Ghost Bird The Academy: James...

By lexiloo7

165K 6.3K 9K

What if a second bird was joining Sang and the Academy boys. Sang and James are like night and day. Winter an... More

Birds and Dogs.
+ More cast.
Making Friends? The Mall: Revised.
Greg Strikes again.
Cuddles, Emotions and Trust.
You get a Phone! You get a Phone! And you get a Phone!
Phone calls and Texts.
Meeting the Good Doctor
Good Eats.
Sir Luke Enters.
Not an update: Authors Note!
Error: About Veronica
Solitude, Was The Only Ending To Her Story.
Authors Note.
A Crack In The Glass Was Fixed
Human Again.
My Destiny As An Awful Cook.
Things Go Wonderfully Right; Or Horribly Wrong.
Welcome To Hell.
Bang Bang He Dead
Tuning In On: Chaotic Stupidity.
Friday's Are For Falling.
Falling Off The Edge
Unknown Territory
Raindrops Lashed Down
Talking Is A Crime.
Friend Zone? Maybe?
Birthday Party Bitches
We're Walking Into The Woods...
Shopping And Jealousy.
Circle Of Idiots.
Helping A Broken Bird.
Emotions can be difficult.
And I'd Do It Again.
Not An Update: Authors Note
James Can Breakdance. Period.
Is This A Date?
Chicken Nuggets For The Win.
Intense Is Putting It Lightly.
Bad Moods, and Sweet Truths.
Self Defense
Homeward Bound
Welcome To Bob's Diner

To The Office We Go

1.4K 87 35
By lexiloo7

"The trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun."



It felt like a lifetime since she's had to sit through classes. James forgot how dragging school could be. Sure she was just here yesterday but today felt like forever. Especially when she'd rather just enjoy time with the others. It was also especially hard not to laugh when Luke kept making faces at her.

Kota turned in his seat shooting them both a look. "Be quiet," He mouthed Sang's lips quirked up beside him and she heard Gabe let out a small laugh his crystal blue eyes flickering with amusement.

James winked leaning back in her chair. "Quiet, I'll be quiet." She assured.

"Yeah fucking right," Gabe muttered beside her.

James laughed lightly, "Hey! I am being quiet. Like a mouse." she whispers shouted.

"James." Kota repeated he was still facing forward his voice only being heard by there small group. James winced oops.

Luke's lips moved into a wide smile, "Ooooo, you got in trouble." He tugged some of her hair chuckling under his breathe as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

James narrowed her eyes, stupid Luke being all cute and shit well teasing her. That shouldn't be aloud.

"Did not," James shot back.

"Did too," Gabe smirked.

Sang shook her head shooting the three glances. Kota finally turned raising an eyebrow at them. "Stop." He demanded Gabe and Luke both boys sat up any responses falling on their lips. Uh oh. His green eyes turned to James. "Be good."

James raised her hands innocently. "Sir yes, sir." She responded mock saluting.

Kota's lips twitched his eyes flickering with amusement despite the firm expression he tried to keep on his face.

"Ms. Sorenson, Ms. Jones," Ms. Johnson called gaining James's attention. Their group all sat up James and Sang sharing a confused glance. "Your wanted in the office."

"I didn't do anything!" James blurted making the class irrupt into laughter.

Kota sighed loudly bringing a hand to his face. Luke and Gabe looked half concerned half-amused and Sang? Sang was worried.

What a way to start their first-period class. James flushed rubbing the back of her neck as she shot the class a sheepish grin.

Ms. Johnson rolled her eyes fondly, "James," She groaned pointing towards the door. "There's no need to tell me that. The office you two."

Sang and James both stood, Gabe, snatched her bag shaking his head. "Will take them to class." He said softly. Gone was the amusement replaced with confusion, the guy's didn't know why they were being dragged out of class. "Keep your phones on you."

James and Sang shared a look.

This couldn't be a good sign...

James couldn't help but be confused as she locked elbows with Sang. She locked eyes with Luke the boy shooting her a worried look. She turned to catch Kota's eyes his green eyes shooting her a reassuring glance.

"We really didn't do anything," Sang whispered. "Do you think this is because you missed yesterday?"

James carefully closed the door behind her, "But then why would they have you come as well?" She shook her head, "Something's off. Never a dull day huh?"

Sang swallowed hard her lips starting to tremble. "James..."

"It'll be fine," She said trying to sound assuring for the both of them.

By the time they made it to the office, James had hidden any emotions behind a blank slate. Her body relaxed despite the nerves coursing through her. Anxiety was always a bitch but James was always good at putting on a mask.

