Lunar Dream (Sunnew)

By kyeoulpin

38.7K 3.2K 2.2K

"Please, don't eat me! I have a weak heart, you won't like it!" "Ew! No! I'm not gonna eat a random person's... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Sixty One
Sixty Two (End)
I Guess (One Shot)
Still Memories
Because It's You (Sangcob)

Still Memories (Part-2)

358 38 3
By kyeoulpin

Sunwoo laid down Nyu on his bed gently. He covered him up with the blanket, tucking him in.

He stared at the peaceful man for a while and sat down beside him. Sunwoo hovered his hands beside Nyu.

He slowly combed through Nyu's hair, smiling softly. His hands cupped the pale cheeks of Nyu.

Sunwoo let out a sigh.

Jaehyun came in the door as usual. He began exercising his vocal cords to wake up Sunwoo as usual. He passed by the kitchen as usual.

Then he halted. Taking comically slow back steps, Jaehyun looked into the kitchen.

He raised his brow at Sunwoo who was busy frying the eggs.

Now, that was not usual.

"Sunwoo?" He called.

Sunwoo turned around and nodded at him. He went right back to the stove. Jaehyun walked into the kitchen, still eyeing him suspiciously.

"Who are you and what did you do to Sunwoo?"

"Stop being dramatic."

"How can I not be when you're awake before I came and also, you're COOKING!"

Sunwoo rolled his eyes at Jaehyun's outburst. He wordlessly flipped his omelet and got out the toasts.

Jaehyun was about to continue when he heard footsteps shuffling towards the kitchen. His eyes widened and brows went hidden into his bangs when he saw Nyu.

Nyu rubbed his eyes sleepily and was frowning due to his mysterious headache. He could barely register he was in someone else's house.

"And why is Nyu here?" Jaehyun asked highly confused.

"Can you stop talking for a minute?" Sunwoo said.

Then muttering to himself, he added, "You are still so talkative after all these years."

"What was that?"


"Sunwoo..... what happened last night?" Nyu asked.

He did remember cooking for Sunwoo and eating dinner. But after that, his mind went blank.

"You must've been tired. You fell asleep right after." Sunwoo said.

He went to Nyu and escorted him to his seat. Jaehyun looked at the two in confusion.

"Why would he be tired? Did you guys do something? "

"I just made dinner for him and- Sunwoo? You okay?"

Nyu patted Sunwoo on the back as he started choking on thin air.

"I'm f-fine."

Sunwoo's face was all red. When Jaehyun talked before, his mind went to other...... matters.

"Oh. He's alright. He just went to the dark side for a bit." Jaehyun smirked while Nyu still looked confused.

Sunwoo shot him a glare. He knew Jaehyun knew exactly what he thought.

"Shut up." Sunwoo muttered.

The three had breakfast after that. It went by almost peacefully. Almost.

Jaehyun wouldn't adding suggestive comments about Sunwoo and Nyu. Sunwoo kept snapping at him while Nyu had no idea why the two friends were bickering this early morning.

Yes, it was usual.

Younghoon watched as Eric and Kyu practiced dancing. He nodded and clapped loudly when they finished.

"How was it?" Kyu asked, panting heavily.

"You were great!" Younghoon grinned.

He pinched Kyu's cheek and dabbed at his forehead with a towel.

Eric was also panting heavily and sprawled on the floor. He lifted his head up to peek at the couple and rolled his eyes. He got up.

"I'm going to get drinks. Want any?" He asked.

"Eric's getting drinks. What do you want, babe?" Younghoon said, still smiling at Kyu.

Kyu pretended to think for a while. Eric looked at the two with an annoyed glint.

"What should I have, Hoonie?"

"Hmm..... how about some lychee juice? It's sweet and delicious. Just like you."

Younghoon pecked him on the lips and Kyu giggled while blushing.

Eric's jaw dropped open in disbelief. He scoffed out loudly and stomped away to get his wallet.

"One lychee juice and a can of crap coming up!" He yelled loudly and left the room

He could hear Younghoon and Kyu laugh as he went out. He grumbled all the way to the vending machine.

Pressing the buttons harder than needed and forcing the moneu in, he had an angry irritated pout.

