Komahina And Hinakiyo short s...

By Komahinashipper2

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List of Komahina and Hinakiyo one shots, we will have fluff,angst probably not Smut come,read and find out Re... More

Purpose 🍨💓🌸
💧Proper goodbye ☁️
☁️If I could turn back time💧
🌸I really can turn back time Part 2💕
📖Hope's peak: Parenting Diaries👶
🌸I'll always wait for you 💕
📖Hope's peak: Parenting Diaries👶
💧The things we do for love☁️
Love at no sight🍨💓🌸
Class project: Nagito's birthday 🍨💓🌸
Behind the scenes of Danganronpa
🍊🍎Its the Little things🍨💓🌸
💧Not so lucky🌸
💝Say hello to yourself 🌸
☁️Ultimate friend zoned💧
💧Who said the hero always get the boy?🌸
💼His a father your Honor ❓
🌸Kokichi's day out🍨
🍨Despair disease🌸
☘🍊See you soon 💧☁️
🍊☘I guess I'll stick around 🍨🌸
🌸🍨Getting back the boy that belongs to you 🍊🍀
🍀🍊My heart when my husband stopped loving a nobody like me☁️🌸
🍊🍀The story of Nagito the maniac and King Hajime🍨☁️
🍊🍀A Lover's betrayal 💧☁️
💧See you again ☁️
🍊🍀Bestfriends for life💧🍨
🍊🍎The Lover's curse
Never grow up 🍎🍊
The songs I made for you ☘🍊
☁️Despair dinner 🍊☘
🍀🍊Getting to know them🍨💞
Souls of lost lovers 💸🍀
❓It's all in a matter of time⏳

🍨Taking your own advice 🌸

191 11 134
By Komahinashipper2

✍🏽🤭I'm really excited to type this one the request came from this amazing person P-PLUT0 hopefully I do this right✍🏽


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point


The 12 year old woke up on his king sized bed,the previous events still played in his mind.

For a moment he thought it was all a dream  until he touched his hair and felt the tiny knots he remembered having detangle leaving his hair smooth to the touch.

He smiled remembering the conversation he had with his future self.
《Flashback starts》

"If this is the future I am going to have then I might as well end my suffering now!" Younger Nagito yelled with tears in his eyes "I'd rather die than have such a life! Actually a life like this isn't worth livi-.."

"No that's wrong!" The older one interrupted "So very wrong. We have ultimates as friends because we realised that we deserve to have friendships too, yes the cancer is slowly killing us but we are still alive now so might as well enjoy living our life to the fullest than worthy about things we can't even change!"

《Flashback ends》

To think all this happened because of one person.

"Hajime Hinata" Nagito blushed thinking about the reserve student "if your the person who shows me love in the future then I guess I could try and speak to you maybe we could even..be friends?"

The child got up to prepare for school,the sound of small feet hitting the marble floor echoed across the mansion.

Nagito was rich ok no not just rich stinking rich. His parents used to own a very successful tech company which is still being run till this day by a family friend Usami and is owned by Nagito.

Every month he receives large sums of money from Usami who was like an aunt to him,some business partners even buy the child cars,planes,helicopters you name it Nagito has it.

And let's not forget the lottery he keeps winning every single year without even trying!

So it's true Nagito Komaeda is extremely covered financially despite his parents death but money can only take you so far in this world.

Yes he can buy the warmest blanket in the world but nothing warms your heart more than a hug from someone you care about.

Yes he can pay people to tell him how great and amazing he is but nothing brings joy to your ears than hearing complements from someone who genuinely means it.

Yes he can buy as many stuffed animals to hug when his lonely but at the end of the day he is still very much alone and that hurts him,cuts him so deep that most nights he cries himself to sleep.

If only someone loved him,that's always been his dream but maybe a certain reserve student can make that happen.

Nagito went outside where his aunt Usami was waiting in the limo and was off to school.

Hajime was late,tired and extremely hungry. He just got out of his 5th job yes you read right 5th when he realised he still had class to go for.

He was a student at Hope's peak academy one of the most prestigious schools in the whole of Hope's peak,to even step foot in the building was a miracle.

Although the brunette can't smile that much because his in the reserve course, unlike the main course building that had talented kids from all over the world,the reserve course had average kids such as himself.

