By HoshiUtsukushi

273K 11.6K 27.5K

Rest well, King. More

What the fuck is this chapter
A note
Final A/N


4.4K 231 1.2K
By HoshiUtsukushi







So sorry if it took so long to upload! I am trying to catch up to my studies and get back on drawing digitally, I've bee reading a few books to keep me motivated to write!


I put a lot of effort in this chapter, occasionally looking for grammar errors from time to time

Also watch me upload this chapter and still have grammar error LOL


Don't be afraid to point my mistakes! And don't worry about looking rude ;) it's totally fine!


I am having a hard time not to say anything about the plan for the past few days and FINALLY, finally I can show you guys the plan :D




After that night when your father told you that the wedding is two days away, you spent another sleepless night.

About fiona, you knew it's only a matter of time before dream found a out she's the one who knocked him unconscious.

Of course you can't let that happen, things are already looking worse than it does. Alexandra is nowhere to be found in the town, and you heard that techno lashed out on wilbur, niki and one of the guards died.

You don't exactly know what happened but you wished a peaceful rest to that guard, now, back to fiona.

Her life is on thin ice right now, things are not looking good. You and your friends are having a hard time communicating, for all you knew niki and the others are the only one who knows that wedding are in a few days.

Quackity and alexandra still have no idea, with that in mind, you had send fiona to quackity's Manor at late at night just to be safe.

You had let her borrowed your cloak for her to blend in with the dark and shadows, you also lend her one of your mini daggers for self defense.

You let her borrow Daisy, she had little experience about riding a horse but she knew enough to trudge Daisy to the Manor.

Currently, you and fiona were on your balcony, she was ready to leave. "Remember, if anything goes wrong do not come back here. I'll send you a letter if everything's back to normal again." You whispered and she nodded.

You helped her go down to the balcony and to the stables, getting Daisy out and feeding her with an apple. There were no guards at tbe gates so you and fiona hurried to go to the gate.

Idiots, leaving the gates with no guards. What if the witch came back? Or if the castle gets robbed? Ever since dream came they had been slacking off lately.

You helped fiona to get on top of Daisy, she grabbed the reigns and looked down on you. Although her eyes was hidden because of the hood of the cloak, you still smiled.

"Be careful." You said and she only nodded, trudging away with Daisy.


The sun was peeking through the horizon when fiona and Daisy arrived at the Manor, with little experience with horses, she and Daisy got lost a couple of times.

The guards blocked her way as soon as they saw her. She then pulled away her hood and fished something in her pockets.

It was the letter you made, she then nervously handed the paper to the guards. "Princess Y/N sent me." She stated and the guards looked at each other before reading the letter.

When they finished reading they returned the letter to fiona and made way for her. "You may enter." And with that, she trudged Daisy forward to enter the milky white gates.

She hop off of Daisy, a guard taking Daisy to their stables and fiona knocking to the front door. A Butler opened the door.

The Butler recognize her right away, for he already saw her when she and you visited the Manor at that one time to trade with quackity.

"Hello, I'd like to visit miss alexandra?" She spoke and the Butler opened the doors more for her to go inside.

"Follow me." He said before walking away, fiona quickly following him.

They took turns and turns from hallway to hallway, they then climbed the second floor and knocked to a certain door.

Fiona heard a few grumbling nd groaning on the other side before silence, then shuffling of covers and clothes then the door opened.

There, alexandra stood. Her black hair was a mess and it's everywhere, she was wearing a dark purple nightgown that's a little wrinkled, dark bags displays under her brown orbs as she stares shock at fiona.

She was shock for a moment, her expression turned to an excited one before frowning immediately. She turned to the butler and dismissed him, she then let fiona in her room.

"What are you doing here?" Alexandra snapped, trying to sound angry but instead she sounds excited.

"Where did you go? Why haven't you been showing up? Princess Y/N is really worried..." Fiona blabbered.

