooting the club up relentlessly. Only when she tapped did he stop. Or so she thought he would.

Somehow she ended up on her back. Crying literal tears as Lucious pinned her down. Slow stroking her ultra sensitive walls. Smiling sadistically as she squirmed trying to break free. Silencing her plea with a cry he pumped diligently.

"I love you." He moaned into her ear. She melted those three words what she longed to hear for so long.

"I love you TOO!" Her body convulsed once more stealing her breath. Lucious bit her shoulder as he picked up speed. Releasing her hands he tucked an arm under her lifting her up fir a deeper angle. Chasing his own climax her spasming walls calling for it.

"OKAYYYYY! LUCIOUS!" Cookie cried out, her hand slapping his back with an audible clap. Fire radiating from the spot. He lost himself moaning so deeply as he came. Her nails dragging his back leaving him a parting gift. Cookies phone starting to blare with a familiar alarm. Her health monitor bracelet alerting her of a high heart rate. Lucious chuckled easing off her.

"Am I giving you a heart attack?" He playfully teased through heavy breathing.

"Its funny till I have one." She spat, feeling like she just ran a marathon. Calming down enough to speak properly Lu rasied up to his side. Brushing the hair from her serene face. Leaning in he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"My Queen." He spoke, she half smiled ready to hibernate after all that.

"Am I forgiven?" She asked.

"You were forgiven the moment I read divorce." He answered laying back down. Draping himself over her back like old times. She snuggled into his warmth feeling content. Kissing the top of her head he let that after sex coma seep in. Knocking the both of them out the park.

Hope you enjoyed!🖤

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