Fight For You - Avengers POV

By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

120K 2.9K 941

After you're found beaten and bruised on the road by Bucky, you form a beautiful friendship. He takes you to... More

Book 2


3.5K 94 40
By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

You quickly showered and changed before running to the main conference room where Tony had called you all. As you ran down the corridor above the main entrance, you looked over the side to see Steve with Sharon.

You stopped to watch them, knowing you shouldn't; you shouldn't be spying on anyone, let alone the guy that you...well... you're... Wow. You really needed to have that conversation with Steve....

Sharon laughed and gently stroked Steve's arm and he smiled. You felt anger bubble inside as you watched them; you didn't trust her at all. But you trusted Steve, right?

They turned and walked in the direction of the stairs and you quickly ran out of sight down the next corridor to the meeting.

Through the glass you could see Sam, Bucky, Natasha, Tony and Bruce already there. You changed to a quick walk and fell in the chair next to Sam just as Steve and Sharon turned the corner in to view.

"I hate her." You whispered to Sam.

"You're not alone there." Sam whispered back as the two of you watched them walk to the room.

"Why does she annoy me?"

Bucky pushed his chair next to you to join in the conversation, "do you feel threatened by her?"

You watched Steve and Sharon and how they interacted. It did annoy you how close they seemed. You knew it shouldn't, but there was just something in the pit of your stomach that made you .... no. No, you were not threatened by her.

"Nope" you said very unconvincingly.

"You don't have to be, you know?" Sam said as Steve opened the door letting Sharon in first.

"I'm not." You said through gritted teeth.

"We don't believe you." Bucky whispered

"Piss off."

"Right. Let's go over what we know..." Tony looked at the three of you with that face of shut up I'm talking. "Where's Clint?"

"Family emergency." Natasha said and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Part time hero" Tony mumbled.

"It doesn't matter anyway," you stuck a fake smile on your face, "Sharon's here, she can take Clints place."

Sharon giggled, "oh I don't know. I don't think I could shoot an arrow as well as him." She joked, laughing with Steve next to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed you were here to help." You cocked your head to the side and looked in her direction, removing your smile.

"I am." She smiled back to you.

"Then what exactly are you bringing to the table? Because I'm confused."

"Doesn't take much to confuse you then, does it?"

Bucky grabbed your knee and squeezed tight, stopping you from flying over the table as he saw you jerk forward.

"What exactly do you bring then?" You spat, biting your tongue.

"I have intel from there."

"Better intel than the girl who was held captive there for ten years?"

"My mind hasn't been messed with."

"No, you like to do the messing don't you?"

"What's the intel you have, Sharon?" Tony butted in to your back and forth.

You kept your eyes on Sharon a little longer before turning away. Bucky took your hand, linking his finger with yours and squeezing it lightly so you looked over to him. He smirked and bit his lip, holding back his laughter.

"There's a main room which holds all the information on the project. It's something the government wants no one to know."

"So how do you know?" Sam asked, frowning over to her and taking your place in the Sharon Grilling...

"I know someone who works there."

"That sounds dodgy to me." Bucky looked Sharon and Steve up and down. "Who says you're not gonna hand her over? Be in good with that someone?"

"I wouldn't betray Steve like that."

You snorted and shook your head, "Forget the rest of us, right? You're only loyal to him? Like a dog. A bitc-"

"Natasha!" Steve suddenly shouted up, "didn't you say you were gonna show Y/N something? Away from here?"

Natasha smirked, "I did it earlier."

You shot daggers at Steve before pushing your chair out and standing up, "don't worry. I'll leave." You walked passed Steve and put your hand on his shoulder.

Leaning in, you whispered in his ear but loud enough so Sharon heard, "I'll be in your room, waiting." His hand grazed the back of your leg as you kissed him lightly on the cheek before staring Sharon down and walking out the room.

Just before the door completely closed you heard Bucky speak up, "I hope you're happy, Steve."

You loved your friendship with Bucky, he always had your back. Even when you were annoyed at his best friend, he was by your side and stuck up for you.

It still confused you how close the two of you were, even after the video. You were in combat, and something happened. And you had no clue what. You don't even remember it happening.

What was going on in your head?

You got to Steve's room and lay on his bed waiting for him, still fuming. Did he really choose her over you!? Why is she even here!? She's useless! Every little look from her makes your stomach turn and makes you want to punch her little smug face.

You had been lying there for a while when Steve returned. He flung the door open and slammed it shut. He stood by the bed looking down at you.

"What?" You snapped, seeing his stern expression.

"What was that about?" He asked angrily, arms folded across his chest.

"She rubs me the wrong way."

"She's here to help you!"

"No, she's here to help you." You got off the bed and stood in front of him, "she doesn't like me, OK? So I feel a little uneasy when she's trying to help me when what she wants is you."

