HEARTBURST,, The Next Step

By dameronsheart

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𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗮 𝘁𝗵𝗿�... More

[1.1] get this party started
[1.2] everybody dance now
[1.3] dance, dance
[1.4] rock and a hard place
[1.5] steal my sunshine
[1.6] good girls go bad
[1.7] love story
[1.8] just the two of us
[1.9] video killed the radio star
[1.11] can you keep a secret?
[1.12] get it together
[1.14] sabotage
[1.15] changes
[1.16] help!
[1.17] forget you
[1.18] brand new
[1.19] first date
[1.20] we are family
[1.21] break stuff
[1.22] come back... be here
[1.23] dancing in the street
[1.24] price tag
[1.25] bad moon rising
[1.26] can't fight this feeling
[1.27] i'm so excited
[1.28] fancy footwork
[1.29] this is how we do it
[1.30] winner takes it all
[2.1] don't stop the party
[2.2] my boyfriend's back
[2.3] ready to start
[2.4] the final cut
[2.5] the girl is mine
[2.6] work it
[2.7] it takes two
[2.8] what'll i do?
[2.9] never enough
[2.10] i hope i get it
[2.11] anything you can do, i can do better
[2.12] time to move on
[2.13] the truth comes out
[2.14] sing
[2.15] you're the one that i want
[2.16] hazy shade of winter
[2.17] game on
[2.18] make a plan to love me
[2.19] sacrifice
[2.20] heartbreaker
[2.21] hello trouble
[2.22] lost
[2.23] better than this
[2.24] under pressure
[2.25] just dance
[2.26] water it
[2.27] run this town
[2.28] re-match
[2.29] old friends
[2.30] i don't know
[2.31] what are you waiting for?
[2.32] do you love me?
[2.33] danger zone
[2.34] rewind
[3.1] coming home?
[3.2] let the games begin
[3.3] the fallout
[3.4] the times they are a changin'
[3.5] our new beginning
[3.6] i'm your captain
[3.7] can't fight this feeling
[3.8] marry me
[3.9] i hope i get it
[3.10] old friends
[3.11] sweet spot
[3.12] square dance
[3.13] mixed messages
[3.14] never there

[1.13] don't go breaking my heart

5.8K 141 123
By dameronsheart


I do not own any characters/plot from this show apart from my own!

{Emily grows suspicious of Michelle, and Eldon decides to set everyone straight about his relationship with Emily.}


❝I told him. I told him to just call her. But no, because he saw Patrick do this for Kat in 10 things I hate about you, and now he thinks it's gonna work.❞


The 'overthrow Emily' group were currently freaking out in Studio B, feeling the repercussions of Chloe storming out.

"What are we going to do?" Michelle stressed.

Daniel looked unsure as he spoke, "I'm sure she won't tell anyone."

"I'm not so sure," Riley interjected, crossing her arms.

"If she tells Emily, we're done," the blonde pointed out, letting the unsettling feeling linger around the room.

Maxie rolled her eyes, tired of the drama, "You know what?" she piped up, catching everyone's attention, "I'm just going to go talk to her, tell her not to tell anyone," the Brit grumbled, walking out before anyone could protest.

"We need Chloe to keep Michelle's secret because I know that she's close with the E-Girls, and it's really important that she doesn't tell them yet," the girl explained. 

Maxie strutted right over to where Chloe was and stood in front of her, holding a stern face, "Look, we just want you to keep our secret. That's all we're asking for," she requested, a look of hope in her eyes.

Maxie spoke in an unconfident tone, "Yeah, of course, I trust Chloe, but in this situation, I'm kind of iffy about it. Like, god knows what sort of 'nO E GiRl seCreTs' brainwashing spell Emily has on her."

"Well, you know that both me and 'Chelle have kept your secret," she continued.

"Michelle and Maxie have been really good about keeping my secret," she admitted, "but I know what they're both doing is wrong. So..."

She scoffed, glancing over to where two other E-Girls were sat mere feet away in the office, before whispering back, "Do we have to talk about this right now? Stephanie and Tiffany are right over there."

"But you know what we're doing is for the better of the team?" Maxie pressed, still trying to convince the girl.

Before Chloe had a chance to respond, both the girls made their way out of the office, "Hey, Chloe," they smiled at her.

"Hey. What's up?" she responded, trying to play it cool.

