Another Fairy Tale /Ateez

By secretangel04

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I feel like dreaming a dream I've never seen even in dreams It's too vivid To conclude as just a dream - Atee... More

Chapter 1 - the memorial
Chapter 2 - Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 3 - The burden of living
Chapter 4 -the Theatre Club
Chapter 5 - Cause of death: Darts
Chapter 6 - Best dolphin shape?
Chapter 7 - C is for Compass or Confusion?
Chapter 8 - No thanks I'm ok
Chapter 9 - Unbreakable friendship
Chapter 10 - A little Jealousyyy
Chapter 11 - Is this legal?
Chapter 12 - Is love enough?
Chapter 13 - One must remember, so others won't forget
Chapter 14 - You had one job, Wooyoung
Chapter 15 - Stylist Rory to the rescue
Chapter 16 - A lost puppy named Yunho
Chapter 17 - The friendzone
Chapter 19 - The ship is sailing
Chapter 20 - One come together to form us
Chapter 21 - The hairband
Chapter 22 - The start of a beautiful friendship
Chapter 23 - Mingi and the relationship advice
Chapter 24 - Everybody say thank you Haknyeon
Chapter 25 - The fall of the crown
Chapter 26 - "You're an idiot." - Choi Jongho
Chapter 27 - Surprise successful
Chapter 28 - Caught in 4k
Chapter 29 - Yunho aka the reason why dating standards are so high
Chapter 30 - We're all in this together
Chapter 31 - Nine against the world
Chapter 32 - The last destination
Chapter 33 - The Return
Chapter 34 - "You're Rory, right?"
Chapter 35 - Reunions
Chapter 36 - Way Home?
Chapter 37 - Well, that's awkward
Chapter 38 - Missing puzzle pieces
Chapter 39 - The place filled with Anxiety aka School
Chapter 40 - Welcome Home
Chapter 41 - Another Bet: The Sequel
Chapter 42 - One last play
Chapter 43 - Amusement park
Chapter 44 - Amusement park pt. 2
Chapter 45 - Second Chances?
Chapter 46 - End and Beginning
Chapter 47 - New Life
Chapter 48 - Return on the boat
Chapter 49 - Ateez Again
Chapter 50 - Family dinner, yay
Chapter 51 - We make one play
Chapter 52 - Finally at peace

Chapter 18 - Revenge or Justice?

158 9 0
By secretangel04

The shining treasure over there
It's beckoning to you, that treasure
Everyone's chasing after pleasure
Going more and more blind, crazy

- Ateez, Treasure

The group continued riding up the mountain on a small path. The sun has now disappeared behind the horizon, so they had to use torches. Once again, Rory sat in front of Yunho, but this time they hadn't said a single word to each other. 

All of a sudden Rory was sick of the silence between them, partly because it annoyed her and partly because she missed his soft voice. "You're not jealous of Yeosang, are you?" 



"I'm sorry, I'm just the type who gets easily jealous.", Yunho said embarrassed. Rory turned, as much as she could, and hit his arm making him whine. 

"They are your friends. I am just their friend, okay? At least trust me this much. God, Yunho, right now you are one of the most stupid guys I know." 

"That hurt. But why?" 

"Because the only guy I care about, is you, god damnit!"

Yunho got silent at that while Rory tried to calm down as she faced the front. She was so close to just shout at Yunho because of his stupidity, since she obviously only had eyes for him. How did she even end up falling in love with a guy, that was so, ugh! 

Rory almost fell of the horse when she realized something. She was in love with Yunho. Her gaze wandered to Yunho's arms around her waist and she tensed up immediately. Rory couldn't help but think about how messy her hair was or how dirty her clothes were. Did Yunho even think she was beautiful? Confused Rory shook these thoughts away. Why would she care about what Yunho thinks? 

Yunho on the other side interpreted her tensed up body as something different. In that moment he really wished someone would hit him with a brick. How could he even get the idea, Yeosang would like Rory in that way? How often did he become jealous because of something unnecessary? 

Not sure what to do or how to break the silence, Yunho got closer to Rory again. Slowly, as if he was asking for permission, he leaned in and waited for a second, giving Rory a chance to push him away. When she didn't, Yunho felt like the happiest man alive. Softly, he placed a kiss onto her shoulder, waiting for a reaction. He saw the way Rory tried to keep a straight face and then placed a soft kiss on her neck, then on her ear, always waiting for her to break the silence. 

When Yunho placed his next kiss on Rory's cheek, the corner of her mouth went up, making him smile. All the time Rory had tried to fight against the urge to give in but even this soft touch made her feel more than she had felt the last few years. 

"Yunho, what are you doing?", she asked in a whisper, trying not to let the nervousness show. 

"Convincing you to forgive me. Is it working?", Yunho replied and when Rory turned to face him he looked at her with big eyes. 


About three hours later they reached the top of the mountain, just before midnight. The moon was full, shining down on them, lighting up the dark night. 

Glad to get of the horse, Rory stopped. Yunho jumped off and then helped Rory get out of the saddle. Her feet felt wobbly due to the long sitting periods and she already knew her muscles were going to be sore the next day. 

"So what are we waiting for?", Mingi asked. "If the moon opens the door or something, shouldn't there be anything?" 

"On midnight.", Hongjoong added and looked at the sky. "We have about four minutes left." 

"Sooooo?", Wooyoung asked stretching a bit. "What happens then? Are we going to get sucked into the ground or will he come up?" 

