Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9.7K 247 802

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th𝙴 πšπ‘’π‘‘α΄œα–‡π™š β’Ήo͑͜e͑͜sΜ†ΜˆnΜ†Μˆ'Μ†ΜˆtΜ‘Μˆ πŸ„΄πŸ†‡πŸ…ΈπŸ‡Έβ€Šπ“½
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

A Knock In The Night.

985 18 26
By mrtobiaz_

Tom sighed as the rain fell outside of his window. He continued letting thick tears stream down his face.

"Tom, you sure you don't want to stay at me and Jessie's place?" A voice asked from Tom's phone.

Tom sobbed. "No-No Reggie, that's your place. I'm good here."

Reggie sighed. "Okay, just call me if you need anything."

"Will do Reggie." Tom sighed as he hung up on Reggie.

Reggie and Jessie were probably Tom's only friends now. After everything he's done, Tom wondered why they even bothered with him.

He nearly fell out of his bed as he heard the strong knocking of someone at his front door.

"Hello?" He called curiously, wiping the tears from his black voids he called eyes.

He got up and staggered towards his front door, sneaking a quick glance from his mirror.

I look...somewhat presentable. He thought as he opened his front door.

Tord stood awkwardly in Tom's doorway. He was soaked due to the pouring rain. His red hoodie clung tightly to his wet body. His face was burnt on its' right side and was scarred horribly. Tom could see he was wearing an eyepatch over his right eye, probably as a result of the explosion. Apart from his face, he was still very attractive. Tom noticed his unusual stance and how he seemed to be hugging his chest as though he was in pain.

"Tord?!" Tom's mouth was gaped open. How? What? How did he survive? He tried to speak, but his voice came out mumbled and disoriented. When he finally regained control over his thoughts, he decided to attempt to speak.

"I killed you!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

Ah, yes. Because that definitely won't piss off the commie. Great job me.

"Apparently not!" Tord chuckled half-heartedly as he shuffled awkwardly in Tom's doorway.

Tom frowned remembering him and the commie's rough past.

"How are you here? Or better yet, why are you here?" Tom spat out.

"Why do you think?"

"To kill me. Obviously. You're still pissy about the robot."

Tord sighed, shaking his head. "I am somewhat over that. I come on different reasons. Now, may I come in?" The commie's voice flowed into Tom's ears, reminding him of the life they once had.

What happened to that? Tom wondered.

"Yeah, sure." Tom replied coldly as he stepped aside for the commie. "Fuck...Do you want something? I have...water? I uh...don't have visitors often." Tom mumbled as he closed the door behind Tord.

"No thank you, I am not thirsty." The commie replied with a smile.

" why are you here?"

"Before I answer that, may I ask why you moved from your old apartment? It took a while to find this place."

"You were stalking me? Creepy much?"

"Not stalking Jehovah. I needed to speak with you, but I happen to be blocked on your devices."

The commie's Norwegian accent seemed to be showing more as he spoke. As if he'd been there recently.

"Well, I was a part of this whole Rebellion thing against...well, you-..." Tom knew very well that Tord was the infamous Red Leader, they both looked, acted and spoke the same. Unfortunately for Tom, everyone else thought Tord was dead and called Tom crazy. Tom shut up before he could say anything more. The last thing he wanted was the commie's pity."These past couple of years haven't been the greatest..." Tom mumbled with a frown.

Tord smirked, "so you do know that it is me, I thought otherwise."

"I KNEW IT!" Tom exclaimed.

Tord was surprised at his sudden outburst and rocked his arms closer to his chest.

"S-Sorry..." Tom stammered. "Wait, what's with your arms?"

Tord stood up slowly. "It is what I wanted to show you..." Tord began to step closer towards Tom.

Tom was taken aback by this and tried to step away, which unfortunately lead to him backing into his countertop.


"Language, Thomas." Tord whispered with a somewhat sinister smile. Or...could it be, joy? Tom had never seen the commie happy. Usually, he was pissed; sometimes annoyed, but was never happy. He would always say some bullshit speech about how he must never show weakness. Or something like that.

Tom never really minded that though. He was never a happy person either. Usually sarcastic, and cold. The only times he would be "happy" would be whenever he was, well, drunk.

Oh, how Tom wished he were drunk right now. He could just relax and forget about the commie showing up at his door. But nevertheless, here he was.

"So, what do you want to show me?" Tom said stiffly, attempting to refrain from making eye contact with the commie. He didn't want to see the odd expression upon his face. It disturbed him.

Tord sighed. "Before I do, I want to give you something, to prove that we are on good terms."

"And what's that?" Tom said wile rolling his eyes.

Tord handed Tom a small bag, inside was none other, then a bran muffin. Even though it seemed stupid. to Tom, it was special, had meaning. Tom broke it in half, giving himself one, And Tord the other piece. They both ate the delicious pastry until Tom spoke up. "You were showing me something?"

Tord slowly and cautiously opened his arms and showed its' contents to Tom. An infant, no older than a day, appeared to be wrapped in a cloth, using Tord's body heat for warmth.

"Why do you have a baby?! Why would you bring it here?!" Tom gasped.

Tord smiled at the baby, "honey, open your eyes for me..."

Tom was stunned at both how softly he spoke to this child, and at what a weird request that was. Even more surprisingly, the child opened her eyes.

Tom gasped at this child's eyes. One of the two, was pitch black. Like both of his. Tom reached out and placed a hand on the child's cheek.

"H-How...? Is it...?"

"Yes, Thomas, it is yours. And mine."


Tord sighed deeply. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Can I?" Tom beamed.

"Yes! Of course." Tord chuckled.

Tom gently held this child in his arms. He smiled down at her. He seemed to always know how to hold a baby, but he was terrified!

"What if I drop her?!" he yelped.

"You won't Tom."

Tord sighed. So, where to begin..."

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