Alexandra's heart fluttered when she heard fiona say that you are worried, but then she dismissed the feeling almost immediately. You were probably worried as a friend, nothing more.

"I... Something came up, sorry to leave without saying anything. I- uh- um, why are you here again?" She said, stuttering to find her words.

Fiona only sighed in disappointment, she knew well that alexandra was lying. But she didn't pushed her further onto telling her what it was, it was probably personal and she don't want to invade her personal life.

"Princess Y/N sent me here to tell you that the wedding is in two days, She told me to inform you and your brother." She said.

Alexandra's heart clenched and her breathe hitched, she then took a step backwards only to stumble backwards. She grabbed something- anything that her hand first touched in order to maintain her balance.

(Since some of y'all want alexandra x fiona to happen, here's a sneak peek ;))

She grabbed the hem of fiona's black cloak and pulled it along with her fall, fiona yelped and tried to help alexandra with her fall but ended up stepping on her barefoot foot instead.

The two of them yelped in surprise and groaned in pain when they both hit the ground, alexandra groaned in pain as she rub her head.

Her eyes widened as she saw fiona on top of her, fiona was grumbling in pain as well. Her eyes was closed, her face has an expression of pain as she run her head too.

Fiona opened her eyes, staring down at alexandra's brown ones. Alexandra and fiona stared at each other for a good hot minute, just staring at each other. Then, with a yelp followed by string of curses from alexandra, she pushed fiona away.

The two of them stood up, fiona was looking down shyly as her brown Bangs covered her face. The tip of her ear was red as alexandra looked away in embarrassment, acting angry.

"Watch where you're going! Geez, you're so heavy." Alexandra complained even though she was the one who pulled them down to the floor.

Fiona blushed in embarrassment, looking down. "I'm sorry- it- it won't happen again, I just slipped- i- um.." She stuttered.

"Good!" Alexandra said, scoffing. Fiona dusted herself and straightened her posture, a small blush is still present in her face but her face is now serious.

"Where's your brother? I need to talk to him." She said.

Alexandra sighed, "in her office." She said and fiona only nodded before dismissing herself.

Alexandra then plopped down to her bed, the wedding is in two days? So that means tomorrow is the wedding... Why are they rushing the wedding? She sighed, her chest tightening as she refused to cry.

She knew, she knew from the start you don't feel anything for her. In anything, you saw her as a friend. Nothing more, she's content on staying friends with you but why..?

Why does the thought of you with another man hurts her chest?

Meanwhile, fiona knocked on the office of quackity. She heard a muffled "come in" before going inside and closing the doors.

There, quackity was in his usual tuxedo with a blue tie. A coffee was in his table, he was doing some paperworks Schlatt had made him do.

When she entered, quackity was bewildered. He stood up and told fiona to sit in which she did. "What's up?" He said, sitting back down.

Fiona pulled out a paper, the letter you wrote and handed it to quackity without saying a word. Quackity took it in his hands then unfolds it, starting to read.

Dear Quackity,

Sorry to barge in without saying anything, the wedding is in two days. I sent fiona to your Manor for the time being since her life is at stakes in here.

Long story short, she messed with dream and I think she'll be safer in your Manor. I'm so sorry for not saying anything before.

I just want to tell you, be ready.

Sincerely, Y/N Damon.

After reading, he nodded his head and flashed fiona a big smile. "Damn, you messed with that green bastard? Geez, didn't know you had it in ya!" He said, patting fiona's shoulder in which fiona chuckled nervously at.

He smiled, putting the letter aside and relaxing to his seat. "So the wedding's happening tomorrow?" He muttered under his breathe, seemingly loss in thought.

"Alright then. It's show down."


Meanwhile, you were on your room. Your father had sent numerous books for you to pick your wedding dress, you've been in your room for a few hours now.

The dresses that's on the books were too over detailed, if it's not over detailed then the others lack some designs in it.

You have trouble choosing one.

