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You stirred the next morning at a small creak in your room. You're eyes fluttered open as the light came on and a loud noise came from the door. It sounded like a gun shot. You shot up in bed and looked to the door.

Bucky was stood there covered in confetti and holding a party popper in his hand.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted and laughed, pretty much leaping in to your bed and sat with you, bringing you in for a cuddle.

"What the hell?" You smiled cuddling into him.

"Well, you missed 10 birthdays. We need to go all out and start early." He went in his pocket and pulled out another party popper. He pulled the string and you jumped with a smile as it scattered confetti.

"I definitely hit the jackpot coming across you."

"You mean when you face planted the road?" He smiled as you pushed him slightly. "But first" he turns to the bedside and brings a cupcake you didn't notice before into view "your first birthday cupcake."

"For breakfast?"

"If you can't have cupcakes for breakfast on your birthday, when can you?" He smiled and passed it over to you. "There is also a pancake breakfast in the kitchen too."

You looked down at the cupcake and smiled weakly, "can't remember when I last had a cupcake. Or pancakes. Or anything ending with cake."

"Nope. No feeling sorry for yourself. Not today. You can do it tomorrow." Bucky stood up and pulled you up with him, "now eat your damn cupcake and then eat some chocolate dipped, syrup coated, sugar filled pancakes."

Bucky dragged you out the bedroom to the kitchen. He pushed open the door and let you go ahead.

"SURPRISE! Happy birthday!" Everyone shouted as you walked in.

Natasha ran over and grabbed you tight and hugged you, "happy birthday." She smiled.

"Thank you. Wow. Did you guys have all this in already?" The room was decorated with a banner, streamers and balloons.

"We may have done a bit of shopping yesterday." Natasha smiled and pulled you to the table. It was set with pancakes and so many different toppings you weren't sure what to have first.

You all sat around the table and ate the mountains of pancakes. Everyone chatted and laughed. You just watched them all and thought back to your 16th birthday, your last birthday party.

It was an amazing day at school with all your friends. Your parents had given you extra money to go out for lunch and get pizza, and when you arrived home there was a pile of presents. Your brother had even managed to come home from the army. Your favourite gift was from him; his dog tags. Little did you know at that moment, that three months later he would be M.I.A. And then two months after that you were kidnapped.

"Y/N?" Nats voice brought you back to reality, "you OK?"

"Yeah" you smiled and nodded, "overwhelmed."

She smiled and took your hand in hers, "I was saying, how about we go shopping? Gotta look good for your party."

"Party?" You asked confused, looking between everyone else.

"My idea." Tony smiled.

"This one finds any excuse for a party." Sam laughed

"And what better excuse than your birthday?"
Bucky smiled from the other side of the table.

"You are such a suck up Mr Barnes." You laughed. He shrugged and laughed with you.

After filling yourselves with pancakes, you and Natasha went off to town in one of her sporty cars - you weren't sure on the make or model, but it looked very expensive - just the two of you. A girls shopping trip. Plus, you had to be safe with her, she was an assassin after all ...

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now