Principal Hendricks was waiting for them outside the office door. His piercing gaze boring into them James couldn't help but want to twist her nose up in disgust instead she stayed calm.

Still, relief flooded through her body as Sang and she entered his office. She was grateful McCoy wasn't joining them. Kota's look was reassuring James got the feeling the boys were keeping an eye on them.

Or at least an ear.

Didn't they bug the offices?

Sang and James had provided the others with a layout of an office before. She was sure The Academy had set up some type of system.

"Both of you should take a seat," Hendricks clicked the door shut. "I insist."

Sang gave James a look one that looked absolutely terrified. James felt for the girl, the blonde had probably never been sent to the principal's office before. And how the conversation went the last time James and Sang were set to McCoy's office she was probably a bundle of nerves.

James sat on her hands to keep from tapping them shooting Sang a soft look. The blonde relaxed at that moving into the seat next to James.

"I noticed you were out of class yesterday Ms. Jones," It wasn't a question his eyes were curious. Questioning. "Family issues?"

James made sure she didn't tense at that instead she gave him a small smile. "Wasn't feeling too hot actually a pretty bad headache. I'm ahead In all of my classes so I didn't see the harm."

It was a pretty basic lie Hendricks looked like he didn't buy it for a minute though. Just what information was he digging for?

Hendricks hummed, "I thought perhaps you were being recruited for The Academy."

Sang and James both glanced at the man shocked. "E-excuse me?" Sang questioned her finger coming up to push against her bottom lip.

"Well I thought perhaps The Academy sent a member in sooner," motioning towards James, "And then planned on coming this year. But after looking at your previous transcripts I've seen no mention of the Academy. You've been to every other school but."

"Well, perks of being an orphan having to deal with the foster care system. I move from place to place meaning more school transfers then I'd like." James joked trying to hide her frustration. What was his deal with The Academy? And why was he coming to the girls for answers?

"Neither of you seem to be apart of The Academy." He paused. "Yet."

"Yet?" Sang repeated his words, "Sir-"

"Mr. Blakcbourne has seemed to take a liken to you both. You know he has no other students for his music classes. Are they trying to transfer you into their school? See if you're deemed acceptable for this Academy?"

"We've never even been to it," Sang said truthfully.

James nodded, "We don't know anything about it. We just happen to be friends with the new kids-"

"Says the girl who's been isolated from the school," Hendricks quirked an eyebrow, "Either that or you're causing trouble." A crocodile smile crossed his lips as he sat forward in his seat. His hands coming to rest under his chin.


"The Academy." Hendricks said allowed, "Such a strange little place, so many questions surrounding it. So many unknowns, secrets I don't know what these guys have told you. Promised you-"

"There are friends." James said firmly, "We've got no part in the Academy."

"No need to lie." Hendricks said grinning at her, "Your smart Ms. Jones always poking and prodding at things. I'm sure you've realized that the Academy is strange. No known location, no visitors, selective of their members...You two however have seemed to make the cut. You can't tell me you both have questioned why there so... tight-lipped?"

James felt her gut twist she did have questions about the Academy but she trusted the others. She trusted them. Still, it was strange how selective it was...Sang and her both agreed to wait for the boys to open up to them about it.

She refrained from shifting in her seat, not wanting to give Hendricks any sort of indication of how she felt about the topic.

Sang's face crumbled, "I'm not sure where you're going with this Sir."

"And did you really need to pull us out of class?" James questioned redirecting attention. She wasn't sure what story the others wanted them to go along with. She didn't want to screw anything up. Cause any issues. "Isn't that rather unproductive?"

Hendricks let out a low laugh one that made Sang and James share a look. "I was hoping to ask a favor of you girls."

"A favor?" Sang said voice squeaking. "What-"

"Nothing major just keeping an eye on that school. See what it's all about." Hendricks shrugged making it seem like a simple request. James could tell by the glint in his eyes that it was anything but. He was distrusting. "Why there here, what their goals are."

"There gifted students here to set an example for-"

Hendricks cut Sang off, "You both don't believe that, do you? Those two teachers are barely out of high school and if they're so gifted they'd be going somewhere with a lot higher pay. You can't tell me that you haven't wondered what they're really up to?"

"I honestly don't want to get into the middle of this," James said standing up, "Neither of us do-"

"That's a shame," Hendricks said, "very well."

James paused anxiety flaring as she saw a look in his eye. Something about this seemed off, still, she'd rather get out well it sounded like a dismissal. She motioned for Sang to stand both of them turning towards the door.

"Oh Miss James? Do you have a slip?"

"What?" She turned both her and Sang sharing a look.