You're not really a picky person, you just don't have a sense in fashion. You wished fiona was here to help you. But you knew well that she's safer in quackity's Manor.

After throwing the other books on the ground, you sighed. As you were about I close the book you were holding, a certain wedding dress caught your E/C eyes.

It was a bright sparkling red wedding gown, a transparent cape on the back of the mannequin.

The dress was definitely eye catching, you can match it with a few Ruby jewelries. But from all you know is that, it's disrespectful to wear a red color on a wedding.

You scoffs, it's not like you're REALLY getting married. You're gonna runaway and you're confident enough to think you'll succeed, with the help of your friends, of course.

With the dress on your mind, you figured you'll be wearing this dress on your play pretend-wedding. A bouquet of roses would be matching with your dress.

You picked up another book, now you're on the preparation section. Normally, the husband and the wife are supposed to pick together on what the theme of their wedding will be.

Since your father believed that if the husband and wife met before the wedding start, the wedding will be ruined so your father is letting you chose everything.

After choosing, your father had sent a maid to fetch the books. You put bookmarks on each page you picked, you really didn't decided on what the wedding theme or the preparations will be, you just picked something that catches your eyes and that's it.

When the maid left the room, you were bored out of your mind. Suddenly, you heard a singing of a bird outside of your balcony.

Your eyes widened, didn't you told niki to take the bird for the time being? You rushed to your balcony, opening it.

Before you can even look at the bird, an arrow whished by your eyesight and stabbed the bird. Your E/C eyes widened as you watch the bird fall to the balcony grounds, it's blood splattered some on your balcony floor.

You looked down to the grassy ground, in hope to find the bird there. Unfortunately, there was no bird. Just white feathers. Were you hallucinating? No, surely not. You saw the bird! You were sure of it!

You sighed in distress, backing away from the balcony as you closed the doors and plopping to your bed. The bags under your eyes thickened as you spend the next hours thinking about the bird.

Five hours later of thinking, a knock came through your door. You raised an eyebrow and spoke, "Come in." The doors opened and two butlers came in. One of them were pushing a trolly inside while the other one was walking behind the other one.

You raised an eyebrow, on the trolly was a plate but it's contents was hidden by a stainless steel cover. You stood up and walked towards the trolly.

"What's this? Another gift from dream?" You asked, sarcasm laced your voice.

The butlers only nodded and one of them took the stainless steel covering the food underneath.

It was a bird dish.

It was freshly cooked, steam coming out of it and the vegetables around it looks very delicious.

To top it all, white feathers decorates the corners of the plate.

You felt your chest tightened and you put a hand to your mouth, disgusting. You felt like vomiting right now, you looked at the butlers to see them looking at you with weary eyes. Not even worried that you're feeling like vomiting.

Your legs feel like jelly, you stepped backwards as you stare at the cooked bird dish. Your eyes watering as you thought of the poor bird.

You staggered backwards and grabbed your sword, startling the butlers. Your eyes glared at them, rage engulfing you as you stagger forward in which they stepped back.

You walked pass them, stomping to dream's office. Your eyes still teary and you blinked your eyes to hide the tears, you gripping the hilt of your sword, your E/C eyes was flaming in rage.

You then burst inside, not even bothering to knock. There he is, sitting on his chair like the fucking blob he is.

His white porcelain mask looked up at you, obviously startled. You then shot him a death glare, raising your sword and pointing it at him.

"You-" you started, glaring at him.

He stood up at the sight of your sword. "What do you think you're doing?" He said, glaring at you under his mask.

"Why?!" You yelled, your voice was laced with something demonic and venom. He then tilted his head, his reaction made you want to slice his head here and there.

"Stop acting dumb! You send that bird- the bird! You killed it!" You yelled.

His shoulder relaxed, now know what you're talking about. He smirked under his mask. "I gave you a gift, at least be a little generous about it." He said, taunting you.

You tightened your grip on your sword. "Like hell I like your gift! I never liked anything about you! I don't know why father even chose you!" You yelled, getting your emotions get the best of you.