Nobody answered since no one had an actual idea what was about to happen. Then Hongjoong spoke up. "Let's search for clues. Anything that could help us find out what the hell is going on." 

As soon as he finished, the group split up but still stayed close so they could see each other. Rory's back hurt when she leaned down to inspect a stone. The plateau was like a circle, stones around it. For Rory it felt mystic and almost scary. 

"It's midnight!", Hongjoong yelled and after a few seconds everyone was together again. They were defenceless and the only weapons they had were small daggers, which wouldn't help them that much in a fight. 

A few seconds passed without anything happening, making Rory wonder if this was all a joke. But then a person suddenly walked out behind a stone. The person was wearing black armour, reminding Rory of a fencer, and a mask. 

"I had a feeling you would come.", the person spoke. The voice was distorted and made Rory shiver. Then the person turned around. "Follow me." 

Nobody moved. 

The person turned around and let out a amused laugh. "If I was you I'd come, the nights are very cold here." 

"You first.", San whispered and pushed Hongjoong forward. 

"Traitor." Still Hongjoong followed the person, making the others slowly move as well. The person lead them behind another rock, revealing a staircase going into the ground. A bit scared everyone went down, the darkness coming over them but no one dared to stop. 

"Who are you?", Hongjoong asked while avoiding a rock on the ground. 

"My name is Lia. I'm a warrior under the Keeper's orders." Lia could see everyone wanted to ask her questions but shut them up with putting a finger on her lips. "My friends are already sleeping, so if you wouldn't mind, please be quiet." Lia took of her mask, thinking it was useless to wear now. 

Surprisingly the group stayed quiet until they reached a big hall, making everyone gasp. This place was like a big underground mansion and doors on each side lead to different rooms. Lia stopped at the front and knocked on a bigger door. 

"Who is there?" 

"Lia. I've got some people who would like to talk to you." 

The door opened, revealing a smaller person, wearing the exact same outfit as Lia, but in white. Just like Lia before, the person wore a mask. The person was smaller than everyone, but still filled the hall with an aura which made everyone shake in fear. 

"Are you the Keeper?", Hongjoong asked bravely. The person nodded. 

"In the public's mouth, they call me that. But in here, I am just a normal woman.", she said. "Call me Ra. What can I do for you?" 

"We would like to get a key to Wonderland.", Hongjoong said, not talking around it. Ra laughed bitterly. 

"I wish I could give it to you. But the last time someone went there, they didn't come back." 

"What happened to them?", Rory asked worried, making Ra look at her. 

"I don't know. All I do know is, that I've promised to not let anyone go there, unless the King is defeated." Ra looked at everyone as if she was expecting them to protest against her wish to see the King dead. For some reason, Rory didn't think she was crazy and stepped forward a bit. 

"What did he do?" 

Ra pointed at something at the wall, making everyone follow that direction. Rory had to squint her eyes to see what it was. A crown. 

"This is his'. When he came back from Wonderland, suddenly being the King because of his wish, he forgot there were people who had to work hard to get their money. He forgot there were people who loved him without his power. He forgot about his own daughter. Me." 

Ra waited a few seconds, so everyone could follow her. 

"I stole the crown from him and travelled to Wonderland myself. At first I wanted to wish for him to get stripped of of his powers but then I realized it wasn't just about my father. Every King who ever wore this crown, became ruthless and cruel." 

This time Seonghwa spoke up since everyone was too shocked to speak. "What did you wish for?" 

"The strength to get justice. Wonderland is confusing, and I still don't know why that whish made me the Keeper of the keys, but at least I can prevent anyone of wishing for power again." 

"So you're not going to give us a key?", Seonghwa asked desparate. Ra took a look at everyone once again. 

"I will have to, probably. I already expected you to come to be honest." 

"How? Why?", Jongho asked confused.

"My friends told me the King already knows you're traveling to Wonderland, so he wants to prevent that. You already met them. They're your copies." 

"That doesn't make any sense.", Hongjoong said and ruffled his own hair. "These copies are working for the King! Why would they be friends with you then, if you are after him?" 

Ra smiled. "I have my own army. We've been hiding for years now, preparing for our final attack. Your copies, however, had been sent out to kill me. But the moment they saw what the King had done to get where he is now, they followed me. But to be honest I have to give you a key now." 

Before anyone could ask why, Ra spoke up again. "The balance in your and my world is off, thanks to you. On top of that, you ruined my plan since you made your copies betray the King already because they saved your life. So, I'm sorry to say that, but I would like you to disappear as soon as possible." 

"So, you'll give us a key?", Wooyoung asked confused. 

Ra nodded. "And weapons. You'll need them. But for now, I'm sure you all need some sleep. Lia?" 

Lia immediately stepped forward. "Should I lead them to their rooms?" 

"Yes.", Ra said. But then she turned to Rory. "I would like to speak with you for a moment, okay?" 

Rory froze in her spot, not sure if she should be more scared or curious. One look at the boys told her that they had not idea either, so she nodded. 

"Be careful. She's dangerous.", Hongjoong whispered into her ear as he passed Rory, worried something might happen to her. Then he pulled Yunho with him, who wanted to resist but after Jongho helped as well, even he had to go. 

After one last glance at Yunho, Rory turned to Ra who was already standing in front of her. 

"It's nice to finally meet you, Traveller."  

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