"You missed school," He faked a concerned look eyebrows shooting to his hairline. "Did your foster parents write you an excuse?"

James gritted her teeth as Sang moved to grab the bottom of James's shirt. "No, I must have forgotten it. I'll bring one in first thing in the morning."she started to turn but Hendricks next words made her want to freeze.

"Oh don't bother why don't I just give your foster father a ring," He picked up the phone, "Lorenzo Diaz-"

"Wait," James said clearing her throat when he stopped his hand from punching in the numbers. "That's not necessary."

Hendricks cocked an eyebrow his phone in his hands hovering over the button's. Fuck her.

Panic flared in her chest every muscle in her body tensing. She couldn't get a call home from the school. That would ruin everything. Beatrice was bad enough let alone getting Lorenzo caught up in the mix of things.

James worried about getting them upset on a good day. Let alone if they had to come back to town because of issues she caused.


She couldn't let that happen.

If they did she'd be on total lockdown, and she's sure neither of her foster parents would have good plans for her. Her palms started to get sweaty. Everything was going so well right now staying with the other's.

They were working on keeping Beatrice out of town, if Hendricks called everything would crumble.

"No?" Hendricks asked innocently like this was some sort of fun game for him, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," James said his silent question sounding in the air. He could make thing's very challenging for her if he chose to.

"I don't want thing's to be difficult for you Miss James." He said false sincerity in his voice his gaze turning to Sang. "Or you Miss Sang. Truly but I happened to notice that your in some rather advanced classes. I wouldn't want you to slip up. They can be challenging you know?"

James had to refrain from barking at the man. Blackmailing her was one thing, blackmailing her sunshine was another. Anger coursed through her body taking away what ever nerves she had.

Hendricks was walking on a very thin line and James wasn't prepared to roll over.

The bell rang and he motioned for them too leave.

"You both should get back to your classes. Wouldn't want to fall behind now would you?" He asked smiling his head tilting, "Oh, and do keep this conversation to yourselves won't you?"

James tugged Sang out of the room before he could say anything further.

"James-" Sang's voice was shaky as the other girl shot her a worried look.

"I know sunshine," James whispered back before they could get down the hall McCoy showed up making James want to growl. She wanted to rip his mustache off his face. She was already pissed because of Hendrick's threats now she had to deal with this?

She hated being near McCoy.

Hated how the other man looked at her. It made her body feel like it was on fire and alls she wanted to do was run, run, run.

His dark eyes locked onto the pair of them rather quickly, "What are you doing in the office?" He demanded blocking their path. "Out of class? You both can't really afford that, can you? What trouble did you drag Miss Sang into?"

"She didn't drag me into any trouble!" Sang blurted quickly stepping in front of James. The redhead wanted to curse shooting daggers at the back of Sang's head. What was she thinking?

"Then why are you both in the office?" McCoy demanded eyes glaring at Sang. His hand shot up pointing at James.

The girls shared a look and he hummed shaking his head. "I've come to realize Miss James is always up to some form of trouble. Giving her history it makes sense."

And ouch didn't that just rub salt into the wound? James supposed it was fair ever the trouble maker it seemed like she was always the cause of the destruction that surrounded her.

"We were called into the office." James snapped snagging Sang's hand moving to try and take a step around him. "End of story now we're going to be late for class."

"Please I know the rumors about you around the school." He spat at James making her flinch. His eyes shooting to Sang as he pointed at the blonde. "And I've seen the way you both act with those boys. Believe me, you both will be in a lot of trouble if I ever catch you fraternizing with them! Letting them touch you."

He took a looming step forward causing her and Sang to bump into one another there backs hitting the wall. For a moment James's mind blanked flashes of him playing in her mind. She quickly pushed that back trying to ignore the sting that came to her mind.

She didn't like this.

Didn't like this feeling.

She needed to leave.

Sang's hand found her own making her swallow. They needed to leave.

A receptionist turned down the hall and James used it to her advantage. Snagging Sang's hand and moving past McCoy who growled his arm reaching out towards the pair. She bumped into the receptionist causing her to drop her document's leaving McCoy on the other side.

The glare he sent her sent chills down her body but James didn't care.

She needed her and Sang to get as far away from him as possible.

The moment they stepped into the hall Kota was on them coming in the direction of their English trailer. His eyes roamed over the pair of them asking a million questions. Sang's face was nervous lips pursed. James's was blank mouth tipped into a small frown.

"Sang, James." Kota's voice made them both stop although the panic coursing throughs James's chest seemed to be never ending.