"Couples, bah! What do you need them for? They care for no one but themselves. No care! I mean, why do I have to keep witnessing these kind of stuff. Since the beginning and even now!"

Eric looked up and glared at the poor vending machine.

"You need to write me a romantic scene right away! I mean, I'm sure readers would want it too.......right?"

Eric was busy ranting to himself. He didn't notice a figure creeping up from behind him.




Sunwoo laughed out loudly, wiping away his tears. Behind him, Nyu and Jaehyun also laughing. Eric glared at the three of them.

Why today and why him?

"What were you doing talking to yourself?" Nyu asked.

"You don't need to know." He muttered and walked back to the studio room

The three followed him into the room. Younghoon got up and went to get the juice can from Eric.

"Not even a thank you?" Eric asked sarcastically.

Younghoon ignored him. Jaehyun patted him on the shoulders encouragingly.

"Don't worry. I'm here. These two were at it since this morning too." He said, pointing at Sunwoo and Nyu.

Eric raised his brow and glanced at Sunwoo.

"You're just starting now?" He teased.

"Listen, I don't ask about you and Juyeon-"

"Deal." Eric cut him off.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" Kyu asked, taking a gulp of his juice.

"Jaehyun was bored." Nyu replied, sitting down on the floor.

"And you?"

"I was bored too."

They all sat around, talking about stuff. But no one knows how the conversation reared towards this certain topic.

"I know for a fact Kyu is bottom." Younghoon said.

"We all know." The rest groaned.

"And Joel's a top." Kyu continued.

"How'd you know?"

Kyu averted eye contavt with Younghoon and turned to Jaehyun.

"And I suspect you're........ bottom?"

Jaehyun let out a loud offended gasp. His hands were on his chest dramatically.

"I am a top and a power top at that." He said proudly.

"Ok but I'm sure everyone knows that I'm a-" Eric didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Bottom." The rest said in unison.

"I can be a top, you know." He pouted.

"Sure. As much as Nyu could be a top." Kyu snorted.

Nyu whipped his head at that and sent Kyu a glare.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah. Nyu isn't just bottom. He's a power bottom." Jaehyun added also receiving Nyu's glare with an addition of Sunwoo's.

"How would you know that?" Sunwoo snapped.

Jaehyun gulped at the scary glare Sunwoo bestowed upon him. He grinned and shrugged sheepishly. 

"It's just a friendly guess. But don't you agree?"

"I know what Nyu is. You don't have a say in it."

"Come one. It's all part of this conversation. I know you want to know about Nyu as well."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Will you guys stop talking as if I'm not right in front of you." Nyu said in an unusually low tone. 

Sunwoo and Jaehyun slowly turned to look at him. Nyu was casting a bone-chilly glare and his little fists were curled up in his sleeves. 

Sunwoo had to hold back from smiling in case Nyu noticed and decided to kill him. 

Younghoon and Eric glanced at each other. This scene looked and sounded so familiar. Kyu was watching the scene all while sipping on his drink.

"I'm leaving." Nyu said, getting up.

"Already?" Jaehyun dared ask.

"I have a gallery to watch over unlike someone else." Nyu said nonchalantly.

He waved without looking back as he left. 

Sunwoo had a small smile on as he watched the retreating figure. Eric nudged him in the side and raised his brow at him.

"What are you planning?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been beside you for years. I know you."

Sunwoo got up and Eric's eyes followed him. Sunwoo gave him a cheeky smile and wriggled his brows.

"I'm filling the void."

Nyu unlocked his gallery door and walked inside. He greeted the security guard and went on his way to his office. 

Then, he gathered the papers on the new segment opening in the gallery for today. Someone by the name of Joe Kim had requested an event.

Nyu scanned through the papers and furrowed his brows. He found it strange that the client didn't show any pictures in the information file. It only contained word descriptions. 

Nonetheless, Nyu walked to the room which was already prepared for the event. He had his eyes on the paper as he stood in front of the first picture.

It was like every morning when the man first met him. The man was in an argument when he intervened. The man remembered him so clearly. A basket of flowers hooked on his hips and his delicate voice talking to the man so calmly. He immediately attracted the eyes of an artists sitting nearby. Unknown to the artist, the man was equally intrigued by him of not more. 