"When I see Maxie and Chloe there, I'm really curious as to why they stayed back late, especially those two together," Tiffany stated. 

"So what are you guys doing here?" Stephanie smirked, just as Michelle, Riley and James walked in.

Maxie sent a 'help me' stare to the three as Chloe told them, "Uh, just rehearsing."

"And what are you guys doing here?" she questioned, looking at the guys who just walked in.

"Uh, rehearsing," Michelle smiled sweetly back at them.

"James, Riley, and Michelle walk in, and we're busted," Maxie cringes.

Riley's eyes are wide as she talks, "I'm freaking out because I don't know what Chloe has told them." 

Chloe went against her own will and covered for the four of them, "They're all helping me, they're all helping me."

"Without us?" Tiffany looked offended.

"Well, you guys were a bit busy with Kate, weren't you?" Maxie stated as if it was obvious.

Chloe gave her a quick side-glance, "Yeah, uh, sorry. I'll definitely ask you guys next time."

Tiffany and Stephanie looked very unsure of the group, however accepted their excuse and didn't press any further.

James sighed out of relief, before saying, "I do trust Chloe a little bit more now. We can maybe get her on our side." 

Miss Kate looked out of her office window to see the seven of them stood around the bag area, "Hey!" she raised her voice, grabbing the group's attention, "It's getting late. Everybody head home."

"Good idea," Chloe mumbled as the rest of them nodded and made their way out.

"I really hope Chloe's cover works. I mean, we still have a lot of work to do, so we just need to get back to rehearsal," Michelle rambled.

Tiffany furrowed her brows, "I don't believe their story at all. Doesn't make any sense." 

It was the next day and Max, West, Eldon and James were all gathered in Studio A, showing each other their tricks and flips.

James had just landed a particularly tricky flip as the boys gawked at her skill, "No, that was sick, man. That was sick," Eldon told him. 

Whilst West fist-bumped the guy, Maxie spoke, "I was working on something this weekend, want to see it?"

"Yeah," the others told her.

The girl proceeded to do an advanced B-twist in mid-air, eliciting cheers out of the other three. 

"That was a sick B-Twist, Max," the boys gawked.

"Yeah, bro, that was amazing," Eldon told her.

She smiled at them and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, "Yeah, it was a little low, but like..."

Smirking, James commented, "I bet if Eldon did it, Emily would have liked it," causing Max to hit him lightly, knowing how insensitive he can be to the boy's feelings.

"How's it going with her?" West asked, trying to hold back his laugh.

Eldon shoved his hands into his pockets as he began to ramble, "Oh, you know, we're, like... I feel like we're getting more serious, but it's like we're keeping it on the DL, you know?"


"What's DL?" Maxie asked, still not used to the American lingo after 3 years of being there.

Ignoring the girl's confusion, James rolled his eyes, "No, you're not, man."

"No, we are, though," the blonde interjected, his tone becoming more serious.

Maxie looked to the boy, "So, like, you and Emily, you're legit?" she questioned, "Like, you guys are like a couple?"

"Well... No, not right now," he admitted, only to be 'corrected' by James again, "No, you're not," he stated bluntly.

"No, that's what I thought," West agreed.

"Me and Emily, we actually are getting kind of closer," the boy proposed, smiling mindlessly, "So when James, West and Maxie question me, saying that, I don't know, it's kind of getting annoying."

Maxie sighed, "I would love for Eldon to finally get a chance with Emily, but I really don't think he will end up dating her."

"Yo, there's your girl," James remarked, nodding towards the blonde-headed girl who just walked into the studio.

"Hey, Emily," Eldon grinned, only to be ignored by her.

"I don't know, I kind of feel like we are trying to keep it on the down-low," the boy shrugged obliviously, "so she's probably just, you know, sticking to the plan.

West nodded, "It's definitely just in his head." 

Once everyone was in the Studio, Emily walked away from the suspicious conversation she was having with her sister, "Let's go for rehearsal, everyone. Let's go, boys and Max."

Max made her way over to her place, only to have Riley subtly drag her to the other side of the room where Michelle was.

Before she could make any sound of protest, the girl whispered to the two, "By the way, us three saw the new musical movie last night at the Grand Theatre, theatre twelve. We got popcorn. Michelle liked it, I didn't and Maxie, you accidentally spilt your slushy on the people in front of us."

The blonde nodded, "Sweet."