James was always taken aback by how he always managed to sound so soft yet so demanding. The looks on their faces must have been rough because his gaze turned worried as he moved gently taking both of their hands and tugging them into a classroom.

He led them like a man on a mission and when the bell rang James was no longer worried about her next class instead she was silently panicking over the fact that Hendricks held power over her.

With a mere phone call, she could be in a heap of trouble.

He locked the door turning his eyes calculating. "No one has a class in here this period." He said before placing a hand on the lower parts of their backs leading them to a seat. "Girls."

They both moved at once taking a seat.

Sang brought her hands to her face her body starting to shake with nerves. Kota's eyes widened a panic look crossing his features briefly. "What happened?" he commanded.

"I think both of our nerves are just a little high," James said awkwardly moving to rub Sang's shoulder. "...Uncomfortable. After meeting with Hendricks we had a run-in with McCoy."

Sang cringed, "I get a bad feeling around him," She whispered.

"Hendricks still thinks were involved in The Academy Kota. He's blackmailing us to give him information about it." James added hand moving to fiddle with the ring on her finger.

"About all of you," Sang choked out voice panicked.

"Blackmailing?" Kota's eyes darkened his eyes narrowing as he gazed between the two girls. "What did he say? What did he threaten you with?"

James locked her jaw Sang turned shooting her a panic look. "Grades," Sang whispered answering him with a single word. She turned to James nodding to Kota.

"James," Kota said firmly demanding an answer from her. His eyes told her he wouldn't' take anything less.

"...He said he'd call Lorenzo," James said steely voice blank. "Said he could make school very challenging for Sang and me."

Kota took in a deep breath mouthing numbers under his breathe as his hands clenched by his side. His eyebrows were furrowed together pain coursing in his eyes.

"It's fine," James said standing up pushing down the anxiety she felt. "Can't control everything can we?"

"James will figure it out," Kota said firmly. "I'm going to take you both class and then I'm going to talk with Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green."

"Kota we can't draw attention," Sang said shooting a worried look to James. "We can't make him think we told you guy's, and we can't let Hendricks call James's family-"

"Or your's." James said, "They could attempt to call Sang's home too..."

That would cause even more issues given that Sang's mother was in the hospital and her father was long gone.

Kota turned to them glancing between them. "We can't let this go on. I'm not just going to sit on this information twiddling my thumbs." He frowned, "You both have an idea?"

James and Sang shared a look. Both coming to the same agreement. Same terms...

"What if...we fed him information?" James questioned.

Sang nodded, "I-think we were both taken aback by everything at the moment but we're okay. And there's no way we can't give him anything. Right now he knows we don't know anything about the Academy but thinks we're getting recruited."

"I'm not saying I like the situation Kota but we can't let him call home," James said firmly. "Sang's dad just left, her mother's in the hospital. They can't look into her. And Arthur and you guys have been working on a way to keep Beatrice and Lorenzo at bay. This. Him calling will open a new can of worms."

The bell rang and Kota put a hand to his head. "I'm going to walk you both to class and work on a plan. Will re-group during your music lessons. We can't afford to have McCoy or Hendricks thinking your both skipping classes."

Kota the boss, James had faith that he would help get things back under control.


At some point in time, the others were informed of Sang and James's little trip to the office. She could tell it put the whole group on nerves and she couldn't really do much to calm them.

She hated to admit it but she was feeling nervous as well.

"Sunshine," James said as she and the blonde switched, James was moving into class with Owen as Sang left.

"Scarlet," Sang whispered looking a lot more relaxed making some tension leave James's shoulders.

Leave it to Owen to help calm the situation.

She was grateful for it. James needed something solid. Something concrete.

And Owen? The other man always seemed to be ready with a solution. She needed that right now.

Kota was in the room when she entered a small frown on his face as he glared at the floor. She squeezed Silas's arm shooting him a small thank you for walking her to class before watching him and Sang take off down the hall.

"Soooo...Hendricks is trying to find out information on The Academy. I get being curious about a new group in school but...he's totally hiding something right?" James rambled fingers twitching at her ring. "I mean why else would the Academy be here?"

Owen's lips twitched as he closed the door striding over to the piano. "He's trying to dig up as much as he can on us and he's pulling you both into it because he thinks it'll be easier to get information out of the pair of you."

Hendricks thought Sang and James were the weak links? Damn why did that kinda sting? The girls were smart. They could totally hold there own. Fuck Hendricks.

"So what he find's out first then what?" James questioned. "Threatens you?"

Kota sighed, "He could find evidence try and deem us being here as unsafe or harmful. Make a case to get rid of us," He explained. "We've been trying to get someone in with him but-"

"He doesn't trust us." Owen cut Kota off. "But he seems to be willing to trust Miss. Sorenson and you."

