Force bound Feelings (Anakin...

By Arialternateendings

455K 11.2K 7.6K

A story that will follow the entire saga with its own individual twists and turns, please do give it a try yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chqpter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
Chaoter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thiry nine
Chapter forty
Chapter fourty one
Chapter fourty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter fourty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty seven
Chaoter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
Chaoter seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy seven
Chapter seventy eight
Chapter seventy nine
Chapter eighty
Chapter eighty one
Chapter eighty two
Chapter eighty three
Ari's tibute
Chapter eighty four
Cbapter eighty five
Chapter eighty six
Chapter eighty seven
Chapter eighty eight
Chapter eighty nine
Chapter ninety
Chapter ninety one
Chapter ninety two
Chapter ninety three
Chapter ninety four
Chapter ninety five
Chapter ninety seven
Chapter ninety eight
Chapter ninety nine
Chapter one hundred
Chapter one hundred and one
Chapter one hundred and two
Chapter one hundred and three
Chapter one hundred and four
Chapter one hundred and five
Chapter one hundred and six
Chapter one hundred and seven
Chapter one hundred and eight
Chapter one hundred and nine
Chapter one hundred and ten
Chapter one hundred and eleven
Chapter one hundred and twelve
Chapter one hundred and thirteen
Chapter one hundred and fourteen
Chapter one hundred and fifteen
Chapter one hundred and sixteen
Chapter one hundred and seventeen
Please read
Chapter one hundred and eighteen
Chapter one hundred and nineteen
Chapter one hundred and twenty
Chapter one hundred and twenty one
Chapter one hundred and twenty two
Chapter one bundred and twenty three
Chapter one hundred and twenty four
Chapter one hundred and twenty five
Final Chapter
A fhousand comments later

Chapter ninety six

1K 30 53
By Arialternateendings

It had been a few days: Anakin and I had our outfits and thanks to Padmè, everything else was going smoothly. Ahsoka had bought the most beautiful bridesmaids dress and with incredibly excited, in fact of several occasions I'd caught her just stood in front of the mirror admitting her reflection. Padmè was also incredibly excitable, always on the phone arranging various bits-and-bobs. How she managed to balance planning our wedding with all her senatorial work I'll never know, I was still completely exhausted from switching between battlefields and dress fittings because yes, apparently I couldn't just pick a dress it had to be styled to me. There was so much still to do but everything was coming into focus now, it was almost time. Everything was going perfectly.

Well...almost everything. Last night my master came to me, it was the first time we'd crossed paths since the explosion at the senate, and unfortunately she didn't have good news. Apparently during her earlier mission there had been an assassination. Trysten Acaina was taken out by a rogue sniper, and though to the majority of people it would seeming unfortunate and tragic. For me though, it struck fear into my core. Trysten was in the know about Palpatine, to me this assassination didn't feel like an accident but a fear tactic from the Chancellor. It felt like he was trying to to send me a message, to let me know he wasn't just going to sit by and let me win.

This was the reason I was currently lying awake staring blankly up at the ceiling, heart beating a little faster than usual even as Anakin held me in his arms. I was afraid: afraid of dying, of leaving Anakin, I thought leaking our relationship would save my life because we'd constantly be in the public eye. However if Palpatine could arrange for a diplomat to be killed in the company of two highly skilled Jedi masters, then I didn't really stand a chance. The second I left for a mission he'd send someone after me, it would look completely innocent, another general lost to the war. I didn't even have a padawan to look out for me anymore. The moments I left Coruscant...he'd kill me...

" alright love..?" I heard Anakin mumbled sleepily from beside me and looked round. His hair had fallen across his brow and his beautiful crystal eyes were just about open as they looked up towards me. He looked so innocent like this, like a man who couldn't bring harm to anything or anyone. He was so beautiful, my darling love. I couldn't tell him the truth, it would crush him. So I gave him a weak smile and tilted my hair, reaching over and cupping his cheeks against my palm.

"I'm fine: now go back to sleep..."
I whispered in response while leaning over, proceeding to place a kiss up by the scar that slit through his brow. His arms wrapped more securely round my waist, pulling me down against his bare chest as he exhaled a long content sigh. I lay my head against his shoulder and listened to the rhythm of his heart beat peacefully just below my ear. The corners of my lips tugged up into a small smile as I felt
His fingers gently begin to comb through my hair.

"...I love you." He whispered, his warm breath drifting through my hair as he continued to stroke the back of my head. Finally managing to find a little peace Ming the comfort of his arms I exhaled slowly and allowed my eyes to finally close. Nothing could happen so long as I remained in his hold.