"Okie doke," the brunette stuck her thumbs up before dawdling back over to her position.

"We got this," Michelle shrugged, "No big deal." 

"One, two, three, four..." Emily clapped, "Turn. Out. Those. Legs."

The song began playing once again and the dancers were performing the blonde's choreography.

"Energy from the boys, please!"

Riley huffed, "I'm just really bored of Emily's routine and I can't wait to get out of here and back to Michelle's." 

"Chloe, this isn't cheerleading. Good job, Tiffany."

"Doing Emily's routine feels like going back to baby ballet," Daniel admitted.

"Michelle, those arms!"

Suddenly, West began to dance out to completely different choreography than what Emily had taught them, catching not only the Dance Captain's attention but everyone else's.

"Stop! Stop. West. West!" Emily shouted, stopping the boy in his tracks, "That's not my choreography. What are you doing?"

West looks terrified as he talks to the camera, "I do Michelle's routine while I'm doing Emily's routine because I got kind of confused."

"He clearly just ruined our cover," James said.

Riley began talking at top speed, "Emily's already suspicious. She just questioned me about the movie, so she already knows something's up."

"I'm so stressed out already, man, you see these wrinkles? The stress is literally ageing me," Maxie exclaims, pointing to her forehead.

 Emily walked towards the boy, "What was that?" she scoffed.

He scrambled to find the right words, whilst panting, "Y-you know your choreography just makes me want to just... Just gets me so amped! You know, I just want to..." the boy leaned over and grabbed Maxie's hand pulling her into an energetic little spin, "I just want to do that!" he exclaimed, leaving a confused Dance Captain and a bewildered Max.

West explained, "I complimented her, so she can feel good about that. My cover was... It was... It was genius. And I got to dance a little with Max, too," he winked. 

"You want to do that?" Emily questioned, looking between the pair.

"Yeah. Yeah," the boy confirmed.

She shook her head and flared her nostrils, "No. If I wanted that, I would have put it in my dance," the girl scowled, pointing her index finger at West and Maxie, "Understood?"

"You know what? You're so right," he played it off, "That's why you're Dance Captain."

"He doesn't have to remind me. I know I'm Dance Captain," she scoffed, "That's why I'm going to figure out what's really going on." 

"From the top!" Emily hollered, walking back to the front, "Everyone can thank West."

After rehearsal, Michelle and Maxie were hanging out in the juice bar, helping each other revise for some upcoming tests they were facing, when Emily approached them.

"I need to talk to Max and Michelle about the movie they supposedly went to with Riley. You see, if their stories don't coincide, I know I have them," the blonde smirked. 

"Hi!" she said, plonking down opposite the two.

Michelle looked up from her paper, however, Maxie just couldn't be bothered, as she continued revising the function of the mRNA and tRNA molecules.

"Hi," the blonde mumbled, nudging Maxie slightly.

"Oh, hi," the brunette deadpanned upon realising who was sat with them.

Emily rolled her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm doing math and she's doing Biology," Michelle stated, looking back down to her paper.

The Dance Captain peered over their sheets, "The answer to that is A... and Max, you're just doing next-level stuff, I have no idea."

"Right. Helpful," Maxie cringed.

Michelle pulled her attention away from her homework, "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing," the girl responded, "Well, I heard you two went to a movie with Riley yesterday."

Max hummed in confirmation.

"Yeah, I was just coming to see what you thought about it," the girl pressed.

Michelle pointed out, "I do think Emily is on to us. Actually, I know she's on to us. Otherwise, she wouldn't be taking an interest in our personal lives." 

"Why does it matter?" the blonde scoffed, Maxie humming in agreement.

Emily shrugged, "Oh, you know, just taking an interest in my sister and her little friend's lives."

The blonde looks visibly agitated as she speaks, "When the girls refuse to answer my questions, it kind of tells me that maybe they don't want to slip up, maybe there is something they're hiding." 

The brunette grabbed her flashcards and textbook and stood from her seat, Michelle doing the same, as she replied, "You've never taken an interest in neither mine, nor Michelle's life ever, so... Why start now?" she huffed before walking away.

"When Max and Michelle walk away, honestly my mind is blank," the Dance Captain claimed, "That has never happened to me before. I'm Emily. I walk away from people, people don't walk away from me." 