Owen was all business. This was the Academy leader. Calculating, planning.

"Mr. Lee mentioned you and Miss Sorenson want to feed him information. I don't know how comfortable I feel having either of you get involved but I was worried something like this could happen. You both are close to the boys and at puts you in the spotlight." He sounded frustrated his eyebrows pinched together. "You both shouldn't have to deal with-"

"We offered." James said firmly, "And we're already involved. This route helps you guy's out by giving you inside people and it's going to cause us fewer issues."

"James," Kota said voice firm. Hard. Hadn't he said before he didn't want them involved in Academy things? It's probably why he looked so upset now. "This isn't just kid games. You'd be getting involved in risky situations. Becoming a witness to whatever may be happening. We've already asked a lot of you and your already dealing with a lot-"

"I'm willing to take the risks and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind," James said firmly standing up a little bit taller. "You've all been there for me again and again. I can help you all. I don't know about the Academy not a lot anyway but you guys are my family. I'll help however I can. And keep whatever information about the Academy to myself."

Owen took in a deep breath, "Miss Sorenson seemed to have the same sentiments," His lips twitched up into that small smile. "I just wanted to make sure you were both on the same page. And regarding McCoy will be keeping a closer eye on him. If you see him coming I want you running in the other direction. You and Sang are not to be left alone with him. You call us if your uncomfortable James."

James nodded she didn't want to be wrapped up with McCoy anymore than she had to.

"We're starting Sang up with Self defense training this week." Kota said, "And Nathan mentioned he and you were going to start up your own regime."

James nodded, "Yes." She said in agreement. "That's good. Good."

Owen eyed her carefully, "Will inform the others about the new plan. I want to make sure you have a phone on you at all times. Walk with the others to classes like normal. We will be putting extra surrvalince on McCoy today." he paused. "Now Sang told me what happened but I want to make sure we're not missing any details."

James nodded going over what happened in the office.

Looks like back at school was already filled with fun.


The rest of the school day dragged by. Victor worked on secret academy things at lunch the other's giving him cover as he typed quickly at his computer.

"Stop it," Victor said quirking an eye at James and Sang.

Both girls blinked sharing a glance head's tilting in unison, "Stop what?" Sang asked curiously.

"Being sexy?" James questioned wiggling her eyebrow. "Because that's all you Mr. Key's."

Victor smirked, "Your both distracting." He said. "Stop it."

The others were sitting around Victor blocking his computer. James and Sang were left perched on the bench trying to catch sight of the hidden device. Luke and North on either side of them. "Victor's boring pay attention to me." Luke whined dramatically.

"Your boring," Nathan said, "Sang, James, you should pay attention to me I'm the real entertainment-"

James moved off the bench going to sit on the grass only to be grabbed by Gabe before she got the chance. She snorted as he pulled her into his lap karate chopping her neck.

"Only because you're a clown," Gabe said rolling his eyes. "Oy! Girl's why the fuck did we go shopping if you're just going to fuck up your outfits? Grass stains aren't cute!"

"You know what stains are cute?" James smirked wiggling her eyebrows at the guys.

Kota choked on his drink, Silas moving to pat the other boy's back a grin crossing his face. "Oh do enlighten us Theo mou?" He requested eyes lighting up delivhsly.

Sang made a noise, "I don't like stains," she said seriously head tilted. "Why would anyone-"

North cleared his throat his cheeks tinted, "So! I heard your helping with the diner after school?" He cleared his throat his eyes daring James to say anything more on the matter.

Sang blushed to glance at the others confused, "But-"

"The diner?" Kota breathed out cutting her off. James wanted to cackle at how flustered the other's had become, and sunshine her beautiful innocent sunshine made her want to throw her head back with laughter.

James smirked, "Oh yeah wanna work on some concept sketches in art?" She asked Gabe.

"Couldn't dream of anything better rebel," He winked.

"What are you guy's going to be up to?" James asked curiously turning to the others. She was super excited to get some one on one time with Gabe but she'd also miss the others.

How was it she only knew the other's for such a short period of time now and she always wanted to be with them. Craved it.

Nathan perked up at this, "We're starting to show Sang some self-defense-"

"And I'm going to miss it!" James cried a frown on her face. "God damn it!"

She couldn't even imagine the blonde throwing a punch at the others. Who would be working with her? She glanced over at Sang her eyes flickering over to North who was four times there size.

God she couldn't imagine the shy blonde taking him down.

"Kota's only letting him and Nathan be there," Luke whispered. "Don't worry we're all missing it."

