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Bucky walked you down corridors as people stared, mumbling between themselves. You gripped tighter around his waist and his metal hand squeezed your shoulder tight, making sure you knew he was there for you. He would protect you.

You both got to a white door, pressing buttons before opening it. Your heart thumped against your chest, hoping you had put your trust in the right person. But, you had no need to worry.

Bucky continued to help you down the corridor and stopped at a door. 274. "This is you." He smiled and opened the door.

The room was dark but you could make out a bed, desk and a wardrobe. Bucky moved to the light switch turning on the main light. It started dull but in a flash went very bright. You didn't shield your eyes at all. You were used to the bright lights.

Bucky walked you over to the bed and helped you sit down. He turned a lamp on beside the bed and smiled. "Lie down. I want to try clean some of these cuts."

He helped you lie down on the bed before leaving through a different door and coming back with a glass of water and a small towel.

Bucky knelt to the side of the bed and started cleaning the cuts and grazes from your legs and moving up. The warm water stinging as it touched your skin but you were used to worse pain. This didn't even make you flinch.

Bucky dipped the towel back into the glass of water and moved your gown slightly to a graze on your hip. As he lifted it carefully, he saw a needle still sticking in to your skin, "I'm gonna take this out, OK?"

You looked down to see what he was talking about. Sure enough, a little needle was still stuck in your skin with a syringe still attached and tape holding it in place against your skin.

You nodded and he gently pulled the needle out. A small drop of blood popped out and ran downy or side before Bucky had chance to press the towel on the little wound.

Bucky finally pressed the towel hard against the pine hole mark. He looked up to you and smiled, comforting you. "That didn't hurt?" You shook your head no and he smiled again.

He looked down at the needle and syringe, examining it in his hand. "What the hell?" Bucky mumbled, looking at the liquid inside the syringe.

An inch of blue liquid was still in the syringe and Bucky looked at it confused. "What is this?"

"I don't know." You mumbled, unsure what it was they were injecting you with this time.

There were too many things that it could be, and this could be something new all together. Plus, you never really knew what they were doing. Sometimes you heard snippets, but majority of the time you were just strapped to the table and injected with whatever they wanted to put in you.

"FRIDAY? Get Tony and Bruce here, now." Bucky said a little louder, placing the needle on the table bedside you.

Certainly, Mr Barnes

The same voice from early came out of nowhere, again. You looked around the room to see if there was something making the voice, maybe a tiny .... Fairy? No, that was ridiculous....

Bucky sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at you, concerned. He gently moved a bit of hair out of your face and smiled. "What have you gone through?"

"I'm not sure myself." You smiled weakly.

The door opened and in came the two from the room you were in earlier. "Y/N, this is Tony Stark and Dr Bruce Banner." Bucky stood up and introduced the two men.

"Hi" Bruce smiled at you, waving.

You smiled weakly back, not completely trusting him yet. But he seemed friendly than the other one. Bruce had soft features and a friendly smile. Tony did not.

"Why did you call us?" Tony said blankly, not looking at you. Rude.

"This" Bucky picked the needle up and showed it to the other two. "I just pulled this out of Y/N. Is it...? What I think it is?"

Bruce took it off Bucky and rolled it in his hand, holding it up to the light, "It looks like it. But I can't be sure until I test it."

"And we need to check her over." Tony said pointing to you as he walked a couple of steps closer to you.

"No!" You shouted and jumped off the bed and backed towards the window.

You looked out over your shoulder, wondering if you could jump it. It wasn't that far down, maybe three or four floors. You could do that, right? Even if you were to hurt yourself, you'd be OK. You suffered worse before...

"Y/N. Come here." Bucky said completely understanding where your thoughts were leading you. How did he always know?

He placed his hand on your shoulder, "You don't have to go with them."

You turned to look at him, "but they'll make me. They'll drag me. They'll tie me down and get what they want. I can't. I can't do it again!" You shouted, fear spreading throughout your body, shaking, as Bucky grabbed you and held you close.

"I won't let them." Bucky whispered in your ear and kissed the side of your head. "I won't."

As his lips pressed against your temple, you felt yourself calm. You felt all the worry and stress leave your body and you sank into his hold, never wanting to leave the safety of his arms.

"So, you'll be ready in 10 minutes?" Tony's voice broke the silence as you calmed yourself down.

Bucky let you go, took your hands in his and smiled, kissing your knuckles softly before turning to the two men.

His face hardened as he stared at Tony. "Can I talk to you guys outside?" Bucky smiled again at you before walking out into the corridor with Tony and Bruce.

You weren't sure why they went outside the bedroom; you could still hear them shouting at each other.

"I don't care what you want, she's not going with you!" Buckys voice came through the door as it closed, as loud as if he was still in the room.

"We need to see what's going on." Tony's voice was much calmer than Buckys, but just as loud.

"Well, you can wait." Bucky replied.

"The quicker we get these tests done the better. We may find something in her system that won't be there in an hour." Bruce tried to explain.

In his defence, he was right. But you were not going to admit that! You were too worried about the needles. Maybe they'll test something on you too...maybe.

Bruce's voice wasn't as loud as the other two, but was much calmer. You could only just about hear his voice come through the door.

"She is not going anywhere tonight."

"But what if -" Bruce started but Buckys voice boomed through the walls.

"No! She's trusting me and I'm not going to break that trust."

"Why does she trust you so much? Who is she?" Tony asked, his voice getting a little louder.

"I don't know..." You weren't even sure why you trusted him. You just had a feeling that you could trust this man with your life. The way he held on to you, the way he looked at you. The way he was standing up for you without even knowing you...

"We put her fingerprints and blood through the system, even facial recognition. No hits on anything, not even a slight description of a missing person." Tony said bluntly.

"It's as if she doesn't exist." Bruce added.

"So we need to figure out who, or what, she is." Tony finished.

You heard Bucky sigh, "It can wait. Please, just.... Just leave her be."

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now