The reserve course wasn't so bad if you looked passed the

●Massive work load

●Worn out classrooms

●Disgusting and limited cafeteria food

●Rude teachers and staff

●Constant bullying from well everyone

●Expensive fees charged

Then yes its a dream come true, honestly Hajime didn't mind.

Sure he rarely slept most nights because of the amount of home he got.

Yes he had to work 5 jobs just to afford to even go to the school

And Ofcourse his body ached from the lack of proper food he needed to survive but hey atleast his dream of attending Hope's peak came true.

You must be wondering where Hajime's parents are during all this? Honestly he has no idea either.

They both left him when he got accepted at Hope's peak reserve course,they didn't want to be parents to someone so untalented.

(Thier own words were We should have aborted you when we had the chance )

One morning the brunette woke up to no parents and rather than feeling sad about it,he kept moving forward.

He finally made it to class and as usual his classmates kept giving him dirty looks probably.

Now the reasons they could be doing that are several either

A. Hajime looks so bad this morning it hurts thier eyes to watch


B. They're jealous because Hajime gets to hang out with the ultimate in the main building

Honestly it could be both. His bestfriends are all from there, Chiaki Nanami ultimate ganer, Kazuichi Soda ultimate mechanic, Gundham Tanaka ultimate breeder and finally Ultimate princess Sonia Nevermind.

Hey It's not the brunette's fault he is so popular! Sadly his classmates would strongly disagree and would beat him up because of it.

Regardless Hajime doesn't care,he already has a shitty life at home so no harm done.

Class was over,thank goodness and it was time for lunch Hajime needed to be quick to leave or else a student will take the time to eat his lunch or whoop his butt just so he can't go to the fountain to meet his friends.

Running he grabbed his bento and made a bee line to the door but Ofcourse Natsumi Kuzuryu queen bully of the his life was blocking the door with her minion Sato.

"Look guys we don't have to do this today ok" Hajime laughed nervously holding his only bento tight "Don't your knuckles get tired of bruising my skin all the time?"

"I don't know if you've noticed but we really don't give a fuck about you" Natsumi spat cracking her fingers

"Yeah we don't!" Sato added

"You could die in hell for all we care afterall no one would notice" Natsumi hissed taking a step towards her classmate

"Yeah hell a place where you be in burning with fire and heat!" Sato stuttered "a hellish place,hell!"

*Cricket noises*

(The silence has never been so loud, F in the chat for Sato please)

"Shut the fuck up Sato your really annoying me!" Natsumi massaged her temples in irritation

"Yeah shut the fuck up Sato your... wait I'm Sato right?" Sato giggled

"Honestly you guys spend so much time bullying me when clearly you need to use it for other things" Hajime rolled his eyes at his bullies "you need therapy Natsumi to help with your low self esteem since you know all you do is bully me because you don't have any true friends in your life"

"I-I do not have low self esteem and I have plenty of frien-.."

"As for you Sato" Hajime continued looking at her as she stared at her painted fingers with joy "do the world a favour and just read a damn book you lack the proper number of brain cells to function and honestly its exhausting to watch"

"What's a Brian cell?" Sato asked "Do you mean 50% off on stuff at the mall?"

"No that's sale and he said brain not Brian
fuck your proving his point Sato!" Natsumi hissed

"See besides it probably too late for both of you" Hajime laughed making his way to the door "Natsumi you'd probably traumatise the therapist and Sato wouldn't know how to open the book in the first place. Bye bye"

Both were too stunned to respond,Hajime has never been so blunt before during their little bully session. So what changed him now?

You really want to know? Its the lack of sleep,food and zero fucks to give that's what changed him.

He calmly walked passed them and made his way to the fountain. When he arrived he almost turned back to class,heck even getting beat up was a better option than this.

There seating on the fountain was ultimate lucky student Nagito Komaeda,also known as the king of all hatred for reserves. In short Hajime's worse nightmare.

He hated Hajime so much that he even sent little notes to his locker just a reminder of how untalented and worthless he is,incase the brunette forgot.

Hajime sighed and decided to walk away when his phone vibrated and he received a number of texts from his bestfriends.