"Kota you bitch," James said snapping her finger and giving the boy a look.

The group around her laughed shooting her amused glances as Kota sighed loudly looking like he was so over the day. "What about-"

"Can we just eat lunch in peace?" Kota asked narrowing his eyes at Silas.

"I don't think that's possible," Victor said lips twitching.

James winked silently agreeing with him.

James went through the rest of her classes with the other's half paying attention. She was tired all her energy drained from her. She hated to admit it but she was still on edge from this morning.

Paranoid that Hendricks may just call her foster parent's anyways.

And still struggling with images of him coming to her mind from her interaction with McCoy. Especially with how the weekend went everything was still so fresh. She let her finger's run across her thighs throughout the day her anxiety high.

The only time she truly started to feel better was during art. Gabe and her started making up mock sketches for the diner. That's where they found themselves after school, waving goodbye to Nathan, Kota, and Sang who were starting to work on self defense and moving themselves over to the diner to start working on the mural.

Apparently, they had complete creative freedom.

James was completely excited and extremely nervous. She was working on a mural for a man she'd never met. The other's all thought so highly of Uncle and James didn't want to screw this up.

"Fuck school we should drop out and join the circus," James said as she and Gabe carried paint's into the diner.

Gabe grinned at her wagging a finger. "Eh, eh, eh, gotta get your degree. Besides the others are the clowns we're clearly too good for all that ugly makeup."

James grinned, "Oh yeah?"' she laughed knocking her shoulder with him lightly. Gabe snagged her hand twirling her into his chest. He was out of his school uniform dressed in a jean button up and some jeans that had paint splattered across them.

He was dressed down so much from what he normally wore. His hair pushed back away from his face slightly his eyes dancing with excitement. A beautiful grin across his face making James smile right back at him.

She couldn't help but match the other artists energy.

Gabe always had that way about him bringing the best warmth to her chest. She didn't know how to describe was just Gabe.

Currently they were standing in the main section of the Diners. James was completely overwhelmed with the changes made since the last time she saw it. She didn't have the time to fully explore it though. She promised Luke she would wait so he could give her the grand tour.

Right now she'd just focus on her and Gabe's walls.

"Are you excited?" He questioned toying with his lip ring making her glance to his lips. God was Gabe attractive.

James pondered that for a moment, "I'm nervous." She admitted after a moment. He hummed glancing at her curiously before moving and setting a hand on her hip the other one sliding into her own hand. "What are you doing?"

"I'm dancing with a beautiful girl," Gabe said easily tapping her foot lightly with his own. "Or at least trying to. You know it takes two to tango right?"

She let out a laugh squeezing his hand and setting her other hand on his shoulder. "Most gentlemen ask their partner if they'd like to dance."

"Well I figured I'd skip that step," Gabe smirked, "It'd do a lot to my mental health if you said no."

James snorted, "Dumbass." She muttered.

"Why are you nervous?" He questioned spinning her from his chest then bringing her back in. "Don't think too hard on it. Just name the first thing that's causing you stress."

"...What if it's bad?"

"Your an amazing artist," Gabe said seriously. "You're extremely skilled and talented. You don't give yourself enough credit. Your good James if you don't believe me ask one of the others."

"Liars the lot of you," James sighed nibbling on her lip. "What if Uncle sees it but doesn't like it but feels bad? Or doesn't want to admit it? What if it's screwed up or-"

"I didn't know you were this worried," Gabe tilted his head. "James, you like to paint, don't you? You like making art?"

"Yes of course," James said swallowing. "But Gabe-"

"You should show off your work James. You should be proud of it. It's okay to make something and say you like it, to share it with the world. I know you're nervous but you need to trust your gut. For a moment block out whatever one else is thinking and focus on the art." Gabe's deep voice sent shivers down her spine. His words bringing some ease to her nerves.

"Okay." James nodded, "I think I can do that."

"I know you can," Gabe said seriously. How these boy's always sounded so sure when it came to her she wasn't sure. "Now you ready to get started?"

"Not yet!" Sean's voice echoed throughout the church making James and Gabe whip their heads around.

She was diffently off her game if she didn't notice Sean come in. His curly hair was a mess looking like he'd been running his finger's through it. He'd lost the tie from early and was curling a finger at James leaning against the door frame.

She had seen him in class early but it still felt like so long ago. She waved widely at him her nose scrunching up slightly. "What are you doing here baby?"

"I just need to whisk the lady away for a moment." Sean said, "If that's alright."


"What am I whip cream?" James asked making the boy laugh.