"That's ridiculous." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I don't want her. Since I first laid my eyes on you, I wanted you. Only you." Steve took your hands in his, kissing each knuckle, "do you believe me?"

You nodded. "She just -"

"Enough about her. Come on." He pulled you out the room, "we're going out."

"Out?" You asked confused, continuing down corridors and staircases.

"Yup" he smiled, stopped mid step and pulled you close to him.

You pretty much fell into him with the force, but he wrapped his arms around you saving you from falling. "Need to take my best girl out once in a while." He winked.

Steve leaned down and pressed his lips on yours gently. His hands moving slowly down your back, pushing your hips into him even more. He pulled back, licking his lips and smiling again, "Come on."

He pulled you into the garage and over to a vintage looking two seat. "Is this yours?" You asked, running your fingers over the bonnet.

"It is. Like her?"


"You sure are."

You turned to face him and smiled, "That is one cheesy pick up line, Captain."

"Did it work?"


Steve opened the car door for you before holding his hand out to help you in. It was very sleek and stylish, very vintage. "Where are we off to then?"

"Dancing." Steve didn't take his eyes off the road as he pulled out the garage and down the drive.

"I'm not exactly dressed for dancing." You looked down at your casual leggings and one of Buckys t-shirts, and to his jeans and tight fitting Tee.

"Dressed perfectly." He smiled, glancing quickly over to you.

The sun was slowly setting when you parked up by the beach. The sky was a beautiful orange and red, hitting the seas dark blue which lapped against the yellow sand.

"I thought you said we were going dancing?" You questioned getting out the car, Steve opening the door and holding a hand out for you like before.

"We are." He laced his fingers with yours, you both walked down the steps and onto the sand, taking your trainers off to walk on the sand. Steve took your trainers off you and placed them on a near by rock as you got closer to the water.

Your toes touched the cold water but it felt cooling in the warm night. You took a few more steps in, the water lapping around your ankles.

"I don't know what this was called in the 40's, but we call this paddling in the sea. Not dancing." You teased, biting your lip.

Steve laughed and shook his head, "I get it, I'm old." He pulled your hand and brought you into him, "I just thought you'd appreciate the sand and the sea."

He placed his other hand on the base of your back and slowly started swaying, you mirroring his moves with your hand on his shoulder.

"One of the first places I went after coming out the ice was the beach. After all that cold I just wanted something warm."

"Bet it was strange. How the world had changed."

"It was. I didn't want to be here for a long time. I felt so out of place." He sighed, "I still feel like me. I've been able to adapt a little. But when I first talked to people... I realised that, how men were in my time, had disappeared. No one seemed to court a girl any more. Take her on a date, buy her flowers, talk to her."

"We may have talked a little, but you didn't do any of them before I spent the night."

"The thought that I could've lost you before anything even happened scared me. I just needed to go for it."

You smiled. Steve moved his hand from your back and took hold of your other hand, twirling you gently in the water before bringing you back to him, "see? Told you we were going dancing."

You hadn't even noticed the gentle dancing you had been doing as the sea lapped at your feet.

"You are.... something else." You laughed lightly, placing your hands back on his shoulders.

"Something good I hope."

"Something very good."

After a walk along the beach and watching the stars come out, Steve drove you back to the compound.

"Thank you" you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, his round your waist, "it was perfect."

"Perfect date for a perfect girl." Steve whispered, pulling your legs up and round his waist and placing you on the hood of the car. You kissed him hard, not wanting to wait a second to feel him all over you.

He pulled back and kissed down your neck, "shall we take this upstairs?"

"Wait." You panted and Steve moved away from your neck to look up into your eyes, "what ... I mean, what do I call you?" You stuttered out.

"You mean... boyfriend?" You nodded, "well I've been calling you my girlfriend to Bucky so kind of hope you'd call me your boyfriend."

You giggled, "have you?"

"Yeah. What did you want me to call you?" He paused for a second, "hang on, let me get this right: that girl I'm banging?"

"Oh my God no!"

You had reached the door to the garage and it opened before Steve had chance to. And there stood Sharon and Natasha.

"Oh good you're back." Sharon smiled at Steve but looked you up and down in his arms, "Natasha was going to take me back home."

"I'll take you." Steve put you down, "I don't trust her driving."

"Maybe she'll crash and kill her." You mumbled under your breath, hoping no one heard. But Natasha smirked.

Steve kissed your cheek, "10 minutes. I promise."

"OK. Wake me up if I'm asleep."

"Oh I will. This ain't over." He winked as he walked with Sharon to the car.

"You know I would have crashed, right?" Natasha smirked as you both walked back inside.

"I know. You're a good friend." You both laughed and went your separate ways to bed.

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