"Now, now... Let's not get heated here." He said, walking towards you.

As you were about to rush forward, in a blink of an eye he's already in front of you. He punched your hand where you were holding your sword, it flew out of your hand and you hissed in pain.

Then, he snaked his hand on your waist, tugging you close. He then bring your face closer to his, he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and chuckled.

You struggled in his hold in which he gave your waist a little squeeze in return, his smile faded behind his mask as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked it backwards.

You yelped in pain, your scalps burning as he yank it harder. However, his next question made you freeze in shock.

"Where is the book?"

Book, book, book. There's only one book you knew that's important.

Karl's book.

Is he talking about karl's book? If so, you don't have it. You felt so glad that you declined karl's suggestion on keeping the book.

"What book?" You said, suddenly being quiet.

"You know what book I'm talking about." He stated.

You struggled in his hold "I don't know what you're talking about." He then pulled more to your hair and you yelped.

He looked at your bandaged neck and scowled, "Where is it?" He asked once again. If he wanted the book he could've just gotten it from Karl since Karl is the bead Butler in his kingdom. Is he dumb?

"I don't-" he pulled again, tighter this time. Your scalp burns as you try to wiggle yourself out of this situation, "I know you have it. Give it-" with you finally having enough of his bullshits, you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

He yelled in pain, letting go of you as he folded in two. Groaning in pain as he kneeled down, you took this opportunity and grabbed your sword to the ground and took off, slamming your door shut.

The bird dish is nowhere to be found and, neither are the butlers. You assumed that they had returned it to the kitchen, good. You don't want it anyway.

With rage engulfing your figure, you spend another sleepless night.


Currently, it's 4 in the morning. Wilbur just happened to still be awake, he was dressed in his usual trench coat and black jeans with his combat boots. Axe safely strapped to his belt.

With his brown horse, he raced to the school.

Magic Academy.

It's been a while, he felt deja vu overcoming his feeling as he entered the school grounds. The guards closed the gates behind him, getting off of the horse, he went inside the school.

"Prince Wilbur, you're here!" Quinn said, smiling at the Prince who only nodded in response.

"Like I said in the letter, I wanted to meet the hybrid." He spoke and Quinn only nodded, "follow me." She said.

Quinn led him to the school's dungeon, there's a lot of cages in there. Monsters were locked inside with a red chain in their hands, preventing them to use magic.

They passed several monsters who screeched, groaned, and hissed at them. They ignored the hungry monsters and stopped in a certain cell.

His orange hair was a mess, his fox ears was drooped. He was still in his black kimono, his pale skin was like a skin of a ghost. Dark bags were under his brown orbs.

Two red chains were chained to his wrists and the hybrid looked up, hissing at wilbur when his brown orbs landed on him.

Wilbur did not faltered, quinn flinched but quickly regained her posture. "Leave us." Wilbur said and quinn looked at him before nodding and leaving the dungeon.

"What do you want?" The fox hissed.

Wilbur crossed his hands, smiling down at the chained fox. "What's your name?" He spoke in which shocked the hybrid who only scowled at him.

"Why does it matter?" He snapped at wilbur, "I don't remember you can answer a question with another question." Wilbur said, smiling down the fox.

The fox scowled, "...fundy." He murmured under his breathe, looking down at his feet. Wilbur raised an eyebrow, kneeling down so that he was face to face with the sitting fox.

"Fundy..." Wilbur spoke, testing the Fox's name to his tounge. He smiled, extending a Hand through the iron bars that separates them.

"I'm wilbur, Wilbur soot." The fox only hissed at his hand when he extended it, thought that he was trying to hurt him.

When he saw that his hand kept hovering the air, he knew he won't hurt him. But why? He attacked them for fun, spilled some blood for fun, why does this man wants to be friends?


Why him?

For all people, why does he have to look like him?