>Chiaki: Hey hey me, Sonia,Gundham and Kazuichi won't be able to make it today for lunch,we have to help our teacher Chisa clean the classroom,Nagito will be with you instead and don't worry he promised to be nice>

>Gundham: Its is I Gundham Tanaka read this sacred text with cation for you have no idea what creatures of the dark realm maybe lurking in the shadows reading it. It appears I the overlord of ice,my dark prince Kazuichi,the princess of darkness Sonia and the mortal you call Chiaki will not be with you today for we are on a school trip,the location is not of importance but fear not! My magic has persuaded Nagito to be with you so that you aren't lonely your welcome>

>Sonia: My sincere apologise Hajime Chiaki, Gundham, Kazuichi and I seem to be busy with homework so we won't be able to make it for lunch today. On the bright side Nagito so graciously offered to spend the day with you so have fun>

>Kazuichi: Hey dude guess what?! Gundham and I are going on a double date with Miss Sonia and Chiaki. We would have invited you but we didn't want you to feel uncomfortable but for some reason that creep Nagito asked to sit with you for lunch so goodluck if he does touch a single hair of my soul friend then I'll come running with my tools>

Hajime sighed putting his phone back in his pocket,each of them had different reasons as to why they weren't here,Kazuichi's seemed the most accurate though.

Before the brunette could think about it some more his phone vibrated again from another text.

>Kazuichi: Shoot Chiaki told me your not supposed to know about the double date,do me a favour and pretend you didn't read that, have fun with your lunch date with Nagito>

Ok so it's officially his friends are trying to set him up with Nagito but the real question is why? And what made the ultimate luck agree to this?

The 11 year old sighed taking a seat next to the older boy who kept avoiding eye contact.

"You don't have to be here,I know my friends only forced you to be here because of their double date" Hajime smiled standing up as he prepared to leave "I know when I'm not wante-.."

"Stop!" Nagito grabbed Hajime's hand before he could leave "No one forced me to do this I just really want to spend time with you Hinata-kun"

Hajime blushed seating back down next to him,truth be told he always admired Nagito having a talent,being rich and extremely attractive talk about the best of both worlds.

The complete opposite of Hajime atleast to the brunette but if you asked Nagito he'd say the complete opposite.

In the beginning he hated Hajime for being the excat opposite of his beliefs,talentless yet filled with such hope even ultimates hang out with him.

However after his little chat with future him he got to thinking and realised it was all just jealousy.

Hajime worked hard for what he had,easy made friends with everyone and was very attractive to look at especially to Nagito.

The albino didn't expect his classmates to agree to let him be alone with Hajime but surprisingly they did even gave him tips and what to talk about.

Now seating together Hajime opened his bento box and almost began to eat when he noticed Nagito didn't have any lunch with him.

'I don't get this kid,can't he afford lunch  or is he on those stupid diets people talk about?' Hajime thought

The brunette got his chopsticks and grabbed an onigiri (rice balls) and brought it closer to Nagito's mouth.

The ultimate blushed shaking his head at the offer. He didn't deserve food especially with the way he used to treat Hajime in the past,but Hajime was stubborn and was determined to make him eat.

"Come on open up" Hajime whined bringing the food closer "my cooking may not be ultimate chef level like Teruteru but I'm decent"

"No trash like me doesn't deserve to even ea-.."

While Nagito was speaking Hajime put the onigiri in his mouth,the 12 year old chewed the food with his eyes closed and when he opened they shined as bright as stars.

He grabbed Hajime's hands smiling brightly at him.

"Hinata-kun that's the best onigiri I have ever tasted did your mum and dad make it?" Nagito asked with clear excitement in his voice "if so can I pay them to make more for me please!"

Upon hearing his parents Hajime's smile dropped and started to tear up instead. Nagito misundestood why and thought it was because he made Hajime's hands dirty with his own filth.

He hugged the brunette tight apologising to him frantically. Hajime sniffed and hugged back.

When they separated,they both already missed each other's touch, Hajime wiped away his tears looking at his feet.

"I'm sorry Nagito,you didn't do anything wrong its just" Hajime took a deep breathe trying to calm himself down "My mum and dad left me when I younger because I don't have a talent so I just broke down I guess"

Hajime didn't know why he was saying all this to him. They barely know each other he blamed it on the lack of food,water and zero fucks he had left.

Nagito was surprised,he didn't know Hajime was alone too is that why he easily accepted Nagito because he knows what loneliness feels like?

"Hinata-kun if trash like me may ask" Nagito whispered "how do you afford food or to go to this school?"

"I work 5 jobs to do it" Hajime answered still avoiding eye contact "I need to get a 6th one though because rent is due and I'm behind"

Hajime was going to be homeless if he didn't do something quick. He knew his bestfriends would gladly help but he didn't want to bother them plus last time thier parents got involved and almost sent Hajime to an orphanage with even worse living conditions than the streets itself.

