[2.21] hello trouble

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{Thalia, Giselle, Maxie and Amanda represent the studio at a quartet competition, while James tackles item ten on Riley's list and gets to know Emily.}

❝I have a feeling that Michelle might be missing us, just a little bit.❞

"Wow." Amanda's voice echoed across the empty hall as she and the rest of the dancers, plus Miss Kate, followed her onto the stage.

"This is nice," Thalia gasped, her eyes glancing over at the rows and rows of chairs that were soon going to be filled by eager spectators.

"Meh, it's okay, if you're into this sort of thing," Maxie then shrugged. 

In all honesty, the girl was right. It was quite a cramped room compared to what they were used to, and the stage was much smaller than their rehearsal space in the studio. The hall's dust-lined windows looked like they hadn't been cleaned since... ever, and the chairs themselves looked like they were one forceful sit away from collapsing.

At that moment, the select Next Step dancers were arriving at the quartet competition and they were excited, to say the least.

"This is gonna be our chance to start warming up for Nationals." Kate addressed the eight dancers, the older four modelling the blue uniforms they had gotten from Zoltan and Minnow, whilst the younger four were kitted out in red versions. "And getting used to performing on a stage again."

The quartet competition was a really big event, Kate had explained to the dancers before setting off for the competition, because they had only allowed certain studios in — the best of the best. And luckily, that year, The Next Step was on that list.

"This is huge," Richelle told the camera, her eyes indicating how blown away she was, "If we prove to Miss Kate that we can perform and do well, anything could happen."

Elvita seemed to share her friend's enthusiasm. "I am so glad I didn't give up my spot on the quartet, I mean, I'm here with my friends and this is the first time I'll ever perform in front of an audience that isn't my parents."

It seemed like the atmosphere dropped a level as four dancers wearing plain black and grey uniforms walked onto the stage, following Lucien himself, who seemed much too chipper to be facing off against the studio that beat his at Regionals.

"Hey, bonjour, Kate." The man greeted her in the worst French accent any of the dancers had ever heard; they were pretty sure he didn't have such an accent last time they heard him. "It's so nice to fave both of us at the same competition together, huh? Good luck, girls."

He nodded before leading his quartet group off the stage. Before they left, however, Maxie and Max shared a quick smile with each other, remembering the last time they were in a hall like that, they were performing together, on the same dance. The small interaction didn't seem to go unnoticed, either.

"Who was that?" Elvita asked quietly beside her, looking up at the girl in childlike curiosity.

Maxie smiled lightly at the girl. "A friend." She responded simply, getting a confused, yet understanding smile in response from El before they both turned back to Kate.

"Uh, was that a French accent?" The studio head asked, still trying to wrap her head around the whole encounter she had just experienced. The accent was fake, obviously, but it succeeded in winding Kate up, which was probably what Lucien had intended.

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