"I love you handsome sandcastle." I chuckled at last feeling the weight of sleep press upon my eyelids, his warmth lulling me into a state of blissful comfort. Time different on without differentiation as the stokes of his fingers continued to fiddle through my her eventually drawing me down into sleep. Anakin was my happy place, around him I felt safe, protect and most of all loved.

I hope he felt the same.


Darkness: as it always begins, no sight, no sound, no, nothing...

But then quite suddenly blindly lights flooded my view along with blurred out faces and figures that felt to familiar to be strangers. The lights came in a variety of colours just like near two years ago now when Anakin and I were first starting out, only this time they were clearer to hear.

'I fear this is bigger than all of us...'

'He is too dangerous to be kept alive!'

'You took him from me!'

'Come back to us! Come back to me..!'

'Revenge is not the Jedi way.'

'I am no Jedi.'

'I will protect you.'

'But whom shall protect her? You're dear little rug-rat.'
A more sinister voice cackled through the darkness, one I could place a face to. It was the voice of that witch who tried to steal Anakin from me,the force user we knew only as Venic. My chest tightened with fear for my baby as she continued to cackle through the darkness, trying desperately to tear myself from my slumber so I may check on my precious baby.

'You stay away from her!' I shouted into the void knowing despite the lack of a physical entity she was there and she could hear me just fine. She laughed with an utter lack of emotion once more.

'Funny...those are the exact words your mother told me when I found you...'
She chuckled somehow managing to sound even more sinister s her voice echoed all around while drifting away. I chased through the darkness to try and find her but knew it was ultimately hopeless. So It was no surprise when I apparently tripped on thin air and fell to my knees, it wasn't even a surprise that one landing I felt a rush of cold. I familiar icy sensation.


'Nightmares again?'
I heard Anakin voice saying just like in my dream two years ago, only it wasn't his voice...not yet at least...

Like before he wrapped an arm reassuringly round my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. And like before I cried, the tears warm in contrast to the snow flickering across my cheeks.

'Don't worry,'ll get better...'

Dream ends

I woke up with a start gasping for air as I sat up in the bed and felt the sheets fall from over my chest. Reaching up I placed my hand over my heart and felt it's fast beats ripple from beneath my rib cage, trying to slow the rapid pace by taking a few slow steadied breaths. It was as I was calmly down I realised Anakin was no longer beside me, and for a moment I panicked. Just a short moment though, for soon enough I heard a beautiful voice singing softly just down the hall. I smiled clutching the material of my nightdress set above my heart and just sat listening for a few moments, the sound the more ethereal thing I'd ever heard. There truly were no ends to Anakin's surprising talents.

Slowly I slipped my legs out from under the sheets and pushed myself up off the edge of the bed, grabbing my soft robe and slipping it on before heading slowly out through the bathroom. I kept my pace slow simply so I could saver the beautiful breathtaking sound of his voice as he continued to sing that gentle melody to our dear daughter. Reaching the door I lifted my hand and gently place it upon the handle, pressing down and listening as the door gave a click before opening. Anakins voice faltered and stopped as he looked up from rocking our daughter and across to me, a sweet little blush dusting his cheeks.

" much did you hear..?"
He asked quietly with a nervous air as he slowly turned his body to face me while little Ari continued to play with his fingers. I smiled and gave a small laugh while walking into the nursery which we now shared access to with Padmè.

"Enough to know you've been hiding one gem of a voice there." I replied while pushing up onto my toes so that I could place a peck on his red tinted cheek. Anakin was the most adorable thing when he actually got flustered, though those moments were incredibly rare. He gave a brief little chuckle and scratched the back of his neck while I passed by to beaten the sheets in Ari's cot. That's when I noticed something peculiar happen. I was adjusting the sheets when out the corner of my eyes I noticed the little loth cat Ari had bought for our baby begin to hover a short distance above the mattress. At first I thought I must bring seeing things out of exhaustion so I rubbed my eyes, but when I opened them again the loth at had just moved higher. My gaze travelled from the little stuffy up, soon seeing the tiny hand of our daughter reaching out towards the cute little toy.

"Er...Anakin..?" I spoke not really knowing what to say since I was still pretty sure I was imagining things. I'd never heard of babies manipulating the force in such a controlled manner. Anakin gave a quiet hum and looked round, a small gasp slipping from his lips as he saw the same thing as I.

"Oh wow...that's: that's pretty impressive," my fiancé spoke up watching the little girl as she slowly drew the toy into her grasp then smiled brightly and clapped her hands and the little loth cat lay above her. Anakin and I both laugh at her sweet behaviour and I'm sure he felt the same sense of pride for her actions as I did. "Well done princess: you know that's very impressive? You'd give some knights a run for their credits." he joked while rocking the little girl and giving her tummy a little tickle. Ari giggled, which was arguably the sweetest noise a person could ever here. Then again I'm bias since she's my little girl.