The fox only scoffed at his hand, looking away with a glare in his face. "Just get it over, what do you want?" He asked, a little chill. Wilbur dropped his hand and his face turned to a serious one.

"I need your help."

Fundy immediately looked at wilbur as if he's some kind of crazy person, he needs help? From a demon like him? Is he crazy? Is he out of his mind?

"...what." He stated, didn't even tried to make it sound a question.

"I am a demon, I belong to the nine tailed fox demon clan. I'm dangerous, I spill blood for fun and play with humans for fun, and you're saying you need my help?" Fundy rambled.

Wilbur smiled, "Perfect! Just exactly what we need." He said, clapping his hands in which the fox flinched at the sound of his hand clapping.

They were quiet for a few second before fundy spoke, "What am I getting out of this?" He said in which wilbur smiled in triumph.


Wilbur held a key in his hands, the key to fundy's cell. The fox eyed the key, desperate to snatch it in his hands and get out of this wretched place. He sighed, looking at wilbur.

"Alright, who do I need to kill?" He said, sighing.

Wilbur cackled in return, "No man! We're not killing anyone-" he said between giggles in which fundy looked at him, confused.

He does look like him.

"Then what?" Fundy asked, watching wilbur finish his giggling fit.

"I need you and your army, remember how you summoned a hoard of monsters in the forest?" Wilbur said.

Fundy recalled the events, is he talking about how he called the monsters nearby the place? It was pretty easy, no mana needed to be wasted.

He nodded, "And...?" He asked, wilbur smiled. No, this smile is nothing from genuine. It's a smile of someone who's sadistic, needing blood.

"I need you to summon them again, but in a certain place." He continued.

Fundy nodded, actually listening. "Where?" Wilbur Shook his head, "I'll show you later, for now- let's discuss about the plans."

The fox only nodded, listening to each syllables that came out of wilbur's mouth. Suddenly, he just dozed off accidentally. Watching wilbur explain something that's muffle in his ears.

"You know, you're acting a lot like my father." He thought out loud.

The two of them fell quiet, wilbur had a look of surprise. Fundy then realized what he just said and blushed in embarrassment, "That's not what i- don't get the wrong idea!- I- uh- um.." He stuttered out, looking away.

When he didn't get a response from wilbur, he looked at the British guy who have a face of- he couldn't describe it.

It's like, you know how your face twisted into a baby-looking face when you saw something cute? Like, how you react at cute kittens or animals? Yeah, like that.

His eyes was sparkling, startling the fox. "Awwe! You have a father?" Wilbur asked, seriously? He's asking this right now when they're discussing about the plans? He just wanted to get out.

" 'course I do! Idiot, he's a jerk though..." He whispered the last sentence as he looked away.

Unfortunately for him, wilbur heard this and tilted his head. "Jerk? Why?" He said in which fundy jerked his head back to Wilbur with a glare.

"Don't bother asking, just continue with the plan." He scoffed at wilbur.

Wilbur smirked, chuckling in return. Dangling the key in his finger, the fox turned to see the key and groaned in annoyance.

"Tell me, I wanna know." Wilbur stated, obviously curious on what's the fox's back-story is.

"Oh come on! Do I really need to?!" Fundy whined in return.

"Yes!" Wilbur chimed.

The fox groaned, not really in the mood to tell how much of a jerk his father is to his look a like.

"He's a jerk because he killed my mother, left me to rot in a forest that's now my home and never came back. Never know where the bastard went." He stated, looking away from wilbur.

"My new home gave me a new life to begin with, the creatures in the forest became my friends and I get along with them just fine." He continued.

"I gave them everything they could've needed, water, food, shelter, everything. I treated them like my friend more than a servant." He said, smiling softly.

"But then, humans started going to our home. They killed many of my friends, brutally killing them and stealing my treasures that I hid in the forest. They're all the same, they're no different from my father." He rambled, rage hugging his feelings.

