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You woke, sun just peering through the curtains, next to the door. You hadn't even realised you fell asleep where you sat last night, listening to Steve and Bucky arguing. You got up, walked out and over to Steve's room.

You gently knocked, "Steve? Are you awake?" You called in to the door but no answer. You turned the door handle, seeing it was unlocked, and gently pushed it open and walking in.

The door creaked open slowly and creaked as you closed it behind you. A small amount of sun coming through the window hit Steve lying on his back in bed, giving him this glow. The sheet had slipped down to his waist, showing his fine body.

You smiled to yourself, locking the door with a click, and walked over quietly, not wanting him to wake up. You just wanted to look at him. He looked so peaceful.

You gently crawled up next to him in the bed. His hair messy and slightly covering his face, you pushed the hair away and back up to the rest of the mess, running your fingers through it softly.

This beautiful man was lying beside you, fast asleep, and looking angelic. He was yours. He wanted you. But you couldn't help but think about what Bucky had said last night...

It was true. There was something between you and Bucky . And neither of you knew what it was. You thought about it daily, how you cared and trusted him without a second thought. If Bucky said jump, you'd ask how high. And he'd do the same for you.

But right now, what you needed to focus on was Steve. This man who didn't confuse you. This man who made you feel things you were sure of. This man who was making you feel alive once again.

A cheeky thought popped into your head and you smirked. You moved his sheet away from him, pushing it off the bed to reveal the rest of him.

He had gone to sleep in just his boxers, which was unlike him but helped you dearly. You carefully undone a small button, pulling him out. Steve softly moaned in his sleep and moved his head on his pillow. You bit your lip, trying hard not to laugh at the thought you had.

You slowly started stroking him, hardening in your hand. A few more soft moans escaped his throat as you continued, spitting in your hand to make your strokes easier.

You wondered what he was framing about; hopefully you.

Steve's eyes flickered open, you looked up to him and smiled. He looked down and bit his lip, "now this is a wake up call." He moved a piece of hair out of your face and you lowered your head, taking him in your mouth.

Steve's head fell back and hit his pillow, his hand grabbing a handful of your hair tight. You moved your head, taking him to the tip and swirling your tongue around, tasting every bit of him, before going back down. His thigh twitching underneath your hand let you know you were doing a good job.

"Fuck...." Steve moaned and you lifted your mouth, removing him with a pop, and crawled up to face him, your hand still around him.

"Language, Captain." You smirked, leaning down and kissing him. You pulled away and smirked, "I'll see you at breakfast."

You winked and removed your hand, jumping off him and walking fast towards his door.

Unfortunately, he was that little bit quicker than you, "Nope! No, no." He jumped off his bed and grabbed you around the waist, pulling you back to bed.

"Sucks don't it." You laughed, falling on to the bed, Steve towering over you.

"I'm sorry. I will never do that to you again." Steve looked deep into your eyes and smiled, "if I do, you have my permission to do it back to me."

"Mmmm...." you pursed your lips as if you were thinking, "maybe next time I'll use handcuffs to keep you on the bed."

"Oooo handcuffs? Kinky" he leaned in and kissed down your neck, "I'm sure I could find some if you wanted to practice?" He said against your skin, stopping at your collar.

Steve lifted his head a little and his finger grazed your skin, pulling at the chain hanging around your neck. "Are these...?" He continued to pull at the chain until the tags popped out your top. He took the tags and looked them over, "Buckys?"

It was as if you could see his brain trying to work out what to say next; how was he going to take it?

"I'm sorry, is it weird? It's weird isn't it? I'll erm... I'll give them back." You went to remove the chain but he stopped you.

"No. No, don't." He swallowed hard before continuing, "he's always been there for you. It's only right if he wants you to have them then you keep them." He half smiled. "But, maybe just take them off for the next five minutes?"

"Five minutes!?" You said, lifting the chain up and over your head, pulling out from underneath your hair and placing it on the side table.

"OK, 10." You frowned, still not happy with the time, "I've just woke up, and you've worked me up already. Gimme a break."

20 minutes later.... You lay wrapped in Steve's arms, slowly falling asleep, when FRIDAY popped up out of no where.

Mr Rogers, Miss Carter has arrived and the meeting will start in 5 minutes.

"She needs a bell." You mumbled, turning around to look at Steve who was wide awake, smiling at you. "Have you been staring at the back of my head?"

"It's a very pretty back of a head." He kissed you lightly before getting out of bed, "I wish I didn't have to get up."

"Then why are you?"

"Meeting." He pulled his jeans on and went searching for a top.

"Talking about...?" You watched him walk around his room to his drawers and pull out a black Tee.

"That warehouse. We need to figure it out, get you some answers." He pulled the Tee over his head and down. Steve smiled and crawled up the bed to you, "Did you wanna come?"

You shook your head. "No. Give me a bit more time?"

The thought of being in the same room as Sharon again made your anger bubble up again. It was something you had to ignore until it was no longer a problem.... However long that took. And, thankfully, Steve seemed to understand.

He nodded and kissed your forehead, "Of course. I'll get FRIDAY to call you when she's gone and we'll go over it all with you."

"Man with a plan" you smiled watching him leave. Steve turned and winked before closing his bedroom door.

After what he said to Bucky last night, you needed to trust him; he had his insecurities just as much as you did. So, even though it made your blood boil that he was in a room with her, you needed to ignore it. You needed to trust him, just like he needed to trust you and Bucky together.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now