"Fine, I guess you can steal her," Gabe rolled his eyes. "But we're on a fucking time crunch-"

"Say's the one who was dancing." Sean shot back motioning to the pair and quirking an eyebrow.

James snickered at their bickering moving out of Gabe's hold and skipping over to the door. Sean easily took her hand placing a kiss on the back of it. "M'lady," He bowed at her and she melted.

Yep cue her heart skipping a beat.

"My lad," James tugged him out of the door and outside giving them a bit of privacy. "Everything alright?"

"That's what I came to ask you," Sean said eyes going into doctor mode as he glanced her over. "How are you feeling?"

"About a three on the scale," James said softly. The scale was a method for Owen and Sean to check in with her and to see how she was feeling. James found it easier to use than expressing exactly what was going on. "You don't think Hendricks will call home will you?"

Sean's eyes softened, "No. He probably thinks you and Sang are the weakest links and wanted to use whatever advantages he could to get you guys to go along with whatever plan he's scheming." He rubbed James's shoulder's up and down. "We've got ears on his phone calls. he hasn't made any phone calls to your foster home and if he attempted to we'd block them."

She slumped with relief letting out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "Really?"

"Why would I lie?" Sean asked, "Now tell me firefly is there anything else I can do to ease your worries?"

"A hug," She blurted a blush crossing her face when she realized she said it aloud. "Sorry I-"

Sean let out a laugh, "You never have to apologize for wanting a hug, James." He moved to pull her into his chest his arms wrapping around her body tightly. "Who knew you were so easy to please?"

"I've missed you," James admitted her arms wrapping tightly around his waist.

She didn't realize how bad she needed this until she had him in her arms. She held on to him tightly her eyes squeezing shut. Sean's warmth engulfed her lavender hitting her nose. Safe and warm.

He moved his cheek pressing against the top of her head. "I've missed you too." He rubbed her back. "I'm sorry Owen and I weren't around yesterday. We had some other things we had to attend to."

"S'okay," James mumbled.

"You okay?" Sean asked again.

James nodded quickly, "I am I just...I missed you. An I hate school. We should all quit and rob a boat."

Sean let out a laugh his head tipping back. "Asking me to run away with you?"

"Well since your my fiancé is kind of an obligation at this point..."

"Name the time and the place my love," Sean moved his hands cupping her cheeks as he placed a kiss on her forehead. "As much as I'd love to chat Gabe will kill me if I keep you any longer."

"Not willing to accept his wrath?" James teased.

Sean winced, "Not after I brunt Owen's tie this morning. I've already faced enough wrath for one day. I don't think my heart could handle any more."

"How the hell did you do that?" James couldn't help the giggles that escaped her lips as she pulled back so she could see Sean's face completely. She wanted to ask him more questions about what happened but he shook his head a sheepish look on his face.

"Don't ask."

"If you need me to I can fight him for you," James offered.

Sean's eyes lit up, "My hero."

James winked, "It's what I do." She smirked.

"You better go before I steal your ass away," Sean said placing one more kiss on her cheek before backing up.

James bit her lip her hand moving to where he kissed her cheek. Sweet. Sean really was a total sweetheart. "I can't believe you came all the way over here to check on me-"

"Oh, sweetie I would do anything to make sure you were okay."

Knees give her strength. God her heart couldn't handle the kindness overload.

Sean blew her a kiss hopping into his car. James turned back into the Diner shaking her head fondly. Yep, she was a fool for these boys.

"I'm back baby!" James yelled to Gabe he had a pencil in his mouth and his phone in his hand.

A wide smile crosses his lips as he caught her eye tucking away his phone.

"About damn time!"

"Did you miss me?" James questioned skipping over to him.

"Duh," he winked. "We should map out sketches first-"

"Do you have any white charcoal?" James questioned. "It's pretty easy to wipe off if we can't get it right."

Gabe smiled at her so wide that she couldn't help but pause and take in his beauty. Those crystal blue eyes were shinning his hair pushed back framing his face beautifully. His sleeves were rolled up as he moved around his hands waving in front of him.

Gabriel Coleman was a force to be reckoned with. Beautiful didn't even begin to cover him.

"You're a fucking genius, now I was thinking maybe back in the time diner scene." He motioned to the wall his hand moving from point A to B. "Classic and cute gives cozy vibes."

"We can paint on multiple walls right?" James questioned curiously.

Gabe nodded firmly, "Uncle said whatever we wanted. I have creative interior freedom."

James smirked, "I'm sure you would have fought someone if you didn't."

He rolled his eyes, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing," James waved a hand nerves bubbling in her chest.

