
By DucksFan1015

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Mike Shinoda moves to Agoura Hills for the last two years of high school. He meets up with a couple new frien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note

Chapter 7

893 43 36
By DucksFan1015

Chapter 7

          He sat at the window in his room. He was ready to go. It was five minutes to five. He wanted Chester to be here now. If on cue, he heard the rumble of an engine. He bounced up from his seat and ran towards the steps. He took a breath and calmed himself down before descending.

          “You must be Chester. Come on in,” he heard his mom say.

          “Thank you,” Chester said and Mike appeared at the bottom of the steps. He saw Chester standing by the door looking slightly uncomfortable.

          “Hi Chester,” he said with a smile. Chester grinned at him.

          “Hi Mike.”

          Mike walked over to him, “I’m ready when you are.”

          “Ok. I….I would have brought flowers but I didn’t know…..if you were into that,” Chester said quietly. Mike shook his head.

          “It’s fine.”

          “Take care of my boy, Chester,” his mom said with a smile. Chester nodded.

          “Will do. Let’s go Mike.”

          Chester opened the door to his car and Mike climbed in. He leaned back against the seat and smiled. It was amazing. Chester got into the car and smiled at him.

          “You like?”

          “I love it. How much was it?”


          “Oh….uh….it’s not mine. It’s my dad’s. He got it cheaper cause he works at the dealership. I just drive it cause he never does,” Chester muttered.

          “You ok?” Mike asked. Chester looked different than usual. This was not the Chester he saw at school.

          “Fine. I’m always fine. The restaurant is great. You’ll love it,” Chester said changing the subject. Mike nodded and watched the buildings fly by. When they pulled up to the restaurant, he stared up at it. Chester had to be rich. It had to be a five star restaurant. Chester took his arm again and then they walked together.

          “Bennington. Yea that’s the one,” Chester said as the waiter nodded and led them to their table. Mike stared in amazement as Chester led him to a private balcony overlooking the part of the city they were in. He shook his head in amazement. Chester was rich.

          “This is amazing Chester,” he said softly. Chester slid into the seat. There was a table with a U-shaped bench around it. It was so nice. Chester smiled at him.

          “Thanks. I like it up here.”

          “It’s amazing really. I’ve never been to a restaurant like this,” Mike said as he looked down at the city. Chester smiled again and ordered them two cokes. Mike sat across from him and looked at him. Chester had the brown hair back. He must have washed the dye out. It was spiked into a Mohawk in the middle. He had nice eyes too. Mike took a drink before looking back at Chester.

          “You having fun? What’s your last name by the way?” Chester asked.

          “Yea. And it’s Shinoda.”

          “Shinoda? What’s that?” Chester asked. Mike swallowed his stupid reply.

          “I’m half-Japanese.”

          “Oh. Ok. Well, you probably already know but I’m Chester Bennington. I moved here when I was in seventh grade. Worst year to move ever. Though my dad didn’t seem to care,” Chester muttered the end and Mike frowned.

          “You and your dad don’t get along?”

          “Not really no. And mom left a while back. Don’t know why. Don’t really care. We didn’t get along either,” Chester said staring out into the evening light. Mike felt bad for the boy across from him. If Chester was having issues at home, he didn’t really have many people to talk to.

          “My dad doesn’t agree with some of the things I do. That’s why he left,” Mike said and Chester turned towards him.

          “I’m sorry to hear that.”

          “Yea. My mom’s cool though.”

          Chester nodded and then the waiter was back. Chester ordered a plate of spaghetti. “We’ll share it.”

          Mike’s eyes widened. Chester glanced over at him, “I hope that’s ok.”

          “Yea,” Mike said. He was going to be eating off the same plate as Chester. He couldn’t believe it. Chester looked over at him again.

          “Can I…..can I sit by you?” he asked and Mike heard the nervous edge in his voice again. This Chester was really different. Mike nodded.

          “Yea. Come on over,” he said. Chester scooted over to him and wrapped his arm around his waist. Mike leaned on Chester’s shoulder and smiled slightly. He didn’t want this night to end. He was having so much fun.

          “I remember you by the way. You’re the one I made out with in the bathroom,” Chester said and Mike grinned.


          “You were good. Better than most of the guys I’ve kissed.”


          “Yea. I don’t regret that day.”

          “Me neither,” Mike smiled.

“Or any of the other times I tried to make out with you.”

Their food arrived and he grinned as they began to eat. Chester smiled at him as he ate a forkful of their meal and then twirled up another forkful. Mike grinned and watched as one of the noodles attached to both of their forks. He smirked. He knew what would happen with this. He didn’t mind. He really wanted to kiss the other boy. Chester started chewing and then turned to face Mike. His eyes widened as he saw the noodle in between them.

          “Ah….I’m sorry….let me…” but before Chester could finish his apology, Mike leaned over and kissed him. Chester returned the kiss happily and they slowly pulled back from one another. Chester gave him a small smile. “Never mind.”

          Mike laughed softly and they finished up their meal. Chester paid for the meal and then grabbed Mike’s hand again. They headed down to their car and then drove a few minutes to the school. People watched them pull up. Chester made it his priority to help Mike out of the car all the time but he didn’t mind. He liked it. Chester led him up to the doors to get into the school. Once they were inside, Chester pulled him to the dance floor.