He shook in anger, unable to hold his feelings as the chains in his wrists shook against his touch.

"Is that so...?" Was the only thing wilbur said.

Suddenly, get shifted and moved a little closer. The fox didn't do anything and let the guy do his thing, he just remained there, sitting.

Suddenly, he felt a heavy weight being placed on top of his head. He looked to see wilbur's hand on top of his head, then suddenly, he started petting his orange hair.

Fundy sat there, just staring at wilbur with an unreadable look. He didn't know how to react, he wanted to shoo his hand away but a part of his mind told him not to.

What the fuck?

Unknowingly, he leaned to his touch. Enjoying the attention wilbur is giving him. "I can be your father." Wilbur stated in which startled the fox. "Don't compare me to your father, unlike him, I'll actually take care of you." He said.

A father...? He never thought of having one, he looked at the human in front of him. He didn't answered but only scowled and pushed his head away from wilbur's hand.

"So, what's the plan?"


It's time. Today's the wedding.

You were inside a carriage, this carriage will take you to the church you'll be using.

Poor church, about to be blown up.

Your bright red dress was heavy, but still pretty nonetheless. The carriage stopped and a guard opened the door then helped you get out of the carriage.

Your red gown touched the carpeted floor as you looked in front of you. The red carpet leading to your future husband, dream. The Priest was already there, smiling at you.

The guests was smiling at you, you saw a few of familiar faces in which you smiled at them.

Your H/C hair was tied to a tight bun, rubies, crystals and gems decorates your hair as a light red veil rested on your head. You gripped the bouquet of roses in your hands.

You're not gonna lie, you were nervous. The trumpets boomed as you walked up to your future husband, there the bastard stood with his black tuxedo. His mask was still there, didn't even bothered to remove it.

Your face didn't show any kind of happiness in them, just a frown. Although it almost smiled when you saw a familiar face in the shadows.

Quackity, alexandra and fiona.

Quackity winked at you in which you smiled at, you looked at thw guests that's sitting on the seats. You spotted a lot of familiar faces as they flashes you a weary look.

You see, you had decided to runaway in your wedding since if you runaway in the castle there's no doubt you'll be caught. Stealth isn't exactly your thing.

So you had decides to runaway to your wedding, that way your friends would be able to help you and they'll back you up. It's a win win situation.

This is it.

This is where your life will change.

This is where you let go of the people who betrayed you.

And this is where you'll start a new day starting tomorrow.

You stopped midwalk, standing at the middle of the red carpet as the guests's eyes were all on you.

You looked at niki in the crowd and nodded, signalling her. She nodded back, whispering something in wilbur's ear.

You looked to the Priest, he was waiting for you. Then you looked at dream who have his fist clenched, had he noticed you look at niki? You smirked in return.

Suddenly, a loud scream caught the people's attention. A woman on the chairs was thrashing around as an enderman chomped down on her head.

The chaos begins.

Soon, more people began screaming as monsters invades the church. The sky turned black just as it turned black when you were at the forest, fighting the hybrid.

You slightly panicked, is this a part of the plan? You looked at wilbur to see him smiling reassuringly to you, you nodded. Trusting him.

Endermans, zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders entered the church. You heard an all familiar laugh and you looked at the front door.

It was the hybrid fox you fought with on the forest.

However, he was not in his black boring kimono. Instead, he wore a black jacket with the edge of it having a colorful design. Black jeans with a matching black combat boots. His tail swishing back and forth in excitement behind him.

He flashed you a smiled, he then nodded his head to wilbur who winked at you. What? You don't really understand what's happening but you're just gonna go along with it.

You cannot afford this to fail.

Your worries was washed away when you noticed the monsters avoiding you or just not paying attention to you and busied themselves with the preys in the crowds.

This is where the plan unfold.

You grabbed your veil, throwing It to the ground as you looked at niki. "Niki!" You yelled and she nodded, running towards you.

She then threw your sword at you, she had managed to sneaked in your castle while the maids and butlers were busy attending to you.