"She is incredi-

Before I could finish there was a bleeping from the corner where we kept out comlinks while in the nursery so they wouldn't disturb our daughter. Anakin rolled his eyes and begin bouncing the girl lightly so she wouldn't start crying while I hurried to pick up the communication. Mumbling under my breath I reached for the device, and for the sake of whoever answered it better be an emergency.

"Skywalker residence (y/n) speaking." I hummed since Anakin and I had decided to answer all incoming calls this way just to piss Mace off if he ever called. Let's just call it payback for messing with our court date.

"Funny that is: betrothed yet, you are not Hm?" Master Yoda himself responded causing me to choke of thin air for a moment. Teasing Mace was one thing, but well, I actually happened to like the grandmaster. He was my original mentor after all. Anakin rose a brow and silently mouthed to ask who it was. From lack of other impression options I decided to crouch down and mime how he  to hits things with his cane. "Come; you and young Skywalker must, important last minute mission you must attend, the people of Kirros, disappeared they have." Master Yoda added was a sense of seriousness gaining my attention. How could people just vanish, I'm right to think that strange aren't I? I sense fowl play. I guess we'll have to visit to temple to find out more, but it five in the morning, they'll be no one available to take care of Ari. I guess we'll have to take her with us.

"Understood master Yoda: but, well is it alright if we bring Ari..?" I asked down the comm while reaching back and pinning my hair up.

"Bring her you may: wish to meet her I do." The grandmaster replied with a small chuckle that warmed my heart to hear. He likely would never know how much it meant to me that he actually wanted to meet our daughter, it made me feel so much more accepted. Giving Anakin a grin and a quick thumbs up I watched as he went to put Ari down in her carry cot.

"Thank so much master: we'll be there as soon as we can be." I quickly replied before ending the fall and tossing Anakin his comlink then one of Ari's bottles incase she got hungry of the briefing dragged on. We then left Padmè a note before heading back to our bedroom with Ari and proceeding to change into some casual robes.

It didn't take us long to get ready and make our way over to the temple, luckily practically no one was about so Ari wasn't overwhelmed by reporters and I didn't have people asking every five seconds what I planned on wearing to my wedding. It was peaceful instead, the cover of darkness still blanketing much of the city allowing us to slip right by to the temples ground steps without attracting to much attention. Entering the building it was surprisingly quiet since the youngling sand many of the knights were still resting. Though again, that was probably for the best. Anakin and I made our way straight to the council rooms where masters Yoda: Plo, Obi wan and Acaina were waiting around a holo table. All four turned to face us as we entered, and I caught the slight smiles directed towards Ari.

"(Y/n): young Skywalker, good to see you it is," master Yoda spoke while turning to face the both of us with a few taps of his cane. He then tilted his head looking to the little carrier held in Anakins arms. "...introduce us, would you like to?" Master Yoda added in a hum giving me a wrinkled smile. I gave a small laugh and placed Ari's floral travel bag aside before slowly reaching into the basket and pulling the little girl up into my arms and bouncing her up on my hip and she looked round with big bright curious eyes.

"Well: everyone, this is our little girl Ari, Ari sweetie, this is Master Yoda," I introduced while crouching down so the elderly Jedi could get a good look at the little girl. I stayed down as the other three walked over mm but made sure not to crowd us. "Then over there, that's Master Plo, and you know Uncle Kenobi of course, and then that," I said nodding towards my masters secret husband. "That's Master Acaina." I finished looking up to meet the mans warm green eyes.  Both Plo and Nial gave little waves towards the girl as she looked round with wonder. It had occurred to me that with Anakin aptitude for force sensitivity along with my own it was entirely possible she could sense their presences in the force. Master Yoda had both his clawed hands rested upon his cane as he observed the girl with kind eyes.

"Strong with the force, she is, no surprise this should be," master Yoda spoke up softly bringing his eyes up from the girl to meet mine as Anakin walked over and rest a hand on my shoulder. "Proud: you should both be." He added with a smile as I rose back up to my feet and adjusted my grip round Ari to make her more comfortable in my arms. I then looked back over my shoulder and shared a smile with my husband to be.

"Oh we're very proud: and rest assured she won't be the last little baby-

"Anakin I'm going to kindly ask you to stop talking."
Obi wan quickly interjected before his former padawan could say anything 'inappropriate'. I giggled into my hand at there behaviour. I'd probably have been embarrassed myself but well, it was something of a dream of mine for us to have a small family some day.