          “I want to dance with you all night,” Chester said with a smile. Mike grinned and followed him to the floor. Chester turned him around and then gripped his waist. Mike felt Chester slowly start to rock his hips against him and he gasped. This was not good. Nope. He was going to get so aroused. He had to control himself. Being aroused here would do no good. Chester laughed from behind him as Mike rocked in sync with him. As they danced, Mike swore he felt a part of Chester he wasn’t supposed to feel and he swore that he heard Chester moan softly behind him but maybe that was just his imagination. Once the song ended, Mike turned around and faced Chester who was grinning at him. He glanced down and was relieved to see that Chester didn’t have a bulge in his pants. It had been his imagination. They danced forever. Chester was fun to dance with because he didn’t need the constant contact. Sure, sometimes they’d dance up against each other and let their bodies touch but a lot of the time, they danced for each other and Mike found himself having the time of his life. Chester smiled at him as they walked off the floor. There was about a half hour left.

          “I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Chester said with a smile. He gave Mike a light kiss and then ran off. Mike grinned and sat down.

          “Mike!” Dave called as he ran towards him.

          “Hey Dave,” Mike replied.

          “How’s your night going?”

          “Really great. I think I love him,” Mike said softly.

          “Yea that’s what I thought. Anyway, Brad and I were talking and we came up with a plan. There’s only one way that you’re going to be able to get with him. Chester’s like an animal ok? He’s got this really aggressive side. You gotta tame him. Don’t let him dominate you all night.”

          Mike stared at Dave, “Do you analyze this poor kid?”

          “Yes. Look, if you don’t let him dominate you all night, it’ll be different than any other night. He’ll be yours. All the people he takes to the dance are his. If you change this up, he could be yours instead,” Dave explained. Half of Mike’s mind hated the idea of trying to change Chester. The other half wanted the boy so badly. The second half won.

          “What do I need to do?”

          “You can’t let him rule you. He’s been holding you all night. Force him to be the one being held on the next slow song. Now he’s obviously going to take you home with him, don’t let him fuck you.”

          “How do I do that?” Mike asked rubbing his eyes. The dancing he could do. The sex he was still worried about.

          “Well…..I mean… seem stronger than him. Push him around. Show him that he doesn’t own you. And if you really need something, you could always pin his hands above his head, sit on his waist and just……do it,” Dave shrugged.

          “You plan this way too much.”

          “Look, you want this kid. No matter how much Chester likes someone, he only uses him for one night. It’s his way of remaining dominant. If you take over and do something that no one else has ever done before, he’ll be changed. He’ll be different. He’ll belong to you. Everyone knows the rules of sex Mike. If you’re the fucker, you own the person underneath you. If you’re the fuckee, you belong to the person on top of you.”

          “Is fuckee even a word?”

          “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.”

          “I just….I want him but…what if he just gets the jump?”

          “Ok, if he gets the jump on you and fucks you first, then after its done, immediately touch him. Just everywhere. Get him aroused again. Do it fast so he doesn’t know what you’re doing. Then you fuck him. You do know how to fuck right?” Dave asked with a wince.

          “Yes. Please don’t explain to me how to fuck him,” Mike sighed as he ran a hand over his face, “You really think this will work?”

          “If it doesn’t, I’ll give you twenty bucks. But you may have to give it a day or two. If you two aren’t together by Wednesday next week, I’ll give you twenty dollars,” Dave smiled. Mike nodded.

          “Alright deal. Now get out of here!” Mike waved him off. Dave laughed and dashed off to the crowd. Chester returned.

          “You alright?” he asked. Mike nodded.

          “Yep. You ready to keep dancing?”

          “Oh yea,” Chester smirked. They walked back onto the dance floor. He continued to think about how he was going to pull out this whole plan. It really seemed insane. Chester leaned forward and they kissed again. They were pulled up against each other and Mike felt every inch of Chester. He loved it.

          “This is the final song for the night! Grab that special someone!” the DJ yelled. Mike smiled slightly. Dave was good. Chester smiled at him and wrapped his arms around Mike’s waist to hold onto him. Mike shook his head.

          “How about you relax this time?” Mike asked softly. Chester frowned at him and Mike took the opportunity to remove Chester’s hands from his waist. He grabbed Chester’s waist and pulled him against him. Chester gasped softly as they slowly began to sway to the music. Mike was worried for a second that it wouldn’t work. But then Chester’s arms wrapped around his neck and his head rested on his shoulder. Mike loved it. He loved every second of it. He caught Dave’s eyes. Dave nodded his approval and mouthed: ‘he so loves you’ before going back to his dance. Mike smiled as he moved slowly with Chester clinging onto him. He saw some of the other kids watching him who didn’t have dates. He heard what they were saying too.

          “What the hell is going on?”

          “I don’t know. Since when did he start letting people do that?”

          “When he took me last year, he got angry. He said that I was to follow his rules and that was that.”

          “Why’s the new boy so special?”

          Mike turned back to the boy in his arms. He was different than all the others. That made him happy. He slowly let go of Chester’s waist and let one hand travel up to the back of his head. He felt Chester stiffen in his grip again before relaxing.

          “His fucking eyes are shut. It’s like he’s actually enjoying it.”

          Mike smiled. He wished he could see Chester. He wished he could see the boy that was pressed up against him. He was happy. The song came to an end but Chester didn’t let go of him. Instead, they stood there for a minute after the song ended. Slowly, Chester raised his head and they kissed again. This one was gentle. Not like most of the other ones they’d shared.

          “You want to come home with me?” Chester whispered. Mike smiled.

          “Of course.”

          “Come on then,” Chester said quietly. Mike followed him out. Time for the second part of Dave’s plan.

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