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The next morning you burst in to Buckys room, "Morning Buck-A-Roo!"

"What the hell!?" He shouted, falling off his bed. "You don't knock?" Bucky shouted from the floor on the other side of the bed.

"Why? What were you doing?" You asked as he stood up, wrapping his blanket around his waist. He looked pissed off.

"Oh God!" You turned around and tried to hide your smirk, "sorry."

"Yeah, OK... wait. Did you just call me Buck-A-Roo?" Bucky sighed as you heard him fumbling around getting clothes on.

"Sure did. Now, get your fight gear on." You shouted over your shoulder, stretching out your arms.


"I want you to teach me."

"Teach you....?"

"How to fight." You turned round, Bucky right in front of you which caused you to jump back a little in surprise. "I need to know."

"No, you don't. It's why I'm here." He smiled, grabbing a t-shirt from the side and throwing it on.

"And what about when you're not?" You asked, trying to square up to him, but he was nearly a foot taller... so, it was difficult. "What about when you guys are off on some mission and I'm here alone and they decide to come back? I'm helpless!"

"I just don't think -"

"Please." Bucky shook his head. "Fine. I'll ask Natasha then." You turned to leave but Bucky grabbed your wrist.

"Fine. But I'm not going easy on you."

"Didn't ask you to." You smirked, happy you managed to convince him.

You were genuinely worried if it happened again you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. Again. You felt so helpless there with all these amazing people around you. All these heroes. And just simple you. Not being helpful in anyway.

You both made your way down to the gym, Bucky moved some mats onto the floor for the two of you.

"You're at an advantage already against anyone outside of these walls." Bucky said taking his hoodie off and walking onto the mat to stand opposite you.

"What do you mean?" You asked confused.

"The metal around your bones means you don't have to worry about them breaking. Nothing is going to snap out of place."

"Never thought of it like that."

"But your weakness; blood loss. That is probably what will kill you."

"Thanks for that pep talk."

Bucky rolled his eyes and moved right in front of you. "Your weak spots; main artery" he placed a finger on your neck, "cut that right and you bleed out. It's hard to get close enough to, and requires a cut in the correct place. So your main one..." he moved his hand down to your stomach. He jabbed his finger in and twisted slightly, "Jab and twist with anything sharp. If you're not quick enough, again, you'll bleed out."

"Protect neck and stomach. Got it." You smiled with your thumbs up.

"That's why I'm teaching you..." his hands left you and went into his pockets, pulling something out. "Knives."

He passed you one and turned around, walking away as he spoke . "I'm going to talk to Clint and see if he can teach you how to miss arrows."

"What about bullets? Next time it may not hit my arm."

"Natasha" he smirked with a shrug like it was the most obvious answer. In fairness, it was.

"There's no point going in high," he swung his arm around and up coming slowly down to you. You instinctively put your hands up but he stopped just before the blade stabbed them.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now