You grabbed the ruby sword, unsheating it and looked at dream. The Priest was getting his head eaten by a zombie but dream stood still there, looking at you.

Looking at who started this whole mess.

You smiled widely, everything's going according to plan. Soon, quackity, alexandra and fiona emerges from the shadow, a smile in their faces.

Quackity has an diamond sword in his hands so does alexandra and fiona, they fought with the guards that tried to stop the monsters from invading the church.

Suddenly, two teen-agers emerges from the crowd, a large smile in their faces as they laugh amongst themselves.

Tubbo and Tommy.

Tommy splashed water around, adding to the chaos. The water touched your feet but you didn't complained, then, tubbo stepped on the water with golden boots on.

Within a second, the water turned ice.

The two skates around with weapons in their hands, ranboo soon joining them as he teleport around the place with a netherite axe on his hands. laughing as they blend with the chaos that's unfolding.

Then, wilbur and niki was upstairs of the church. Spreading TnTs all around the corners of the church, a large smile in their face as they team up.

A series of gunshots were followed, in panick, you look to see lani and... Drista?! What's she doing here? Ignoring your confused face, they run past you as they held guns in their hands.

They were firing everywhere, not caring if they kill an innocent life. Dream seems to be taken a back to the sight of his little sister on this mess.

The two girls skate through the ice with the tommy, ranboo and tubbo, drista's mask was a little tilted, showing her mouth that was formed a large smile.

Drista then pointed the gun at the ice, firing several shots at it. The ice and the bullets collides with each other as smokes started to fill your view.

Coughing, you took a step back only to bump to someone's chest. You turn to see who it was but then smiled in relief when that all familiar pink hair came to your view.


He was holding a crossbow, a firework was loaded in it as he flashes you a smile. You noticed his unusual features, such as his little tusks that poke out of his lower lip, the pig like ears and his legs that turned to hooves.

You didn't mentioned it, no time for that. You smiled at him in which he returned the smile, "Hey." He spoke and you chuckled. "Hello." You said.

"You look beautiful in red." Techno commented in which you chuckled in return.

"You look handsome as always." You returned the compliment and he smirked.

Then, the smoke slowly went away as you and technoblade looked at dream. He wasn't alone anymore, your father was in his side. His face was twisted in a panicked one.

Your father was holding a netherite sword, same as dream. Dream remained looking at you, his hands clenched in a fist.

You felt a hand snakes to your waist and techno pushed you closer to his chest, you then leaned to his touch, still looking at dream.

Techno then raised the crossbow in which your father and dream flinched at the sight of it.

You raised your hand, saluting to your father and dream.

"It was never meant to be."

With that, technoblade shot the firework to the ceiling, the church shakes lightly and techno tightened his hold on you.

The ceiling gave up, falling to your father and dream. Screams were heard and the chaos continued folding.

Then, techno loaded another firework on the crossbow before firing another one to the ceiling again, colors exploded as the blood curling screams echoed through the place.

Niki and wilbur threw torches at the TnTs they put around the church, a large smile displayed in their face.

Quackity's laugh echoed as he and alexandra screamed something in Spanish as they ran around the chaos.

Tommy, tubbo and ranboo was having fun. Skating through the ice as they knock out the guards that try to intervene through the scene.

Lani and drista kept shooting at the guards's legs to slow them down, letting the boys to finish the deed and skating away.

"Let's get out of here." Techno mumbled as he tightened his hold on you.

You only nodded and clung to him as he fished out a Pearl in his pocket then throwing it away from he church.

Before you knew it, the air coughed and shifted as you and techno flew from the scene.


No choices for now since I'm gonna start a new volume after the next chapter :D

BTWWWW, wattpad decided to be a Dick and delete all my progress on the QnA chapter :)

Still redoing it, sorry for the wait!

That's all for now, remember to eat healthy foods, drink water and sleep!

Love y'all!

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