"Why are you telling me this?" Nagito asked

"Because something tells me you know the exact pain I feel too" Hajime smiled taking Nagito's hands in his "And I really want to be your friend Nagito because..I like you alot"

Nagito blushed and without thinking hugged Hajime tight. "I like you too Hinata-kun,your my own little hope"

Nagito smiled he knew what he must do, grabbing the brunette's hand he ran with him to the parking lot.

Taking his phone out he sent a quick text to his aunt Usami and when he was done he smiled brightly at the reserve student,who stared at him in total confusion.

"Hinata-kun I don't have any parents at home too" Nagito skipped around his new friend in happiness

"Oh did they leave for work or somethin-...?"

"They're both dead!" Nagito smiled

(Damn double homicide I'm sorry)

"Oh I'm sorry" Hajime felt horrible here he is being sad about his parents when Nagito didn't have any too

"Its ok because I'm not alone anymore" Nagito giggled

"What do you mean?"

A black limo pulled up infront of them. A pink and white bunny hopped out opening the door for the two,this wasn't just any ordinary bunny that was Nagito's aunt Usami.

"Love love its time to go is this the young man you were speaking about?" Usami asked "he is really cute,you have great taste in boyfriends Nagito"

The two boys blushed and finally registered what Usami said.

"His not my boyfriend!" They both yelled

Usami laughed and went back in the drivers seat.

'I wouldn't mind if he was though' Both boys thought at the same time

Nagito looked Hajime in the eyes holding both his hands,the brunette blushed and got lost into Nagito's eyes too.

"Someone told me to live my life not worrying about the little things you can't change" Nagito smiled cupping the brunette's cheeks "I know I treated you horribly in the past and I apologise but if these any kindness left in you would you please live with me Hinata-kun forever?"

"What?" Hajime blushed

"The world has treated both unfairly,we're both alone maybe we can find comfort in each other" Nagito added "and I promise to never leave your side ever!"

"Well" Hajime could feel his heart beat even faster "I-.."

"I promise not to bully you ever again too I'll try my best to protect you from them" Nagito eyes started to water he really didn't want Hajime to leave him "and.. and I'll even help pay your school fees!"

"I can't let you do that!" Hajime yelled moving away from his friend

"Its fine I have more than enough money to-.."

"No way that's taking advantage of people" Hajime interrupted pouting "which is wrong Nagito I care about you remember"

"Ok ok fine you'll make food for me as payment happy?" Nagito offered "and I'd really like to be hugged once in a while too"

"I guess that's fair" Hajime mumbled with a blushed "I like cuddles"

"So Hajime Hinata do you take my offer and fill my world with your hope?" Nagito knelt down holding his friends hands "please"

"Don't say it like that you sound like your proposing to me!" Hajime panicked trying hard not to smile but it really wasn't working "fine I accept just get up"

"I mean you'll be Hajime Komaeda in the future so.." Nagito whispered as he stood up


"Nothing lets go I really want someone to read books with at home" Nagito held out the door for his new roommate while the other held onto Hajime's hand

"Fine only if I get to play with your hair I've always wanted to tie it in a ponytail" Hajime giggled taking a seat next to Nagito

"Sure Can I touch your ahoge?"

"No!" Hajime scolded "all my friends are obessed with it already

"Pweassseee" Nagito used the best puppy dog eyes he could master

"Fine only because your cute" Hajime smiled laying his head on Nagito's shoulder

Nagito blushed and lightly touched the ahoge while Hajime feel asleep with a smile on his face.

And that's how the pair started to live together,their days were now filled with joy and laughter while their nights were now warm hug and cuddles as they slept in each others arms.

Ever since that day the two have never been alone and true to his word Nagito married Hajime after they finished highschool.

And they lived happily ever after.

_______________🖼📷📸 ___________________

🍀A typical Sunday afternoon with Hajime, living with him was the best decision I ever made. Even though he always finished the orange juice in the house🍀

🍊Hey you said you didn't mind!🍊

🍀I lied now that we're married I don't have to besides your stuck with me for life my little hope🍀

🍊Is it too late to leave?🍊

🍀Yes because we are bound by law,bagels and hope 🍀

🍊Your lucky I love you🍊

🍀The don't call me the ultimate luck for no reason 🍀

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