"Five, six, seven, eight," Emily begins, leading yet another Regionals rehearsal, "One and two, three, four... Stop! Chloe you're a beat behind," she pointed out, yet again embarrassing her 'friend' in front of everyone, "And I need more energy from everyone in this room. Five, six..."

This time, Eldon cut her off, "Hey, you know what? Why don't we take a 15-minute break?"

"Sounds good!" Maxie shouted, walking out before anyone could protest, others following suit.



"Let's go."

"Five. Five minutes, that's it," the blonde yells after the group leaving the studio.

"Everyone seems pretty stressed out. So I decide to use this time to find out what my status is with Emily," Eldon explains.

Maxie sighs in relief, "Bless Eldon, the boy is literally doing God's work."

It was finally the end of the dance session and the group were in Studio B once again, rehearsing their new routine.

"Right now, we're working on my routine for Regionals," Michelle explains, "the one that we are going to present to Kate."

"Seven, eight," Michelle says, counting the beats as the others go through the steps, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."

Out of nowhere, Chloe walks in and struts to the front of the room, facing all the dancers.

The blonde continues, "Chloe shows up and I don't know if she's coming to tell me that she's told Emily. I'm confused." 

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Michelle finally steps up, "What are you doing here?" she questions.

"Emily's reign as Queen Bee is over," Chloe simply states.

Maxie's face is full of pure joy as she exclaims, "You want to join?" to which Chloe nods.

They all pull her into a hug of thankfulness and hope that someday they'll be able to accomplish their goal.

She begins to explain herself, "I thought I wanted to join the E-Girls, but now that I know what it's all about, I'm so over it."

"Uh, when Chloe says she wants to join the dance, I'm surprised, but I love it because she's a phenomenal dancer," James insisted.

"This is huge. I mean, we have an E-Girl on our side," Riley proclaimed, eyes wide with amazement. 

"Guys, this routine's gonna be killer!" The British girl exclaimed, erupting cheers out of her fellow dancers.

Everyone, bar Eldon and Maxie, is back in A Studio, and Emily was currently talking to their soloist for Regionals, "Okay, Daniel, are you ready to do your solo full-out?"



Daniel winces as he speaks, "It's been really, really hard lately to dance full-out. I kind of tweaked my ankle when I landed auditioning for the solo part. I don't think I'm really pulling the weight as the soloist, but I hope that no one's going to notice."

"What's wrong with Daniel's dancing is the fact that he's not performing to the level he did perform earlier on when he got the solo," Emily told the camera.

After the bo had finished the solo, Emily began, "Daniel... Just because you got the soloist spot doesn't mean you can slack off. You know that, right?"


"If I tell everyone why I haven't been dancing my fullest, they'll take the solo part away from me and kick me out of A-Troupe," he explains. 

"I don't know what's going on there, but honestly you need to fix it," the Dance Captain told him, "You know you're replaceable as a soloist, right?"


Before Emily could continue scolding him, Eldon walked confidently into the room holding a large banner, Maxie in tail looking not so pleasant, holding a stereo speaker.

Maxie looked directly at the camera, "When this guy told me he needed help, he did not specify that I was part of his master plan to serenade Emily, but here we are," she grumbled.

Emily continued, "When Eldon and Maxie enter the room, I don't know what's going on. He has cards, she has a boom box... I... It looks like some weird 60's movie." 

Maxie places the CD player on the floor directly in front of the blonde boy, before speaking the lines she rehearsed, "Emily, Eldon has worked long and hard to make you the happiest girl in the world, so do us all the pleasure of making him the happiest boy," she spoke in a dull and monotonous tone, before dragging herself over to where James and West were.

"Don't even say anything," she hissed at the pair who were trying to hold in their smiles.

The music begins to skip as Eldon smiles happily at his long-time crush, causing him to crouch down and try to fix the track. He kicks it around five times before it plays the romantic music again.

"On top of the fact that Eldon's embarrassing himself, his music stops working. I feel so sorry for him right now," Riley sighs.

Maxie rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I told him. I told him to just call her. But no, because he saw Patrick do this for Kat in 10 things I hate about you, and now he thinks it's gonna work."

"He's coming in here, he's showing all this emotion in front of everyone. He needs to stop," Emily snarled.

He begins to show Emily each poster that he and Maxie created, they took most of the lines from Love Actually, because neither of them had a poetic bone in their body, but it was a nice gesture anyways.

