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You ran as fast as you could. Branches from the trees around you tore into your skin. You pulled off wires as you ran, ripping layers of skin off as they left your body. The branches and thorns adding more cuts to your already damaged body.

You finally got to a clear road and doubled over, trying to catch your breath. Bright headlights lit up with road in front of you.

You tried to stand but it was worthless. You tried a second time, but your elbows wobbled under your weight and gave up. You face planted the road, again. A new graze to your forehead adding to the many others littering your body.

The vehicle screeched to a stop near your head. You could smell the rubber off the tires near your head. Opening your eyes as much as you could, you could see one wheel near you.

You searched the rest of the vehicle and noticed from the blur if your tearful eyes it was a motorbike. Unable to hold them open any longer, you closed your eyes and lay your head on the cold tarmac, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

"Hey! Hey!" A male voice in your ear.

A strong hand wrapped around you, pulling you up and leaning against his chest. "Hey, what's your name? Can you hear me?" His hand grazed your cheek.

"Y/N" you whispered out, eyes still closed but you got a new smell; leather, pine and a hint of soft vanilla. It felt safe.

His one hand left your body and you could feel him moving underneath you, "Stark, I'm gonna need some help. Bring a van for the bike."

He dropped whatever he spoke in beside you, clattering on the ground. You guessed a phone. "Hey Y/N. I'm Bucky."

His voice was soft yet raspy, like there was an urgency about him. A hint of a Brooklyn twang, a Brooklyn swag, about his voice made you smile.

You blinked a few times, frowning to get a clear view of his face. His hair was slightly longer than what you were used to. Stubble grazed his face, again something you were not used to. You couldn't make much more out from under your heavy eyelids.

You lifted your hand to feel the stubble. You grazed it slightly, a smile appearing on his lips. "Bucky? That's a stupid name." You mumbled, dropping your hand on to your stomach, unable to hold it up any longer.

Bucky laughed, "I guess it is." His arms wrapped tighter around you, holding every bit of you close to him.

His body was much bigger than yours. You felt like a tiny ant in his hold, but so safe for the first time in a long time. Longer than you could remember.

You felt as if this was it, you were finally safe. And your body knew it. It slowly shut down and you were unable to stay awake for much longer.

You jolted awake with the sound of another vehicle arriving and metal door sliding open with a clang.

"Come here." Another voice.

You didn't like this one. It didn't sound safe. It sounded authoritative and demanding. It sounded like the ones you were used to; those people. The people who hurt you and jabbed you day in, day out.

Bucky stood and you felt his grip loosen as another pair of arms started to take you.

"No. No! NO!" You shouted and grabbed hold around Buckys neck harder and tighter, "Please no! Please don't hand me back! Bucky, please!" You sobbed uncontrollably into his chest.

"OK. OK. It's OK." Bucky held onto you tighter, moving back from whoever he was going to hand you over to. "Y/N, I got you. I won't let you go." He whispered in your ear.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now