Gabe's eyes snapped up to her own narrowing in on her. "Aye, none of that you hear. Now come on tell me what your thinking? No holding back."

"What about a scene for each decade?" James said hesitantly. Gabe had said he wanted her to help. Wanted to collaborate on the piece together but it was still the boy's project. She hasn't even met their uncle yet! "Like the '20s, 50's, 70's, 80's..."

"Fuck yeah!" Gabe exclaimed, "We could have a couple sitting in a booth drinking milkshake-"

"You can use that to promote the menu too," James said, "Try our milkshakes, food out in front of them. Oh, and we could do a couple dancing! Maybe in front of a jukebox!"

Gabe grabbed her face and placed a wet kiss on her cheek. "This is going to be brilliant! You're brilliant! I'm brilliant! Fucking genius!" He clapped his hands, "Let's start sketching!"

James smiled so wide it hurt her cheeks. "Let's get started dreamboat."


James's phone rang making her head snap up whatever thought she was about to tell Gabe dying on her lips. She scrambled to find it picking it up without checking who had called. "James the unicorn sloth warrior speaking how may I help you?"

"Why are you and Gabe still at the diner?" North's voice echoed over the phone making James wince. Oh, he sounded upset...Oops?

She pulled back the phone her eyes widening when she realized it was well past midnight. "Oh shit, Gabe we got a little distracted." she told the other boy pulling the phone slightly away from her mouth so North wouldn't hear.

Gabe's head sprang up his hair was mused from running his finger's through it his eyes widening as he took in the time. "Well fuck me-"

"Not well I'm on the phone silly."

He smirked and she heard North grumbled. "James," he barked. "Put me on speaker."

"Bossy," James said as she listening to her big bear. "Kay."

"Gabe, what the fuck, please tell me you both stopped to eat diner?" North questioned.

The pair shared a look staying silent.

"Gabe!" North boomed, "Do you want her to starve to death? Do you want to starve to death? I swear none of you know how to take care of yourselves. God forbid you to think about your health for a moment."

"Fucking hell were in trouble." Gabe groaned lowly. "Satan come and get me now."

"North." James started to say hoping to defuse the situation.

"You both aren't allowed at the diner unsurprised anymore." He said seriously. "I can't have you guys spending hours with no breaks. I'm surprised you wouldn't piss your pants because it meant leaving that project."

"Teddy bear," James said again but North was having no part of it.

"Do you know how much shit we'd have to hear from Mr. Blackbourne if you two stayed that whole night in the diner and started acting like zombies in school?"

"As opposed to hearing shit from you?" Gabe questioned making James giggle her hand coming to cover her mouth.

North paused his rant, "Do you think this is funny?"

"North it's not even that late." James started. She normally stayed up later. Or stayed up because she struggled to get sleep.

"It's a school night."

"Will go to bed."

"You haven't eaten dinner!"

"Well now if we eat after midnight will become like those troll monsters," Gabe grinned, "I am hungry though. James, you want to cook me something?"

At James's perplexed look Gabe mouthed go along. She shrugged, "Sure! What did you have in mind? North think Uncle will mind if I-"

"Do not let her in the kitchen!" North boomed making her lips twitch into a smile. "I don't need the diner burning down before it even opens."

"Well do you want us to fucking starve?" Gabe asked, "Go to bed. Don't go to bed. Get something to eat. Don't. I'm feeling a little confused here Northy poo! Whatever do you want?"

"I'll be there in five minutes," He said seriously. "Both of you just sit still. An James don't you dare step your pretty ass even a foot into that kitchen."

And with that, he hung up.

Gabe whooped, "Oy will have to hear a fucking lecture but boy does North makes a mean sandwich!"

James's head tilted back as she shared a grin with Gabe, "Oh your evil."

He winked, "Damn fucking right I am. Now should we prank him by waiting in the kitchen for when he arrives-"

"I just couldn't help it," James said standing up and grabbing Gabe's hand. "I was so hungry! I didn't mean to- I can totally fool him. Ah, this is going to be great!"

"And you say I'm evil." Gabe smirked.

"Well, who's idea was it?" James gave a fox like grin as she grabbed Gabe's hand walking backwards towards the kitchen. "And you say I'm trouble."


As always sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

An Update! Hurray!

So the next couple updates are shorter which is why I'm having a double update! Will get back to longer chapters soon! I just wanted to get back into book territory!

We're touching back on base with Hendricks and McCoy causing issues for our girls! James and Gabe working on the diner! Etc, etc!

I'm gonna keep my authors note short this time around just because I want to get this out!

Thanks so much for reading my loves!

Comments keep me writing!

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