The briefing proceeded on after that. Apparently the people of Kirros had been taken by the reactivated Zygerian slave trade. This hit a nerve with Anakin for the obvious reasons, being a former slave he hated what those disputable people got away with doing. I could feel the range flowing from him as he stood beside me and seethed during the entirety of Obi wans explanation. Whether it was the disturbance to a familiar force presence or some external factor or something else I'm not sure but half way through the briefing Ari started crying and I had to excuse myself to take care of her. I walked her through the halls and proceeded outside, heading for the quiet area of fountains Ahsoka had told me she loved. Rocking her in my arms under the rising sun and walked her up and down by the fountain that stood near to Ari's memorial.

"Ssh ssh ssh, it's alright sweetie, mummy's here for you." I whispered gently as a calming breeze swept by and pulled through the loose strands of my hair. After a few more weak cries she finally began to settle and I dabbed the soft white blender hung over my shoulder to her cheeks to wipe away the remaining tear residue. Smiling I watched as she gave a little yawn then closed her eyes.

"You're a natural at that," I was a little startled at first to hear the familiar voice of Master Acaina speak up and the blue but soon settled after spinning to meet his green eyes, eyes the same as that of his late bother. As he gave me a smile I felt a pant of pain in my chest for I saw how it didn't quite reach his eyes. "My apologies: I didn't mean to startle you, I just came out to let you know Skywalker has agreed for you both to leave for Zygeria in a couple of hours, you'll be going undercover once there as slave and slaver." He explained while walking over from the tree line at a slow casual pace. I nodded in understanding and continued to absentmindedly rock my baby.

"I see...let me guess: I'm the slave?" I asked with a little chuckle having a funny feeling to would end with me in some raunchy provocative attire. Nial gave a dry laugh and lightly shook his head.

"Well: that was the original plan, but Skywalker insisted you be given the safer role of slaver...hence the delay, we have to procure new attire to fit his request." Nial explained with that same kind smile that could never reach to light a shine in his eyes. I smiled back though I wasn't really interested in the mission plan I could learn that from Anakin. Instead I was distracted by the shadows of grief shown across this well respected masters face. Giving a heavy sigh I looked away then back with a more lowered gaze.

"...Nial...I'm sorry about your brother..." I spoke quietly with a deep set sense of apology, the words nervously leaving my lips as I hesitantly glance up to his eyes. But he was no longer looking my way, instead he hand his fingers combed through his hair and was staring off into the tree line to the right. He was silent for near a whole minutes before letting out a long heavy sigh.

" am I," he spoke quietly in a voice full of regret. "Trysten was a good man - don't get me wrong, he was also a pain, but he'd always have you back," the man added as his eyes shifted down to stare at the floor. I nodded knowing exactly what he meant, Trysten had been there the day I needed and most likely saved my life. I owed him so much, that was now a debt I could never repay. Still slowly rocking my baby I to glance down and for a few long moments there was nothing but silence. " was the strangest thing, the battle was won and we were merely cleaning up with the arrests, I could see him over by one of the ships talking to another senator, and then I heard a blaster shot and by the time I looked up he was already on the floor...just like that." He explained with furrowed brows as though he were still in shock over the incident which I have no doubts he was. My blood ran cold however when he spoke, those suspicions he had only working to confirm my own that this was no ordinary hit. Trysten Acaina was targeted because of me, so from now on I have to not only protect myself but those I love also. Clearing my throat lightly I nodded in response to his comment and gave another sad sigh.

"It's truly tragic...this war, it takes so many innocent lives from us..." I replied trying to fight my urge to tell he there was more to this than just some unfortunate lucky shot from a sniper. The more people that knew the more people at risk, I'd have to warn Leia of that though I'm sure she already knew. Nial hummed in agreement before turning away from me and taking a couple of steps away.

"I'll leave you to your walk, good luck on your mission," The man spoke back to in usual polite and emotional concealed tone. He then proceeded to walk on until he was ten paces away, that's when he stopped. "You know (y/n)...I fear this is bigger than all of us..."

Those words rung through my head and for a moment my breath caught in my throat. In my mind I saw that flash of green, the image now clear - clear because it was what I was seeing right now before me...

Alright so if you haven't already voted on a wedding dress there's now extra time since this is going ahead first buuujt other than that what do you think of everything going on? I mean there's still plenty to come but from now on expect a lot more clues about the ending.
Also if you haven't already checked it out there's a teaser for book two up on my page: 'Legacy of the Force Bound' so if you'd like to check that out there's practically no spoilers - though if you don't want the extra clues as to this books endings feel free to give it a miss.
Anyway hope you've all been having a great week! May the force be with you all!

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