Nyu looked up after reading the description. He tilted his head, not quite following the storyline. But then it had more so he continued on. 

The night sky was unusually bright and calm when the man was with his friend. They spent the night beside a stream in the forest. At that moment, the man never knew his destiny was slowly approaching. Everything in his life had changed after that night.

Hidden away in the deep forest, the man had encountered with eleven comrades including him. Through hardships and several obstacles, all of them had created an invisible bond. Unknown to the man himself, he was creating a very fragile yet strong bond with him as well.

It was another starry night when the man finally decided on his own destiny with him. The night left questions but the man could feel everything. The first kiss shared between them was precious.

Nyu frowned as he felt a pang in his chest. He kept staring at the painting wondering why he was feeling emotional. Gathering himself, he moved on.

The man and him had their own place far from the chaotic world. The two were at peace at that place. The man whispered pure love to him at that place.

The imperial chaos has brought upon darkness for the man and him. The once grand royal palace was stained with blood and cries. It included the man's comrades as well. It was at that moment when the man had felt scared for the first time in his life. Scared he would be parted from him.

Nyu's steps got slower as he continued. He kept wondering who the 'him' that the man kept mentioning was. For some reason, his heart thumped loudly and he felt sad.

The man held on to him tight because he didn't want to let go. The same place where they created pure love became the place where they had to say their goodbyes. The man's cries were only heard by the trees and the wind. His arms were empty. His heart was empty. But the man did not forget the final words he left.

"It's not.... goodbye." Nyu read out. 

Then, a fat drop of water fell on the paper creating a wet dot. Nyu frowned in confusion. He brought his hands up to his face and touched his cheeks. 

He looked at his wet fingertips in confusion but he continued to cry. Strangely, he felt like he had the same kind of feeling before. Wiping away his tears, he moved on to the final painting.

This painting was the only thing left to remember him by. The man treasured and kept it near his heart. Until the day the man met him again. Until his empty heart started feeling alive again.

Nyu stood still in front of the painting. He was confused to all the unknown feelings he had. He felt like his heart hurt because it was beating so fast. But at the same time, he felt..... something.

"And then, the man met him again." 

Nyu turned around and his eyes widened slightly. Sunwoo walked up to him step by step. He stopped right in front of Nyu. He stared into his eyes silently.

"And what happened?" Nyu asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Sunwoo stared at him for a while. Even after preparing for it, he couldn't stay calm. 

"The man found his reason to smile. He found his own music as he listened to him talk. He found the reason to get up every morning." 


Sunwoo stepped closer and cupped Nyu's cheeks. His eyes roamed Nyu's face and stopped at his eyes. 

"Because he had been waiting for him to find those reasons again."

"Why... isn't he tired waiting for all those years? Isn't he sick of it?" Nyu cried.

Sunwoo shook his head and stroked his cheek gently.

"Because the man had fallen in love with him and is still in love with him." 

Nyu whimpered as Sunwoo leant in closer. Their lips brushed against each other as they held their breath. Sunwoo watched as Nyu squeezed his eyes shut. 

"And the man will never stop falling in love with him."

Sunwoo closed the gap between their lips, engulfing Nyu into a soft kiss. Nyu whimpered into the kiss as Sunwoo tiled his head to deepen it. Nyu gripped onto Sunwoo's coat as Sunwoo kissed him gently. 

Sunwoo treated him as if he was the most precious gem. He kissed him so carefully as if Nyu would disappear again. 

As they parted, Nyu slowly opened his eyes to see Sunwoo staring already staring at him. His tears didn't stop pouring out.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I left you alone for so long."

Sunwoo smiled and kissed him again. This time, only for a short sweet moment. He pulled Nyu close into his embrace and smiled at him.

"Our promise isn't broken. I waited for you." 

"It took me too long to fulfill our promise, didn't it?" 

Sunwoo shook his head. 

"No matter how long, I'll still keep our promise. Because that's how much I'm in love with you."

"Thank you. For falling in love with me."

"Thank you. For existing so I can fall in love with you."

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