James snickers, "I really don't think Eldon knows that he's such a fool, because if he did, he would have stopped trying by now. Why does he keep pushing?"

"He should have just picked it up and left," West stated.

Michelle smiled, "Eldon's grand gesture is really sweet. It's just sad to see that Emily doesn't appreciate it."

Maxie was covering her face in embarrassment as she continued, "Please. Do. Not. Speak to me about the last poster. We ran out of paper, okay? And he decided it was a good idea to just squeeze girlfriend in there and hope it would turn out okay."

Once Eldon finally got to the final part of his gesture, he looked to the girl he was serenading in hope, "Emily, will you be my girlfriend?"

Both James and West were pissing themselves with laughter, causing Max to elbow them harshly in the ribs. 

Emily, however, seemed disgusted as she walked right up the boy and tore his poster right in half, eliciting gasps from the other dancers, "Eldon, I will never be your girlfriend. This is the most embarrassing moment of my life!"

"It feels like she... She's taking my heart out and throwing it on the floor and stomping on it," the boy says.

Maxie shook her head, "First of all, I spent a long time with the guy creating those posters, and for what? For her to tear it up? Ridiculous. Second of all, poor Eldon."

"I need to signify that this is over. Not only to Eldon but to the team," she simply said.

Eldon exhaled, "At least I know where we stand."

Once the crestfallen boy left the room in a hurry, Emily snapped her attention back to the shocked dancers, "Rehearsal places, again! Go!"

After rehearsal, West and Maxie were sat in the juice bar discussing what had just happened.

"I mean, you've got to admit, it was a little cheesy," the boy told her between chuckles.

She hit him lightly on the arm, smiling brightly back, "Hey! Half of it was my idea," the girl pouted.

"Still..." West joked, "I doubt any girl would go out with a guy if he did that."

Maxie smirked, "I dunno, you'd be surprised," she nudged him playfully, leaning back into the sofa.

"What? You would?" he exclaimed, laughing again.

The girl rolled her eyes softly, "Of course, I mean, if a guy put that much effort into telling me he was in love with me, I'd 100% give him a chance."

"You sound like you're a part of some 90s rom-com," West snickered.

Maxie had a face of mock-offence at his comment, "No way!" she cried, sipping on her drink, "You'd never catch me in a stupid rom-com," she sighed.

"You never know," he smirked back, sending them both into another laughing fit.

"I do like hanging out with Maxie, even if there are loads of people in the room, it feels like we're the only two people there, you know? She's one of the few people I'm myself around and she's really good company," West blushed slightly.

Michelle had gathered the group in Studio B because she thought it was a good idea to show Eldon the dance, maybe now knowing he may join.

"We have something to show you," she smirked, looking back at the rest of the dancers.

The music began playing and the dancers were yet again performing Michelle's routine, only this time for Eldon in hopes that he'd help them out.

He looked astonished as he spoke, "Watching them dance, I mean, the dance is amazing. It's so, like, creative. I have no idea what this dance is for, I mean... It's the same music as what Emily's using, so... I have no idea what they're planning."

"Uh, it's kinda hard to read how he's feeling," James admits, "I'm kind of getting a little scared on which way he will go."

Whilst they were dancing, Stephanie had happened to catch them in the act. With the door slightly ajar, she stood and watched as they performed this completely new routine to Emily's music.

The group had just finished their dance, applauding each other, and finally turned to the boy who was watching it all.

"So? What do you think?" Michelle asked between pants.

He smiled at them, "Well, that was amazing! But, uh... What's it for?"

"It's for Regionals," the blonde girl responded bravely, "Instead of Emily's."

Eldon looked very confused, "Does... Does she know about it?"

"No," West told him.

"I'm not too sure if Eldon's gonna join," Riley confessed "He's so in love with Emily. He's been trying to get her to be his girlfriend for so long. But at the same time, she did just break his heart."

"So?" Michelle asked, walking closer to him, "Are you in?"


So, I made another like side-scene between Maxie and West, which will be referenced back to in the future. Wink wink.

Anyways, I've made a playlist for this story of songs that basically remind me of the show that I listen to while writing the chapters, so if you have any song suggestions, feel free to message me/comment them. I may put the link to the playlist in one of the future chapters so like you can listen to it while reading, but only if you want.

By the way, I just noticed that Riley freaks out so often I can't-

Anywho, vote and comment if you want

Stay safe<3

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